White collar worker and executives: “Hurray, it’s labor day weekend! 3 full days off! We are so fortunate to live in a Great Country that Cares about it’s Workers!”
Service industry workers who know labor day weekend is one of the busiest 3 days of the year which means double or triple shifts and not seeing family all while being forced to be not only polite but cheerful:
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Meet the Robinsons (2007)  dir. Stephen J. Anderson
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Please reblog, this is so important.
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Watch: It’s your right to share your salary, not doing so could be holding you back.
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Dya wanna know something pretty cool? I’ve survived 100% of my worst days. And if you’re reading this? So have you. And that’s awesome.
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Check out more coffee posts at https://ift.tt/29t3V6I
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mmk i’ve got v few followers but i’m hoping this helps at least one person so here I go.
Apple is coming out with something called ““Apple screentime” which will basically allow your parents to see what apps you use when and set restrictions and shit for when you can use what apps. If you are in a situation where you have apps or social media’s or really anything you don’t/can’t have your parents know about DELETE THAT SHIT before September 1st when this comes out. This works through the ““family sharing” shit on your iCloud account so if you can either leave your “family” or use a different Apple ID  or something. 
If you can’t do that, I personally access Tumblr and discord and YouTube and everything else through my laptop and the Pinterest web browser (yes that’s a thing) so if that’s an option for any of you out there join me. 
This may sound hella dumb to some people but like my parents would LOSE THEIR SHIT and ground me if they knew I had tumblr or really anything and that’s the only thing keeping me alive tbh so just be safe out there kiddos. 
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College Life Hack
Instead of buying all your books right away, go see if any are in you university’s library. They may be old editions, but they are free. And if the professor is covering the material in class and there are differences (like scientific/technological advances) then you can easily be corrected. Most of the time the differences will be in formatting or slight word differences. You will save a bundle even if one book is already there.
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Check out more coffee posts at https://ift.tt/29t3V6I
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You can take better portraits by holding a white balloon in front of your camera’s flash. A photography duo demonstrated the technique on YouTube by showing how the balloon diffuses the light, creating softer and more flattering portraits. Photo : Koldunov Brothers / YouTube
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their website is wearethorn.org
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Today I learned
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REPOST @TinySnekComics - you know what’s cool?  VOTING THIS NOVEMBER!!! if you retweet anything today, make it is!!  
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my philosophy is “nothing an individual can do could possibly be worse for the environment than major corporations dumping tons of pollutants into the atmosphere every day but also don’t just toss shit on the ground you idiot have some manners” 
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Important! Please reblog!
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