political-robbie · 3 years
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political-robbie · 4 years
BLM needs to change its name to BVM. It is obvious that they don't care about black lives, as they systematically destroy predominantly black neighborhoods. What they care about are black votes.
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political-robbie · 4 years
As the courts have refused to hear our requests for redress of grievance, the time has come to take a longer term view, and address the issues with our legislature that have been revealed by this "crisis". Accordingly, I urge each of my friends and followers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to write to your respective representative, urging them to sponsor and support amendments to the Emergency Statutes. Below, you will find the link to send an email to Dan Moul, representative for Adams County, as well as a copy of the letter that I sent, from which you may draw information and inspiration. There is a quote which says "it is not like a politician to let a crisis go to waste". Let us use their philosophy to enact positive change, preserving our rights through the authority of law, that our children may enjoy the fruits of our efforts.
Dear Representative Moul,
It has become abundantly clear over the past two months that our Governor has been entrusted with authority which far exceeds that which is appropriate or Constitutional. As he has derived this authority from the Emergency Statute found in Title 35, Chapter 73 of the Statutes of Pennsylvania, it is apparent that amendment to this Chapter is in order. To wit, I would urge you to sponsor amendment(s) which would remove the unilateral authority of the Office of Governor from declaring a state of emergency, as well as that office's ability to issue, amend and rescind executive orders, proclamations and regulations which shall have the force and effect of law. Our country's legal system is built on a foundation of checks and balances, specifically designed to prevent this type of unilateral authority by any singular office or branch of legislature. No individual human is capable of safely handling the responsibility that comes with this authority, and no single human should be burdened with that responsibility.
The specific changes which I would urge you to introduce include: requiring the consensus of the legislature before declaring the existence of a state of emergency, or the consensus of a board appropriately appointed to such discernment; requiring the majority agreement of the legislature before any mandates carry the force of law; a requirement that a course of redress be allowed, during the course of the disaster, so that the voice of the Constituents made be heard in a court of record.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this missive, and eagerly await your response.
Sincerely, Robert Sawyer
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political-robbie · 4 years
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political-robbie · 4 years
The concept of a standing, omnipresent police force is an apparatus of a statist society. It has no place in a democratic republic. The idea that an entire society would find themselves on edge in the presence of a law enforcement officer, that they would be effectively unable to know if they were in violation of some law or statute because the legal code has grown so voluminous as to be incomprehensible to the average citizen is in complete contradiction to the vision of the founders of the United States of America, and is unquestionably repugnant to the writings which were authored to express that vision and to concept of a free people. The 10th amendment, the last item in the Bill of Rights makes it abundantly clear that the vision of these brilliant men was to draft such documents in order to limit the government, not to give the government authority to limit the governed. Until we return to this concept, until the Federal Government has been brought back into subjugation to the will of the people, until the Federal Government recognizes that its sole duty is protect and serve, and not to grow fat and rich on the backs of the governed through excessive taxation, and grossly wanton spending, we can no longer honestly call our country a beacon of hope. We are just one more sad attempt at making a statist society be successful, and we are just one more in a long string of failures.
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political-robbie · 4 years
Who do I talk to about redeeming my straight white male privileges? I mean, according to the media, my life is supposed to be perfect. I am destined to go to the best school, spend 4 years sleeping with any female fellow students I want, with or without consent, and getting drunk, and never get in trouble for it, then step into a 6 figure salary with a bare minimum of effort.
But the reality is that I went through 7 grades before I was forced to leave school to start working full time. For the next 4 years I averaged about 60 hours a week making $3 an hour, with no overtime pay. Most of that I never saw anyway. The last traffic citation I got the judge found me guilty. I had a witness that said I wasn't, the prosecution had no witnesses (the officer didn't even show up to court) and no evidence. Yet the judge found me guilty. Somebody owes me some damn privilege.
For clarity: I'm not complaining about my life, and I'm not mad about it. Crap happens. But stop trying to tell me I so privileged because I happen to be a certain skin colour or fit in some other random demographic. Yes, there plenty who have had a harder life than I. Including other straight white males. There are plenty who have had an easier life, including gay black women. Can we forget these irrelevant measures of demography already? Let's make life better for everyone. Forget BLM. Forget gay pride. Forget thin lines. Let's rebuild community, let's restore comaraderie.
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political-robbie · 4 years
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political-robbie · 4 years
"Government is, by definition, a legal monopoly which enjoys, also by definition, 100% "market share". Well, with an already 100% market share, the only way to grow if to increase the size of the "pie" itself. Basically, the Federal Government is increasing its "market" (those subject to regulations). The State is growing. It needs a quasi-moral justification for its existence. It needs a confiscatory tax system. Most importantly, it needs more "customers" (as Boston wryly puts it)."
Nancy Lord, J.D., M.D.
1992 Libertarian Vice-Presidential Candidate
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political-robbie · 4 years
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political-robbie · 4 years
"Did you really think we want those laws to be observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."
- Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"
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political-robbie · 4 years
I would like to have an objective discussion with someone who believes in global warming, and the existential threat that it is purported to be to humanity. I would like to debate the facts of the matter, the evidence for and/or against the very existence of warming, the degree of warming, and the level of threat from the warming, but not wasting our time with blame, policy, or politics. I would like to give someone the opportunity to convince me that I should be worried. Only then will I be prepared to look at blame, policy, and politics. If anyone is willing to undertake this, please message me, or respond to this post. I am willing to discuss it in public, or private, whichever is preferred. Please feel free to share this post with anyone that you know who might be willing to rise to the challenge.
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political-robbie · 4 years
If we are going to effect any real change through political process, it is high time we recognize that there is a target demographic for the other side, that they target that demographic for a reason, and that we need to counter their seduction of that demographic with the seduction of knowledge, reason, and logic. The democrats fought against giving women the right to vote. They fought against giving blacks the right to vote. But as soon as those demographics were recognized to have that right, the democratic party immediately began doctoring the narrative, and working to woo them. Why? Because those two demographics make up an extremely high majority of the populace, and to this day, those two demographics as independent demographics (aka, not including married women) particularly make up the vast majority of the lower income segment of the populace¹. That means whoever seduces those two demographics is almost guaranteed a majority vote. Which is why by number of votes cast, Hillary won by a landslide. It's also why the electoral college is still vital to resisting socialism. Setting those points aside, the democrats seek to acquire the votes of those demographics through socialism. Only when we recognize that, and take the time and effort to educate those groups about the realities of socialism and that democratic policies and socialist inspired programs are the reasons for there current low average income status can we hope to have any long term success in moving toward conservative values. I LOVE what Prager University, YAF, The Daily Wire, and and others are doing on this front, but it is hardly enough.
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political-robbie · 5 years
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Robbie Sawyer
November 2 at 6:13 PM ·
"You said that conservatives love guns; liberals love guns far more, they just love guns that are being used by the government against conservatives."
Ben Shapiro
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political-robbie · 5 years
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The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
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political-robbie · 5 years
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The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
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political-robbie · 5 years
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"The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission."
John F. Kennedy
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political-robbie · 5 years
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"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."
Abraham Lincoln
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