postbeing · 3 years
*   warning   :   may  contain  spoilers  for  episodes  one  through  ten .
‘  if  you  were  me ,  you  wouldn’t  be  such  a  fucking  asshole .  ’
‘  the  world  out  there  has  teeth  and  it  is  hungry  and  it  is  stupid  and  it eats  and  eats  mindlessly .  ’
‘  you  listen  to  your  gut .  even  if  it  makes  them  hate  you .  ’
‘  i  am  a  dream  and  so  are  you  and  so  are  we .  ’
‘  you  are  a  looker ,  aren’t  you ?  ’
‘  honey ,  someone’s  in  the  house .  ’
‘  i’m  dreaming ,  right ?  ’
‘  i  just  need  a  little  time  away .  it’s  nothing  more  than  that .  ’
‘  you’re  saying  it  was  an  accident ,  so  you  accidentally  put  your  hand  through  a  mirror ?  ’
‘  i’m  scared .  that’s  all  i  am .  there  is  nothing  else .  i’m  only  scared .  ’
‘  do  you  think  there’s  something  wrong  with  me ?  like ,  really  wrong ?  ’
‘  it’s  alright ,  sugar .  it’s  just  a  dream  —  just  a  screaming  meemie .  ’
‘  we  yield  to  it  or  we  fight  it ,  but  we  cannot  meet  it  halfway .  ’
‘  i  seldom  am  well  behaved .  ’
‘  i  enjoyed  the  conversation ,  but  i’m  gonna  say  goodnight .  ’
‘  did  you  just  punch  me  in  the  boob ?  ’
‘  just  enjoy  me .  i’m  loving  you .  ’
‘  i  wouldn’t  have  changed  a  thing .  i  need  you  to  know  that .  ’
‘  forgiveness  is  warm  like  a  tear  on  a  cheek .  ’
‘  i  loved  you  completely  and  you  loved  me  the  same .  ’
‘  that’s  all .  the  rest  is  confetti .  ’
‘  forgive  a  girl  for  being  lonely .  ’
‘  there’s  nothing  sadder  than  a  cold  bed .  ’
‘  journey’s  end  when  lovers  meet .  ’
‘  journeys  don’t  end ,  not  if  you  love  someone .  they  don’t  end  at  all .  ’
‘  probably  best  you  didn’t  say  anything  to  them .  ’
‘  i’m  asking  you  to  love  me  hard  for  the  next  few  minutes .  ’
‘  i’m  gonna  jump  and  i’m  asking  you  to  hold  my  hand  while  i’m  falling .  ’
‘  i  have  something  that  i  have  to  tell  you ,  but  i  need  you  to  remember  when  i  do  that  i  love  you .  ’
‘  i  wish  i  would’ve  loved  you  better .  ’
‘  pandas  don’t  like  macaroni .  ’
‘  i’m  just  floating  in  this  ocean  of  nothing  and  i  wonder  if  this  is  it ,  this  is  what  death  is .  ’
‘  i  wonder  if  this  is  what  death  is ,  just  out  there  in  the  darkness ,  just  darkness  and  numbness  and  alone .  ’
‘  i  wondered  if  that’s  what  they  felt ,  just  numb  and  nothing  and  alone .  ’
‘  he  was  a  light  in  the  darkness .  he  was  a  life  preserver  in  the  ocean .  ’  
‘  i  reached  for  him  because  i  had  to  feel  something .  i  had  to  feel  anything .  ’
‘  god ,  i’m  so  glad  i  did  it  though .  thank  god  it  worked .  ’
‘  i  felt  scared .  so  fucking  scared .  ’
‘  honestly  i  had  to  do  it  because  it  felt  better  than  feeling  nothing .  ’
‘  that  thorough  fucking  shame  was  so  much  better  than  that  horrible  empty  feeling .  ’
‘  you  have  to  live .  ’
‘  i  don’t —  i  don’t  know  how  to  do  this  without  you .  ’
‘  i  learned  a  secret  :  there  is  no  without .  i  am  not  gone .  i  am  scattered  into  so  many  pieces ,  sprinkled  on  your  life  like  new  snow .  ’
‘  when  we  die ,  we  turn  into  stories  and  every  time  someone  tells  one  of  those  stories  it’s  like  we’re  still  here .  ’
‘  we’re  all  stories  in  the  end .  ’
‘  you’re  supposed  to  protect  me ,  but  you  say  the  meanest  things  to  me  when  i  try  to  tell  you  things .  ’
‘  that  was  really  wild  stuff .  ’
‘  that  was  really  wild  stuff  considering  you  were  asleep  for ,  what ,  like…  ninety-nine  percent  of  it ?  ’
‘  i’m  sorry .  i  should  have  made  more  of  an  effort  with  you .  ’
‘  you  tried  the  best  that  you  could .  i  should’ve  met  you  halfway .  ’
‘  people  fuck  up .  i  guess  you  don’t  get  that  —  you  really  don’t  get  it  until  you  fuck  up .  really  fuck  up .  ’
‘  i  felt…  nothing .  just  nothing .  and  it  spread  everywhere  in  me ,  this  nothing ,  until  i  couldn’t  feel  anything  anymore .  i  was  just  this  dark ,  empty  black  hole .   ’
‘  i  felt  nothing  and  so  i  drank  and  i  drank  and  nothing  worked .  i  couldn’t  feel  anything .  ’
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postbeing · 3 years
1 click reblogs are going to tear me apart holy shit lmao
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postbeing · 3 years
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[ @arako​ : / / vincent is an unfortunate name, i can see why you shortened it to v.
          " arasaka is an unfortunate life . i can see why your brother shortened it . "
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postbeing · 3 years
virtuveve​ , valentin sainvil : / / ​
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while the elegence of artisanal’s firearms were certainly not lost on him, that was there they began and end. he knew binary, he knew code and he felt a certain comfort in the steadfastness of that language in which he was beyond fluent in it’s unraveling. vincent’s preferences, although much more coarse, were honest. and there was nothing more honest in their world than a bullet to the head. “ if you ain’t stand by your own word what do that make you? dead. “ of the figurative or literal variety; for him there was a certain sanctity to be found there. it was your bond, without shadow of a doubt and it was for the better that they each held that even if unspoken. hah. unspoken… he could see the light of something in his eyes; total elation. 
“ huuh? figurin’ you got good ‘nough reason for the bd and what you do wit that? your biz… don’t nothin’ concern me less it’s my job. “ he had inkling enough that he was in bed with the moxes. it wasn’t so far as to say that he was too, what with his relationship to judy. they were friends afterall. it went without saying he’d offer his services… the wreathes they both adorned took to illuminating. and just as they did, his head tipped to catch vincent’s eyes. “ an’ maybe… i just plain ain’t like that baldass motherfucker. “ the transition into the bd followed on that note of venom, lending to them the eyes of an anonymous doll. 
“ ‘member now… security’s tight here. but it none you ain’t used to. “
          “ good approach . too many heroes as is . “ bitter in tone & palette , like acid running through vocals . heroism hadn’t suited him , at least not one outside the realm of gray - moralism , though even with such so often he’d gotten into far too many exchanges due to his inability to look away . only a few ended in bodies with burned out circuits , mostly . “ did a damn good job with this though . hope you aren’t expectin’ a tip though , ain’t carrying too much . “ half - truths as per usual , the eddies did exist , just in the form of the type - 66 parked a few streets away . 
          an exclamatory laugh came from as the transition to digital - scape occurred . the unexpected , though terribly honest , humor had always caught him out to enjoy their time together . the fade into abstracts , realms encased in metal & housed by code so far away from his particular flavor of interest crept into vision . just as the world moved into another , so did his mind , growing more quiet and observant . immediately cycling to auditory checks , paused & changed to heat registrations ; an exit visible , or an entrance if he played it right . “ tight security just means i can charge more . let’s keep her moving , need to check for where customers aren’t welcome . “ 
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postbeing · 3 years
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“So what?”
The Sopranos (1999-2007).
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postbeing · 3 years
virtuveve , valentin sainvil : / / ​
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“ he like you, more than he think… hah, hah. “ placide’s manner of ‘friend making’ aside, the wherewithall of aforementioned ‘scrap’ took precedence over the in-and-outs of whatever budding ( and fruitful ) relationship the two might have been nurturing. “ mm-mm. preem. “ the last was muttered, lost to the pressure locks giving way under careful hands that sought to pilfer whatever goodies were beholden to uncharacteristically ecstatic eyes. toys, bits and baubles of all sorts always ramped him up; techie to the end. all aside, he began the meticulous process of sorting them atop cloth at his side   —-  the rows all in personal order. “ ah, ah. man’a my word, woadie. you deliver and i reciprocate. “ contented by his work, the case was promptly dropped into a pile of other garbage he’d see to another time, all the while, hardlight interfaces   —-  sigils of before, bobbed and flickered in a stuttering dance around vincent’s head.
they heralded his approach, another BD wreath in hand, outstretched to the esteemed guest who had made himself so comfortable as to recline. he didn’t bother with the spiel of manners; they were lost on him and valentin lacked the patience to correct it. “ pulled the scroll, one you asked for, that cloud’s place. “ a pause however brief, glow of his optics flickering, crawling up; as if he’d remembered something after-the-fact. “ camera fucked the audio an’ i scrubbed it. accounts for the echo, but it ain’t detrimental enough to fret over none. “ 
          “ the eddies definitely prove that . “ augmented eyes continued their examination of what was parsed and handled before the box was discarded . his own fair understanding of technology would only reach so far , the innards of a gun far more to his taste ; the sensation of newly cleaned metals , the sound of high caliber rounds slotting into their place ---- quite the toxic home , yet a home nonetheless . “ i know that brother . you’re good for your word . more than most . “ brow rising in a sense of reflection , how many times this week had daggers been dug into flesh just shy of severing his spine ? 
          he’d never quite grow tired of the dizzying lights , even if he’d seen them a number of times , perhaps a lack of full understanding keeping a certain mysticism to it all . latching fingers onto the wreath , head at an angle and nodding in thanks , a sort of joy briefly sprawled his body . the completion of a job , no matter how odd or small , had always been addicting . “ you’re the best valentin , didn’t i tell ya’ ? knew you could fix that shit . “ adjusting his positioning , draping himself in the techno - crown , vincent hadn’t truly considered the others possibility of failure . the trust , knowledge , of being tied with the capable kept him sane . “ doesn’t bother you i’m gonna use this to probably clear out some regulars that fuck with a certain bar - owning associate of mine ? “ a half - joke .
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postbeing · 3 years
virtuveve​ , valentin sainvil : / / 
“ mm. you again… “ there, in the lilt of his voice resided something decidedly ‘ playful ’, as if it were easily parsed in the case of vincent; no. derisive. moreso in spirit of his companions, who of many begrudgingly accepted him for results and results alone. his eyes did not waver from the screen before him; flickering hardlight bobbing at his beck and call, a variance of sigils morphing into dozens of hundreds of variants: a localized lightshow within the room, otherwise dark, illuminated by their gentle blues. “ ain’t hear you due back for some time. placide’s words. “ 
the wreath he adorned was set aside, however, despite his attention never once waning. “ heard he took you to them butcher down the way, too. try to scare you. thought ‘ he won’ come ‘round no more ‘… seriously. “ punking out mercs wasn’t unheard of. even with those longstanding. he, especially, enjoyed picking on them. it went without saying that even valentin could find amusement in it; who wouldn’t? admittedly, he knew better. vincent’s type wasn’t so easily deterred by threats, be they empty or well intentioned. “ you bring me back what i ask for? scrap. or ion help you with that problem. “ 
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@postbeing .
            “ yeah , well , ain’t the first time . “ without a moments hesitation , entering & speaking like a well - rehearsed scene . the habituation of visiting , discussion , and arguments more familiar than the toxic scent of the coast . a removal of the tinted aviators , hung loosely on his tank - top , vincent’s hand rose with a jostle of components brushing against one another inside an incredibly , legally , acquired militech container . slowing steps , laying the cache nearby , before resuming his walk to the nearest seat , “ probably the last with that one , though . i’m a fair , favored patron nowadays . “ 
            it hadn’t annoyed him , though , given history and work . everyone wanted a test , some were with a gun or knife , sure , but the most clever were always with people . one of the reasons vincent had remained steadfast in acquiring work from pacifica . for every indulgence he’d experienced so few were worth it without some semblance of allegiance . the tab at the afterlife would attest to it . reclining , stretching his legs out , he began searching for his lighter . “ placide’s come around long ago . busting my balls seems like his favorite pass time . “ a roll of cybernetic eyes was followed by a flicker of flame , “ got the shit ya’ wanted and more . don’t worry , it’s free ---- mostly . “ 
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postbeing · 3 years
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i’m already dead     /     priv. v of cyber.punk 2077 , by gale .
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postbeing · 3 years
so anyways , i started soft - rebooting . google doc is updated + it has more info for what vincent is like when not the v of the main story . 
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postbeing · 4 years
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind writing prompts.
“ i’m not an impulsive person. i guess i just woke up in a funk this morning. “
“ if only i could meet someone new. i guess my chances of that happening are diminished, seeing that i’m incapable of making eye-contact with a person i don’t know. “
“ why do i fall in love with every person i see who shows me the least bit of attention? “
“ do i know you? “
“ i’m a vindictive little bitch, truth be told. “
“ you’re not a stalker or anything, right? “
“ that is the oldest trick in the stalker book. “
“ look, i’m sorry if i came off sorta nutso. i’m not, really. “
“ you’re kinda close-mouthed, aren’t you? “
“ i mean, i’m always anxious that i’m not living my life to the fullest, taking advantage of every possibility, making sure i’m not wasting one second of the little time i have. “
“ i’m gonna marry you. i know it. “
“ i want it to be resolved. i’m willing to be the one to resolve it. “
“ what’s your fucking suggestion, ____? what’s your brilliant, reasoned solution? “
“ you’re gonna make this about my shit now? this isn’t about me. “
“ i kinda, sorta wrecked your car. “
“ it’s just a fucking dent, ____. you’re like an old lady or something. “
“ admit it, ____. you’re freaked out because i was out late without you, and in your wormy, little brain… you’re trying to figure out, did i fuck someone tonight? “
“ i assume you did fuck someone tonight. isn’t that how you get people to like you? “
“ by morning, you’ll be gone! the perfect ending to this piece-of-shit story! “
“ i’m fucking crawling out of my skin. should’ve left you at the flea-market. “
“ i’d make a fucking good mother! i love children, i’m creative and smart, and i’d make a fucking great mother! “
“ it’s you, ____. it’s you who can’t commit to anything! “
“ you don’t tell me things, ____. i’m an open book. i tell you everything. every damn embarrassing thing. you don’t trust me. “
“ constantly talking isn’t necessarily communicating. “
“ people have to share things, ____. that’s what intimacy is. “
“ are we like those poor couples you feel sorry for in restaurants? “
“ i’m lost, i’m scared, i feel like i’m disappearing. “
“ sometimes i think people don’t understand how lonely it is to be a kid. like you don’t matter. “
“ i could die right now, ____. i’m just… happy. i’ve never felt that before. i’m just exactly… where i wanna be. “
“ you know me. i’m impulsive. “
“ ____, there’s nothing wrong with you. you’re the most wonderful person i’ve ever met. “
“ it’s gonna be fun. come on. it’s the best place! “
“ i’ve loved you for a very long time. “
“ i’m a stupid person with a stupid crush! “
“ don’t be a monster, ____. “
“ didn’t figure you’d show your face around me again. “
“ if you wanna be with me, you’re with me. “
“ too many guys think i’m a concept, or i complete them, or i’m gonna make them alive. but i’m just a fucked-up person who’s looking for my own peace of mind. “
“ i still thought you were gonna save my life, even after that. “
“ it would be different… if we could just give it another go around. “
“ remember me. try your best. “
“ thank god. someone normal who doesn’t know how to interact at these things either. “
“ it was so intimate, like we were already lovers. “
“ this is it, ____. it’s gonna be gone soon. “
“ i thought maybe you were a nut, but you were exciting. “
“ i wish i’d stayed too. now i wish i’d stayed. “
“ come back and make up a good-bye, at least. let’s pretend we had one. “
“ tell me what you want me to do, and i’ll do it. “
“ i had the best fucking night of my entire fucking life last night! “
“ we’ve met, but you don’t remember me. “
“ i can’t see anything that i don’t like about you. “
“ you will think of things, and i’ll get bored of you and feel trapped… because that’s what happens with me. “
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postbeing · 4 years
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vehicles   /     /     type - 66 “ avenger “ .
don’t rb without permission .
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postbeing · 4 years
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postbeing · 4 years
not really nsfw , just kinda , but the chip incident and having his mortality brought to light probably fucked with him a bit more than he expected in regards to relationships . he definitely had one nighters and whatever else that could be seen as momentary , fwb , or whatever like it prior . even after the incident he’d probably still be down for a fling or two , probably more for the sake of actually feeling some sort of momentary grounding and comfort through intimacy or sex . but he’s unlikely to pursue fleeting things , especially halfway through his “ story “ . after meeting the people he does , doing what he does , and getting to a particular point with everyone he’d likely have changed his understanding and behaviors . 
not that he’s gonna propose and marry up someone within a week of knowing them , but , vincent definitely has a deeper and more real desire for something longer term ---- to actually be something , be someone , to someone else . 
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postbeing · 4 years
i know there’s an inherent translator in the word of c77 but v absolutely speaks spanish & japanese in addition to english . 
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postbeing · 4 years
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vehicles     /     /     kusanagi ct - 3x .
don’t rb without permission .
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postbeing · 4 years
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Cyberpunk 2077        ↪ The Iconic Samurai Jacket
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postbeing · 4 years
living for the headcanon that when v gets emotional , positive or negative , he’ll start talking out loud to johnny . so anyone , like a pedestrian or whatever , sees this dude slowly look more annoyed and then say some harsh critique about some guy named johnny having shit taste in fashion .
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