powerofmedia · 2 years
Facebook Aka Meta
Since announcing in October that he was banking on the so-called metaverse , Mark Zuckerberg, the creator and CEO of the business formerly known as Facebook, has upended his firm. His startup, renamed Meta, will bring people to shared virtual worlds and experiences across various software and hardware platforms under this concept.
Meta has undergone a significant transition since then, according to current and former employees. It has resulted in the creation of thousands of new jobs in the metaverse's hardware and software laboratories. Managers have encouraged staff who worked on social networking tools to apply for positions in augmented reality and virtual reality. Microsoft and Apple's metaverse engineers have been poached by the company. It has also formally rebranded some of its goods, like as its Oculus virtual-reality headsets, as Meta.
According to some familiar with the project, Meta is working on other wearable electronics products, including a smartwatch with health and fitness tracking capabilities. The smartwatch was previously covered by The Information. Ray Ban Stories, a pair of smart glasses that can be used to record video, are a first step in getting more people to feel comfortable wearing smart technology on their body.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Tesla Making Changes
Through a developing relationship with a French supermarket chain, Tesla has established the world's "longest Supercharger station." There used to be larger, more powerful Supercharger stations around the world, but there appear to be none now. Tesla's Supercharger network is currently expanding at a rapid pace. By the end of 2021, the carmaker has increased from 23,277 Superchargers at 2,564 stations to 31,498 Superchargers at 3,476 stations. This represents a 35 percent increase year over year.
Most stations have similar qualities, but we try to keep track of the most unusual ones, and one that opened this week in France is known for being the "world's longest Tesla Supercharger." Tesla has partnered with E.Leclerc, a French supermarket, to establish Supercharger stations at their store. According to Quentin Vannier, Tesla's regional manager for charging infrastructure in France, it is configured in such a way that it is the world's longest Supercharger. I believe by around 2030 most automobiles with strictly be electronic.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Whistleblower of Facebook
According to a copy of the document obtained by The Washington Post, a new whistleblower affidavit submitted by a former Facebook employee on Friday argues that the corporation prioritizes development and profitability over combatting hate speech, misinformation, and other hazards to the public.
The new whistleblower is a former member of Facebook's Integrity team who consented to be interviewed about the issues outlined in the legal complaint and whose identity is known to The Post. Perhaps the most dramatic passage in the affidavit is a direct comment from a top Facebook communications employee that the whistleblower described hearing during the debate over Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. The name of the whistleblower is redacted from the affidavit.
Whats most interesting about this whole scenario is that people still support this app with all these allegations with substantial evidence to support it. Its as if most are just unaware or don’t seem to care about this findings.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Social Organization Chapters
The creation of a collaborative community was the focus of Chapters 3-5. This implies that a company should be able to create an online community in which they and other audience members can communicate. The business and its audience can collaborate to make the community a safe haven for constructive criticism and feedback, allowing the company to learn from its mistakes and develop. A big social network opens up more options and, as a result, raises the likelihood of the organization's overall success. The book also emphasizes how vital it is for a company to choose the appropriate social activities and how they present themselves. If a company engages in unethical or unlawful behavior, it is likely that its social network would decline, since fewer people will want to collaborate or partner with them.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Expanding your online community
To achieve meaningful results, the process of creating an online community necessitates a great deal of imagination and ingenuity. Every organization is unique, which is why strategic planning that is tailored to the specific needs of the company in question is required. I'm continuing to work on a memo for the owner of the company I chose for my client projects, in which I'll explain the value of establishing an online audience from an organizational aspect. One of the first things a company can take to expand their online community is to engage with their commercially professional clients to learn more about what they're searching for and any suggestions they may have for superior services and quality. I'm now devising strategies for the company I choose to excel in this area, and I'm excited to share the final results with you.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Social Media Strategies
Im feeling like I'm off to a good start with the client project step 3 & Hootsuite module 3 to help the company I'm working with to enhance their social media presence by providing some beneficial recommendations. By first conducting a social media role call, I was able to acquire a deeper understanding of the company's followers and interactions on each post. I was able to identify some of each platform's strengths, and, weaknesses, as well as opportunities for the organization to increase its options. I provided some simple, attainable goals that my firm can work on if they so desire. A smart method to display the business was to include some terms that personify it. Overall it’s going smooth.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
The legal side of media
Every business, no matter how big or little, requires useful data and insights. When it comes to gaining a better understanding of your target audience and client preferences, big data is crucial. It even assists you in anticipating their requirements. The right data must be presented and analyzed in an efficient manner. It can assist a company in achieving a variety of objectives.
Consumers these days are savvy and know what they want. Consumers shop around and compare numerous possibilities before making a purchase. Big Data enables a company to create a comprehensive profile of its clients. This allows a company to have a one-on-one dialogue with customers in real time.
Insufficient samples, open and uncertain data relationships, and an unbalanced distribution of value density are all new features in big data processing that not only provide great opportunities, but also great challenges, for studying the computability of big data and developing new computing paradigms.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Youtube and NFT’s
YouTube is introducing new monetization options, including the ability for creators to sell content as NFTs, allowing fans to "own" films. 
YouTube also announced intentions to integrate the emerging technology into its creative tools just weeks after hinting that the network will branch out into NFTs, or nonfungible tokens. YouTube's chief product officer, Neal Mohan, announced in a blog post on Thursday, Febuary 10th,  that the expanded creator monetization tools would include selling NFTs. Web3, an umbrella name for the third phase of the internet based on transparency ledgers like blockchains, "opens up new opportunities for creators," according to Mohan's blog post. 
The corporation did not specify if NFT ownership would be infringing on copyright laws. Purchasing an NFT gives you ownership of a specific digital asset and creates a public record of every transaction you make with it. YouTube is also incorporating features that are similar to those found on other platforms.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
A Sad Day for Facebook
On Thursday, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, lost more than $232 billion in value. The stock market in the United States has never seen such a steep loss in value in a single day. Meta's drop surpassed Apple's $182 billion market value loss in September 2020, which was based on a weaker-than-expected revenue projection. 
The seven largest stock market declines in history have all occurred in the previous two years, as the valuations of Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, and Amazon have skyrocketed. Prior to 2020, Facebook had the biggest reduction, with a $119 billion drop in 2018. This happened after Facebook's revenue prediction fell short of analyst expectations. 
The reduction in Meta's stock price reflects the company's shift away from its current operations, such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, and toward new ventures.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Social Media Presence
As of right now, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram are among the places where I now have a social media presence. Tumblr and LinkedIn are both new to me, so I intend to grow my presence there through postings and relationships that emphasize my work life. Instead of only utilizing my Instagram and Twitter accounts for fun, I'd like to start using them professionally. As a result, I'll need to provide content about my academic and professional experiences, as well as make contacts with people and businesses that might be interested in job opportunities and interships. I've already shifted my perspective on these sites from time killing leisure, to tool. In the future, I plan to use these tools to sell and promote my professional pursuits, skills, and ideas in order to open up new doors for myself.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Social Media Consultant
A social media consultant should have a basic understanding of the most popular social media networks and how they work in order to advise you on where to focus your efforts. Next, before establishing a social media strategy and a plan that works for your company, your social media consultant should be able to spend some time getting to know your specific business goals and objectives. They must also be open to new learning. Social media is an ever-evolving area, with new networks and apps appearing on a daily basis. Your social media consultant should be eager to learn about new networks and recommend them to you if they're right for your company. They must be passionate about their work. When someone is enthusiastic about their work, it reflects in the outcomes they achieve. If your social media consultant is only interested in making money, they are unlikely to go to great lengths to assist you achieve your goals. The distinction between poor and excellent performance can be determined by one's level of passion. Lastly, they should have a great understanding of thier own specific industry. This is because the world of social media has become so congested in recent years, specialization is becoming increasingly prevalent. These are the qualities I believe a social media consultant should have. 
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Internet Business Model
Over time, the internet has evolved into something entirely distinct. They're not just targeting us with advertising based on what we're looking up on our phones; they're also targeting us with ads based on previous discussions. Data brokers go around collecting as much data as they can, organizing it into groups and packages that can be sold to enterprises. These companies then utilize the information to target their customers, which is a fantastic way to increase sales. It all comes down to understanding that the internet is an incredibly powerful instrument that helps organizations to expand to levels they never imagined possible before. Without these data brokers, many companies would be left in the dark about certain topics or subjects, and having this data eliminates the what if possibilities. 
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Data Broker
After viewing the lecture and watching the 60 minutes segment on The Data Brokers. I was suprised by the practices they use to get their information and also sorta annyoed. I knew that thier were type of phishing scams or questioares to find our private information, but i was more suprised by the fact of them selling our information. They even put a higher price tag on it if the information is confirmed as correct. They even go as far as listing our medical history and sexual preference. What this segment has showed me is that, companies will always find a way to extract whatever information they desire. Big data is so important to companies since it gives them an idea of how consumers will react to new products or services and knowing specific information, it can and might be tailored to their next big thing. Knowing this data also give you them a competive edge over competitors, you can make changes to your companies while they remain the same. I dont really think there is anyway to limit the harm associated with big data. They have so many ways to get information, its honestly easier to conform to them. We walk around with cell phones, which are just mini computers. They will always be phishing for information. 
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Louis C.K. and Sherry Turkle
After watching both interviews, I was introduced to a new type of learning when it comes to technology. Our generation is the best to talk to regarding this type of subject. We were the ones who grew up with it and now it’s part of our everyday lives, like it or not.
 I enjoyed both interviews, they both made some decent points towards the negative aspects of phones but never really touched on the positive. They brought up the fact that phones takeaway our face-to-face communication and inhibit our ability to socialize effectively. I did also find it interesting that Turkle made the statement towards the newer generation of children, that they don’t know how to be bored, and that resonated since they have all sorts of distractions.
 I learned a lot through these interviews and I for the most part agree with what they say. Phones, although a tool to make our lives easier, they end up taking you away from the real world to get lost on social media or any type of distraction for that matter. Even though these interviews are somewhat old, they still hold up today and if they were to have another sit down, I would be interested to hear what they have to say now with TikTok and Reals, and Shorts being released. They really eat up your time. For my own self, I’ll try to limit my usage. Something I can’t get away from like work and school, but the next time I find myself scrolling for longer than 10 mins, I’ll put my phone down and do something else. Like read, draw, color, workout, etc... Anything to limit my usage time. The world is a lot better than what you see on social media.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
Social Media Experiment!
While attempting to do this experiment, I found it to be far my difficult that I imagined. My plan was to do four six-hour periods.
Day 1: My plan was to just leave my phone at home while I was in class, only thing I didn’t realize is how much I used my phone for everyday life. Right when I wake up I, I immediately check my phone to see who’s texted, called, or reached out to me in anyway. I also use my phone to contact my work and emails from CMU. Once I check everything I needed to, I just said screw it and threw it on my bed and went on with the rest of the day. The biggest challenge of the whole experiment was not listening to music all day. I always have earbuds in, and not having the music as a white noise really messed with my focus. Other than that, my day was smooth, it just really dragged on since I had no distractions. 
Day 2: I didn’t have to attend class on this day or work, so I knew it was going to be a challenge. I started by doing my normal routine of checking everything I needed too. Once that was done, I just put my phone done and went into homework mode. I have a mixed schedule, so I have half online and half in person classes. So, I ended up working to week four in my stats class, I got it all done in a matter of 2.5 hours. When it usually takes me round 4 hours to do that amount of work. Without my phone as a distraction, I was able to increase my productivity. I always knew my phone was a distraction, but it never seemed like I was losing all that time. Since I had the whole day off, I decided to do two days in one. My second half of the day dragged on. I was all done with my homework, and I was actively looking for something to do. I pulled out my Gameboy and killed some time on that, and even pulled out some coloring books to keep myself distracted. I found myself looking at the clock to see when I can stop this. It really showed how attached I am to my phone.
Day 3: Day 3 was the smoothest day for me. I knew what to expect now and planned my day around not using my device. Since I had school it made my day go by quick. I wasn’t worried about checking my phone, I was focusing on the people in front of me and wanted to have meaningful conversations inside of being a hermit crab and be glued to my phone. Once I was down with school for the day, my experiment was complete. I learned a lot about my habits while not using my phone or social media. I know for sure I’m addicted to my phone, but this assignment has given me hope to break my addiction. One thing I won’t ever give up is my music, the world is too loud and helps everyone differently. 
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powerofmedia · 2 years
After watching the TEDTalk with Clay Shirky on How Social Media Can Make History, I would 100% agree with his views and statements. Even thought this lecture is over 13 years old, it’s intended message is still relevant in todays social media‘s. His main point was about social media‘s influence over people and specifically the election of 2008. The idea that people could be influenced over social media was a new found technique that the election used to its advantage. It showed that people were more willing to make a decision depending if they saw a compelling argument on social media or not. The same goes for any negative aspects, they would be more willing to accept and understand those problems.
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powerofmedia · 2 years
My name is Jared Schultz, and I’m a junior at Central Michigan University. I come from a small town north of metro Detroit called Saint Clair Shores. I moved when I was eight, so majority of my memories come from the Shores. My career goals are to first work for a major company through a internship to gain some real world experience, to then be offered a full time position. I hope to work my way up to a more desirable position. Once I feel comfortable with my gained knowledge, I may either stay with the company or create my own. I’m still torn between the decision. My main goal for this blog is to become more familiar with how social media are incorporated into business’s effectively and what are the best strategies to use.
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