ponyfinder · 1 year
This is an... awkward question but... can an Afterlife be destroyed and left to rot and ruin?
A demon we were fighting said to our seapony cleric that the afterlife promised to her by her worship of Gentle Ripple is little more then a lie as 'That realm is as broken and abandoned to rot and ruin as the broken corpse goddess you pitifully serve' to use their own words and...
Well, my friend is scared. Not just for her own soul, but for the souls of family, friends and converts she has made to Gentle Ripple because she doesn't know what happens to the afterlife of a deity when that Deity has been... put to sleep as it were.
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The afterlife is quite a large thing, and no singular thing. Can one destroy it? Possibly, but one would be destroying a considerable part of many planes in the process. Calling me a corpse goddess implies they know little. I am a guardian of the last transition. I am the company of the final breath. I keep away what would be the final, undeniable, truth that we all die in solitude.
Not so long as I remain. A little company, but the steps still must be taken. And I will walk with them, to where they must go. Can one destroy the ‘afterlife’. Perhaps, if the afterlife was one place to be destroyed.
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ponyfinder · 1 year
Princess Luminance, was directly asking a bunch of deities what their paladins are like, a good way to spend a small portion of my cut of a red dragon's hoard, or was it a waste? I was trying to avoid self reporting from the lawful deities, and wanted to pursue some interesting answers from the deities that one wouldn't associate with having paladins. In my defense, a long time ago, Unspoken said that he had a paladin, and I wanted to see if other unlawful deities had some.
Regarding the red dragon, I wouldn't feel about him. He had been terrorizing multiple cities and a dozen towns for several years, and had struck down many that tried before. He slaughtered many innocents. Also, he didn't even bother to introduce himself when he got the drop on us. Just immediately attacked.
If you're interested, the party's bard is going to write about the battle with the red dragon, where half of the party got killed (don't worry, we got them resurrected), and half of the survivors got crippled. The bard says he'll start writing once he gets feeling and fine motor control in his new hand and arm.
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One must consider the conviction of a god before considering whether a paladin can serve beneath them. The oath of a paladin requires they be true and fair in their dealings. The Unspoken One has nothing against that, if one wishes to be, but also doesn’t specifically encourage it. So a paladin of the Unspoken? It could happen.
A paladin of the Night Mare? They are poor tools, being certain they know the answer, and willing to wield it, even against those who would otherwise be the authority. A tyrant lord will find no friend in a paladin.
I, on the other hoof, praise friendship and applaud honesty and uprightness. Paladins get along well and easily with me.
I hope that helps enlighten your confusion.
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ponyfinder · 1 year
Princess Luminance, I'd like some relationship and interior decorating advice. I've got a taxidermied adult red dragon head, and I'm feeling a little spiteful towards Kara for her snide comment about my spending.
Should I gift it to the shortleg community to spite Kara, or should I just let go of my spite and hang the head over my mantle?
On one hand, the head would really tie the living room together, and will make for a great conversation piece when I've got people over. On the other hand, I'm curious about how the small fluffy balls of affection will decorate the head for the spring festival.
I actually respect and have a reasonable amount of fear towards Nightmare. I don't want to piss her off, lest I have nightly nightmares of getting mauled alive by spiders.
Screw Apep. I've got a bunch of supplies and some magical gear heading to the Scar of the Sun to supply the defenders living there.
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Contacting divine beings (such as myself these days) does involve a considerable expenditure of time and resources. I can only hope the answers you get feels sufficient for that price. I am not familiar with your specific timeline. there are so many to sift through. Still, I could hardly fault anyone for giving a gift of friendship, even if others may look askance about it. They may need a gift as well. Perhaps, being a being of considerable means, you might arrange a meeting between them, so that you can all end the night as friends? That would be simply lovely, though tricky.
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ponyfinder · 1 year
Night Mare, what's it like to have paladins? How was your first paladin like? How are your current paladins like?
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For a moment, I thought I would be spared. No creature that would call itself a ‘paladin’ will find a comfortable home with me. Still, perhaps confusingly, they may find a home with Blaze. They live up to many of her ideals, delivering pain and suffering to any that dare to attack what they hold valuable.
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ponyfinder · 1 year
A slight change of pace: For those deities that don't have Paladins, do they have Anti-Paladins or other such champions of their dark causes/ideology?
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Tyrants come to follow my name, and this should be obvious why. A Goddess of command and hierarchy? We get along quite well, I should say. We only have friction in that  I require their tools be properly wielded, not tossed aside.
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ponyfinder · 1 year
Gentle Ripple, what's it like to have paladins? How was your first paladin like? How are your current paladins like?
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I had many paladins and other champions, when the ponies were swimming with me. Those were the days... They all did their different parts to protect the waves and its people. I miss them.
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ponyfinder · 1 year
Kara, what's it like to have paladins? How was your first paladin like? How are your current paladins like?
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You are asking a lot of gods this same question. You could at least restrict it to gods that may have a paladin. Any paladin of mine would lose their little mind.
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ponyfinder · 1 year
Apep, what's it like to have paladins? How was your first paladin like? How are your current paladins like?
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Pardon? Did you ask the wrong god? What a waste of incense. Me? A paladin? I laugh at the very idea of it.
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ponyfinder · 1 year
Huntress, what's it like to have paladins? How was your first paladin like? How are your current paladins like?
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I don’t ‘do’ paladins. A hunter must put themselves first. A dead hunter hardly does anyone good, now does it?
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ponyfinder · 1 year
Soft Whisper, what's it like to have paladins? How was your first paladin like? How are your current paladins like?
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Any champion of mine had best be ready to protect not only their community, but all communities. Families should be safe behind their shield and those that would attack them will feel the bite of their blade. Mothers, fathers, and children will all be protected with such a stalwart soul. It is not an easy road to take, being charged with safeguarding even lines one may find repugnant at a glance, but all lines are precious and in need of protection.
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ponyfinder · 1 year
Blaze Or Huntress! Whichever one of you deemed fit to bring Lord Rust back from the grave in undeath... WHY?! He is literally burning and slaughtering his way through Everglow, seeking the death in combat he was denied when old age made him infirm, leaving nothing but ashes and embers from the dark, divine flames that are infused with his body. He is marching on Deep Waters as we speak! Sun King help us all...
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Heh... I love it when a plan comes together.
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When I get finished with you...
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Wait your turn.
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We could tear him apart together, mmm, hunting as a pride has its perks.
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You have a point... Let’s talk.
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ponyfinder · 2 years
Amber again. Kara, I believe *you* are the one who is confused. Because I *am* a unicorn. I just have the ability to save myself a lot of time and effort making myself look pretty in the morning. I know and am happy with what I am... but I suspect you're not. Only two kinds of ponies desire the ability to change their form so completely: Tricksters and those who hate who they are so much they'll do anything to be someone else. And Kara... you are not a trickster.
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You have made your choice, a unicorn who is also a doppelganger.
Don’t presume you know me, child.
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Perhaps if you take more time to get to know--
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She is the one burning expensive incenses to waste my time, not the other way around.
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ponyfinder · 2 years
My name is Amber Copper. I am the half Unicorn, half Doppleganger daughter of Strong Copper; He's asked a few questions of you before. Long story. Short version is my birth mother needed to distract dad long term and decided giving him a child and then disappearing the second the midwife wasn't looking was the way to go. Kara, would you be kind enough to tell my birth mother that I hope it was all worth it and that you rewarded her for the lengths she went to in order to serve you.
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Dear child, your stress has confused you. You are not ‘half’ a unicorn nor ‘half’ a doppelganger. You are a unicorn that is a doppelganger, or a doppelganger that is a unicorn. You are both of these wonderful things in blessed synthesis, not half of two things. Doppelgangers come in many forms, including unicorns, earth-bound, pegasi, zebras, and so many more.
But, for me, the doppelganger is the most important part. Any doppelganger is worth the trouble of creation. It is up to you, my dear child, to prove this case. Marshal your wits and gather yourself. You have a life waiting for you to take it by the hooves.
I look forward to hearing how that goes.
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ponyfinder · 2 years
Blaze and Nightmare. Is it better to annihilate a city/settlement in an instant, sparing the residents the pain of their final moments in order to show your allies and the world your overwhelming raw power, or to curse the settlement in such a way that, while not outright lethal, will inflict and cause such pain and suffering that earning your ire is something to be dreaded?
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Bold of you to address this to us both, as if we were of one mind in this. Both seem wasteful. In neither case can you take advantage of all this labor you’re wasting in death or for your selfish need for sadistic torture. Put them to work.
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ponyfinder · 2 years
Blaze, which of these two is the better spell, magic missle, or fireball?
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The one that causes the most pain to the most people deserving of it. Fireball is often the winner.
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ponyfinder · 2 years
Princess Luminance, of these two, which is the better spell: magic missle, or fireball?
I know that you like utility spells and have a mile wide pacifist streak, but in a situation where diplomatic talks have broken down/gone horribly sideways, or peace was never an option, which should be used?
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Well, if you are in a situation where you need one of the two, the answer depends on your target, does it not? If the heat of a fireball doesn’t bother it, then it is clearly the losing option. Similarly, there are a few creatures that can deal with force damage, but far fewer. Still, it has less of an impact, usually. The number in opposition also has a strong factor in this.
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When did you become a battle wizard? Tell me more...
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ponyfinder · 2 years
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The orcs are no friends of ours.
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