pornstargazing · 1 year
I lov my copy it's a beautiful print <3
hi!! i just wanted to ask is it still possible to get the book? thank you!
Yes!! I have plenty of copies left on my Etsy C:
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pornstargazing · 1 year
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sivi met his granddaughter tonight
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he did not like it
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pornstargazing · 1 year
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everyone point and laugh
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pornstargazing · 1 year
The store has already made the donation and they are asking you to recoup their costs
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pornstargazing · 1 year
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I literally didn’t think it was possible to hate this motherfucker more, I look forward to pissing on his grave one day.
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pornstargazing · 1 year
listen, if you believe Glass Onion's message of bashing super rich people is a form of "self"-critique, then you clearly don't understand who the 1% are.
When Rian Johnson calls out fake Elon Musk in his fun detective movie, this is not an attempt at "self-deprecating humor". Rian Johnson is "I own nice houses"-rich, he is not "I control nations, wars, economies, and the livelihoods of millions"-rich like Elon Musk is.
Rian Johnson is closer in his wealth to you than he is to Elon Musk, by far.
I am all for holding rich people accountable, I support calling out the Hollywood industry. But we *need* to learn to tell billionaires and millionaires apart, or our criticism of the political system will be fraught.
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pornstargazing · 1 year
adhd tip you can replace a “meal” with up to 3 hours of “the app” but watch out
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pornstargazing · 1 year
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pornstargazing · 1 year
rian johnson after writing glass onion, watching elon musk completely fuck over twitter like a petulant child, knowing his movie is coming out in just a few weeks
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pornstargazing · 1 year
my sister works in a restaurant and has taken to saying "do you think that's normal?" every time someone says something rude or is borderline harrassing her. fully doesn't engage except for telling them to Reflect. Look Inward. i'm obsessed with her.
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pornstargazing · 1 year
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pornstargazing · 1 year
if you want young queers to want to associate with elder queers then maybe the culture shouldn't be so ridiculous and over the top. I get second hand embarrassment from drag queens and leather daddies and kinksters in puphoods acting like they represent all gays
I would much rather be represented by drag queens, leather daddies and pups than by petulant cowards afraid of their own reflection. You are talking about people who never had the option of being seen as "normal people who just happen to be gay" and channeled their pain into self expression, community and art. And who are you? You define yourself not in terms of who you are and what you create but in terms of who you are not and what you lack. These people you hate only seem larger than life because your life is too small and insignificant to fit them.
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pornstargazing · 1 year
Apparently if you find a tagged Horseshoe crab and report it to Fish and Wildlife they’ll send you a certificate with info about your crab AND a pewter horseshoe crab pin! Keep your eyes peeled 👀
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(Photo from the Nantucket Conservation Foundation)
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pornstargazing · 1 year
hi I'm the new OSHA guy. it's my job to stand at the bottom of ladders and kick them down if somepony I don't like tries to climb them
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pornstargazing · 1 year
I just saw a Twitter thread talking about transphobic legislation in Florida and the persecution of trans folks in general. There was a discussion about the state trying to forcibly detransition trans youth, and prevent both medical and social transition. Someone asked how the government could possibly regulate social transition, because "it's not like the government can regulate people's clothing choices."
I don't want to hate on this person, because I know that you don't know what you aren't taught, but it's just another demonstration of how vital it is for queer history to be shared.
Anti-cross-dressing laws exist to this day, and were actively enforced in the United States within living memory. [source] The Stonewall Riots happened in direct response to a police raid on the Stonewall Inn--and the police were raiding, as they often did, with the specific intent to arrest people wearing clothing that didn't "match their sex." [source]
Many schools and workplaces already police the way people are allowed to dress and present themselves, perfectly legally. There are endless articles discussing the ways Black people have their hair policed, people of color are targeted over their cultural clothing, women and girls have their clothing regulated by sexist dress codes, and the way trans people of all genders get targeted by strict uniform policies. Here's an article from 2020 that also talks about the need for legal protection of Black hairstyles in schools & the workplace. This is an article about a March 2022 dress code controversy over a nonbinary teacher. I could easily find more stories like this by quickly browsing Google.
I don't intend to panic-monger, but the government absolutely could get to the point where it's regulating queer people's clothing choices, because they have done it before. We have come incredibly far in an incredibly short amount of time, and there are government officials still in power who remember, and miss, the times when they could have us arrested for not dressing according to our assigned sex.
It's not some vague "what if?!" scenario, it's something that has very real, very scary precedent in the United States legal system.
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pornstargazing · 1 year
What's the real reason Elon Musk bought twitter?
What joke could I invent that compares to the humorless spiteful laugh that is the reality of modern times?
What darkness, what chaos, what perversion of natural order has not been committed even in the last few days that would let me get a concept in edgewise to compete?
I have invented worlds, written novels, made films, drawn landscapes and creatures and comics that challenge the extremities of human invention. I have scarcely tamed my own sanity for decades to keep from falling into the lovecraftian abysses that torment me in my nightmares, but I cannot begin in satirical text to compare with the cycles of atrocity after maddening atrocity inflicted upon us by the mindless evil of humankind devouring itself, as those in control are the least able, the most inept and greedy, the most vile and demented and malevolent?
Every page I turn reveals a new level of frustration. Every article I read reveals a new low to depravity. Everything good that I struggle to create is shattered and shamed. Every person I meet constitutes a further absence of soul and devotion to absolute cruelty. I cannot look at the eyes of another anymore without being crushed by their disgust and contempt, and then again their abuse.
There is no hope now, if there ever really was. The only ashes of the sublime left to us are those that we're given to experience the pain of their loss. It is not the death of the world we see now, but the beginning of its final state- That of inescapable and eternal misery.
He also probably wanted to ban that kid who was tracking his jet.
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pornstargazing · 2 years
In case anyone doesn’t know, Club Penguin Rewritten was a fan project that started 5 years ago. A team of independent artists and developers successfully revived Club Penguin, and had a community of 11 million up until today. They even rewrote all of the code for HTML5 after flash was taken down, and were always coming out with custom parties, items, and content.
Today, we learned this:
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As they investigate, they have been deleting code.
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Now, if you go to the website, you see this:
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Fuck Disney. Fuck everything they do, and everything they stand for. Fuck your shitty movies, fuck your shitty politics, and fuck the way you destroy everything you touch. Fuck your copyright, too.
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