how do u perform hexes?
verrrrryyyy carefully. 
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Black cat
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Snow's Enchanted Rose Spell
This is a multi-purpose spell. If you want a long lasting enchantment, use a dried rose. Personally, I use a rose bud preserved in a necklace charm. Roses are for love, affection, friendship and protection.
Shit you’ll need: 
A rose of your choice
cinnamon or dragons blood essential oil
a vase
somewhere to place the rose
Anoint the rose with your oil of choice, focusing on what it is you wish to bring into your life. Keep in mind that this spell is a “general emotions magnet” spell. It IS NOT a “make xir love me” spell.
Whisper your intent into the rose. As the petals fall, your will shall come to pass. To keep love and protection within your heart, use a preserved rose.
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beingxmortal entered the book shop
Ah, but this was a bundle of angry red nerves muffled under layers of ancient gauze and grit. No, not grit. Sand. Finely ground sand made up of ash and crushed, black stone. He was old, but just how old, she could not tell. 
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Curious. She certainly was, and perhaps even a little bit nervous. It wasn't every day that Vivienne failed to get a read on someone. Perhaps she could work with what little she had.
"Welcome." Setting her book aside and leaning against her side of the counter, she smiled. "Is it business or pleasure that brings you so far from home?" How far away home was, Vivienne could not say. All she could tell was that it wasn't here.
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I think I’m gunna have to try this. 
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"Yes, do let her know." Vivienne's smile had hints of knowing, but not knowing of a factual kind. "Vivienne will do quite nicely, so long as you don't mind me calling you Sarah." She drew a book from the shelf, idly flipping through its pages. "I am from a great many places, both far away and near at hand." 
Vivienne closed the book in her hands, shifting one over on the shelf so she could put it in its proper place. "I'm not sure where I learned it. You wouldn't believe how easy it is for one's talents to blend together." It needn't be said that Vivienne had chosen not to remember these things.
"I shall have to tell my mother you approve of the name she chose for me," Sigyn said. She tucked the book under her arm and scanned the spines of other books, titles jumping out at her every so often. Many of these could be of use. 
"Where are you from, Madame Vivienne?" Sigyn asked curiously. This woman was not from around here, Sigyn could tell that much. Or, if she was, she traveled a great deal."It takes skill to detect one’s aura. Where did you learn?"
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Kitchen Witch Cursing
[Originally Authored by inkedbettycrocker]
In response to the lovely Herbalrog’s post, [I bring you] some granny/Appalachia/kitchen witch curse tips I can share (all non-toxic).
Think of common properties of everyday kitchen spices and get creative.  Also be specific with your intention-like Herbalrog said, timing, amount of time it will last, stipulations. Specificity is key with ANY magic.
pepper-great for those spreading lies and talking general shit.  The hotter the pepper (vegetable or spice) the more intense the curse.
salt-to repel someone from reentering your life and home.
vinegar-to make someone eat their words or to stop running their mouth.
basil-for someone who owes you money.
lemon/ lime/ any tart fruit-to stop someone’s slander, lies, and general cursing
mint-to cool someone’s anger or hatred toward you.
potato-for someone standing in your way.  carve someone’s name into the potato (or initials) and then cut it up/cook as normal.  
using twine when binding meat as a sympathetic magic way to bind someone’s actions (gossip, lies, manipulation, whatever wrong it is they are doing).
having a wooden spoon you use ONLY for cursing magic within the kitchen.  You can inscribe/woodburn sigils and words to your liking. This is VERY useful.  Just be sure you ONLY use it for cursing and hexing for foods.
Stirring counter clockwise is good for undoing the actions or intent of the person you are cursing.
Stirring clockwise is for sealing/bringing to fruition .
When cursing/hexing food (or doing the pot trick mentioned below), you can also say:
The magic that’s within this dish is meant for (name of target), as is my wish. On others who may hear its call it shall not have any effect at all.  Pure delight is all they’ll feel as they fill their plates and eat this meal. But (name of target) it will hit magically As I will, so mote it be.
[From Dorothy Morrison’s “Utterly Wicked”, pg. 66]
Also remember you don’t always have to cook up food for someone.
You can do cursing/hexing in your kitchen.  Write someone’s name on a slip of paper (or take their picture) and put it in your pot and add vinegar, oils, needles/nailsand herbs on the stove, intending your hex on that person.  Toss out like (preferably off your property) when done.  
Most kitchen witches, myself included, keep glass jars and bottles around.  You can take a piece of paper with the person’s name or their picture, put in a jar with oil and herbs and shake it up each time you focus your hexing intent. Obviously the more shaking you do the more intense.  Do til you feel the hexing is done and they’ve stopped their shit.
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Lev Grossman, The Magicians
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"And rightly so." Vivienne chuckled. An eye caught by her shop didn't always know what they drew it there, nor if there'd be something worth finding inside. Usually they sought something without meaning to, and sometimes her shop led them toward an answer to questions they hadn't the heart to ask.
"Indeed, it is my place, and I'm inclined to think all my wares are awesome." A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. "Well, with the exception of the books on love magic. I mostly keep them around for curious teenagers who watch too much Charmed."
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Vivienne tilted her head, appraising the woman as she tried to decide what might make for a good recommendation. "Hm...perhaps something a little less grounding for you." This woman had been grounded enough, it seemed like. Vivienne moved to a particular shelf, scanning the shelves carefully before drawing a book from between two others on Astrology.
The front of the book read The Star Oracle, and below that a tagline: "Learn to read the stars and divine the future through understanding the spiritual aspects of the cosmos."
"Perhaps this might merit a bit of interest as well?"
Carol shrugged lightly, holding up her hands. “Interesting means it caught my eye, so I walked in." It was better than going to the doctor, at least that was for sure—or talking to Tony and hearing how she needed to take it easy. Her eyes roamed around the shop as the woman spoke, and nearly laughed at “aching headaches". If she only knew. She trailed fingers over a few books, only idly looking before turning back around. “Well, it is your shop, right? Why don’t you recommend something?" She flashed a small smile. “I’m bored and have the time to spare. And since I just randomly walked in… I’ve no idea what I’m looking for. But it is your place…so chances are, you know what’s awesome and what’s not so great."
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Dorothy Parker, “Unfortunate Coincidence”
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"One who has traveled so far and seen so much had best know how to clean a wound." Vivienne's tone was light and accented by an amused smirk. "I question your resources, not your medicinal prowess. Water is not always enough to ward off infection in wild places such as this."
Whoever the woman was, her ability to see right through him unnerved him, and despite her bidding, he did not sit. Lingering, instead, on his feet by the table, he took the cup from her with a word of thanks. He might have been an abrasive man, but he would not be called outwardly impolite to someone who showed him kindness.
"I know how to clean a wound," he responded, to her comment. “I wish only to rest long enough to do so, then I will be on my way."
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The world has a serious shortage of both logic and kindness.
Haruki Murakami, 1Q84  (via 13thmoon)
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