pranshiblog-blog · 7 years
A Letter To Karma...
Dearest Karma,  People say to do well to others, and then only karma will do well to you. Today I ask you a question, “Can a ten year old child do such deeds, that she has to live a life so painful like this?”  My life, well sorry, my hell which I am living right now, is just full of the superstitious sayings of believing on YOU. Everyday I woke up to retrieve back the same memories, to hear the same thoughts and to hear the same solemn heart beats. I get up, then gets dressed and then go to school, where I am welcomed with the same sentences everyday, “Look whose hear a Slut!”, “Oh welcome you coward! How were you able to survive? ” I stay quiet all the time in my classes; the feeling of numbness overcomes me. Teachers have to shout my name a zillion times; well some calls me whole the other throws chalk to grab my attention. What do they think I am a trash bin?  Boys and Girls both accuses me of being a sex worker. My huge dark circles never go unnoticed by anyone making all of them claim that I was up all night in full filling someone else’s lust.  At night when I lay down on my bed, which now seems to be made of thorns and try to sleep; I am remembered of that catastrophic night with that mysterious guy forcing him into me. I am reminded of the asylum and all the shocks that were given to me when I was sent far away from my happy place. I am remembered of how I was savagely treated by people and still am! And I am also reminded of that there was no one to help me throughout this!  All I remember is that people were harsh to me and still I am being asked to be good to others. What else is left for me to suffer from and WHY?  Yours truly,  A depressed and a raped girl.  //Pranshi. 
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