popgoesthenowih · 4 years
Week 11 - Final Presentation
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This is the final presentation. It consists of our four palimpsests which are the ‘Rare’ Fashion magazine covers in different time periods. They have been produced with photo editing using photoshop. The different levels (social, political, cultural, commercial) were sufficiently applied in every palimpsest and were followed through. The name ‘Rare’ derived from the whole idea of this magazine gradually evolving to something futuristic and out of this world which the name would still be suited even later on down the years. In addition, the palimpsest from the earliest time are at the earliest form of modern era being slowly altered. It begins with Rihanna on the cover representing women empowerment, which is current political statement in many fashion magazines. Then 100 years later, a 5D holographic and moving images magazine. 250 years later, it is a reminder of our roots, where we came from and the world becoming a better environmental place.  500 years later, the martian era is the virtual magazine which interacts with your eyes and hand movement, as well as technology of reminders and subscriptions through glasses paired with it. The last one, 1000 years was not uploaded as the group member who did this one was not able to send it on time for my blog to be completed. On the other hand, it is included in the group presentation. Furthermore, the inspirations for this project consisted of celebrities such as Rihanna, Doja Cat, Kylie Jenner, as well as the instagram social media platform that consistently show different fashion trends. Similarly, existing magazine covers such as Vogue were also an inspiration in regards to lay out, and the celebrities featuring on there who encourage women empowerment. Additionally change in fashion for the world through their character and personality. The clothes that models wear are also reflected on their character and how they want to be seen. This was something we as a group kept in mind through the social aspects that the outfits in the magazine are a reflection of what the society will follow in the particular era. 
Furthermore, in terms of the production process of this presentation, due to the circumstances of the lockdown we were unable to do a catwalk with fabric materials reflecting a DIY style for each era, and make up and hair futuristic style inspirations. This is shown in the group presentation instead. Overall, I think we were doing good as a group as well as individually and there was no pressure or stress involved. Everyone in the group was able to share their opinions and changes were compromised if necessary. Reflecting on my role in this group, I have done a lot of contribution and shared and created most of the ideas as well as conducted enough research. In terms of leadership skills and teamwork, I made sure every member of the group would know what they are doing especially if they have not attended. This was out of my own voluntary act I was not nominated as a leader but I wanted to make sure this was done. On the other hand, what could of been done better is if everyone participated equally in all work aspects and not some more than others. In summary, I enjoyed this module it was stimulating and creative as well as flexible to do whatever we wanted. 
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popgoesthenowih · 4 years
Week 10
This week was all about working from home and getting every magazine cover produced through the base of our mood boards to show illustration of progress as well as process and planning towards the final outcomes of the magazine covers. Everyone in the group had a role to do something whether that was, photo editing or research or creating covers and mood boards. The target this week was to try finish all 4 aspects for each time period, or at least make brief notes and initial points and then expand on each one later. The pictures attached are some examples of our mood boards illustrating the different era’s as well as media and art. The 250 years later ‘Back to our roots’ mood board is the reflection of the past and heritage importance and the ‘roots’ are referring to Adam and Eve. It is about being an environmentally friendly world with global diversity and appreciation of where we come from. There are no issues in the world concerning global warming, or the nature everything is safe and this mood board is showing it clearly. The second mood board idea is very futuristic and is showing the out of the world feeling through the use of martians as an inspiration idea. The idea for this magazine cover 500 years era, was to have a virtual magazine that is interacted with the motion of our eyes and hands for turning pages. This is done with the use of glasses that will be used in our daily lives to subscribe to magazines and receive reminders. 
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popgoesthenowih · 4 years
Week 9 - Creating Content
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In this week, we have created a google document that is shared with all members of the group for collaborative work. Each member was given a job role in terms of the presentation work as well as the production of our palimpsest. I have focused on the 4 levels: social, political, cultural and commercial in present day. In social aspects, social media and celebrities were the key factors in relation to a fashion magazine. Instagram for instance, is a major platform that shares posts and constantly keeps people up to date with trends as well as trends are made by celebrities. Furthermore, in terms of political issues, fashion in general has a lot of concerns whether that is model sizes, races and ages or the designers choices themselves. I have chosen to focus on Rihanna who is an inspirational artist as well as a woman who encourages freedom of speech through the use of designers garments. Commercial aspects for this theme were quite straightforward as the magazine itself is an advertising product of fashion garments. In todays generation, mobile subscriptions apps for news and magazines are mostly used by customers. Lastly, cultural aspects of a magazine are constantly evolving as well as being appreciated by many models and celebrities. Culture is being shown through traditional clothing of their own, as well as appreciating other peoples cultures which usually portrays the cultural appreciation criticisms. 
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popgoesthenowih · 4 years
Week 7 - Group presentation
This week more of the group members attended although not everyone. We have discussed our initial ideas again with the other group members and changed were made. The previous week our initial idea was a vintage shop, which was not entirely confirmed as we did not know if this is what we want. The idea/theme has changed to a fashion magazine based around futuristic vivid creations. We thought about the different time periods of our magazine and concluded with: 
Present Day (2020) - Fashion Magazine 
100 Years - Artificial intelligence 
250 Years - Back to our roots 
500 Years - Martian Era 
1000 Years - Galactic Era 
As well as the four different levels: social, political, commercial and cultural will be explored in each era by different individuals in our group splitting the work equally. At the end of the lesson we have presented our initial ideas as a group, with the members who were present and feedback was given. The feedback was that we should focus on fashion itself or the shop itself to really emphasise on the palimpsest as a whole. I think the feedback was helpful and we understood the changes we need to make as well as contacting the rest of the group for collaborative work. Some questions were raised by teachers and students after our presentation, which included ‘How will you present your idea and what media will be used?’, ‘Will the fashion magazine stay or not, what will change and how?’ and the answers were still being processed as well as researched. In conclusion, we have decided to stick with our current theme of the Fashion Magazine instead and considered all feedback given to be applied as a group. 
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popgoesthenowih · 4 years
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Week 6 - Initial Ideas
In this session the group and I have thought about our initial ideas for our presentation. We have done some research of some current trends, issues and what is being spoken about the most. Furthermore, we focused on exploring social media as well as celebrities such as Rihanna and her influence on fashion as well as her women empowerment which would of been a good link with the political issues. During our group discussions we have initially came up with the idea of a vintage shop and focusing on nostalgia around it. The idea of nostalgia would be reflected upon the items in the vintage shop as well as the vintage shop itself from the outside, and the changes throughout the different time periods. The task was to think of our palimpsest in different time periods; present day, 100 years, 250 years, 500 years, and 1000 years. As well as the four different levels to be reflected on throughout each era were; social, political, commercial and cultural aspects. The idea from another group member was to really focus on the futuristic aspects as well as the nostalgia of the earliest form being kept alive in the shop. In summary, not every member of the group has attended this session therefore it felt like we will change this idea or alter it. 
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popgoesthenowih · 4 years
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Week 5 - Palimpsest creation 
I have used the University of Westminster, Regent Street campus as an example. I have used the first image which is from 1912, which is when it was rebuilt and King George V, Queen Mary and their son Edward, Prince of Wales visited this building. This campus is a very historical place in fact I have researched and found it is one of Englands historical interesting buildings as well as interesting architecture which has remained the same till this day. In the second image, I have used the media of photography as well as an editing app which helped me boost the brightness and the focus on the architecture of the building. The campus has remained the same considering the appreciation of the architecture, but the walls have been marbled and stairs also look very modern with the flooring. 
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popgoesthenowih · 4 years
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Week 5 - Palimpsest 
This week we had a field trip to Carnaby Street with the class to search for Palimpsests. I have learned what a palimpsest was, and it is ‘’something reused or altered but still showing visible traces of its earliest form’’. In other words, this could be an object, place, building something that has been changed in the modern form. At first I thought there would not be many palimpsest to see in Carnaby street, but I was wrong. Me and my group have discovered some interesting things, such as the street itself has changed since the 60s/70s it is more more modernised the buildings have been freshly painted as well as adjusted with flowers and other decorations. Also, in my group I have contributed well with my findings as well as found more from others. It helped me not only understand it visually, but also collaborating in a group was very fun. On the other hand, the building itself and some of the architectural aspects remained the same. This is showing not only appreciation for the vintage but it shows that vintage and historical relations are still a trend in the modern days 20th century. For instance, in fashion the retro 90s vintage style is currently a trend as well as some old school music too.
Here I have attached an image of the Carnaby sign before and after. In the first image which is in the 60s it shows a massive sign with bold red writing ‘Carnaby street welcome the world’. It’s very simple but bold and the red writing attracts attention. In the image I have taken now, the sign is very modern. It has the British flag with bold ‘Carnaby’ on it. The sign in general has remained which shows the appreciation and the palimpsest earliest form. Similarly, the colour red in the old version remained now but in the representation of the British flag to show value for this country.
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popgoesthenowih · 4 years
Week 4 - Pop Fashion 
This it an artistic and creative artist who combines everything all in one by herself. FKA Twigs is a female who represents a fashion pop side in multiple cross disciplinary ways such as media, music, dance and fashion. She is inspiring many as a female who wants to be looked at in a form of art instead of as a female with a body and a sexual way which could be interpreted from a male cameraman and the choice of angles. 
In this particular video, she made sure her cameraman who is a male did not focus on her breasts and other feminine parts, but instead her tied up ankles as well as her facial expressions to really express her image and message to the audience from a female perspective. Additionally, the way she is tied up is  an ancient art of 'Shibari', Japanese rope bondage. I think this is a beautiful representation of art as well as a fashion statement. Moreover, in terms of the music, the lyrics is sad and is talking about pain and loneliness ‘’ so lonely trying to be yours’’. I think she has expressed her lyrics in the way she moves her body if you follow the lyrics and her body language shows the meaning behind it. 
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popgoesthenowih · 4 years
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Week 3 - Cultural Theory 
(I have created a mini collage representing lip injections in the form of cartoon pictures to show the fun creative side to it). The Kardashian-Jenner family have been constantly on screens or social media throughout their lives. They have been a massive influence to audience especially teenage girls, in regards to their appearance and how they present themselves. Their altering of bodies and surgeries have been normalised. Kylie jenner first started the Kylie jenner challenge in 2015 where people on social media would suck a shot glass creating a vacuum which created swollen puckered lips. Kylie denied all augmentation of lips and stated she is ‘’not encouraging people to look like me’’. Eventually she has admitted her lip fillers and followed up with creating her own lipstick brands and later a whole make up brand. This was to ease her off her shocking news. The major point in this is that it has brought up a lot of critical approaches through the use of social media, people constantly attacking her making her feel insecure and ‘’fake’’. Also, some research have shown that there was a 70% increase of lip augmentation inquiries after Kylie’s confession. This could be a good thing for the businesses yes, but it has brought a lot of sexist as well as political issues regarding alteration of bodies of the Kardashian-Jenner family. I have understood that this has brought a lot of attention of them being accused of trying to look more like black women, as well as encouraging people to do the same. I think that social media is a very dangerous place it brings negative and judgemental people together to unite and hurt others emotionally. In general, as a woman from the feminist and gender perspective I can understand her alteration of her lips due to insecurities and other factors playing a role. In the end, it is her body, her face and she can do what ever she wants if it helps her feel better and boost her confidence. Mental health is important and whether her hateful comments affect her, it was considered a consequence of something that would make her feel better in the end.
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popgoesthenowih · 4 years
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Week 2 - Disruptive Business Model 
Netflix party
This idea was inspired by entertainment industry of film, which was one of my lectures and it has given me an idea for this disruptive business model. Netflix is an online streaming service that allows people to watch films/shows online. It is made for our entertainment as well as pleasurable activity from the comfort of our homes. It has recently been developed into an interesting app called the Netflix Party which is downloaded through our computers on Google chrome. It allows people to stream simultaneously the same film with another person as well as connect through an online chat which is displayed at the bottom of the screen while it is playing. I think this is a great way to connect with our friends and families especially in the circumstances of this lockdown. It’s a great way to not only stay in contact but do an activity together which involves watching your favourite shows. It has been inspired by the real-life cinema but in a technology advanced way.
I think this is a disruptive model because, it helps people to stay sane and healthy through speaking with others while in lockdown as well as it is entertaining for the both. In regards to current circumstances of this country it is very effective and beneficial, both in a social, and psychological aspects. Most importantly it prevents people stepping outside and spreading the virus therefore it has been made to save lives as well as entertain the audience.
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popgoesthenowih · 4 years
Week 1 - Contemporary Pop Art
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Brief History of Pop - Week 1 lesson 
Pop is the abbreviation of popular. In 1926 pop first emerged through the ‘pop’ phrase in a song (OED).  It was referred to music that was popular and not Jazz. In the UK in the early 1960s, pop music was also referred to as ‘Beat’ music, and the Beatles are one prime example.
In the 1960s pop was also introduced in art, by British critic Lawrence Alloway. Pop is described as a ‘movement’ in art and is influenced by commercial cultures, Hollywood movies. Also, some key artists include Andy Warhol, David Hockney, and Richard Hamilton.
Above is an example of a contemporary icon. It is a Balenciaga logo T-shirt that is originally plain white with the slogan and logo shown. I have transformed the iconic t-shirt into the style of pop art using the photo editing apps: Photoshop and Colour. I have used existing pop art background with dots and bright bold colours which I inserted as the background. Then I have included a ‘wow’ which is a common pop art word also in the bright bold and big letter font style to really emphasise the style. Additionally, I have been inspired by artist: Andy Warhol and David Hockney. Then I have inserted the Balenciaga t-shirt which was then over layered on top of the background using photoshop. I have chosen this particular item as I wanted to combine fashion with a pop art style, it is not something existing therefore it is an innovative idea. I enjoyed using this mixed media of photo editing apps as well as creating a new fashion icon/trend.
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popgoesthenowih · 5 years
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Week 1 - Field Trip (Tate Modern) 
Kara Walker Fons Americanus
This is a large scare fountain located in Tate Modern gallery in London. It consists of sculptures from the 1901, to reflect on the history of African origins. In the 19th centuries slavery has started to emerge and this also reflects on the sadness through the facial expressions in those scultures, for instance the female pouring tears through her breast which also shows the violence and suffering through Walkers work. The water symbolises the interconnected histories of Africa, America and Europe, and the tragedies, ambitions and fate of those continents. The purpose of this art is to make sure people remember and reflect upon it as a ‘gift’ of becoming resilient and appreciating where we come from what shaped us and our histories. 
This sculpture is very cultural and historical which relates to pop. The photo app I have used is called colour. I have edited this image in a ‘pop’ art inspired technique by Andy Warhol, using bright bold patterns and effects which make the image a lot more bold and modernised. I have shown the original and the edited version to show the contrast of sadness and lifeless colours, and on the right fun and modernised colours. Pop to me means; fun, bold and different. Being unique and expressing it through art and media is what I have shown.
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