portgasdrougeweek · 3 years
If I brought back Rouge week, anyone be interested in participating???
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
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My last contribution for the Rouge Week organized by @portgasdrougeweek, this is for the “Flowers” prompt. This illustration is based on the MarcoAce fanfic “To My Dear Fire” written by @shockandlock, who was one of my partners for the 2018/2019 OP Big Bang (other illustrations I made for the story). In the fic Rouge owns a greenhouse and flower shop, and I wanted to draw her with the outfit she wears in the story (this isn’t based on a specific scene though). I hope you like her!  ^^
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
And we’re done!
It’s now June 30th which means we’ve reached the end of Rouge Week. I would like to thank all those who participated! Every piece was amazing and wonderful and greatly appreciated to be seen. 
If you were unable to finish your piece or this week had been too busy for you to participate, do not fret!
I will be periodically be checking the tags for the next week or so. And if I had missed your piece, feel free to message me and I will reblog it asap. 
🌺  Thank you everyone!  🌺
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
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My second contribution for the Rouge Week organized by @portgasdrougeweek. I also wrote a story related to this illustration (I used the prompts “Sea”, “Queen”, “Family”, and “Magic” combined): a sort of AU/crossover with The Little Mermaid. I hope you’ll enjoy both the fanart and the ficlet!  ^^
Rulers of the Sea
Once upon a time, in a vast ocean called “One Piece”, lived a Queen and a King. The Queen was a beautiful mermaid and reigned over underwater islands, while the islands on the surface were under the rule of the King of Pirates. The Queen, whose name was Rouge, had a crown made of corals as red as fire she had personally collected. Rouge both feared and was drawn to that element, and since flames couldn’t sprout into water she would often swim to the surface to observe the bonfires lit up in coastal villages during the night. It was like that that she met the King, Roger. They talked for hours about their respective adventures and only separated at dawn, but with the promise to meet again. Seasons passed, and Rouge eventually fell in love with the human: he had charmed her with his large smile and unwavering ambition, but they came from different worlds and could only meet where the salt water lapped the sand. The Mermaid Queen’s ambition was just as strong as her lover’s though, so she searched for an infamous Sea Witch called Ym. Rouge hoped the witch could grant her deepest wish: becoming a human. After hearing her story, Ym accepted to make Rouge’s dream come true but also warned her: upon becoming a human, she wouldn’t be able to swim in the ocean anymore—nor would her lover. Rouge felt a pang of sadness: she loved the sea, and she would miss riding the currents into the depths of the ocean in search of treasures. Still, she decided to talk with Roger about it. The King of Pirates agreed to lose the ability to swim if that meant the two of them finally living together, so the Mermaid Queen kissed him and plunged into the ocean one last time. Rouge met with Ym again, and when the Sea Witch used her magic on her she observed—afraid but also excited—as her fin turned into a pair of long legs. That was the last thing Rouge remembered before, unable to breathe underwater anymore, she lost her consciousness. When Rouge opened her eyes again, she found herself in the arms of her people: they had taken her to the surface, and when she looked at the coastline she recognized the majestic ship of the King of Pirates: Roger had been waiting for her, and she could see his beaming smile even from afar. Rouge thanked her people as she waited for a sloop guided by Roger himself to reach them and take her aboard, and then she separated from her fellow merfolk: but it wasn’t a farewell, since they could still meet where salt water lapped the sand. The once Mermaid Queen lived a long and fulfilled life together with the King of Pirates, and they had two beautiful twins. Once they grew up, the boy and the girl formed their own families, and all together they founded a new clan: they were both cursed and blessed people, who couldn’t swim in the ocean but who were destined to die with a smile on their faces.
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
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Rouge week 2019- day 7 - Flowers
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
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Rouge week 2019- day 5 - family
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
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Everyone remembers how she tore through the very earth, washing everything away that stank with dirty hands, making everyone fear her. She had enough power to wipe out entire islands with a flick of her wrist, to wipe away a marine fleet with one hit. She was a one woman army, they’d say. She was one that made children afraid of what knocked around at night, and walked the earth with a mighty stomp. She was a force to be trifled with, to where even the Emperors feared her presence being known on one of their territories.

None uttered her name, and the Five Elders didn’t like how she roamed the world so easily, leaving nothing but destruction behind. The world they worked hard on creating and molding, was being destroyed by her in just a blink of an eye.

Her name….well, that’s a different story.
. a basic moodboard for an upcoming fic (the title is My, What Sharp Nails You Have, Rouge) im trying to work on for Rouge Week ;;;;

(will add more details later, but look out for some more moodboards!!!)
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
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Day 3        Sea Day 4            Queen
Haven’t drawn anything for my pitate au in a while soooo … ta daaa. 
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
Rouge Week anyone? I wanted to try a Disney Style @portgasdrougeweek
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
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And Day 2 of Rouge Week 19! Colors
This was my first time using markers I think it turned out fine for that even though I kinda fucked up the reflection on the water.
It was fun though so I might color the rest of the pictures, too. But it is very fucking time consuming so I dunno. XD
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
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My first contribution for the Rouge Week organized by @portgasdrougeweek, this is for both the “Legend” and “Colors” prompts. I always thought Portgas D Rouge looked a bit like Marin from Link’s Awakening, so my very first fanart of her is a crossover with that Legend of Zelda character. I hope you like this!
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
Portgas D Rouge week Day 1: Legend
Shanks knows that Rouge has the best stories, ones from islands that Roger and Rayleigh have never been to and places that she whispers don’t even exist anymore. Which means that sometimes she has to explain things in the story with more stories. Roger never seems to be upset when Shanks and Buggy are late for their chores because of her either. Not even Rayleigh complains and he complains about everything.
Which is why, when Rouge grins on morning just before breakfast and asks, even though they all know it’s not a question, if they really need the cabin boys today, Shanks knows it means there’s going to be a new story.
Rouge doesn’t tell new stories often. She said it was because they would loose their magic, but she retells the ones they know when they beg her to. She always has something to make them seem as exciting as the first time, Shanks doesn’t have her talent for telling them, can’t make someone feel like they were there for the event, but Rouge always compliments his attempts to retell her stories.
After breakfast, Rouge corrals him and Buggy up into the crow’s nest and collapses against the floor with a laugh.
“What story are you going to tell today?” Shanks demands, trying not to see too excited. “Something with pirates?”
“No stories today, a legend this time,” Rouge states sitting up.
Shanks doesn’t understand the difference between stories and legends, legends are stories and vice versa. Rouge acts like there is, so Shanks never questions it, even if he really does want to know.
“What’s the legend about?” Buggy asks, leaning forward. “Pirates? Treasure?”
“A little, but mostly it’s about a God who was also a monster bound away in a human form. It’s not a very happy legend.”
“That’s okay, we still wanna hear it,” Shanks promises, Buggy nodding in agreement.
Rouge laughs, “Well then,” her smile slips away and her voice seems to grow. “Once, when the world was young and the lands were wide and vast, there was a Monster.”
“A monster who was a God?” Roger asks when Rouge finally returns to his rooms, her hair down and her shoes lost again.
“A monster who was also a Goddess sounds far too close to the truth,” Rouge answers, her teeth human and blunt in a way that she is still getting use to. “Did you want me to be human?”
“No,” Roger answers, honest Rouge thinks distantly. “You are you, monster and God and all. Why a legend?”
Rouge remembers when her smiles would be filled with too many teeth, all of them too sharp and enough to terrify anyone who saw it, “because, humans die but power lives on. Just because mine were taken and I might not find them again, it doesn’t mean that one day someone won’t hear the legend.”
“If they do?”
“That’s a legend you might never get to hear.”
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
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Day 1 of Rouge Week 2019! Legend
So I know this isn’t a quote but I saw that this week started today and Rouge is like 10/10 I just had to do it.
Also you can’t tell me Rouge was as or even more badass than Roger! >:)
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
Day 1: Legend
This is for @portgasdrougeweek! Thank you for hosting it this year! My writing is quite rusty but I tried!
Long ago when magic was first blessed on to man, these humans performed rituals to aid prosper their land. They created tales to tell their children to explain phenomenon and powers that they do not understand. What man never realised was that it was the surreal belief they held in these tales and they brought life to these immortal beings from their beliefs.
They created so-called gods who ruled over the earth and the sky, life and death. One such tale was of the Goddess Persephone- the Queen of the Underworld. She ruled the underworld and passed judgement upon the souls of the deceased.
“Persephone? I have heard that name… Rayleigh said she was the Goddess of Spring though”
“Originally, no. She was the Goddess of the Underworld until man decided to change the tale and made Hades the king of the dead and Persephone the goddess of spring.” She smiles softly as a vine circling around her arm. Roger’s gaze was fixed upon her palm as the hibiscus in her palm withered “But it was too late to change Persephone as her powers of underworld were retained and she got new powers too. The power to breathe life like in spring.”
As if on cue, the flower crystallised and bloomed in the palm of the Goddess.
Crimson moulded with grey. “So you’re Persephone?”
“Yes” She whispers “Do I frighten you?” a gentle hand caressing his cheek. Her figure floating above the ground wasn’t amiss by him as he gazed into the deep crimson eyes. Was he frightened by this small yet incredibly powerful woman?
“I’m absolutely terrified and turned on” He grins at her. His calloused fingers gently brushed her rose blonde hair behind her ears and rested his forehead against her forehead.
Rouge laughs “For a man absolutely terrified of me, you sure don’t sound like it”
“I saw you summon shadows and literally pull souls out of zombies” He grins “And that’s just a very you thing to do. Whether you’re the Queen of the living or the dead or a devil fruit user who saved my ass, Rouge, Seph- it doesn’t matter. You’re still the same person, Rouge.” He whispers “And I love you”
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
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Rouge Week Day 1
The woman who holds the pirate king’s heart effortlessly, what a legend.
I didn’t have any ideas obviously, lol.
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
Happy Rouge Week!!
Day one starts now! I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us.
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portgasdrougeweek · 5 years
Can we use more than one prompt at once?
Yes! You can work as many prompts as you want into one piece if you so please. 
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