polemicas · 4 years
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Enjoy a transparent bubbline!
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polemicas · 4 years
Damn I really forgot this blog existed
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polemicas · 4 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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polemicas · 4 years
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polemicas · 4 years
people wonder why i want sex work decriminalized. because when an adult consents to sex in exchange for currency, i deserve to be protected if im assaulted. if i agree to set terms and a client violates me, they should be prosecuted without me or other sex workers fearing for our own freedom
now i cant do anything. i just have to block his number, keep doing survival sex work and pray i dont get hurt anymore.
please support your local sex workers. protect us. help spread our voices.
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polemicas · 4 years
actually there were 0 time travellers on the Titanic, because the time cops have an entire outpost to safeguard that one particular point in history. every rookie spends a least a month on Titanic duty and they all complain bitterly about it since it is, essentially, the time travel equivalent of being the guard who has to stop tourists from licking the Liberty Bell.
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polemicas · 4 years
Based on the funniest fucking anon ask I’ve ever seen on this site
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polemicas · 4 years
nintendo tries to prevent people from being inappropriate in ACNH because they want it to b a safe space for everyone… including children… and regular ass people who don’t want to be bothered with your compulsive urge to perverse anything deemed “cute” “wholesome” or “pure” in any way. 
this need to conquer innocence truly is disgusting and real, real freaky. it’s not funny or quirky. there’s no reason you should want to fuck a cartoon dog. it’s a cartoon… and a dog. from a children’s game. like? that’s not normal u all really… really need to get a grip. 
maybe use quarantine to think abt why you are so obsessed with your “right to be sexual” that you go above and beyond to seek out and/or produce sexualized content of children’s media and media that isn’t meant to serve any sexual purpose. like… nobody said you can’t be horny, but why exactly do children’s game and tv characters get u going more than like idk real people or even shit from adult content??? 
questions y’all need to find the answers to before my foot finds itself upside your heads.
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polemicas · 4 years
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polemicas · 4 years
passive procced
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polemicas · 5 years
You deserve a partner who checks whether you’re comfortable. You deserve a partner who will respect your boundaries. You deserve a partner who will be cautious if you do not know what your boundaries are.
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polemicas · 5 years
Hi hello I didn't die I swear 😅
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polemicas · 5 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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polemicas · 5 years
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This is the worst. Source: MissNiki1794 on catpictures.
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polemicas · 5 years
Life doesn’t end at 23. 30 isn’t old. Fetishising youth as the ultimate desirable characteristic in a person is actively harmful to both young and old people. Some of us lost our teenage years to abuse and recovery, and can only begin living when we’re at a different life stage.  Literally knock it off, the lot of you.
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polemicas · 5 years
Fuck it endoplasmic reticulum Tuesday
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polemicas · 5 years
there’s someone alive on this planet right now who has more hours in skyrim than anyone else currently alive. and they don’t even know it. they’re just living their best life, a god among sheep, oblivious to their role in the universe
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