pookielikesmen · 1 month
I also like nipples, did I mention nipples?
I love hole<3
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pookielikesmen · 1 month
I love hole<3
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pookielikesmen · 2 months
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pookielikesmen · 2 months
Mindless slutty ranting below
I just want a big strong man, with a soft tummy to pin me below him. Maybe he'll just take his cigar or cigarette and fucking burn his initials into my back or anywhere that he wants. Just absolutely destroy my skin with little marks. Maybe he pulls out his pocket knife and carves his initials into my thigh. Maybe he'd carve something meaner, slut whore, pathetic, mutt. Or maybe something nice, pretty boy, good pup, sweet boy, idk:(
Maybe he'd carve 'daddy's mutt' into me
just completely ignoring my shaking and begging for him to touch my cock:( He'd just keep marking me...
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pookielikesmen · 2 months
rb to knead your mutual with your paws
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pookielikesmen · 2 months
Tehheheehhehe *mischievous giggle*
Simon fingering your tiny pretty pink pussy
loserteenage!ghost in your room past your bed time
Simon lavishing his pretty girl
fucking your thighs
letting you dominate him once (maybe he realized he should let you more)
fingering you after a long mission
sucking your tits because he missed his mommy
waking you up to this
riding him cuz you missed him
throwing your pretty little body around
while your watching a movie
makeup sex after your fight
letting you sit on his face whilst you read
fucking you because you asked for it
eating you out after dinner
after a mission
eating you out pt.2
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pookielikesmen · 3 months
at least there's gay people
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pookielikesmen · 3 months
Ghost’s Manc Accent Guide (ish)
listen i’ve seen a few guides written for this fandom regarding writing Soap’s Scottish accent and yeah fair BUT i have not seen one done for writing a manc accent for Ghost yet!!
this is very much gonna be half arsed because while I myself am not a manc, i have grown up in the north west of england and literally my entire family is (Bolton/Denton on my dads side, Sale on my mums) but it might help some people
if something is from Manchester it is Mancunian - just an extra word to use instead of ‘from Manchester’ in writing (also whenever i see it written in fics i go ‘oh damn this author knows what they’re on about’)
now my experience with manc accents as i said before is Bolton/Denton and Sale which have their differences from a Central Manchester accent. to my knowledge we don’t know what area Ghost is from so i could be wrong here
BUT!! generally, mancunian accents will drop Hs at the beginning of words
‘don’t be hanging about’ ends up sounding more like ‘don’t be ‘angin’ about’
one of the most common things I’ve seen is dropping the G at the end of -ing words as well (as seen about with hanging)
you get the classic northern “fuckin ‘ell!”through this which absolutely Ghost would say
this next one might not be a central manchester thing but it IS something i’ve heard my dad do so if you’re writing Ghost with a heavier accent from the outer regions of Manchester this could be of some use to you
‘you was’, ‘I were’, ‘we was’ - just fucking around with the grammar rules really, I’ve found it’s usually with the heavier accents and when ur getting a bit ‘lazier’ with speaking - definitely a very informal thing
also - we don’t say y’all. it is very much not a typical thing for someone to use y’all unless they have a lot of interaction with american content on social media which i doubt Ghost does
instead consider ‘yous’ - this might be more from where i’m from (Lancashire - further up north about a county over from Greater Manchester) but yous/yers are something u hear - again though, very informal and slang like, rarely hear adults say it
I’m not gonna go into much detail with specific mancunian slang simply bc i wasn’t raised there so my knowledge of it is spotty aside from what my family uses but:
arse not ass
can’t be arsed - can’t be bothered
piss off - self explanatory, fuck off
add ‘absolutely’ to damn near anything and u will have a phrase for drunk - go tos are ‘wankered’ ‘fucked’ ‘pissed/pissed up’
bollacks - balls but also can be used as and exclamation when stuff goes wrong
‘shits gone tits up’ - stuff has definitely gone wrong
‘fuck sake’ - usually said with great exasperation and annoyance, emphasis when speaking is on the ‘sake’
hope this helps someone!! and if anyone has any corrections or additions please do let me know!!
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pookielikesmen · 3 months
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You can only reblog this today.
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pookielikesmen · 4 months
not now kitten. daddy’s writing a post for the three people who always give him notes on tumblr
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pookielikesmen · 4 months
becoming an adult cheat sheet!
learn to coupon
what to do when you can’t afford therapy
cleaning your bathroom
what to do when you can’t pay your bills
stress management
quick fix meals
find out if you’re paying too much for your cell phone bill
resume workshop
organize your closet
how to take care of yourself when you’re sick
what you should bring to a doctor’s appointment
what’s a mortgage?
how to pick a health insurance plan
hotlines list
your first gynecology appointment
what to do if the cops pull you over
things to have in your car in case of emergency
my moving out masterpost
how to make friends as an adult (video)
how to do taxes (video)
recommended reads for surviving adulthood (video)
change a flat tire (video)
how to do laundry (video)
opening a bank account (video)
laundry cheat sheet
recipes masterpost
tricks to help you sleep more
what the fuck should you make for dinner?
where should you go for drinks?
alcohol: know your limits
easy makeup tips
find seat maps for your flight
self-defense tips
prevent hangovers
workout masterpost
how to write a check
career builder
browse careers
birth control information
financial management software & app (free)
my mental health masterpost
my college applications masterpost
how to jumpstart a car
sex ed masterpost
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pookielikesmen · 4 months
What does a guy have to do to get stepped on nowadays?
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pookielikesmen · 4 months
I do not consent (2 - No AI involvement)
It is sad that we even have to do this now, but here are some "I do not consent banners with the inclusion of not feeding any fics through AI technology.
Black and White
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Vibrant Black Lettering
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Vibrant White Lettering
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Pastel Black Lettering
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Pastel Colored Lettering
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(I will reblog with the last few colors)
Please like and reblog if you use
Feel free to credit:)
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pookielikesmen · 4 months
I'm Pookie. I use he/him pronouns. I'm a gnc trans gay man. This is a 18+ blog, so minors please be safe and dni. I WILL BLOCK MINORS OR UNLABELED BLOGS. I don't write very often, because of my disability, but I love doing it!!
I mostly write for cod men, from any game. But feel free to request any character!!
I'll write almost anything besides:
Fem presenting reader
Actual Rape
Skat play
I'm sure there's other things and I'll add them as I go.
Please dni if you're just a hateful person of any kind!
"oh that character would never like x or x thing." Or "oh they would never like a person like that."
Most of my works are self indulgent, so that's just needlessly mean.
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pookielikesmen · 5 months
Fat autistic transexual faggots. Reblog if you agree
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pookielikesmen · 5 months
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This is the money Marge. Reblog for good fortune
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pookielikesmen · 5 months
Thank you @chadchady
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Accurate tbh
Ummm I don't know anyone to tag:(
Made a uquiz because of that ghost/haunting poll
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