polzlexperiments · 4 years
Murakami considerations
I’m reading the book that in Portuguese is called “Kafka à beira mar” and I’ve been thinking that it could be a great movie. So I am kind of creating the scenes and characters into my mind. At first, I consider that this book talks about solitude, there are four lonely main characters. 
The lady that owns the library and I forgot the name 
The four deal with the loneliness in a particular way, so I think it’s important to explore their particular loneliness one by one before connect them into the movie. Like 
I first imagine the Nakata. Old japanese man, lives alone in a small apartment, everyday he does the same things, and he has no friends except the cats, because he is able to talk with cats. Ok. Let’s go inside the apartment. 
To fortify the idea of solitude, repetition, everyday life, we need to create the idea that Nakata lives in a kind of bubble. In the beggining of the movie, we need to have the idea that he leaves inside a small circle, really confortable and secure. The idea must be of a bubble. He needs to seem like a real protected man. 
Inside the house I imagine everything repeated. Like, the paper wall with a repeated pattern, the house with brown and gray tons, wood furniture, solid and strog wood furniture to make the feeling of stability, almost no plastic in the house, no tecnological stuff, no paitings, a calendar that is old, all the scenes shows the same page of the calendar, to create the sense that time does not pass in the same way for Nakata. An old Refrigerator, A narrow window in the kitchen where came the light. I image a kitchen similar with the movie “Amour”. Nakata is a very pratical man, so there is no ornaments in his house. Only patterns that maybe someone else put in his life, but he does not care. He has the same hat, the same sueter, the pair of shoes. I imagine the apartment similar with the movie of Roy Anderson, but happier. It is important to remmember that Nakata is not unhappy, he is really ok with his reallity, and it’s important to the story. I imagine create a really cosy atmosphere even being a lonely and boring one. Silence is important too. The sound of birds, the sound of the things, every detail needs to cope with the “reality”. Nakata is leaving just the present moment, he does not dream, he does not have future plans, he lives the now, just like the cats with who he talks. He is very organized, because he understood that is better to be organized to live alone. So he puts his wallet, with his bus ticket always in the same place, to do not forget. He knows that he is “mal da cabeça” so he does not want to have problems. (my father used to has a special place to put the wallet and the keys - next to the door)
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