powos94833-blog · 4 years
I Can't Live Without You!
A few months ago I heard someone say that they cannot live without their partners. This was not done because the person was incapacitated and therefore the person needed to face life. Also Read: https://blogginggyan.wordpress.com/2020/07/25/keys-to-be-successful-in-business-marketing/
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No, that person was fully capable of taking life into his own hands. Although this was the case, the man gave the impression that he needed his partner.
K. And see
On the basis of whom they came, it can be said that their existence is associated with their spouse. Although they were capable people, most of them did not think so.
Then it didn't matter how healthy his physical body was or how developed his intellect was, because his emotional self was hurting him. Moved those parts to other parts.
Emotionally underdeveloped
On an emotional level, it is more likely that they will feel like a child. There are no strong adults who can support themselves. After that his physical age was emotionally different from his emotional age.
After all, they were not emotionally interdependent; You were emotionally dependent. As a result, they can ignore their needs and do what they can to meet the needs of their spouse.
It was not very fulfilling for him to experience life in it, but it was probably something like that. Ignoring one's own needs would be better than the given option.
If they did not know about this fear, they still had a lot of control over his life. For the emotional part of her being, parting was considered something that would have ended her life.
two parts
With this, they believe that something was wrong with him. Therefore, because of this they believed that their needs were not important, and someone else would have seen them as the reason for leaving.
It will be important to hide who you are and what you can do to make your spouse happy. The question is, one should not feel comfortable in one's own skin and be afraid of being released?
Early years
This shows that his early years were a time when he was not looked after properly. Perhaps it was a time when he was ignored and abused, which kept him from developing properly.
Instead of going through stages of development, they would have been in a dependent state. Not only that, they felt shame would separate them from their original values.
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final thoughts
If one is concerned about this and wants to grow emotionally, one may need external help. This can be done with the help of a physician or physician. € With outside help, one can start working on their winning wound and thus they can become a more integrated person. Perhaps patience and perseverance are required for this.
Teacher, prolific writer, writer and consultant Oliver JR Cooper is from England. His prudent commentary and analysis cover all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand in-depth articles related to human psychology and behavior, Oliver offers hope in addition to his in-depth advice. Also Read: https://blogginggyan.wordpress.com/2020/07/25/keys-to-be-successful-in-business-marketing/
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