poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
A spell to bring to you the things you need to be able to flourish and thrive
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
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Like or reblog if you save, sweetheart x
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
Self harm is :
•making yourself sleep deprived •making yourself cold (not wearing warm clothes in the winter, sleeping without a blanket etc) •not eating •not drinking •eating too much •not looking before crossing the street •scratching •letting your skin be dry & break easily •picking at skin •over-exercising •substance abuse •over-working yourself •making yourself go out and do things even though you’re exhausted •putting yourself in anxiety-inducing situations (even if you have a choice to stay out of them) •triggering yourself •purposefully angering someone who you know will yell at you •entering relationships you don’t want to be in/being around people you don’t want to be around •having sex when you don’t want to •setting yourself punishments •not giving yourself time •not letting yourself spend time with the people you love & know will be good to you •yelling at yourself inside your head •pinching or bruising yourself instead of cutting •cutting •holding everything in even when you have the option of venting •over stressing •over thinking •staying in abusive relationships (friend wise or romantically)
STOP assuming that self-harm is visible and easy to notice. It’s NOT. Self harm isn’t always physical, it can be emotional, and mental as well
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
Please don’t fucking log off tumblr on the 17th as a protest. All that’s going to do is give tumblr more reason to shut this place down because of revenue loss.
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
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Self defence sprays that are legal to carry and use in the United Kingdom
Image 1: Farbgel Image 2: StoppaRed
I’ve seen a lot of people (mostly women, for reasons which may be obvious) speaking about being worried when going out, be it alone or even with friends, both in the day and at night. I know that a lot of female friends of mine carry around a can of antiperspirant or a pot of pepper to use if they’re ever attacked. What I know a lot of people don’t realise is that there are products out there which work in a violent situation and help in catching the assailant for the best part of a week afterwards.
Known as ‘criminal identifiers’, these sprays are brightly coloured dyes which can be sprayed in the face of an attacker. Unlike things such as CS or Pepper sprays, criminal identifier sprays are legal in the UK.
There’s a few available on the market, with farbgel and Mace’s Stoppared being the mostly highly recommended.
What these sprays do is release a sticky, brightly coloured dye. It’s difficult to wipe away and stains the skin a bright red colour. No matter how hard an attacker might try to remove it from their skin and clothing, the staining typically lasts for around a week and doesn’t even start to fade until after a few days have passed.
Unlike CS and Pepper sprays (which, again, aren’t legal in the UK) criminal identifier sprays don’t cause irritation or pain to an attacker. Instead, they expand and clog up the area sprayed with a kind of sticky foam that’s difficult to wipe away. It should give you enough time to escape and report someone whose face resembles a baboon’s arse to the police.
Each can of the sprays costs around ÂŁ10 each, though it may be cheaper when buying multiple canisters and if you shop around.
StoppaRed UV Personal Attack Self-Defence Spray by Mace
This is an original post, but I’ve released it into the public domain. It can be shared, altered, reposted in whole or in part with no need for attribution (though obviously I would appreciate it!)
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
your mental illness is mean and it’s a liar. You are never as horrible as you think. People love you. You are worthy
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
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I wish this was how everyone thought/acted
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
today in “things i’m disproportionately emotional about”:
it’s facial reconstructions of prehistoric humans!!
like, look at this part-homo sapiens, part-neandertal man from well over 30,000 years ago:
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doesn’t he just look like a dude you’d wanna hang out with? like he probably washes dishes in the kitchen with you, and has excellent weed
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what a charming fellow. what stories he probably has to tell. i’d definitely go shoot the shit with him on Contemplation Rock after i’d finished my day’s work carving a bone flute for the autumn hunting ceremony, or whatever
people have been people ever since people first became people, i tell you what
they all had lives and histories and families and friends and dumb gossip and games they played and total bullshit in which they believed wholeheartedly
they all argued about the nature of the world, and of themselves
they all sang songs
they all drew pictures
they all buried their dead in graves, and they buried their dead in graves well before they did a lot of that other stuff. they buried their dead with flowers, with panther claws, with the bones of animals they’d killed, with the bones of family members who had died at the same time or earlier. they buried their dead with their arms folded across their chests
they fell in love
they took care of their old and their sick and their disabled, even when it cost them
they made new things, and worried about what the new things meant for people everywhere, as a whole
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
hi hello, I’m terrified to post this but also hella excited at the same time! this is my first youtube video and this channel is by far the most challenging thing I’ve dived into. still, I can already tell this is going to be fun af! already learning so much about myself. 
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
Aspect “Cheat Sheet”
Just a little disclaimer, I got all of this information from an amazing site called astrolibrary.org and they have free astrology “lessons”. I learned the basics of astrology off this site and i thought i would credit them for this post. I took notes on aspects and I’m treating this as a fast way to get the basics of aspects. Enjoy!
Plantes that are 0, 60, 120, and 180 degrees apart are major aspects. Other degrees are minor aspects.
Aspects are a connection or relationship between two or more planets.
Conjunction: 0 degree, a blend in which planets work together. Potential for expression with direct action. Usually harmonious aspect.
Sextile: 60 degree, flow of opportunities or ideas if acted upon, helps realize individual goals. Can indicate talents. Doesn’t disrupt anything. Harmonious aspect.
Square: 90 degree, restrictions or challenges, pressure to work on the issue, achievement delayed, patient and hardwork can overcome this. Inharmonious aspect.
Trine: 120 degree, good fortune, easy flowing energy, brings luck, can be taken for granted. Harmonious aspect.
Opposition: 180 degrees, creates some tension leading to fustration. In general, inharmonious aspect.
Semi-sextile: 30 degrees, very mild, barely noticeable, mildly difficult or awkward. Typically inharmonious.
Semi-square: 45 degrees, less intense than a square, implies friction, annoying. Inharmonious aspect.
Quintile: 72 degrees, artistic or creative talents, mildly beneficial. Harmonious aspect.
Biquintile: 144 degrees
Sesquinquadrate: 135 degrees
Quincux/Inconjunct: 150 degrees, continual adjustments, not negative, strain or stress, could affect health. Seen as inharmonious aspect.
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
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It’s totally okay for you to eat, I just wanted to remind you this. This is about your health and well-being! I do know it’s hard right now, but I believe you can get better!
Give yourself permission. 
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
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“@jackalltimelow: I love when my dads let me skip school and explore the great unknown.”
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
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poppunkhustler ¡ 6 years
do i have any weird followers that want to transfer me money for absolutely no reason at all
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