powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 120 - Boundaries: One Key to Achieving Greater Work-Life Balance
We hit week five of our book tour and we’ve heard you loud and clear. Boundaries, or lack thereof, is the number one issue that is keeping the married entrepreneur from achieving greater work-life balance. As we’ve toured the country with our dog Pippa, all of the concepts of the book have resonated with the audience. So that has reinforced to us that we have hit the right message. 
But the lack of boundaries is the number one issue we’ve heard that is causing the lack of work-life balance. As entrepreneurs’ we tend to say “yes” to everything non-family related. So our calendar gets full with everything and the family gets the sloppy seconds or thirds. While we’re still on the road, we recorded this episode to tackle this issue in full. 
If this resonates, then take a listen to this episode as we discuss this issue. Better yet, get your copy of our new book, Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. Click the link to learn more. You can also download the first chapter for free. https://www.thetandembook.com/
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 119 - Crazy Times In Marriage and Business
Imagine being told to leave the 9th grade and being kicked out of the house all at the same time. Then your 16 year old girlfriend tells you she’s pregnant. What do you do? Well, this week’s guest, Sean Osborn, decided it was time to grow up. He learned as much as he could about technology and eventually started, built and sold a multimillion dollar tech company before the age of 30. 
And yes, he did marry his girlfriend and that baby is now 33 years old. 
Now he’s a mindset coach helping thousands of business owners, executives and anyone that wants to achieve more. You’re going to want to tune in to this episode as we cover a lot of ground around what not to do when working with your spouse or away for Thanksgiving to the mindset issues that keep business owners stuck. Definitely listen to the end as some of the gold nuggets are there.
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 118 - Tandem: The Married Entrepreneurs’ Guide for Greater Work-Life Balance
We did a thing! Our first book is released today on Amazon. What’s it about? Work-life balance and how to win in marriage and business at the same time. Is this even possible? It is. Not only are we doing it (not perfectly) but we know other married entrepreneurs’ who are as well. And do you know the common thread between all those that are able to win on both sides? Being intentional.
That’s right. You need to be intentional about trying to achieve what you want. It’s just like business. It doesn’t succeed simply by wishing it to. You need to plan and work at it. 
Which is part of the problem. As entrepreneurs, we can be so intentional about having the business succeed that our marriage and family take a back seat. That’s why there is a lack of work-life balance. 
If this resonates, then take a listen to this episode as we discuss this issue. Better yet, get your copy of our new book, Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. Click the link to learn more. You can also download the first chapter for free. https://www.thetandembook.com/
Also, we’re giving away free copies of our book by answering a question we pose in this episode. So take a listen and email us with your response to our question to the following email address. [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 117 - Build Your Business While Being Happy and Strong
It’s so easy to complain about your life and blame people and circumstances for your situation. But a wise man once told me, “no matter how bad your life is, someone else has it worse.” It’s no use complaining about things outside of your control. If you want a better life, a more fulfilled life, then take control of the things you can control. Don’t worry about the other stuff.
Meet this week’s guest, Jaime Villalovos. She is a successful entrepreneur and author of a best selling book, “Happy and Strong: Create your dream life while enjoying the journey.” 
She shares about her humble beginnings in a dysfunctional situation to becoming a millionaire by the age of 30. This interview is less about how to achieve a fortune and more about overcoming and enjoying life as you succeed. Tune into this week’s episode and get the book!
Click here to get the book
Instagram: jaime.villalovos 
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 116 - Marriage and Business Lessons: On the Road with Robert and Kay Lee
Would you be willing to be “stuck” on a road trip with your spouse for 6 weeks? Well, that’s exactly what we’re doing. With a dog in tow, we’re driving around the country to promote our book Tandem. (link to the download the first chapter is below) So in the next several episodes where it’s just the two of us, we’ll be sharing what’s going on and the lessons we are learning about ourselves, each other and those we encounter. 
And we’ve learned a lot in this first week and a half. Take a listen. 
Our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance is about to be released September 7th, 2022. Get a free download of the first chapter by clicking this link. https://www.thetandembook.com/ 
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 115 - The Mergers and Acquisition of Marriage and Business
It’s one thing to be married and another to work together in business. And for a man, it can be tough on the ego to lay down a successful corporate career to join your wife in her business and not be the “boss.” Meet Phil Cheng and Elizabeth Yang. Two power houses in their own right who recently completed a successful merger of business and marriage. 
Elizabeth built a very successful law firm specializing in Intellectual Property as well as Family Law with several offices around Southern California. Phil is bringing his human resource and operational management gifts into the practice to help take it to the next level.
In this interview, we cover a lot of ground around successfully working together as husband and wife, laying down your ego, and maintaining work-life balance. Take a listen.
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 114 - Want To Win In Business and Marriage?
If you want to win in business and marriage one of the things that will accelerate your success is to get help. As marriage and business coaches this may sound self-serving but we have our own coaches as well. In fact the top executives, entrepreneurs and athletes have coaches. But if you’re like me, it’s hard to ask for help for fear of admitting defeat.
I’ve learned the hard way over the years that asking for help isn’t admitting defeat but it definitely helps you find solutions faster than doing it yourself. We don’t know what we don’t know so why not hire or find a mentor that can help us in our journey to be better spouses, parents and business owners? It can only help.
Join us in this conversation as we talk about our own experiences getting help and how it’s helped our marriage and business.
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 113 - “Building” The Entrepreneur’s Dream Job with Jim Adams
I often hear budding entrepreneurs tell me they’re going to start a business so they can have other people manage it while they go off and do something fun or significant in their life. My response is usually an internal “eye roll” because it’s not as easy as it sounds. In fact, most business owners never see that lifestyle until they retire.
In the meantime, the average business owner is working a lot more hours than they had dreamed. So, it’s great when you actually get to meet a business owner that has built the entrepreneur's dream job. 
Meet Jim Adams. Owner of a very successful business, American Landscape and Structure. So successful in fact that they grew 4x during COVID! But he’s found the business formula that allows him to run the business while he’s on the road with his wife, Cara and two dogs.
He’s also launched into his other passion of consulting small, privately held businesses accomplish the same thing he has. More freedom!
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 112 - Marriage is Not a Competition
Do you treat your arguments like a competition? You need to be right and your spouse has to be wrong? Think about this. If you feel the intimacy may be eroding in your marriage, it may be due to the years of beating each other in one argument or another. Treating your spouse like a competitor as opposed to the team member they are supposed to be. 
It’s time to get back on the same page as husband and wife. Time to treat each other as the valuable team member they are. You can accomplish so much more in life and business when you’re in full support of each other as opposed to competing against them.
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 111 - Top 4 Financial Mistakes Business Owners Make
The top reason for business failure is lack of money, pure and simple. No money, you can’t pay the bills, right? Sure, there are many reasons for that lack of money like low demand, poor marketing, or too high of overhead. Another and more common reason for lack of money is poor cash management. This is a common weak spot for most businesses and it’s something that can be fixed.
So meet this week’s guest, Eugene Valdez, of the Loan Doctor and Associates, Inc. His friends just call him the Loan Doctor. If you’re in the market for a business loan he’s currently batting 100%. That’s right, 100% of the loans he’s applied for on behalf of his clients have been approved.
But even if you’re not in the market for a business loan, the financial advice he gives in this interview is important for all businesses. This will help you take charge of your finances and put you on the path for healthier business growth and more money in the bank.
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 110 - The Most Profitable Business To Own
Because of our experience consulting with businesses from a variety of industries, we often get asked “what the most profitable business to own” is. From a profit margin standpoint, my usual answer has been most service type businesses like accounting, law, financial services and life insurance. 
But a recent discussion with a carpool buddy led me down a rabbit trail that made me realize that the most profitable business isn’t necessarily tied to a specific industry. It may very well be your business. With the right attention to detail, your business could be the most profitable one to own. 
Click play, turn on the volume and listen to this episode. Coincidentally enough, this episode will set you up nicely to gain even more insight from our guest next week. 
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 109 - You Are Uniquely and Wonderfully Made
If you were like me growing up, I often felt like I didn’t fit in. Especially when we moved from Hawaii to San Jose, Ca. I was the only asian kid in my class. So I got picked on, not so much because of my ethnicity but my height. Or lack thereof. 
I’m sure this is a common scenario but the good thing is your differences don’t determine your success in life. Or maybe it does in a positive way. 
Meet Duane and Becky Zingale. Duane is a successful digital marketing consultant that was born with a rare condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome. It can cause some facial deformities and in his case a lack of ears. Sometimes for laughs he likes to play Mr. Potato Head and take off his ears in front of people. And their youngest daughter was also born with the same condition. 
They’ve normalized the condition so much that their daughter thinks other people are weird because they don’t have hearing aids. 
So join us in this fun interview in which we get to talk about how all of our differences make us unique and wonderful. You also get to hear the story of how Becky ended up writing a children's book for children that feel different. It’s called “Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me.”
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 108 - Avoiding the Entrepreneurs’…Squirrel…Trap
One of the strong suits of the entrepreneur is their vision. They see the possibility even when others think it’s impossible. Tons of ideas are constantly racing through their…Squirrel!...heads. Unfortunately, that can also be the trap that keeps them from building a great business. Vision and creative ideas are absolutely necessary but it doesn’t mean you implement them immediately or all at once. 
Moving too quickly from one idea to another causes a lot of starts and stops. This creates a lot of unfinished projects. Entrepreneurs are known as great starters but not great finishers. 
So how do you avoid the entrepreneur trap and become a great finisher? That’s what this episode is about so take a listen. 
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 107 - Mindhacks For Higher Performance and Work-Life Balance
As an entrepreneur, you want to perform at the highest level to be able to grow a killer business. As a married entrepreneur, you also want to be able to balance work and home because your spouse wants it and your kids demand it. With all the competing issues, how do you do all that?
Some of the things that get in the way of you having more time away from the business is to let go of that control and allow others to do the work that you shouldn’t be doing. To resist the urge to respond to those “emergency” calls and texts during dinner or while you’re at the beach with family. 
You may even realize that those are things you need to change but how?? Well, it’s all in your head and how you’ve been conditioned over the 30+ years of living. It is a mindset but you’re going to hear about this in a way that is going to blow your mind. This week’s guest, Dr. Eugene K. Choi will talk about the science behind the things we do that is sabotaging our work-life balance, relationships and the health of your business. 
He’s a Pharm D. turned mind hacking business coach and has written articles that have generated millions of views for outlets such as Entrepreneur and Lifehack. So turn on the volume for this one.
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 106 - Prepare Or Die In Business and Life
Have you ever had a good business opportunity pass you by because you weren’t prepared? Or what about a killer deal on a house but didn’t have everything together to pull the financing together? I’ve certainly had some opportunities slip by because I wasn’t prepared.
I often hear, “when the opportunity arrives, then I’ll get everything ready.” Unfortunately, many times those opportunities have expiration dates. You need to be prepared to jump on it or it will go to someone else. 
You need to be prepared so that you can take advantage of the opportunity. There are plenty of sports examples like the recent Kentucky Derby winner, Rich Strike, or Kurt Warner coming in to replace the injured first string QB. They both prepared in advance of the opportunity. 
Take a listen to this episode as we discuss the opportunities lost and how you can be prepared for the next big chance. 
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 105 - Finding Purpose In Your Business - Lisa MacGuire
Finding out your purpose in your business sounds like a lot of fluff. That’s something a non-profit needs to know, not a serious business like yours, right? Well, you’d be surprised to learn how understanding your God given purpose for your life and how it can positively impact your business can be beneficial for your business. 
Meet this week’s guest, Lisa McGuire. She is a business growth advisor and marketing consultant. Lisa is an expert at storyteller marketing and helps entrepreneurs identify their purpose for the business and the messaging that will attract their ideal clients. 
We cover a lot of ground in this interview but most importantly is that you will learn how being clear on your purpose can bring clarity to your marketing to get better results. Purpose is not simply a “nice to know” but a “must know.” 
So grab your pad and paper and listen to this episode. 
Check out this episode!
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powercouples · 2 years
Ep. 104 - Get A Life - Make Marriage and Business Simple Again
This topic has been recommended by Kay Lee. She tells me that one of my gifts is making the complex simple. It’s true. I can’t stand complexity. Plus, from a practical level, the more complicated things are the more chances things can go wrong and the harder it is to be successful. 
And when it comes to our lives as married entrepreneurs, the reason our life seems out of balance is because we have too much going on. Our life is complicated. From our business to our personal lives, we keep saying yes to everything and then we try to juggle it all.
It’s time to take our life back by making our marriage and business more simple. So this episode is dedicated to you. The married entrepreneur that wants to simplify your life. Not only will your life be more simple but successful too.
Check out this episode!
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