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Confession: I've watched Distortion, liked it, and got off on it. Hate myself for it.
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Polaris Dist0rtion finds a comment on his videos one evening while browsing a recent popular upload. The comment makes him laugh, all too pleased with himself. Deciding to answer this one, he clicks the little blue arrow to reply and types up his response.
Really now? What’s there to hate? I’m certainly not going to judge sweet thing. We all have urges- and I just happen to like forfilling them. ;)
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Dist0rtion (Polaris’s persona online) and one of their favourite outfit/frames, the Luna Moth.
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Polaris in his full dancer outfit (with his visor). He is a big lover of dance <3
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Removing his visor without even a second thought and placing it with care in his subspace, Polaris cosies up to JJ with a huge grin and wings that vibrated in excitement. Arms wrapped around the Predacon in an enthusiastic hug, mindful of their face and instead nuzzling into their neck.
“Missed you JJ. A lot has changed since i’ve been away,” A servo runs along what he can reach on their back, gently preening what he can. “The Predacon clan i’ve been living with under someone called Predaking has been busy- the clan’s doing so well. It’s a family y’know? I love my old home but... It’s something else. You should visit!”
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“I see you there. Trying to pounce on me again? You won’t catch me this time you wily Predacon,” Polaris grins, a big ‘:P’ popping up on his visor.
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He’s awake but at what cost?
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a character update for @thesoundlessvoid 
(☞゚∀゚)☞  he gold!
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He gleefully hands over one, keeping one for himself ready to doot away on at an ear bleeding volume. 
“I feel like we’ll be great friends somehow.”
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He hears you like kazoos. Have you gotten 
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Dear rabbit, my legs are getting weak, chasing you. The snow fields… wouldn’t seem so big, if you knew, That this blood on my teeth, it is far beyond dry… And I’ve captured you once, but I wasn’t quite right, So I’m telling you that you’ll be safe with me. Rabbit, my claws are dull now, so don’t be afraid. I could keep you warm as long as you can just try to be brave… Yes, I know I’m a wolf, and I’ve been known to bite. But the rest of my pack, I have left them behind. And my teeth may be sharp, and I’ve been raised to kill… But the thought of fresh meat, it is making me ill… So I’m telling you that you’ll be safe with me. So rabbit, please stop looking the other way. It’s cold out there, so why not stay here? Under my tail…
Amazing song that I would love to help promote. Please support them by buying their songs on iTunes with this link here
I do not own this music.
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Well information comes from somewhere doesn’t it? You expect it to materialise from thin air?
You probably would wouldn’t you- seems like something you’d believe. I was more curious to know if you knew anything about that sparkeater plague circling around. Also hoping you were infected by it.
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Good to know my personality is magnetic. And that’s sir blueberry thank you very much! 
...You seem to be in the know, what has been happening in recent times? I’ve been busy elsewhere with other pressing matters than irritating minibots.
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He follows at an equal pace, listening keenly to the older seeker as they move into the conference room and the map becomes the focal point of the conversation. Despite having looked at the location before it still sucks the air from his vents, for a moment breathless when the old tower is in view. The crater of his escape was still there- never repaired.
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The question however catches him off guard, and for a moment he has to think to form a proper reply. Being dishonest here just wouldn’t do.
“If I am honest, this endeavour started off selfishly. I wished to see my home rebuilt, reclaim the life warfare stole.” He began, gazing at the old tower then back to Warbird with an unreadable expression. “Then I realised just how much Vos as a whole had lost- the unique way of life once shared gone to time or destroyed in skirmishes."
“Novels, poetry, music, recipes and artwork pieces. Technologies only seekers knew along with Flora and fauna like Lilleths thought extinct- I rescued them all before the fall of Vos and beyond, hiding what few remained away until one day the world had settled... And their homes began to be rebuilt.”
Polaris opened his servos, gesturing to the tablet that had been handed over. “The specifics of what species exactly are on that tablet, but put simply along with the sponsorship... That is what I bring to Vos. What culture I have managed to obtain, and perhaps some pride along with it.”
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Oh great. It's ya. Off to annoy the galaxy, again?
One of my many talents. Shall I give a demonstration?
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Removing his visor as was custom to those higher ranked when being addressed, Polaris dipped into a shallow bow once it was subspaced, posture prim and proper as though addressing a noble.
“I am. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Luminary Warbird.” He replies, tone respectful and professional as he rises from his bow, smile hinting at the edges of his lips. “I must commend you, Vos is becoming lovelier with each cycle passes. I never thought I would see the shine of such a city again,” The seeker begins pleasantly, retrieving a document promptly from his subspace.
“Of which is my business today, if you will forgive me for speaking of business so soon.” Polaris admonishes earnestly as the document was passed over. “I wish to become a sponsor to your restoration efforts, particularly to the towers that once stood along with their land, compounds and sub towers within their confines.”
“I was once a resident of the tower belonging to Matriarch. I would like to see that, and particularly tower Artisan restored should circumstance permit. Along with other matters should you find yourself interested?”
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Some practice doodles on the ipad for Polaris’s holoform!
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