pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
Tied up and teased
Jensen + reader fic
Fluffy heart horny stuff. Cardiophilia. Smut. Kink. Foreplay.
Jensen has a heartbeat kink, and you are going to help him take care of it...
"mmm, what are you going to do to me?" his voice rumbling low in his chest as he anticipates what's to come. He sits, hands cuffed behind his back, very turned on already, and very excited to see what you have up your sleeve.
"Well... " you begin, trying to sound as authorative as possible when those green eyes are boring into you in such a suggestive way. "you said you weren't feeling well earlier..."
He smirks and bites his lip. "I did." he nodded.
"So I'd like to know what seems to be the problem?" you ask. Straddling his lap.
He looks up at you. "oh... Are you going to take care of me?" he raises his eyebrows suggestively, trying to lean closer to you and give you a playful nip on the arm but you quickly dodge his advances. "... Or... Are you going to torture it out of me?" he winks.
"Well that depends what's wrong... You haven't answered my question?" you half ask, half state, smirking back at him.
More biting of his lip, more cheeky smile. "Why don't you find out... I'll await your diagnosis...." he chuckles, looking at you with lust filled eyes.
So he's going to play it that way. Fine. He asked for it.
"OK..." you begin, leaning in to his lips. He moves his head forward to meet yours, you could tell already he was desperate for some contact, but you were going to make sure you got him going first. You pull back slightly, not allowing him to make contact, his hot breath so close to your lips. Silence fills the room, and you feel his eyes on yours once more. You're still staring at those lips of his, his stubble rough on his jawline.
The silence was deafening. The only thing you could hear was his breathing, which if you're not mistaken, has got ever so slightly faster. You can feel the heat between you rising.
"Jensen... You're very hot." you say, flatly.
He's taken by surprise, he let's out a slight laugh. "Why thankyou baby, but..."
"Not that sort of hot..." you say, lifting a hand to his forehead. "hot, hot. Do you feel feverish?"
He gulps, cheeks flushing slightly red. "oh... Uh.... I guess so, yeah."
"hmmm" your hands move to his face, he was actually burning up. "yeah, you're actually burning up here..."
"it's the effect you have on me, baby..." he tries to joke, but there's a nervousness in his voice.
"Seriously... You are." you say matter of factly. "are you sure you're up for this?" you didn't want him to feign excitement if he didn't feel well.
"what? Yes! Of course I am. I'm fine, honestly." he says a little too quickly. "i mean yeah, i uh, I don't feel 100%, but I'm not dying... So....and besides... I want to see what you have in store for me..."
Your turn to chuckle. "well, let's hope you're not dying, and no, this won't be the torture way of doing things... Well, not much anyway..."
You take your fingers and place them to his neck, taking his pulse. You see his chest rise as he takes a breath slowly. You know this is a trigger for him. You see, Jensen is a cardiophile and he has a pulse kink too, and while he's not always forthcoming about it, you know this sort of thing gets him going.
He's getting more flustered but trying to hide it, you know him too well. You hold your fingers there for a moment, feeling the beat get faster against them. You drop your head to his neck, giving a soft kiss to the side of it while keeping your fingers firmly in place.
"mmmm.." he let's out a breathy moan, mostly through his nose. His breathing getting a tiny bit faster, just enough for you to notice the difference.
"Your pulse is getting faster..." you inform him, kissing another sweet spot on his neck and hoping he can't feel your smile. His neck is very sensitive, and a few kisses there will definitely set the tone.
He takes a deep breath at your words, suddenly conscious of his pulse and your touch. Your lips still buried in his neck, you kiss lightly around to the front of his neck just below his chin, feeling him swallow hard under your kiss, he breathes out heavily.
Your plan is working.
Feeling bold, you decide to just go in for the kill... "Let's see how that heart is doing shall we...?" you feel his pulse accelerate against your fingertips the second these words fall out of your mouth. Jensen tries to breathe normally but just the mention of this has his heart speeding up already.
You slide your hand down his chest, bring it to rest right over his heart, which is now begining to thump harder.
"hmm.. Seems fast... But this is in the way..." you look him in the eyes and tug at his shirt, and start undoing the top few buttons. The look in his eyes is a mixture of nervous, horny, and excited... You can't tell which is more dominant. You drop your head to his neck again, the base of his throat... Kissing lightly and nibbling his collar bone as you open the shirt to half way down his chest, bringing your hand back down to heart-level, and placing it right there.
The most vulnerable part of him. The part he cages from others but gives to you so freely. The part he has no control over.
"hmmmm" you say, feeling each beat pressing against your palm, definitely faster now, but not quite enough for your liking...
You pepper some kisses over his chest, your hand still over his heart, feeling it pound harder with each kiss. "I think I can make it faster..."
Jensens heart thumps harder, he can feel it skipping under your touch, and just those words have made it pick up pace once more.
You lower your head to his chest "take a deep breath, baby..."
He does as he is told almost instantly, and you press your ear right over his heart, listening intently. His nervousness is showing. His heart skips and accelerates as you take a moment to just listen, take it in. He takes another deep breath and coughs slightly, feeling more vulnerable by the second. Kissing his chest once more, you shift and place your ear a little further down his sternum, earning another intake of breath from him.
He gulps. "so... Uh...How's it sounding?" he asks, quietly.
"Fast. Strong. But i can't help but feel..." you raise your head to meet his gaze, placing a quick kiss on his lips "that I can get a better listen..." and removing the stethoscope you had stored in your back pocket.
He looks at it, and in a moment of realisation his eyes widen. He breathes in through his nose, heavily, jawline clenching with the hard gulp he'd just taken. Butterflies were starting to build up in his stomach, and he was sure his heart was matching their fluttering by now.
"wh... Where?... When? Since when have we..." Jensen began, clearly lost for words at the presentation of the device.
"Online... Not sure if its any good but at the very least it could be a bit of fun eh!" you keep your tone light, you know she's shy about his fetish and you don't want to push him too far if he's not ready.
He looks at the stethoscope. "no, uh... That's definitely going to be a good one... Its... Well, its top of the range..." and he would know, he's spent hours deciding on whether to buy one or not for fear of you finding it and thinking he was weird.
You smile. "oh, good to know! So the sounds should be really clear then?"
Jensen takes another intake of breath, trying to bring his heart rate down and feeling very very exposed and vulnerable now, despite being mostly fully clothed, sans a slightly bare chest. He coughed, trying to shake off his nervousness but he knew you could see it, and worse still, you were about to hear it if you use that on him!
"yes..." he says after a few moments.
You place the ear pieces in your ears "... Can i...?" you nod towards his chest, picking up the bell.
He nods slowly, looking the most serious you've seen him all night.
You gently and slowly place the bell to his chest, he flinches at the cold contact, but in a way its welcome with how hot he's become, his skin flushed and his heart racing by now, despite his best efforts to calm it.
Your ears are filled with the sound of his strong heart, very fast and clearly very excited. You listen in pure amazement... You had no idea the sounds this could pick up! You place your other hand on his chest, just next to the bell, which earns a skip, and you can once again feel his heart thumping wildly, aswell as hear it this time.
Jensen is just looking at you, watching your expression, wondering what you can hear and trying hard to ignore how hard his heart is thumping and how hard his cock has become in the process.
You meet his gaze and stare into his eyes for a moment. You move the bell to his mitral region, repositioning slightly but still keeoij g your palm flat against his chest. Your eyes filled with wonder at the beautiful sound you were hearing, and his eyes have a look you've never quite seen before... This raw, primal, nervous desire. It was the only way to describe it. The fact you were holding eye contact and hearing his heart at the same time was just too much.
You snapped yourself back into reality and focused on his heart once more, you really could spend all night just listening.
"uh... Are you, nervous?" you ask "it's just, your heart is racing.. And..." you were beginning to feel nervous yourself. The fact that he's allowing you to do this, literally baring his heart to you, to control, to command, to hear and in such intimate circumstances... Wow.
Jensen cuts you off "yes." he says softly. "i am."
"oh... I can... Don't worry..." you begin to take the ear pieces out.
"no, don't." he says. "please".
You look at him.
"it's just.... I've never been so... Never had anyone use one on me before... Thats all. I've never been so.... Well,as I said... nervous. And... And I guess, now, horny!" he breathed in deeply, his chest rising gradually.
"listen, Jensen.... I... Honestly, getting to hear this, the fact you're letting me hear this, this incredible sound, is really special... I.... Know how vulnerable this makes you.... But trust me when I say, it really is the most beautiful sound... And I hope we can continue to do this, together. "
He smiles. A genuine warm smile.
"You know my heart belongs to you, Y/N, and trust me... Its not just doing... Well, whatever its doing, because I'm feeling a bit under the weather." he smirks and stifles a laugh under his breath.
You smile too "....and mine belongs to you... But... What's so funny?" you ask.
"well, what IS it actually doing?" he laughs. "it feels like it's going absolutely crazy in there."
"oh, it is. But if you want specifics... A few skips, definite acceleration, I'd say you're at about 120 Bpm right now... Basically all the symptoms of arrhythmia...it hasn't slowed down once since I put this thing on" you laugh too.
He smiles and thinks for a moment. "... Yeah, makes sense..."
"but... Now we have our diagnosis.... Its clearly your heart that's the issue...." you begin.
Jensens eyes meet yours questioningly... He raises his eyebrows in anticipation, as if asking you to continue.
"id like to perform some tests...i want to hear how it sounds when I do this...." you place your lips on his without hesitation, and he breathes in quickly and suddenly, his heart increasing and thundering in your ears once again.
You break the kiss and look into his eyes, suddenly filled with confidence.
"... And of course....I want to hear how it sounds when I do that... all over your body..." another hard thump.
"... And when you fuck me..."
And other.
"and don't worry, big boy.... You'll get your turn with the stethoscope, too..."
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
girls heartbeat
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
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Your heart is racing! I think i have just the prescription for you~
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
Sunday Mood
I want someone to sit silently infront of me and place their steth on my chest and listen to my heart beating wildly while I struggle to make eye contact.
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
I love hearings people's heart stories. It's always so crazy to me how freely people talk about their hearts when I can barely mutter the word heart irl.
The girl who makes my coffee in the morning has little heart tattoos over both her carotid arteries and both of her radial arteries. Today her pulse was so visible and strong that her right carotid tattoo was throbbing. I asked her if she was aware of it and she said yes and told me that she had done that deliberately because she had always had a visible pulse. She then felt it with her own fingers and said she was a little fast today. I couldn't help but ask so she stuck her hand out the drive thru window and allowed me to feel her pulse. The powerful surging beneath my fingers was electrifying. She asked me what I thought and I told her that she had a very strong and steady heart. She laughed and handed me my order. I told her if she ever needed an exam, she knew where to find me. She grinned as she said she just might!
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
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keep the worst away
—————— #ink #illustration #rotring #rapidograph #portrait #face #eyes #circle #anatomicalheart #drawingoftheday #artist #artistofinstagram #illustrate #sketch #sketching #art #artwork #creative #black #hatching #blackwork #draw #notjustsad #gold
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
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Just a little stething fun! #cardiophile #stethoscope #heartbeat #stethme
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
Yes pls
Wake me in the am
With a cold steth
Pressed against my chest.
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
Yas queen 👑 loving all the red 🌹❤🌹
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❤❤❤ #Stethoscope
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
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Some pictures from a photoshoot with a fellow fetishist 🤓😎
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
Reallly wanna get fucked hard while someone whispers filthy heart stuff in my ear.
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
This pls
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
There is just something about being stethed or watching someone being stethed at pulmonic that sends a shiver throughout my entire body.
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
what do you like more, listening or being listened to?
I definitely enjoy being listened to the most. I know some people are usually half and half, but I think it has to do with me being submissive and enjoying the vulnerability that comes with being listened to. I do however like to listen to females!
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pound-a-rhythm · 5 years
Ask me thangsss
Lets talk, send asks!
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