ponpoki ¡ 4 years
Stairs - Arthur Fleck x reader
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Cute little scenario between Arthur and you! I wrote this after working a graveyard shift so please be nice ~
In the good old days of actually having a decent job, life wasn’t so bad for you. Clocking in with a smile on your face, greeting people with genuine interest and not having the gloom of your day-to-day lifestyle. Now? You’re working a temp job cleaning facilities around the city. Sure, it’s not the worst job but so far, you keep bumping into creeps and ill-mannered people. Was the world really this way? Had the city not cut the funding of your previous job would you have always been like this? Who knows. For now all you can do is pile garbage bag after garbage back into trucks, dumpsters, or even other trash piles. It paid the bills so you couldn’t complain.
With the dramatic change in salary comes a dramatic change in housing. You weren’t living the lavish life of a huge house or apartment before your present job, but it wasn’t a leaking, smelly, hear-your-neighbor-through-the-wall-sort of apartment either. But again, you couldn’t complain still having a roof over your head.
Trudging through the crowds of people was your least favorite moment of your day. Nobody was happy. All you wanted since you moved out of your folks was someone to talk to. But everyone kept to themselves. Which was fine, but you liked hearing about people, you liked socialization. Gotham isn’t social though. The elevator of the apartment building was taking it’s time tonight so you decided stairs were your transportation tonight. You take a deep sigh out loud “It’s just a few steps.”
“I wouldn’t trust the stairs.”
You whip your head to the sound of the voice. Hopefully not another tweaker asking for your number. ’Oh god please no’ you thought before seeing him.
You’ve seen this man around the building before, a few times when you’re coming home actually! Tonight he’s dressed so dapper! His suit colors are amazing! That orange waist coat with that shade of red? He’s like a comic book character!
After processing your internal dialogues and descriptions of this man you finally made eye contact with his turned head  and realized you didn’t register his statement.
“I-I’m sorry?..” you shyly asked. He smirks a little, turning his body to face you.
“I said, I wouldn’t trust the stairs.”
You feel relief somehow that he didn’t say anything snarky or make an unnecessary comment. But what’s wrong with the stairs?
“Oh? Why’s that?” Hopefully they’re not doing construction, that will be so loud in this building. Ugh.
The man giggles, which throws you off for a second but you still await an answer patiently.
“Because they’re always up to something.” He could hardly contain himself at saying his own joke! Normally if a random stranger tries telling jokes to you alone at night you would be turning heel right now. But this man's enthusiasm and energy isn’t violent or malicious. Plus the joke was actually good, you couldn’t help the small huff of laughter that escaped you. Jeez, you haven’t genuinely laughed from a funny joke in ages. What a refresher! “Ha! That was a good one.” You smile at him. He smiles back.
You took this as a good moment to introduce yourself. You both obviously live in the same building, wouldn’t be weird to make acquaintances right? Slowly reaching your hand out to him, you introduce yourself.
“My name is y/n, I’m on the 3rd floor.”
He stares at your hand stretched out to him. It takes him a moment to realize you want to shake hands. He places his giant lithe hand in yours and gives it a gentle shake. “M-My n-name is Arthur. Arthur Fleck.”
Should I do a part 2??
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ponpoki ¡ 4 years
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ponpoki ¡ 4 years
Basic Homesteading Skills
Cooking and Baking
homemade bread
homemade butter
homemade extracts
dandelion jelly
26 canning recipes
canning jars 101
60 canning recipes
edible trees to plant
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cure and braid garlic
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raising mealworms for chickens
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starting a fire with sticks
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ponpoki ¡ 4 years
Geralt x reader
Pheeewwww! Enjoy some uh..fun times with our witchy boy~ 
Summary:  Act like a brat in front of Geralt and he’ll handle you like one. 
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“Y/n. I do not ask twice. Get on the horse.” Geralt was seething with rage right now. You have been giving him attitude nonstop while heading for this city. The truth of it all was seeing every whore and bar maid stare and oogle at Geralt made you grumpy. Sure the man is unusual looking and..quite handsome. But you didn’t need to see how eager everyone would be to please him. You cross your arms and frown at the Witcher. “No Geralt. I’ll stay here.” You both payed for a room at a Tavern a ways from the city. You were standing near the entrance of the Tavern, by the horse stable with Roach. At your response Geralt has an incredible look of disbelief before rolling his eyes and tying Roach down to the stable again. In a very low and strained voice you hear the Witcher “Fine.” You didn’t have any time to react when Geralt grabs you by the arm and drags you to the Tavern’s room. Nobody dared get in his way while he dragged you to the room you both payed for. In the hallway you tried to free yourself from his grip, which was a very pathetic attempt. He growled, baring his teeth in your face and held onto you tighter. You couldn’t control the whimper that escaped you, and for the moment you halted your resistance before he carried on. 
Once inside the room, he releases you and you use this moment to back away and set some space between you and the Witcher.  “Geralt! What the hell are you doing!” You feel relief when you see he isn’t coming for you..Yet. He chuckles at your question and starts to undress his armor and weapons. Leaving him to only be in his linen shirt and trousers. “What am I doing Y/N?..” He slowly makes his way over to you, and you back up to keep the space between you. “-I’m teaching a lady that acts like a child..” Finally in front of you now. “-that she will receive a punishment like a child.” All senses in your body with that sentence made you wanna run for the hills. But Geralt was quick to stop you from making any sudden moves as he picked you up from the waist and carried you over to the bed. “No! No!! Geralt!! You can’t be serious!!” You start thrashing in his tight grip and pushing against him to get away. But with the way he sets you across his lap on your stomach, ass over his thigh, you knew you were screwed. He always joked about this but you never thought he would actually go through with it.
“Hopefully you’ll learn something from this Y/N..” Geralt says calmly as he lifts your skirts and undergarments out of the way. He reaches your stockings and pulls those down to reveal your bare ass. Geralt does have an appreciation for your butt, and now was the time to show it. Through pleas and tiny sobs of embarrassment, Geralt lets you finish before he made the first strike. You gasp and grip his leg and the bed sheets. Yup, he’s going for it. “Ge-Geral-” SMACK You whimper and settle down. He’s been holding your back down so you wouldn’t resist against the full force. Gotta make sure you feel every sting.
“I know you’re a lady Y/N. But ladies..” SMACK “Don’t.” SMACK “Act” SMACK “Up.” You are a gasping and sobbing mess after those strikes. And you can feel the red marks forming. A comforting hand rubs the red stinging flesh on your ass. You have tears forming in your eyes, not from the pain but by the sheer embarrassment of it all. Despite how much you wanted to smack him back you shakily nuzzle yourself into Geralt’s chest. His arms go around you, hugging and squeezing you lightly to ground you in the present moment. He would never actually hurt you. He is above using violence. Discipline however, was the only way he saw you would actually behave. Geralt grunts “Maybe next time you can use your big words Y/N….”
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ponpoki ¡ 4 years
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since my red/blue gay quiz got popular, here’s one for every color of the rainbow. as a note: i have synesthesia and this is based off of my perception of each color based on that. it’s not about the aesthetic so much as what the color itself means.
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ponpoki ¡ 4 years
me after sitting in the sun for ten minutes: love is real
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ponpoki ¡ 4 years
okay but where are all the fics where Geralt spanks ????
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ponpoki ¡ 4 years
math teacher: ,,,,,clalcullus,,,
me: *thinkin bout disappearing into the woods to become a mushroom*
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