All your special friends. Sit down and watch.
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Oh My 😎
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Me: I get jealous so easily what do I do? 
Everyone: Jealousy is toxic. 
Me: Can you give me advice on how to cope with it?
Everyone: If your friends or partners are too jealous, leave them. 
Me: Please, just tell me what I should do
Everyone: If you get jealous easily, close relationships might not be for you.
Me: Please
Everyone: Don’t be jealous. 
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Was feeling nostalgic. WHY DOES THIS LOOK SO DAMN GOOD?! It’s GRASS?!?
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“The Relationship Bill of Rights You have the right, without shame, blame or guilt: In all intimate relationships: -to be free from coercion, violence and intimidation -to choose the level of involvement and intimacy you want -to revoke consent to any form of intimacy at any time -to be told the truth -to say no to requests -to hold and express differing points of view -to feel all your emotions -to feel and communicate your emotions and needs -to set boundaries concerning your privacy needs -to set clear limits on the obligations you will make -to seek balance between what you give to the relationship and what is given back to you -to know that your partner will work with you to resolve problems that arise -to choose whether you want a monogamous or polyamorous relationship -to grow and change -to make mistakes -to end a relationship In poly relationships: -to decide how many partners you want -to choose your own partners -to have an equal say with each of your partners in deciding the form your relationship with that partner will take -to choose the level of time and investment you will offer to each partner -to understand clearly any rules that will apply to your relationship before entering into it -to discuss with your partners decisions that affect you -to have time alone with each of your partners -to enjoy passion and special moments with each of your partners In a poly network: -to choose the level of involvement and intimacy you want with your partners’ other partners -to be treated with courtesy -to seek compromise -to have relationships with people, not with relationships -to have plans made with your partner be respected; for instance, not changed at the last minute for trivial reasons -to be treated as a peer of every other person, not as a subordinate”
— Morethantwo.com
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Non-monogamy challenge day 9
9. What’s your view on group sex?
Complicated, although that appears to be my answer to lots of these questions.
On the one hand the idea of a threesome (either MMF or MFF) appeals for a variety of reasons. On the other hand I wonder if I’d cope in terms of sharing someone’s attention.
Also the added complication of being demisexual and trying to find other people I am connected enough with to feel an attraction. I do wonder if I could feed off of a partner’s attraction to someone because the idea of picking up someone as a couple has some hotness appeal to.
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Some others I found that hung with the others. Practicing polyamory and RA is a spiritual path for me. Love/loving is a way of life.
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JEALOUSY SURVIVAL GUIDE: How to feel safe, happy, and secure in an open relationship" by Kitty Chambliss, Dr. Elisabeth Sheff.
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Polyamory Term of the Day
Abundant Love: The belief or philosophy that it is possible to love more than one person at the same time.
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How offten for sex with others?
This is probley needed assert the beginning make sure your both oon the same page. If she says only here and there and he all the time then try finding a mid point. Then being your partners in and see what they say. Or just have them while discussing all of these.
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How often would you like all of the poly family to get together for group activities or dates?
Poly family i mean the 4 or 3 or 10 people you call a partner. Its fun to all get out and have a group date. You learn so much about not only your partners or meta, but you also learn alot about yourself.
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Do you and i have anything that we do for each other or say to each other that you would like to remain between us?
You may have a activity that you and your partner do that is speacial to you both. It can sexual, activities, or places. Also should see if these change with time. This might be good question to bring up threw out your path.
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