pr-vistas · 3 years
TV Show
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The most challenging task is not to change the idea of a product, but to change the perception of a person. As it is rightly noted, the television industry is the most powerful, yet the most diverse form of mass communication, a form of media used to present the most absurd ideas and opinions in a way which appeals to most.
With fame comes the yearning for power, often leading to negative results. The personality allocated to you rose to fame in a span of time, but eventually garnered unexpected outrage from the masses.
You are required to come up with a TV show- the personality being the protagonist. It is of utmost importance to change the perception and portray the personality in a positive light, so as to attract support from the masses.
Participants, each of you have to come up with your own plot for the TV shows. You will be making the plot on your own.
Participants, you are a PRO hired by the organization/company that is making the show.
Personality allocations:
DEX 4, 18 and 25: Rhea Chakraborty
DEX 26 and 28: Uday Chopra
Deliverables required but not limited to:
A.    A PPT consisting, but not pertaining to:
1.      Show Profile
2.·     Name of the show
3.      PR Strategies
4.      Creatives, if any.
Submission for this task is at 9:45 am today.
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pr-vistas · 3 years
DoomsDay Vault
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In early 2022, due to declining soil fertility, rampant locusts, civil war, economic instability and lack of famine prevention efforts, the world began its descent into a global famine. By the end of the year, panic ensued as hunger became the world’s biggest-newest problem. The UN failed to control or contribute to the situation and even the wealthiest countries were now at the mercy of fate.
Some countries that had planned ahead, had something known as a seed vault. The seed vault contained some of the finest quality seeds of a variety of plants, crops and grains. They soon began utilizing their seed vaults to restart cultivation. However, inefficient management, corruption in their governance and panic among citizens only allowed these seeds to serve their purpose temporarily. None of these countries were able to successfully multiply the seeds or produce enough crop to feed their people, or their allied countries that depended on them. None but one, India.
India was luckily still supported largely by rural population that relied on remote and conventional farming techniques to produce crop. This prevented them from ruining their soil fertility by use of modern insecticides, pesticides and other harsh chemicals. The country was also lucky to have favorable geographical and geological conditions that allowed for at least some yield. They were the only country that had not even touched their vault. However, India only had enough yield for its own people and nothing more. The Indian Seed Vault is a secure seed bank that lies in a high-altitude mountain pass on the Chang La seed vault in Ladakh, India. It was built in 2010 jointly by the Defense Institute of High-Altitude Research and the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources. Today, it is one of the most secure facilities in the world for obvious reasons.
It is 2023 and the major countries of the world have turned to India’s doomsday seed vault to sustain their population and contribute to ending worldwide hunger. India has been kind but cautious in its sharing of seeds. The only thing the international forum now cares for is the ability to use these last few seeds with maximum caution, to be able to produce and reproduce to a stage of restored normalcy. International relations and wealth have little value in this game of hunger and death.
India is dealing in seeds as currency and that currency today has the maximum exchange rate.
Task at Hand:
As countries with some of the worst soil, temperature, natural and geological conditions, the odds are only against you. As government representatives of USA, Russia, Japan, UAE and New Zealand, convince India to give you their seeds.
Deliverables required but not limited to:
A. Report consisting of the following:
1. Executive Summary
2. Defence Strategies (Should also include why your country deserves the seeds)
3. Choice of seeds along with justification
4. Public Relations Strategies
5. Press Release.
B. Creatives.
You are also required to submit a PPT of not more than 5 slides, which should encapsulate the deliverables mentioned above.
Please mail in your reports and PPTs by 6:30am tomorrow (16th November, Tuesday). Contact any of us in case of doubts. All the very best!
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pr-vistas · 3 years
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Participants, here are the Top 5 in no particular order.
DEX 18
DEX 25
DEX 26
DEX 28
Congratulations to those who've made it. To those who couldn't, don't be disheartened. Your display today has warranted that you are one of the best and finest diplomats in your own right! The scores were really close, and anyone could've made it into the Top 5. We are so happy with the growth you all have shown in the past seven days. You've made us really proud and will always be valuable part of the PR family.
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pr-vistas · 3 years
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Sadhguru is an internationally recognised figure, popular for his spiritual and philosophical views.
His YouTube channel has nearly 10 million devoted followers. People from all over the world, from different walks of life, come from far off places, to watch him speak and share his deep understanding of human beings and the universe.
Sadhguru has a very strong branding for himself and has become a sensation of sorts, with his witty retorts and modern metaphors, that appeal to everyone.
However, considering his large following, people are worried of the kind of impact one man's words can have. A lot of his statements have been recieved as controversial, sexist, ignorant, and plain stupid.
Skeptics and journalists are calling him a fraud for propagating backward views in the name of spirituality.
The Task:
Sadhguru's talk at an event has been cancelled and he'll have all of today for himself. Sadhguru has decided to go to Twitter to speak his heart out.
His brand manager has realised that Sadhguru with no filter is a terrible idea, and has hired you, a PRO, to defend his tweets.
You are requested to create a twitter handle with the name being your DEX number. Mail your twitter handle links to the PR e-mail ID. Defend all the tweets that Sadguru makes and ensure that it does not cause a PR debacle.
Please make your twitter handle and send in your e-mails by 4:25pm today.
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pr-vistas · 3 years
Dignitaries Profiles
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Participants, here are your dignitary profiles for todays round:
Vani: Chairman of The Governing Council -  Multimillionaire, bets on horses, environmentalist, writer with strong opinions on environmental issues.
Nipun: Assistant Chairman of The Governing Council- Volleyball player, foodie, hates cats, travel enthusiast
Karan: President of the BCCI - Environmentalist, loves classic rock music, football analytics enthusiast, often philosophical, loves to travel to new places.
Rashi: Vice Executive President of the BCCI- Animal rights activist, feminist, writer and spiritualist.
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pr-vistas · 3 years
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
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Sometimes the best way to create and publicize a name is to drag its way through the dirt. The derivations are different, but these formulas always work. Such was an attempt that was made by the makers of Game of Thrones in order to attract attention to the existing airing of the seventh season of the series. It proved the best way to popularize the show in conducive markets where it profited even more, mainly due to this act, which was staged as an eventuality, despite the huge financial losses the company suffered.
Another example is that of Starbucks baristas misspelling people’s names on purpose, it generates a lot of chatter in social media and keeps Starbucks in the minds of the people.
You, the participant are to select an existing product/service or make one of your own and promote it by using an unconventional publicity stunt or PR strategy.
The PRO’s are required to come up with similarly staged actions and its subsequent effect with unconventional PR. It is necessary for the PROs to spread the fire without getting their own hands burnt.
Similarly, they have to select their own product and use similar lines of strategies which comes at a cost but is worth the effort.
Deliverables required but not restricted to
A.    Report
B.    Creatives
Submission for this task is at 6:30am tomorrow (15th November, Monday). Feel free to contact any of us in case of any doubts. All the best!
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pr-vistas · 3 years
The Perfect All-Rounder
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The Indian Premier League (IPL) is a professional Twenty20 cricket league, contested by eight teams based out of eight Indian cities. Founded by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) in 2007, the IPL is the most-attended cricket league in the world.
The Round:
With plans to scale the IPL and take it to different parts of the country, The Governing Council of the IPL has decided to incorporate a new franchise into the IPL. The new franchises will participate in the IPL from 2022 season onwards.
As a DEX you will have 2 responsibilities. One as a Team Owner and the other as an Investor.
As a Team Owner, you will be the flag bearer of your franchise. You have to come up with a presentation which gives us a comprehensive view about the future and aspirations of your franchise. Above all, your main job is to convince the Governing Council as to why your franchise should be inducted as the ninth team into the 2022 IPL season.
A very important part of an IPL franchise is its financial stability. Therefore, apart from an owner’s presentation, each franchise will also require 2 investor pitches in their favour. This is where a DEX’s responsibility of an investor comes into picture.
As an investor, each DEX will have to invest in 2 franchises and make a pitch in their favour. Your investor pitches will directly contribute towards your personal scores. So choose wisely.
As Owners, you must reach out to other participants DEXs, and get them to invest in your franchise.
Your Owner's presentation of 7 minutes will be followed by the investor pitches of 2 minutes each.
So your total score will depend on:
a. Your Team Owner presentation for your franchise.
b. Your ability to get investors for your franchise.
c. Your Investor pitch in favour of the two franchises you choose to invest in.
Therefore, the winner of the networking round, shall be the perfect all-rounder.
Note: You cannot choose the existing 8 franchises + the 2 newly selected franchises
Deliverables required but not limited to:
A. PPT Consisting of the following:
1. Name of your franchise
2. Logo and Slogan
3. Your Home Stadium
5. Your reason behind choosing the franchise (city)
6.  Public Relations Strategies on how to popularise your franchise if it gets selected
7. How will your franchise help in increasing the IPL’s popularity?
8. Why your franchise should make the cut above others
There are no deliverables required as investors, but a compelling pitch in favour of the franchise you choose to invest in shall be of paramount importance.
Contact Karan or Rashi in case of any doubts. Best of luck participants!
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pr-vistas · 3 years
We Didn't Start The Fyre
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Fyre Festival was a fraudulent "luxury music festival” founded by Billy McFarland, CEO of Fyre Media Inc, and rapper Ja Rule. It was created with the intent of promoting the company's Fyre app for booking music talent. The festival was scheduled to take place on April 28–30 and May 5–7 in the year 2017, on the Bahamian island of Great Exuma.
The event sold day tickets from US$500 to US $1,500, and VIP packages including airfare and luxury tent accommodation for US $12,000. Customers were promised accommodation in "modern, eco- friendly, geodesic domes” and meals from celebrity chefs. The Fyre Festival was highly trending as the event was promoted on Instagram by "social media influencers" including Kendal Jenner, Bella Hadid, Hailey Baldwin and Emily Ratajkowski (many of whom did not initially disclose they had been paid to do so.) and hence it gained a large popularity on social media.
During the Fyre Festival's inaugural weekend, the event experienced problems related to security, food, accommodation, medical services and artist relations, resulting in the festival being postponed indefinitely. Instead of the luxury villas and gourmet meals for which festival attendees paid thousands of dollars, they received pre-packaged sandwiches and FEMA tents as their accommodation. Following this disastrous event, several lawsuits were filed against Fyre Media and McFarland and Ja Rule on various grounds such as negligence, fraud, breach of contract etc. The Fyre Festival tarnished the image of Fyre Media in the eyes of the public.
Task at hand:
As the PRO’s of Fyre Media, defend the various mis happenings that occurred during the Fyre Festival organised in the year 2017. Furthermore, in the year 2021, Fyre media plans on organising another Fyre Festival. Revamp the image of Fyre Festival in the eyes of the public in order to ensure maximum support and participation from public and also come up with PR strategies in order to ensure that the upcoming Fyre Festival 2021 will prove to be a huge success unlike its predecessor.
Deliverables required but not restricted to:
A. Report consisting of the following:
1. Executive Summary
2. Defence Strategies
3. Public Relations Strategies
4. Press Release
B. Creatives.
This is a submission based task. The deadline is at 1:00pm tomorrow (Sunday, 14th November). Feel free to contact any of us in case of doubts. Best of luck!
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pr-vistas · 3 years
Top 7
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Participants, here are the Top 7 in no particular order:
DEX 11
DEX 18
DEX 25
DEX 26
DEX 28
Hello Guys!
We are so proud of each and every single person that made it to the Top 10 in the first place.
Consider yourselves to be the finest diplomats and strategists that this event has seen. Each of you have earned our respect and proved your mettle time and time again.
As your event heads, we have learnt so much from you and hope to see you go very far, in this competition, and in every other opportunity that crosses your path from here on.
The biggest congratulations to the Top 7. We welcome you to the family. Grab your chairs but don't get too comfortable. You have your work cut out for you these next few days.
As for those who got eliminated, we are anything but sorry for you. Your growth has been immense and you have nothing to feel discouraged about. It's only upwards from here and we cannot wait for you to show us what potential you harness within you, in the events to come.
We hope that each of you have learnt something from this event and have taken away confidence, tact, diplomacy, wit and above all, positive experiences from this event.
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pr-vistas · 3 years
To Keep, or Not To Keep
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Dave Chappelle is an African American comedian, with a long successful career in comedy. Netflix Inc decided to release Chappelle’s new comedy special, “The Closer,” which critics say ridicules transgender people. In the stand-up set, Chappelle doubles down on his jokes about LGBTQ groups. Many critiqued his humor for being distasteful, offensive, and inappropriate.
The special has sparked significant controversy inside Netflix. Shortly after it came out, employees started asking pointed questions about whether or not trans people were included in the decision to air the special and where the company draws a line between commentary and transphobia. Soon after, 100s of people rallied outside of Netflix’s headquarters, demanding for the special to be taken down. A Netflix software engineer Terra Field tweeted about Chappelle, writing that the comedian “attacks the trans community, and the very validity of transness”. It wasn’t long before the thread began trending on twitter.
Netflix has a long history with Dave Chappelle. In 2016, the comedian signed a deal to create three specials for the platform. Chapelle says the target of his jokes are not gay or trans people but white people, and insinuates the jokes are retaliatory for the way that queer white people still oppress black people.
However, whether or not Dave Chapelle’s content is considered ‘hate speech’ or truly ‘offensive’ cannot be defined. The real question is, what will Netflix do about the situation? If Netflix decides to take the special down and end their long-standing contract with Dave Chapelle, what does that mean for Netflix and free speech? Do other movies, shows and specials that are considered offensive or marginalizing also get taken down?
If not, can Netflix afford to upset so many of its employees and viewers, especially those belonging to a community of immense power and growing influence. Either way, Netflix will not walk away unaffected.
Task at Hand: As the PROs of Netflix, take a definitive decision on the controversy and justify it to the parties it affects. Also develop strategies to handle the backlash sensitively.
There are no submissions for this task. But a strong pitch in your defence shall be crucial. Presentations for this round will begin soon.
Feel free to contact us in case of any doubts. All the best!
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pr-vistas · 3 years
Red Flag
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China has been facing growing criticism over its persecution of some Muslim minority groups, huge numbers of whom are being held in internment camps.
In August 2018, a UN committee pronounced that up to one million Uighur Muslims and other Muslim groups are being detained in the western Xinjiang region, where they're said to be undergoing "re-education" programmes.
Human Rights Watch says Uighur people in particular are subject to intense surveillance and are made to give DNA and biometric samples. Those with relatives in 26 "sensitive" countries have reportedly been rounded up, and up to a million detained. Rights groups say people in camps are made to learn Mandarin Chinese and criticise or renounce their faith.
Former prisoners have made public account of physical as well as psychological torture in the camps. Entire families have disappeared and the government still refuses to offer assistance of any sort.
A report claimed that Beijing is making billions of dollars on the black market by forcibly harvesting the organs of the Muslim minorities. Various accounts have shown how women in camps for Uighurs have been systematically raped, sexually abused, and tortured, with forced sterilisation being a common norm.
There are strong signs of the international community finally taking charge and uniting against China’s oppression of the Uighur Muslims. The European Union, the United States, Britain and Canada imposed fresh sanctions on Chinese officials of the Xinjiang region, while New Zealand and Australia both welcomed the move. More than Forty-three countries have called on China to ensure full respect for the rule of law for the Muslim Uighur community in Xinjiang and accused China of a litany of human rights violations against the Uighurs, including torture and forced disappearances.
China has been denying any crackdown on the Uighurs in Xinjiang and has accused the west of spreading lies and fabrications. At the same time, there's growing evidence of oppressive surveillance against people living in Xinjiang.
Task at Hand:
As representatives of the Chinese government, respond to the global criticism and address all the accusations against the practices in Xinjiang. One false step could lead to international outrage and chaos, tread with extreme caution and maintain China’s International image.
Deliverables required but not restricted to:
A. Report Containing the following:
1.      Executive Summary
2.      Defence Strategies
3.      Public Relations Strategies
4.      Press Release
B. Creatives
Submission for this task is at 1:30pm tomorrow (13th November, Saturday) Contact Karan in case of any doubts. Best of luck!
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pr-vistas · 3 years
Top 10
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Participants, here are the Top 10 in no particular order:
DEX 11
DEX 18
DEX 25
DEX 26
DEX 28
Congratulations to those who've made it!
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pr-vistas · 3 years
Borderline Offensive
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The EU has developed a common policy on asylum, subsidiary protection and temporary protection with a view to offering appropriate status to all non-EU nationals who need international protection. All countries within the Union are obligated to observe the regulations set forth by the law. However, the Hungarian government is making no attempt to conceal its violation of the law.
Hungary has refused to accept any of the predominantly Muslim refugees and migrants fleeing wars and poverty in the Middle East, North Africa, and elsewhere, citing national security concerns. This action has been viewed as Islamophobic and prejudiced. The UNHRC also voiced that Hungary’s actions have been catastrophic to the people at the borders.
According to the official statistics, 2,824 refugees were apprehended near the border fence and forced to return to Serbia in January this year alone. They, too, will be deported back to Serbia. A legally binding ruling by the highest court of the European Union, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in its ruling declared the pushbacks unlawful but the Hungarian government is ignoring the judges' verdict. So far, 5,000 refugees have been deported outrightly. Additionally, this is not the first time the ECJ has condemned the Hungarian government for its refugee policy. The court in Strasbourg declared that the conditions of Hungary's accommodation of refugees in so-called transit zones was unlawful.
Hungary's leader, Viktor Orban, and several members of his government have repeatedly confirmed that they intend to continue the practice. Given the Hungarian government's refusal to implement the ECJ's ruling, other EU nations are calling on the European Commission to take action. The EU may impose heavy sanctions on Hungary, or worse, reconsider its position within the EU.
Task at Hand:
As the Officer of International and Diplomatic Relations of the Hungarian Government, you are required to defend the country's staunch stance on immigration to the international community. Further, your job is to develop strategies and lobby with the EU to ensure that no sanctions are imposed on the country.
Mode of Submission:
Develop a PPT of not more than 6 slides (No need for title or conclusion slide)
Deliverables required but not limited to:
1. Defense Strategies
2. PR strategies
3. Strategies to lobby with the European Union
PPTs for this round are to be submitted by 5:30pm today (12th November, Friday) via e-mail. Late submissions will carry negative marking. All the best participants!
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pr-vistas · 3 years
Deception, Deception Everywhere.
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The inaugural issue of the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (2005) traced early milestones in the developing field of sleep medicine, which slowly emerged from the older field of sleep research during the 1970s and 1980s. Sleep medicine, the article noted, was closely linked with and made possible by the discovery of electrical activity in the brain. The examination of electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns that occur during sleep led to the classification of stages of sleep, which in turn created an important foundation for probing human sleep, discerning abnormalities, and discovering significant relationships between sleep and health.
The pace of research and discovery has only accelerated since 2005, and the number of peer-reviewed sleep journals has more than tripled.
Sleep plays a very important role in ensuring the wellness of the human body both physically as well as mentally. This couples with relaxation leads to the proper functioning of the human brain. A person’s ability to make decisions, remember things, pay attention as well as creativity is all dependent on the amount of sleep they manage to get. Sleep helps remove toxins from your brain while you are awake.
Task at Hand:
You are required to  to prepare report not exceeding 0 pages. Deliverables required but not limited to the following:
1. Complete your assignments
2. Watch a good movie or TV show
3. Get a good night’s sleep
We are really happy with the amount of hard work and dedication you all have been putting into the tasks. As event heads, we couldn't have been much prouder of y'all. Have a good rest, you've earned it! Make sure that you have your batteries recharged, since tomorrow is a very important and decisive day.
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pr-vistas · 3 years
The Dream Begins
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Newcastle United is an English professional football club that plays in the top flight of English football, the Premier League. They once used to belong at the top of the table and were worthy challengers for the Premier League title. But they started fading at the start of this century. And after Mike Ashley took over the ownership, the club fell even harder.
Newcastle’s takeover by Public Investment Fund, a Saudi Arabia based consortium ends Mike Ashley’s 14-year hold over the club, and could possibly make the Magpies one of the richest clubs in the world. However, questions still remain about what many consider to be the Premier League's most controversial takeover.
The prospect of a state like Saudi Arabia owning a Premier League football club will lead to an unparalleled supply of funds into the club. Experts believe that this will virtually erode any competition that exists in the league and ruin the footballing pyramid, increasing the gap between the rich and poor clubs.
A number of Premier League clubs have complained about the recent takeover due to concerns on how the consortium’s hierarchy passed the owners and directors test. Although the new owners claim that they are separate from the Saudi State, the PIF is chaired by the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The clubs were also not kept in loop as the deal escalated towards completion. This has raised several allegations on the Premier League being hand in glove with the Saudi Owners. The clubs have consequently passed a memorandum to block Newcastle’s sponsorship deals from fear of lucrative deals from pre-existing business relationships.
Further, there are many worries with the club’s new relations with the Saudi state and the alleged abuse of human rights present in the state. Groups like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty international have complained that the deal is an attempt to improve the country's image its record by distracting the world from its abysmal human rights abuses, the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and its part in the ongoing conflict in Yemen. Saudi Arabia has also not been welcoming of women and LGBT rights, a stark opposite of the inclusive culture promoted by FIFA and the Premier League.
Problems at Newcastle United persist both on and off the field. The club recently fired their long standing coach, and currently faces the fear of relegation as it sits 19th in the Premier League table. As such, the owners also face scrutiny from the club’s fans due to the human rights record of Saudi Arabia as well as the lackluster footballing display by the team.
Task at Hand:
As the PRO of Newcastle United, it is your job to defend the various allegations on your club which currently act as roadblocks. You need to come up with strategies aimed at all stakeholders to overturn the image of Newcastle United.
Deliverables required but not limited to:
A. Report Consisting of the following:
1. Executive Summary
2. Defence Strategies
3. Public Relations Strategies
4. Press Release
B. Creatives.
Submission for this task is at 2:00 pm tomorrow (Thursday, 11th November). Contact Karan in case of any doubts. Best of Luck!
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pr-vistas · 3 years
Top 30
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Participants, here are the TOP 30 in no particular order:
DEX 10
DEX 11
DEX 12
DEX 15
DEX 18
DEX 19
DEX 20
DEX 21
DEX 23
DEX 24
DEX 25
DEX 26
DEX 27
DEX 28
DEX 29
DEX 30
DEX 31
DEX 33
DEX 34
DEX 37
DEX 40
DEX 42
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pr-vistas · 3 years
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Kim Jong-un, is a North Korean politician, currently the supreme leader of North Korea and Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea since 2012.
He has been very clear with his enmity with the United States of America and unsurprisingly, the relations between the two countries have been nothing short of cordial. During his tenure, President Obama hit North Korea with a round of congressionally approved sanctions that severely limited the growth of the North Korean economy. On 12 June 2018, Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump met for a summit in Singapore, the first-ever talks held between a North Korean leader and a sitting US President, to discuss the North Korean nuclear program. A follow-up meeting in Hanoi in February 2019 ended abruptly without an agreement. All meetings between Trump and Kim were ostensibly focused on denuclearization. Yet rather than reducing his stockpile, Kim Jong-un doubled his country’s arsenal of nuclear weapons during the four years Trump was president. There also have been no notable developments since Joe Biden assumed office.
Being a communist and socialist country, North Korea does not allow foreign companies to carry out business within its sovereign territory. The citizens have also been fed anti-American propaganda, making them hate and despise Americans since childhood.
Consequently, North Korea is one of the few countries where you will not find a branch of the American multinational fast-food chain, Mcdonald’s. As the PROs of Mcdonald’s, it is your job to change exactly that.
In doing so, Mcdonald’s is due to face severe scrutiny from the North-Korean citizens as well. Firstly they see Mcdonald’s as a threat to their own culture, as it is a hardcore US brand that propagates American values and cuisines. Further, a giant like Mcdonald’s poses the risk of crippling the local industries and eateries.
Task at Hand: As the PRO of McDonald’s it is your duty to convince the North Korean leadership to allow a Mcdonald’s branch to open in the city of Pyongyang. Further, your strategies should also be designed to attract the North-Korean public to the fast-food company.
Deliverables required but not restricted to:
A: Report consisting of the following:
1. Executive Summary
2. PR Strategies
3. Press Release
B. Creatives
Note: There are no defence strategies for this task.
Submission for this task is at 2:00 pm tomorrow (10th November, Wednesday). E-mail your reports along with creatives to [email protected]. Feel free to contact us in case of any doubts. All the best!
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