poptartmafia · 2 years
Atop the Blue Ridge
As I set nestled in the Blue Ridge. The evening air has a chill ,I hear a bird in the distance calling for its mate to come . Night is falling fast and finally peace at last. I would Whistle for the one I love but she has made it clear that she wishes not to be near.
I think of the birds and their mates do they go on dates ?do they choose for social status or is there such an apparatus. The birds sing happy and gay maybe this is the way? The night air chills to the bone. I wish my sweet love would come home .
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poptartmafia · 2 years
Alanis morrisette can’t fool our God. I pray for the day the truth comes to light. And it’s already started.
Since Jesus graced this earth and sheed his life blood at calvary. His followers, the chosen ones his children. The ones given his gift. Have been mocked by those who wish to oppress and belittle the name of Jesus Christ . The ones who he sends visions of the holy spirit to, his own message to. To spread his word of joy and happiness to the masses. There is a secret society of influential people who's purpose is to confuse and block this message of hope to the masses. To silence, discourage,, devalue these chosen children of God. I see them daily their will power is amazing. There stories are as incredible as their strength. They to are famous but in a different place one you may never see. So the next time someone gives testimony to the glory of God. If you don't believe or worship for the opposite side leave them be. Remember we are all written on the same list. Just saying not pointing fingers.
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poptartmafia · 2 years
They didn’t waste my time, they wasted Gods time and that’s something they should be thinking about.
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poptartmafia · 2 years
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poptartmafia · 2 years
I have no idea.
Do u care?
Lauren how the fuck did you find me?
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poptartmafia · 2 years
Im not really sure how to go about this, nor do i really truly know what “Opening means”. Ive been caught in a time in my life where the decision to open up needs to be. No one forgets about the times in there life that molded them into what they are today, but finding the way to express those feeling and explain why you are the way you are today im finding to be much more complex then i thought. My life has not been rough along the lines of material things, i have never lived in poverty, ive always had food to eat, and water to drink. My Mom was a single parent who gave up everything to give me and my sister a better life away from my father. When my parents split up i was really young, and it didnt really affect me until i got to middle school.  i dont remember much about my father, but i do have one very vivid memory of him…I was about 4 or 5, sitting on my fathers lap when i saw he was smiling with his hands cupped. I was the most excited little kid when he told me he had caught some bugs for me outside and they were in his hands, growing up i loved insects so i wanted what was in his hands. Obviously. So i ripped open his palms just to find empty sweaty hands. When i told my mother my father had tricked me into believing he had something for me, all  i can remember her saying is “your father is and will always be a liar”.
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poptartmafia · 2 years
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alone, and loving it.
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poptartmafia · 2 years
Dear Happiness,
I write Unhappy for now. But my Happiness, just know,  that once I find you, I would like to keep you…Only to let go whenever my dreams are right and vivid. So tell me.. whatever we are… do you keep comfort in knowing? Because what you know you never really knew in the first place….. so why keep looping over & over again. While the fight isn’t mutual. The fight isnt right. The fight is not mine anymore. My taking is took & I wont fight No longer than it takes to find you once again, Happiness. You have always been mine. and will always be mine forever..so know….Im old enough now to know you very well Happiness…from your darkest colors to the most vibrant colors you can feel,,, in some sense… I know you come and go as you please…. But I know where to find you… sometimes… and most of the time you find me when I need you…..so come around once again Happiness, because I miss you & I need you now. I understand you leave and forget as fast as the red lights change after midnight on those dark country roads I drive on when Im thinking of you…. and Im almost positive you come with sensitive strategy and sincere gestures to show the best in the heart. So Happiness, please can you tell me why you leave as fast as you come once again? If you could talk, I bet you would say nothing…because shadows dont talk.. and if they did, I would politely ask it to catch me when I fall… or maybe i would ask it for a Newport…Living in outlines. shadows could be. Happiness Im searching for you. Do you still hear me? 
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poptartmafia · 2 years
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poptartmafia · 2 years
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poptartmafia · 2 years
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poptartmafia · 2 years
I’ve learned to take everything in, never let the signs of happiness go, and always take in my questionable thoughts. My life is better that way. 
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poptartmafia · 2 years
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I met my sister for the first time in my life yesterday. We are alike in every way. I felt instant love when I met her, and I feel like I have found a piece of me that I’ve always been searching for I’m glad I found it and it was closer than ever. My long lost sister.
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poptartmafia · 2 years
no big deal. 
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poptartmafia · 2 years
(via http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?u=/watch?v=a6DvJwDGjGI&feature=share&a=2Rs7Rns8qgGDkQeMdaOhzw)
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poptartmafia · 2 years
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i absolutley love my fortune cookie. timing perfect, that never happens:) aha it reminds me of my favorite lyrics, i know that this would never stay between us, and thats alright because i dont have anything to hide. My only desire is to uncover the truth about me. -So They Say
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poptartmafia · 2 years
Tiger Jaw- never saw it coming.
i learned a lot about falling in love when i fell out of love, i learned a lot about being a friend when i was alone, like playing with fire i burned it all down. Ive made more mistakes than you can count.
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