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Okay, so I've pledged to grow my hair out until spring. This is 2 months of growth /usually the sides would be extremely short and the top just an inch-ish/ and I've got an idea of my next hair style /having a connection to mohawkes cos I'm rooted in that/ but I'm wondering what any of you wonderful people have any hairstlye recommendations? /I cut my own hair usually so whatever I decide on will prolly look pretty bad but that's fine/
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Doctors: "we have to bend your arm nearly backward and push it weirdly cos your veins are too deep and every blood sample is shit" Me: -not at doctors- "Lol I straightened my arm and like I got a big ole vein bump in my elbow. very showy veins"
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Okay, so I've pledged to grow my hair out until spring. This is 2 months of growth /usually the sides would be extremely short and the top just an inch-ish/ and I've got an idea of my next hair style /having a connection to mohawkes cos I'm rooted in that/ but I'm wondering what any of you wonderful people have any hairstlye recommendations? /I cut my own hair usually so whatever I decide on will prolly look pretty bad but that's fine/
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Okay, so I've pledged to grow my hair out until spring. This is 2 months of growth /usually the sides would be extremely short and the top just an inch-ish/ and I've got an idea of my next hair style /having a connection to mohawkes cos I'm rooted in that/ but I'm wondering what any of you wonderful people have any hairstlye recommendations? /I cut my own hair usually so whatever I decide on will prolly look pretty bad but that's fine/
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X-Men Non-obsession
I am slightly obsessed with X-Men comics /have been my entire life/ and I have an ever-growing collection of comic page screencaps that I use as memes/reaction images. My goal is to have a comic s-c for everything.
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I'm finally back!!! My old phone broke, and I didn't have any data access, but now I've returned with a kickass /if glitchy/ samsung named Mon Petite /yeah I name machinery./ Shoutouts to the few followers I have!
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Guardians of Instinct Gyms.
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when you’re a pearl but you see another pearl swordfight
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❤ Comfort
     Do not
★Patreon ★Shop
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He also gave me a rice crispy
Mr.Clark (my favorite teacher who teaches those interested in becoming part of the school districts) made a hypothetical policy roleplay starring me as insperation! The scenario was : you have a trans student named Matt, whose mother directly wishes for more inclusive policies to be adopted. How do you accommodate this student while getting past all your "conservative" (closed minded) board members?
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Me w/ Romeo and Juliet
the cask of amontillado meme is really personally rewarding for me because in 7th grade or whatever when we had to read it for school, me and @johnkruk used to think it was the funniest shit ever and just be like “…. THE AMONTILLADO!” “Yes.” to each other for no reason, and now i’m wondering if everyone else in america had that same experience privately until now
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fortunatos fursona
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Me: :)
Parents: OOOOH, Why are you smiling at your phone? Talking to somebody?
Me: The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of
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In my friends private catacombs
Me: *coughing*
My friend: Are you okay
Me: The cough's a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough.
My friend: True --true.
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What exactly is that Cask of Amontillado meme? I know the story but what part of it turned into a meme?
I think it’s just a combo of current things, really.
One, there’s currently this thing about killer clowns in the US (yeah, I don’t know either). Two, there’s this whole Trump thing where he wants to build a big wall for no good reason. Three, we’re in October and that’s usually when litterature teachers bring out the Poe stories.
And The Cask of Amontillado suddenly became the ultimate meme because it’s a Poe novel about a guy building a wall to imprison another guy dressed like a clown in his wine cellar, for no adequately explained reason. So yeah, the entire story now looks like one giant meme.
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“The Montresors,” I replied, “were a great and numerous family.” “I forget your arms.” “A huge human foot d'or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel.” “And the motto?” “Nemo me impune lacessit.”
The Montresor family coat of arms is basically Dont Tread On Me
latin: “No one who harms me goes unpunished”
(via anarcho-shindouism)
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