powrfulqueen · 3 years
1. I’m not a Hannah stan so we can drop that narrative.  2. I’m not saying it needs to be held over her head, but it’s an answer I’ve seen a few people give to your initial question. 3. Let’s practice what we preach.
just making a post because uhm yeah anyway so i remember someone saying “we need to hold azah accountable” and it’s like accountable for what?…. mmmmmm
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
didn’t she laugh with Sarah Beth about the way Brent was behaving around Hannah? 
just making a post because uhm yeah anyway so i remember someone saying “we need to hold azah accountable” and it’s like accountable for what?…. mmmmmm
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
Azah stans on Twitter are always loud as fuck about what everyone else is doing wrong in their gameplay but never want to address or admit to their fave’s own faults. It’s always Tiffany and Hannah’s fault and a bunch of excuses as to why Azah is a certain way but she’s continuously shown who she is in the game. “I want a black woman to win” my ass because she wants Hannah gone next just for her to take fourth place. It pisses me off that potentially 2 players who have the drive and hunger to win are going to lose to DF’s trifling ass and Azah who both don’t give a fuck about the win. If Tiffany and Hannah stans can admit their faves own faults why can’t they?
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
Azah is this season's Zakiyah! ACCEPT IT OR NOT, IT'S TRUE. Only difference is Zakiyah was at least dickmatized by a man that liked her. Azah's preseason interview painted her as an OLD SCHOOL PLAYER but the only thing she's done this season is cook wonderfully, lay in a bed, and side-eye any woman that talked to Xavier. It's pissing me the fuck off because our expectations for her were SO HIGH!!! She was supposed to be on Tiff's level of gameplay based on how she introduced herself to this game! But instead she's kissing DF's ass and still on this weird dislike of Hannah that she's had since week 1. I'm mourning!!!!
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
she isn’t at all with the context of her game, her morals, and the mission behind the cookout alliance. tiffany is no where near being “in line for worst BB player” regardless of voting out allies. 
Tiffany is definitely in line for the worst BB player by voting out her allies. First DX and then Claire.
It's pretty sad.
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
Kyland is very performative. For someone who claims to support black women on social media with his t shirts and all, he sure has a way of showing it in the BB house by downplaying and discrediting them.
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
Some of you always swear you know things before it happens, shut up.
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
Now that I’m done crying about this historic alliance let me get back to the hate I have for these three men. Kyland wants competitors at the end but only if they’re male. He doesn’t give a single fuck about black women. We’ll be losing two of our black beauties by the end of next Thursday due to these black men prioritizing their egos instead of thinking about the game.
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
My mom, dad, siblings and I cried together watching that ending scene of the Cookout. Some may say it’s dramatic, but we’re a family who’s been watching Big Brother for years. My parents have watched it since S1, before my siblings and I were even born. We’ve been hoping, praying, and longing for something like this and we’re just so happy. From Cassandra to Marvin to Chima to Kalia to Jodi to Howard to Da’Vonne to Dominique to Bayleigh to Kemi to the Cookout and so many others along the way, we’re just incredibly proud.
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
The way some people continue to ignore or forget that Tiffany herself has stated   she didn’t want to be the first to strike against the cookout because of optics. If you’re black you should know exactly what I’m referring to. While we the audience do not care, she doesn’t know that. 
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
I see some of us are still choosing to act clueless as to why things are going the way they are.
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
No surprise that racist and annoying ass SB/NA blog comes just to write her little shady posts thinking she’s doing something. Mute all week when your fave was on the block and evicted but you got so much to say now. 
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
Some of you come into the tag only to complain and whine about Xavier possibly winning and how this season they’re handing the win to a man. Leave that negativity somewhere else if that’s the only thing you’re going to contribute.
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
Before some of you start your shit, Tiffany is still a great player regardless of what happens this week. 
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
At this point some fans are just complaining to complain and hear themselves talk. We’ve known for weeks now that the Cookout alliance are sacrificing their own games for each other, for their mission, for the culture. They’ve mentioned it in the diary room, they spoke directly to us with the camera, they’ve mentioned it to each other, we already fucking know this. To still complain about this when we are going into F8 is not only annoying but tiring. If you still can’t comprehend what’s been going on then I don’t know what else to tell you.
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
Someone should start a gate or something. Let’s talk some shit or start some discourse.
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powrfulqueen · 3 years
Laying here in my bed crying because the Cookout just made it official and thinking about all the past Black houseguests who endured horrible treatment from others. As a Black fan of this show I’ve had to witness time after time my people not having a chance to excel in this game and be put down for just being ourselves or for racial stereotypes. I’m crying tears of joy just witnessing this history. 
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