porreunjv · 2 years
Y’all haters saying his ideal fairy tale-like ‘love’ with Rika was ruined in his route but listen here you piece of shit, NO the couple was already fucking crooked in every way possible at the beginning. Yes, yes we Jihyun stans know he made a lot of mistakes but for god sake both him and Rika were at fault in the story, Rika creating a cult with drugs, kidnapping, etc…involved and Jihyun trying to solve the problem all by himself. We may not have received a kiss CG but seeing him finally, FINALLY learned how to love himself at the end is something so precious and priceless and I would literally throw hands at anyone who try to ravage him under my fucking roof. Nuh uh I don’t want myself to be treated like some princess in other routes, it felt too unreal and too quick for me to process all the informations. Jihyun’s route will forever be the most realistic and best route for me, I adore him for who he is despite all the scars from his traumas, he still remained a caring and warm person who tries to do his very best.
what i say: I’m fine
what i mean: Kim Jihyun is a victim of child neglect and domestic abuse and I wish that people would stop calling him bland for it; he is a very complex character with several layers to him and an insane amount of depth going for him. As a child he had a father who saw him merely as a future political object, an heir, and tried to mold him into whatever he wanted him to be by telling that he was only worth the money and reputation he made and separating him from the only person who would ever truly love and encourage him. He doesn’t even bother to ask how his son is doing for several years, honestly what a shitty guy. Kim Jihyun has been lost in the world for so long and wound up stuck in a toxic circle that brought him nothing but pain when he tried to experience what love was like for the first time; he went so far as to convince himself that he deserved the abuse and that his entire purpose in life was to be hurt to prove that he’s capable of loving a human being and isn’t an empty shell composed of all the expectations people put on him. This escalates to the point where he willingly lets Rika stab him and then tells her to run, presumably wanting to bleed out to death alone in the middle of the woods and not let anyone even know about it. Despite all he’s been through, he’s still possess a large amount of care of others and love for his friends- there’s far more to him than just his pain, even though he’s a character that embodies the symptoms of abuse and loneliness very strongly and it’s so sad to see people overlook that and label Jihyun as a bland character just because they consider him too “tame” for them. Of course he’ll be tame and reluctant, considering all he’s been through. Of COURSE there is no immediate deep confession of undying love or a kiss CG in any of the endings, of COURSE he talks about Rika a lot, she’s a huge part of his story and who he is. This route was to help him heal from the scars of both his childhood and his past love more than it was to pursue him for our own, and I understand if people prefer Ray over Jihyun. But labelling him as “bland” is an inaccurate statement and a mistreatment to the complexity of his character.
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porreunjv · 2 years
Mhm you heard me i’ll defend this man for the remaining of my days
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porreunjv · 2 years
After playing ray’s after ending my mind could only wander to one thing: police or smth related to justice and stuffs!Jumin x criminal!V. I mean come on V in trials and Jumin taking care of the whole thing yk that one angst with this plot
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porreunjv · 2 years
Damn it cheritz
Thinking about how V’s only two options in Another Story are literally either 1. Find love and healing <3 or 2. Go off the fucking deep end and knock your friends out with a smoke bomb for your abusive ex :) and there is no in between. 
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porreunjv · 2 years
Haha look whos back again with @natural0g’s juv lovechild mm style with this time a cg
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porreunjv · 2 years
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porreunjv · 2 years
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He says sorry too much it makes me both angry and sad like stfu u angel let me hug u
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porreunjv · 2 years
My attempt at drawing @natural0g juminv lovechild with mm style, she’s very pretty ><
Me and a friend of mine gave her a name and its Han Jimin💦
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porreunjv · 2 years
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it’s been a while since i’ve done art on my own time 000: anyone excited to cry while playing v’s route? bc i am
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porreunjv · 2 years
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The battle of high note  in V’s route, Jumin mentioned that he and V used to competite each other to see who can sing the high note better. And momma Zen:
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porreunjv · 2 years
V is a Gift
some discourse, watch out because major fucking spoilers ahead, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN’T PLAYED SECRET ENDINGS AND V ROUTE!
Rika and V’s Relationship:
people get a lot of things wrong about their relationship so i decided to include it
Rika has been obsessed with this metaphor of “light” and “dark” ever since she met V at his art gallery, as shown in Secret Ending 2 when Rika said this:
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this whole “sun and darkness” started with RIKA. i will further explain this after i get one thing straight:
V did NOT make her stop going to her therapist, he encouraged her to continue seeing a professional!
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the bottom two pictures show that even though V was obsessed with Rika (as Rika was obsessed with V -ill explain later-) he still cared about her, truly, and she wasnt just some ‘thing’ to him
now im going to talk about how Rika and V were obsessed with each other, mutually
Rika wanted to be saved. in fact, in their conversation in Secret Ending 3, she tells him she wants to be saved twice. and V thinks he can save her. he says that he can be her sun and try to wash her fears away, and she lets him. but… she even questions if it is love or not
(first two pictures is of rika asking V to save her, then it leads to v saying he will save her, rika letting him, and then questioning if it is love or not then saying that it must be )
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Rika wants V to save her. V wants to save Rika. V tries over and over to save her. Rika is darkness, V is the light. And in Another Story V Route, Rika is testing V’s love the entire time, because she doesnt think she will still love him after all of this. Thats why she freaks out when he finally lets her go, says it was obsession. she wants that ideal love. she wants to be saved.
which makes sense, because neither of them have ever truly experienced love. Rika didnt even experience it with Yoosung, because she doesnt even show her true self ( her *darkness*) to him. she says in Secret Ending 3,“ I feel disgusted that I have to hide myself and wear this mask. I hate that even in front of Yoosung, I have to seem bright and so fake…”
and yes, even though they both had this toxic ideal of saving of being saved, Rika is the one who took advantage of V’s selflessness. she blinded him, created a cult, poisoned him - all to test his ‘love’
this is why V is so guilty. he believed it was his job to save Rika with his love, which Rika WANTED, but in the end… Rika doesnt want to be saved
that moves us to our next subject
V is selfless
he doesn’t want to get the RFA involved because he is ashamed and guilty
also, there is this saying that you fix what you break. deal with your problems yourself. V probably had this mindset. he thought he could deal with Rika himself, because he thought it was HIS problem, and didnt want to bother anyone else
also Rika wanted all of them to join her cult, so thats another reason
in addition - he didnt want to contact authorities and get Rika in trouble because he thought this whole mess was because of HIM, he thought it was all his fault
( but guess what? its not )
enough of the RFA and Rika, more about MC
he tries to rescue you TWICE
t w i c e
and the second time, he got locked the fuck up and nearly died
even after nearly dying, after coming back to his senses kind of, he asks if you are okay
thats the first thing he asks you
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even before that, during the first few days of Another Story, he constantly wonders if you are okay
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also, during the last days of V Route, V repeatedly tells Rika to take him instead and leave the other members alone
he tries to sacrifice himself to keep you and the rest of the RFA safe
no matter what anyone says, he truly does care for the RFA
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he hides all of his secrets from them with the best intentions
he may be flawed, but every character is
the point of Mystic Messenger is to help them grow
you help Jaehee gain courage to open her own cafe and quit her job she dislikes
you help Jumin deal with his emotions and his unhealthy possisive trait
you help all of them, and you are able to see them grow
at the end of V Route, V is happy, and is in a healthy relationship with you
before V Route even ended, Rika said this:
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she admitted that she would have never done that for him
Even Ray/Saeran is flawed
its implied that he raped you in Sevens bad ending
its called character development! people grow and learn!
i used to think gays are going to hell but guess what, i realized i am gay!
before i drop this, i need to confront Rika lovers who blame her actions on her mental illness.
Rika + Mental Illness
mental illness doesnt excuse what she did
if a serial killer has psychosis, are you going to defend him? are you going to say oh, he has a mental disorder, so its okay!
if a guy who raped a child has pedophilia, are you going to excuse him because he has a disorder?
my dad has several mental disorders, and abused my mom for several years before their divorce. are you going to tell me that his abuse is justified? because if you are im going to fucking slap you back to that fucking womb you came from until you grow the fuck up
Rika knows this. she knows she fucked up. she doesnt even defend herself. on day 10 in a conversation with Yoosung she talks about it and doesnt defend herself.
in addition, just a note i would like to add:
V didnt force Rika to ‘commit suicide’
if she wanted to, she could have went to Jumins house or even Yoosungs house
anyones house
she could have called them and said that she isnt dead
she even says this :
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thats it
i love jihyun kim please understand him and appreciate him
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porreunjv · 2 years
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Reblog if you blog appreciates Jihyun Kim :)
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porreunjv · 2 years
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i was deeply disappointed by the lack of people of culture shipping jumin and v on my friendlist so i immediately felt the need to work on this powerpoint to introduce everyone on this beautiful pair
i spent a lot of time working on it so i decided to post it here too bc. eh. why not welcome to my ted talk everyone
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