pomniegranate · 3 days
i think i just had a regular human experience
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pomniegranate · 4 days
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Pomni nom nom nom
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pomniegranate · 4 days
"I think you're right Pomni...I might like like Jax..." (ganglymask)
Though she had her own personal opinions about the purple rabbit, Gangle was one of the few she could understand to some sort of extent. Even if she thinks her logic may be sort of flawed to have feelings in this sort of space and with Jax of all people, the jester opted to not voice that opinion of hers nor tried expressing the underlying judgement she had on the matter. The women tried to come off more empathetic than anything else.
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⸺ ❝ Uh, well ... you could just, tell him? The worst thing he could say is he doesn't feel the same way, right? ❞
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pomniegranate · 5 days
The more his thumbs persisted, something began to grow within her chest; her hands bore harder on his upon hearing his shameless remarks and the subtle heat that rose. She couldn't believe what he had to say. All this for a reaction? Seemed pretty par the course with Jax, truthfully. So, why did she start to feel so ... flustered? Pomni hung onto denial, refusing to allow the rabbit to believe he had the one up on her. Dual eyes pulled away as she tried to suppress a smile, trying to shift her gaze from him as her tone betrayed her resolve by sounding more lighthearted than she intended. She did NOT enjoy this, by the way. Her body just won't listen to her intent.
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⸺ ❝ I-I don't know what you're talking about. But you can let go of my face at any time, you know. ❞
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stares at you all with my big ol' eyes.
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pomniegranate · 6 days
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pomniegranate · 6 days
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My EXTRA EYES glow in the dark patch set in holographic silver. Designed, embroidered, and made by me, Dripface. Use the code CREEPY for 10% off your first order. Grab a set here.
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pomniegranate · 6 days
"do it scared" no I won't, sorry guys
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pomniegranate · 6 days
Oh ... she's never allowed someone so ... close before. Or to really touch her so comfortably either. But Jax, as far as she could throw him, invaded personal spaces like it was a hobby of his. In the spur of the moment, she raised her gloves over his, face tinted a fair hue of red as pinwheels glared up in embarrassment to try tugging him off of her cheeks. To no avail. No laughter emitted from her throat, but no clear sign of a tougher tug was noticed to actually release his grip.
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⸺ ❝ Hey! You could've just said something and I could've taken care of it. ❞
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stares at you all with my big ol' eyes.
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pomniegranate · 6 days
How do you feel about haunted mansions?
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⸺ ❝ I... can't really tell you, I'm not sure I've been to one before. At least, I don't think? Unless Caine has something up his sleeve the rest of us don't know about for some new "fun" adventure... ❞
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pomniegranate · 6 days
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⸺ ❝ Is... there something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that? ❞
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stares at you all with my big ol' eyes.
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pomniegranate · 7 days
Yeah, it wasn't a very comforting thought at all, if she were to hear his thoughts, and if she hadn't been thinking about it herself already. The idea that there were others besides Caine was a double edged sword in theory. On the plus side, she wasn't alone for God knows how long with just a pair of floating teeth to interact with but then on the negative side, there were people with lives just like her that fell into this untimely fate as well.
She seemingly leaned towards his words unconsciously, and an idea came to mind. Maybe she could get further answers from them that she couldn't from the ringleader. Maybe more useful solutions might allow themselves present for her to analyze and ground herself in from the odd timeline she's found herself. Pomni takes a deep breath, coming to terms with her circumstances. And her possible outs.
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⸺ ❝ So then... let me ask you this... ⸺why? Why are we here then? Are you the reason I - we - are all stuck here, Caine? What's the purpose of all of this? ❞
He seemed ... chipper, suddenly; or it's how she perceived his demeanor. She'll admit forfeit and file away the idea of the exit door for now, but the jester will still find ample opportunities once heterochromic eyes aren't on her any longer. Even if something isn't necessarily spoken about, doesn't mean the idea doesn't dance around in its taunting display of a way out of this nightmare.
Pomni continued to listen to his monologue carefully since there really wasn't much else readily available for her to do. A foreign space, memory shot at the moment; she'd hold onto any inkling of hope this place could provide for the meantime. And so she perked just a little at the mention of others also residing here. Relief showed in her stature as she straightened herself up just a smidge, her hands dropping to her sides finally; thankfully the brunette wasn't stuck here alone with him, she wasn't entirely sure how well she would've liked that.
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⸺ ❝ W-Wait ... there's others? I thought it was only us. How many are also stuck here? ❞
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pomniegranate · 7 days
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stares at you all with my big ol' eyes.
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pomniegranate · 22 days
It's been a little bit and I haven't much touched Tumblr or Discord in the time I've been away, other than the fair share of likes I'd drop from time to time. But the other thing I've been distracting myself with to replace writing has been starting to bore me, so I'm crossing my fingers and thinking about coming back soon from my almost month away! Not exactly yet since this coming week will be busy with kiddo appointments.
But I wanted to come on by and say hi, and just that I miss you guys dearly and am thinking of returning to my throne some time soon.
Much, much love! Luci, the King of Hell. 👑❤️
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pomniegranate · 22 days
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pomniegranate · 29 days
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funnygummybunny I drew for @dragon-creates in exchange for discord nitro teehee
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pomniegranate · 2 months
can u give me a moment i'm being tormented by my chemically imbalanced brain
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pomniegranate · 2 months
anxious girl shocked to discover that doing the thing she was so afraid to do was actually easier than she catastrophically anticipated in her head
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