polyglotgoals · 11 months
October 17th
Literally got my first eval at work and I'm not doing so hot. I ended up getting a performance improvement plan (pip) a couple weeks ago and I've been mainly focusing on just improving my work.
I haven't done too much different from the last entry since I've been stressed about work ramp up and now this makes me want to be sure that I keep this new role. Just to make sure I don't stress my brain out too much all I'm doing is just duolingo character tests to make sure my hiragana and katakana from getting rusty to quickly
I'm taking a break from lingvist for now. Even though its a really nice flash card app especially with learning new words. due to lack for repeat ability( mainly me forgetting to use the app) it always feels like i'm trying to learn it cold with no connection so before I get back on using lingvist again I'm going to try and find something else. Otherwise listening to podcasts is another way I'm keeping myself semi immersed.
For now I'm just trying to keep this job since it makes me pretty happy.
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polyglotgoals · 1 year
August 29th
Okay so I've been getting stuck with what I've been doing which is pretty much learning words and phrases cold. Like I'm having a hard time keeping them stuck in my head.
Currently I'm using flashcards and as much as I'm liking lingvist for general word learning as my flashcard app. I'm having trouble with remembering the words since either they were words that I remember from watching a lot of anime when I was younger or they were really straight forward like bus = バース for example. The app is great but I'm thinking I need to use it intandem with Anki or something like that so I can quiz myself on some flashcards that I made rather than just lingvist only giving me some random ones and hope that I remember them when it comes time to test it again.
I'm currently going to find some words and phrases that I use often and try to work them into my daily routine and go from there. I still intend on using Mango lanaguages just as a way to help with grammar a bit more. but for now that's just an idea I'm trying to put into action. I'm also trying to listen to more and different podcasts to help with more immersion. I'll update when I have more progress!
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polyglotgoals · 1 year
August 2nd
I'm finally got a job as a data analyst! so i've been ramping up for the past month of july. currently trying to get more consistent at work right now but this has allowed for more time for me to study Japanese finally!
Currently I have subscribed to lingvist which is a more streamlined version of Anki essentially. it automatically handles if I remember a word well enough and I don't have to worry about having to load up flash cards to my phone through the desktop app.
I've been using it quite a bit this month of July but I don't have the words that I have go over in front of me but at this point I think I have maybe 90 ish words down so far and I don't wanna write all of that. Still using duolingo mainly still to keep my streak fresh and a good warm up to keeping me on top of recognizing hiragana and katakana.
i'll see if I can download the list in some fashion so I don't have to manually type them out her on my tumblr posts.
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polyglotgoals · 1 year
Jun 8 2023
I have covered all of katakana at this point. but now I'm struggling to remember what each glyph is due to how duolingo isn't consistent with giving lessons with all glyphs from each section or least knows which ones were uses recently and try to switch it up with ones use recently and ones that haven't been used in a while.
I'm considering looking into anki flash cards to help with this. I'm reaching my end of using Duolingo at the moment due to how it works as an app. But now i need to find something else to learn the words and duo isn't that great for learning words tbh.
Mango languages is great with its library of languages but it's not keeping my attention as much as i would need it. But I'll stick with it for now and hopefully it will give me more words and phrases that will be more common and i can use more frequently. I might try finding a different method or see whats out there for a flashcard set.
But until then gotta keep it up daily.
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polyglotgoals · 2 years
Mar 08 2023
Damn I did a poor job at keeping up with this page. Oh well. I've still learning I just finished Hiragana including the dakuon, combo forms, small つ and long vowels. Now I'm moving on to Katakana and have only started them recently so I will put the ones I have memorized down at the bottom.
Currently I still plan on posting when i can I know that I was originally doing daily posts but that seems difficult with my current schedule. At the beginning of this year I got a machine learning engineer mentor so I've been working really hard on programming as much as possible with all the free time I have. So at this point in time I will post when I can. I think that will actually make the most sense going here on out and I will update the pinned post to reflect this.
I'm hoping by the end of April I will have a good grasp of understanding how to do supervised machine learning. Otherwise I'm hoping to start job hunting by the end of june.
Katakana ア = A (ah) イ = I (ee) カ = Ka (k-ah) サ = Sa (s-ah)
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polyglotgoals · 2 years
Dec 07 2022
I've been busy as of late. I'm still learning Japanese but I'm balancing it with learning computer programming as well. I've been mostly focused on learning how to write hiragana characters and and trying to remember their pronunciation since normal lessons take up more time than I would like. Here are the Hiragana characters that I've learned to Identify by reading them without help
あ = a い = i う = u え = e お = o か = ka き = ki こ = ko
さ = sa し = shi す = su み = mi
ゆ = yu
ら = ra り = ri
わ = wa
ん = n
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polyglotgoals · 2 years
Nov 09 2022
Im surprised to be making another post so soon but there was a sudden layoff that was announced incredibly early today.
Sadly i couldn't do anything productive because of this paralysis of stress.
I still have a job luckily so i will continue to work hard in programming to change careers soon.
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polyglotgoals · 2 years
Nov 07th 2022
I had peppermint coffee and it was tasty. My Nose has been draining making my throat feel bad but not sick.
Nothing eventful happened at work. Helped troubleshoot with a new program. was very tough to deal with.
A new album from Ippotsk came out today and its amazing! I wanted to make as good of music as his.
I made Cajun shrimp and rice with Maque choux was delicious. Studied programming and went to bed.
The Japanese I learned today - Mango langauges
こんにちは = Good Afternoon
こんばんは = Good Evening
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polyglotgoals · 2 years
The posts are mostly going to be talking about my day and the the words or phrases I learned that day. Almost like a diary.
The goal for these posts is to eventually flip to writing in that language comfortably and translate my post from English to which ever language im learning currently. Currently i will make a post about my day and the words i learn that day if I can.
This post will also keep track of what level I'm at with each language with the goal of being conversationally fluent. A check mark ✔️ next to it will be a signifier that i have reach my fluency goal.
Japanese: N2
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