popthievesmuse · 19 hours
Life is interesting
To think I was in my sad girl era at the wrong time.
I’m really out of my sad girl era but everyone is sad right now. Unfortunately I can’t be sad with them, I worked to hard to get out of this.
20 years in October. My dad has been dead 20 years.
Dear God, please show me how good it can get. Please.
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popthievesmuse · 3 days
“Don’t wait for things to get easier, simpler, better. Life will always be complicated. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise, you’ll run out of time.”
— Unknown
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popthievesmuse · 3 days
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popthievesmuse · 3 days
Your life can really change in the blink of an eye—you just have to be open to the possibilities, trust your instincts, and take that first step forward. All it takes is a single decision or moment of courage to shift everything in a new direction.
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popthievesmuse · 3 days
Been thinking a lot about this lately
We rely on external factors because they give us a sense of control, and while these things do work, we can't create a mental dependency on them
When we do, we abandon our own power and create an imbalance, dismissing it with coping ideals. These practices should be seen as tools, but the power to reach any result always relies within us
We don’t have to trick ourselves into anything or force a mindset, because that only temporarily solves the issue, real transformation comes from embracing both our mind and heart
As you decide to be, so it is
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popthievesmuse · 3 days
Life isn’t the flat, or one dimensional. The reason you feel it is one dimensional is because you have not lived. You are still controlling your emotions and ironically probably fear exposing them. External factors down to the weather influences us. Some things you will find, will influence you on a deeper level and you will see yourself acting or thinking differently as a result. To reduce life to a singular focus—whether that’s career, romance, spirituality, or friendships—limits your potential for growth and depth. Instead, life is a rich, multifaceted experience that requires adaptability and being open to change. The man tied to one belief system and rejecting all others has already lost.
When we believe that one specific thing is the meaning of life, we confine ourselves to a narrow view, we become liabilities. By clinging to one dimension—whether it’s success, love, or spiritual fulfillment—we are, in fact, trapping ourselves. True freedom comes from recognizing the many layers of existence: relationships, personal growth, setbacks, joys, and challenges all intertwined because we are more than just a brain. There are layers to all of us.
Life, much like love, requires us to evolve, adapt, and recognize that its richness comes from the full spectrum of experiences. Experiences are part of our journey, which is basically what life is. That journey will lead you to your purpose and teach you what you need to know to reach your destination. Depriving yourself of that is just human ego.
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popthievesmuse · 3 days
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popthievesmuse · 3 days
Healing makes you lose interest in many things you once connected with. Not even out of sadness, but out of finally seeing people and things for who and what they really are. It's clarity in action.
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popthievesmuse · 3 days
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Hold on, don't let go...
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popthievesmuse · 3 days
Sade 🎶❤️
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popthievesmuse · 3 days
i’m starting all over. rebuilding, replanting, rerooting. 
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popthievesmuse · 18 days
“Nothing is more dangerous than the influence of private interests in public affairs.”
— Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract
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popthievesmuse · 28 days
Unlearn self-shrinking.
Unlearn over giving.
Unlearn overthinking.
Unlearn always anticipating the worst.
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popthievesmuse · 28 days
Dopamine doesn’t care about your happiness
Dopamine is called the reward chemical but it doesn't actually provide a lasting sense of reward. It peaks while you're chasing your goals but fades once you reach them. This means if you're counting on feeling happy after achieving something, you'll find yourself constantly searching for the next source of happiness
Serotonin is more linked to contentment and long term well being. It’s connected to feelings of happiness, calmness & emotional stability and gives you a deeper sense of satisfaction & peace
Use positive sources of dopamine to move you forward with your personal goals, but never fall into the habit of depending on it for momentary moments of happiness. You deserve more than that and should give yourself the opportunity to create long term fulfillment through better self awareness, purposeful actions & a healthy balanced life
At the end of the day, motivation, often tied to dopamine, is as fleeting as happiness. Discipline, however brings consistency, progress, and peace regardless of how you feel in the moment
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popthievesmuse · 28 days
pioneering something called "gritted teeth optimism" where everything is gonna turn out okay even if i have to bite and claw and gnash my way through it
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popthievesmuse · 29 days
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popthievesmuse · 2 months
Consistency looks like not waiting until you “feel like it” to take action. Sometimes the best way to feel ready is to simply begin.
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