pratiwitya · 6 years
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.
Audrey Hepburn (via quotemadness)
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pratiwitya · 6 years
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“I get these moments when I have to lie down because everything feels sort of too much. I look up and I see the blue or the grey or the black, and I feel myself melting into it.”
The End of the F***ing World (2017)
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pratiwitya · 7 years
Elon Musk’s War on Public Transit
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Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has a utopian vision for transportation: that we all will drive automated electric Teslas through massive underground tunnels (with no traffic, of course). However, for anyone who loves communities designed for walkability - cities like New York, Paris, Vienna and Vancouver - his vision is a dystopian nightmare. If you enjoy bloated suburbs, then Elon’s vision is for you.
He even went so far as to attack public transit, saying at an artificial intelligence conference earlier this month that “public transport is painful. It sucks. Why do you want to get on something with a lot of other people, that doesn’t leave where you want it to leave, doesn’t start where you want it to start, doesn’t end where you want it to end?”
He also said that you might end up next to a “serial killer” on public transit and that this is why people want individualized transport, that “goes where you want, when you want.”
Urbanists around the world united against Musk yesterday on Twitter with the hashtag #greatthingsthathappenedontransit and the responses are touching, funny, and true. From meeting the love of your life, to taking your baby home from the hospital, to losing 50 pounds, taking public transportation involves a sense of humanity not found when you drive around in your own metal box.
Keep reading
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pratiwitya · 7 years
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Kekhawatiran hadir karena ketidaktahuan, ketidakmengertian, ketidakjelasan, kesalahpahaman, sesuatu yang tidak utuh. Seperti kekhawatiranmu pada hal-hal di masa yang akan datang. Pada rezeki, pada jodoh, pada karir, dan sedikit yang ingat pada amal dan kematian. Untuk itu kita diminta berusaha juga berdoa, selepas itu berserah. Karena yang bisa menetramkan hati adalah ketenangan. Saat kita percaya dan yakin bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja, selepas kita berusaha. Semuanya adalah yang terbaik, sebagai jawaban atas doa.
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pratiwitya · 7 years
The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.
Wendy Wunder (via quotemadness)
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pratiwitya · 7 years
Jangan Terlalu Lama
Orang-orang baik yang telah kamu lewatkan mungkin menjadi pertanda bahwa; kamu belum sebaik dirinya atau kamu terlalu baik baginya.
Dan rasanya, memang tidak menyenangkan melewatkan yang demikian. Apalagi bila ia tiba-tiba muncul disaat kita sedang ragu-ragu pada kesiapan diri kita sendiri. Juga dengan kesadaran bahwa yang sebaik ini hanya sedikit sekali dan ia datang kepada kita. Bukan kepada yang lain.
Lalu kita terlalu lama dalam ragu. Terlalu lama mengulur waktu. Overthinking.
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pratiwitya · 7 years
Bersyukurlah karena nilai diri kita diukur dari proses, bukan hanya dari hasil. Bahkan baru memulai niat, kita sudah mendapatkan nilai kebaikannya. Bahkan saat kita ‘dihentikan’ saat menjalani proses, nilai kebaikan itu tidak serta merta lenyap meski belum tahu bagaimana hasil akhirnya. Untuk itu, jalani perjalanan ini sebaik mungkin. Karena bisa jadi memang sebelum sampai tujuan, Dia menghentikan perjalanan ini. Memanggil kita tiba-tiba.
Sebab kematian tidak menunggu apapun.
Kurniawan Gunadi
(via kurniawangunadi)
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pratiwitya · 7 years
Kicauan Malam Hari
"I saw Mālik ibn Anas being asked forty-eight questions, and he replied to thirty-two of them: 'I do not know.'" 
bahkan seorang Imam Malik ibn Anas penuh kehati-hatian ketika menjawab suatu pertanyaan. Jadi teringat ketika Nouman Ali Khan ditanya oleh seseorang kemudian beliau menjawab seperlunya dan menyarankan sang penanya utk menanyakan ke orang yang lebih ahli, krn memang Nouman Ali bukan ahli dibidang hal tersebut.
Dua contoh diatas menggabarkan bagaimana perlunya humble,mengetahui limit dari knowledge yang dimiliki dan tidak bersikap seolah tahu segalanya. 
Tapi kalau melihat fenomena jaman sekarang, kenapa orang-orang seakan-akan menjadi ahli dalam semua bidang. Mulai dari dokter ‘abal2′ yang memberikan advice di TV2 sampai ustad celebrity yang dengan gampangnya menentukan ini salah itu benar.?
Kalau saja kita benar-benar mengetahui kapasitas dan posisi kita dalam berpendapat...
*kesambet apa gue nulis kaya gini, dan berbau agama pula*
Intinya, gue amaze bahwa seorang scholar saja sangat humble dan berhati-hati karena mereka tahu bahwa jika pendapatnya salah dan diikuti oleh umat maka akan berdampak pada keburukan. Dan menjadi pengingat untuk diri sendiri agar selalu mawas diri.
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pratiwitya · 7 years
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
Vincent van Gogh (via quotemadness)
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pratiwitya · 7 years
You never mention your love life, do you have a boyfriend or maybe someone you have a crush on?
why should I mention abt it ? 
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pratiwitya · 7 years
Hi how are you?
am good
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pratiwitya · 7 years
Hi tya, how are you? Long time no see, hows life?
I’m good. Life is a bit hard today since I’m writing my dissertation. So yeah
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pratiwitya · 7 years
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pratiwitya · 7 years
stay a while i'm gazing the way you move from far never look back since then i won't have to wonder the words again stay a while i'm watching the story goes a far only a little while it seems it's right into my head, but then the lights go down curtain falls that's how the story ends thus, the day passes by i knew that these gazes are over do stay a while still gazing the way you move from far taking it hard and now i know shows've come to an end and see stay a while i'm taking my final gaze you see gonna look back this time i will wonder the words again my dear the lights go down curtain falls that's how the story ends thus, the day passes by i knew that these gazes were over do night will fall you see the city glows again you see the morning comes too soon that's how the circle goes around here, there, always the story from somewhere always another line to sing and i will stay along these line i've broken to pieces lying somewhere stay a while i'm gazing the way you move from far never look back since then i won't have to wonder the words again
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Gaze by Adhitia Sofyan
Ah.. webseries Sore dan Adhitia Sofyan.. perpaduan yang syahdu. 
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pratiwitya · 7 years
Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be. Sometimes you’ll put up a good fight and lose. Sometimes you’ll hold on really hard and realize there is no choice but to let go. Acceptance is a small, quiet room.
Cheryl Strayed (via quotemadness)
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pratiwitya · 8 years
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Kyoto in spring
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pratiwitya · 8 years
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Moonrise Kingdom (2012) dir. Wes Anderson
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