poopidaiperman · 10 months
Photograph Reashers
Here are the rest of my research papers.
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poopidaiperman · 10 months
Final Proposal
For my final, I'll be photographing Fresno State. A little bit of facts about Fresno State is that it is one of the world's largest systems of higher education. It is also one of the 23 campuses of the California State University. Fresno State has 26 nationally accredited departmental programs, among the highest within the CSU system. The university's popular nickname is "Fresno State," and their mascot is a Bulldog.
I wanted to photograph Fresno State because I just want to, and it is the college I'm currently attending. I'll photograph scenes of Fresno State as everything happens by going to the places I've been so far. The places I visited will be the pictures I will use in my project. I don't have any special equipment, and the only thing I'll be using is just a camera.
For this final project, my overall objective is to improve my skills in photography using what I learned about the camera in Art 30 and taking as many pictures as I want. What I want my audience to experience is the places I've been so far within the campus. I won't try to teach or change anyone's perspective of issues.
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poopidaiperman · 10 months
Research post 3
Alec Soth is a photographer and was born in 1969 in Minneapolis. Over the years, he has published many books, twenty-five at least, and one of these books is Sleeping by the Mississippi (2004). According to him, photography was a source of therapy for him, and a camera was a way to get to know other people. When creating his art through photography, it helps him connect with others and in a way to interact with the world around him.
Before his success, "Sleeping by the Mississippi" was his first book and the first step to where he stands today. The death of his mother-in-law somehow gave him the courage to create his first book the way it is. When it comes to socializing, Alec Soth was insecure because of his childhood, but as he got older, photography helped build up his courage. Although, to him, the experience of seeing someone die made him fearless, which was one key to his creative development.
His work is quite enchanting, in my opinion. In some of his photos, it looks really peaceful, which is one thing I like about his works. His photos affect me in a way that gives me the courage to go out more like him and create connections with my art with others just like him.
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Photographers on Photographers: Joel Jimenez Jara in Conversation with Alec Soth - LENSCRATCH
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poopidaiperman · 11 months
Theme Project
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poopidaiperman · 11 months
Photographer Research 2
Dream Streat by W. Eugene Smith, in his work, he took photos of Pittsburgh. He produced hundreds of photos for journalist and author Stefan Lorant's book to commemorate the city's bicentennial. He documented a vibrant industrial metropolis, its steel mills, its people, and its scenery. While working on this project, he was commissioned to spend only three weeks in Pittsburgh but ended up staying a year while compiling nearly 17 thousand photos. In his work, he wanted to portray not only Pittsburgh but also the mid-century, postwar America.
His works are quite beautiful, and they contain many old century pictures of what it was like back in the 1950. His work is very inspiring if I ever want to create some kind of project that involve the 1950 vibes.
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4. Dream Street. Pittsburgh, 1955. | Magnum Photos Store
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poopidaiperman · 11 months
Photographer Research Part 1
My first research is called "Love on The Left Bank" (1954) by Dutch photographer and filmmaker Ed van der Elsken. They relocated to Paris in 1950 and stayed with a group of people back then. Dutch photographed these people's everyday lives and created a story about a guy named Manuel who is in love with a woman named Ann. Vali Myers is an Australian artist, and she is featured in this book as ‘Ann’. She was born in 1930 in Sydney and a self-taught artist, and leading dancer in Melbourne before leaving for Paris in 1949. In the story, Manuel follows her everywhere, trying to seek her love. They mostly go into cafes and clubs because she is a dancer who entertains folks. As the story goes on, Manuel will have to face some challenges as he tries to win her affection. This story is fictional, and everything is made up except for the photos of the people in it, which are all real.
Overall, this was a good story in my experience. The shots that were taken to create this story were interesting because the pictures are all in black and white. It also helps set a mood or vibe, like everyone is chilling or having a good time in the story. I like this artist's work because it gives me this vibe from the 1950s. It also helps influence me to use more black and white in photos to help create a chill or relaxed mood.
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4. https://americansuburbx.com/2015/07/ed-van-der-elsken-love-on-the-left-bank-1954.html
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poopidaiperman · 1 year
Theme Proposal
I'm thinking of doing my theme about cultural changes (Hmong?). Changes in culture depend on the environment, technological inventions, and contact with other cultures. Sometimes, culture is changed to adapt or because it is influenced by others.
I chose changes in culture as my theme because I don't know what other theme is more accessible than this. Along the way, I'll take photos of what I can about the changes in my culture. I don't have a strategy either. Thinking about my process hurts my brain, so I'll improvise.
The objective is to let my audience experience what is different and what changes have been made in my culture(Hmong). This theme is just to teach my viewers something. (I'm unsure about theme so I might change)
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poopidaiperman · 1 year
Elements and Principles Definition
Point: the part of an image that your eye is drawn to instinctively
Line: a point that continues; it implies motion.
Texture: the visual quality of the surface of an object, revealed through variances in shape, tone and color depth.
Shape: the two-dimensional appearance of objects as your camera captures them.
Color (different color contrasts): a component of light that is separated when it is reflected off of an object.
Value:  defines how light or dark a given color or hue can be.
Form: when shape takes on three dimensions.
Space (figure/ground) negative space: the act of adding visual space in front of the direction that an object is moving, looking or pointing to imply motion and direction and to lead the eye of the viewer.
Balance: a compositional technique in photography that involves arranging the main subject and other elements within the frame of a photograph so that everything in the image has equal visual weight.
Rhythm: elements that repeat or echo throughout the image.
Movement: motion photography is about showing movement.
Scale/dominance: the level with the most visual weight and the one that gets the most emphasis.
proportion: comparing size of objects, or the amount of one thing to the whole.
Pattern: a regularity within a scene.
Emphasis: draws viewers into your image and holds them there long enough to tell your story.
Variety: the use of different visual elements throughout a work.
Unity: the visual relationship between elements in an image.
Rule of 3rds: a composition guideline that places your subject in the left or right third of an image, leaving the other two thirds more open.
Golden Ratio: a guide to place a subject (a tree, person, building, etc.) or element in a photo (like the horizon) where it will be most pleasing to the eye.
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poopidaiperman · 1 year
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Hanging out with friends at the library on Friday.
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Going to Walmart to buy STUFF after finishing school.
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Dead trampoline on Saturday because it's too hot outside (Usually, my siblings would sometimes play outside on the weekends).
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Dead playground (everyone is inside the house while I'm taking pictures 🗿).
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They're making Qhaub Piaj (Thick Chicken Noodle Soup).
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My siblings are taking a break while mom cooks the Chicken Noodle Soup.
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Taking a picture of my sister while she's doing her homework (I'm just practicing shooting my camera).
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My brother is gaming while we eat the Chicken Noodle Soup without him. (He doesn't realize the noodle soup is done cooking).
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Eating Thick Chicken Noodle Soup.
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Inviting our neighbor to join us the next day.
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poopidaiperman · 1 year
First Blog
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My name is Chimeng Yang, and I am still determining what I will use photography for. I am majoring in Art and Animation. My goals are simple: survive this semester, have good grades, and turn in all my work on time so I don't fail my classes. My favorite activities are drawing, gaming, and watching anime. I do some of these activities because I don't know what else to do besides gaming, drawing, and watching anime. I primarily draw tho.
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