praveenrastogilko · 11 months
Freelance branding expert
It's time to take your brand to the next level. As a freelance branding expert, I can help you create an identity that stands out and resonates with your customers. I provide everything you need for a strong brand presence.
Get in touch today and  create a unique and powerful brand image.
For more information- 
Join me to create better bond-
👉 Visit Website: https://www.praveenrastogi.com/ 👉 Email Me:  [email protected]
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praveenrastogilko · 11 months
Looking to improve your brand positioning?
I have got the perfect solution!
My experience of freelance branding experts can help you create the perfect strategies for increasing your visibility and reach. From creating custom content that showcases your unique voice to optimizing your digital presence, I have the right solutions for achieving success in today's competitive market.
Try me out now and watch your brand take off! 
For brand positioning consult- 
5 strategies to improve brand positioning
Make a stand-out value proposition A company's value proposition describes the benefits of its products and services.
Create a powerful brand identity The visible elements of a brand, such as color, design, and logo, that identify and distinguish the brand in consumers' minds.
Emphasise the brand experience The secret to building a memorable brand with loyal customers is to prioritise experience over all other factors.
Utilise brand partnerships and influencers allow you to reach the influences audiences and increase brand awareness
Leadership and content marketing can encourage participation. Attract more followers on social media. Generate social/referral traffic to your website.
Get in Touch-
👉 Visit Website: https://www.praveenrastogi.com/ 
👉 Email Me:  [email protected]
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praveenrastogilko · 11 months
Revolutionize Your Designs: Game-Changing Graphic Design Tools for Marketers
Marketers, get ready to revolutionize your designs! I have got some game-changing graphic design tools for you that will help take your projects to the next level.
Say goodbye to tedious design tasks and hello to incredible visuals and stunning graphics. 
With these tools, you can easily create stunning visuals for any project. Try them out today and see the difference they make.
For more information- 
Get in touch-
👉 Visit Website: https://www.praveenrastogi.com/
 👉 Email Me:  [email protected]
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praveenrastogilko · 11 months
Digital marketing consultant
Digital marketing is the best way to increase the reach of your business and get to your target audience, It’s the time to get your business digitally and increase your profit into 10x.
For digital marketing consultant- 
👉 Visit Website: https://www.praveenrastogi.com/ 
👉 Email Me:  [email protected]
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praveenrastogilko · 11 months
Are you ready to take your #digitalmarketing strategy to the next level? 
🚀I have 5 physiological tips that will help you get there! 🤔 Utilizing our expertise and experience, we can show you how to use these tips to improve your marketing and better serve your customers. 
Visit us and learn more about how to use these tips and get the most out of digital marketing. 💻
Get in Touch-
👉 Visit Website: https://www.praveenrastogi.com/ 
👉 Email Me:  [email protected]
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
LinkedIn Algorithm you should follow
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Use attention-grabbing hooks.
Add a call to action (CTA).
Create interesting and useful content, and use catchy keywords.
Use alt tags and add keywords
Tag your intended audience in postings
Use succinct videos with precise subtitles.
Spend more time on the platform
Post five to six times per week
To increase authenticity, provide both short and long videos.
Share relevant video content to build authenticity.
Share brief carousels to keep people engaged.
To encourage discussion, post-open-ended questions.
In order to keep the conversation going, reply to messages and comments.
Thank you for being with me Get in Touch- 👉 Visit Website:https://www.praveenrastogi.com/ 👉 Email Me:[email protected]
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
Want to plan and track your social media activity like a pro? We’ve got you covered! Check out this list of 15 tools that can help you do just that. From scheduling posts to tracking analytics, these tools will make managing your social media presence a breeze.
Explore the full list of tools now and get ready to take your digital marketing game to the next level!
To plan your social media activity and presence reach here👇 👇
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
Digital Marketing Consultant 
Are you looking for ways to get your business 10x? Digital marketing is the way for doing so,💻learn how digital marketing tactics and tools helps in order to create a powerful marketing strategy that will reach out even more customers and maximize your ROI. With my expert services, I will help you build an effective digital marketing plan tailored specifically for your business needs. 🤝Start growing your business today with my  one-of-a-kind digital marketing solutions! 📈
For getting free digital marketing consult click on the link👇 👇 
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
QuillBot alternatives
🤩 Are you looking for the best QuillBot alternatives to turbocharge your content creation? 
Look no further! I have put together a comprehensive list of the top 25 paid and free QuillBot alternatives in 2023. From AI-powered writing assistants to grammar checkers, this list has something for everyone. 
Check it out and start creating amazing content faster than ever before 📝
For getting more information click here 👇 👇 👇
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
Any prosperous firm is built on its brand. It distinguishes you from your rivals, forges a distinctive character for your business, and ultimately affects client loyalty. As a freelancer offering branding services, I am aware of how challenging and time-consuming it can be for businesses to develop a successful brand strategy. Because of this, working with a specialist like me can help you take your brand to new heights. For getting freelance branding services click on the link
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
The algorithm is designed to provide users with relevant content based on their preferences and engagement patterns. By staying up-to-date with the changes in the algorithm, you can optimize your content strategy and improve visibility on the platform.
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
I can help you build a strong personal brand that will help you reach a wider audience and achieve your business goals.
For a getting personal branding consultant and stay updated with the latest trends click on the link
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
Businesses at present need to scale themselves by keeping market scenarios in mind. It means you lack in maintaining any of those then you may be left behind.
For a getting digital marketing consultant and stay updated with the latest trends click here 👇 👇 👇
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
Be a magnet for opportunities: how to build a personal brand that lasts
Creating a brand is a marathon, not a sprint.
As It takes time, effort, and consistency to build a strong brand. You can't expect to create a successful brand overnight.
Targeting a social audience
Identifying the specific people on social media who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.
Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not. People can spot a fake a mile away.
Show, don't tell Demonstrate your skills rather than just listing them on your resume or in an interview.
Using specific media frequently
Choosing a few social media platforms that are a good fit for your brand and then using them consistently.
If you think, you are lacking in any of these points then you need expertise advice.
Connect with me to get the best personal branding solutions.
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💡 Need help building a strong and lasting personal brand? 
You've come to the right place! As a freelancer, I can help you navigate the world of personal branding and establish yourself as an authority in your chosen field. By utilizing my services, you'll be able to build a brand that resonates with your target audience, amplifies your message, and drives more leads for your business 📈 
Ready to get started? 
Contact us today and let's start crafting a powerful personal brand together! 🤝
Get in Touch-
👉 Visit Website: https://www.praveenrastogi.com/ 
👉 Email Me:  [email protected]
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
Myths of Digital Marketing
Myth 1- It is not meant for small businesses
Reality- It is much more effective for small businesses as
Startups spend 7–8% of their business’s revenue on marketing efforts.
Myth 2 Email marketing is not effective anymore
Reality- An average of 347.3 billion emails are sent and received per day — a 4.3% increase from the previous year, That means if you follow the right CPC strategy then it will give you high results.
Myth 3 Digital marketing results cannot be tracked
Reality- It can be traced easily as compare to traditional marketing it also provide real time tracking in google analytics and search console.
Myth 4 Make your website that’s not enough for your business.
Reality- Just making a website is not fruitful for your business getting it updated is more important.
As people will be interested in landing on your website when they find the latest content on it.
Myth 5 Receiving negative comments on social media is not good
Reality- Replying positively and professionally to either change the customer’s perspective on the brand to maintain a customer
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💡 Did you know that there are certain myths about digital marketing that prevent businesses from achieving optimal success?
I understand the importance of getting the facts straight. That’s why I am debunking popular digital marketing myths and helping companies achieve their goals through informed decisions 🤓
Learn more about digital marketing myths and realities with the help of my post. You’ll gain the insights needed to make smart decisions and get ahead in a competitive world 🙌
Get in Touch-
👉 Visit Website: https://www.praveenrastogi.com/
👉 Email Me: [email protected]
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
How to 10x the effectiveness of your content
Scheduling content in advance can save business time and effort
Maintaining Consistency
@ Scheduling enables you to maintain a regular online presence and material frequency, which is essential for developing.
@ Sharing quality information on a regular basis keeps your fans interested and compels them to check back for more.
Time Management
@ You can set out time for content development, editing, and strategy by planning and scheduling it in advance.
@ Avoiding last-minute rushing allows you to maintain quality and concentrate on other tasks.
Audience Reach Optimization
@ You may carefully plan content delivery across numerous platforms and time zones by using scheduling.
@ You can target your audience's peak activity times to increase the likelihood that people will view and interact with your content.
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Improve Efficiency
@ You may batch-create and schedule numerous pieces of content using a content schedule.
@ This method expedites your workflow and saves time, giving you more time for other crucial activities.
Stress Reduction
@ The stress of continuously deciding what to write next is reduced by having a content schedule in place.
@ You may approach content development more methodically and carefully if you are aware of what has to be done and when.
Analysis and Optimization
@ You may more effectively examine audience feedback, engagement metrics, and performance data with scheduled content.
@ This enables you to improve your content strategy and better understand what works and what doesn't.
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praveenrastogilko · 1 year
How to use them: 5 physiological tips that will improve your marketing
Are you struggling to get your marketing campaign off the ground? Do you find it hard to connect with your target audience and increase sales? Look no further than marketing psychology. By understanding the way people think, feel, and behave, you can create more effective and engaging marketing strategies that will leave a lasting impression on potential customers. In this blog post, we'll explore five physiological tips for improving your marketing game while also discussing responsible ways to use these insights in your campaigns. So if you want to take your brand's success to the next level, keep reading!
What is marketing psychology?
Marketing psychology refers to the study of human behavior and how it relates to marketing strategies. Essentially, it's about understanding what makes people tick and using that knowledge to create more effective advertising campaigns. One key aspect of marketing psychology is consumer behavior research. This involves collecting data on shopping habits, preferences, and attitudes towards certain products or brands. By analyzing this information, marketers can gain valuable insights into their target audience's needs and desires. Another important component of marketing psychology is persuasion techniques. This includes everything from using emotional appeals in ads to creating a sense of urgency through limited-time offers. However, it's essential for marketers to use these tactics responsibly. Manipulating consumers through psychological tricks can be unethical and damaging in the long run. Responsible marketers should aim for transparency and honesty while still utilising effective psychological techniques. Marketing psychology provides a valuable framework for understanding consumer behaviour and crafting successful advertising campaigns.
For hiring freelance digital marketing experts you can connect with me as I am a professional digital marketer, I can help you in providing guidance for branding Personal Branding and Digital Marketing.
How to use marketing psychology responsibly?
As a digital marketing expert, it is important to use marketing psychology responsibly. While understanding the psychological triggers that can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates, it's crucial not to manipulate your audience or cross ethical boundaries. To start with, always be transparent about your intentions and how you collect and use customer data. Avoid using fear-based tactics or creating false urgency in your messaging. Instead, focus on building trust with your audience by delivering high-quality products/services that meet their needs. Another way of using marketing psychology responsibly is by prioritizing the long-term relationship over short-term gains. Rather than resorting to aggressive sales techniques that could harm customer loyalty, try developing personalized experiences that show genuine care for their satisfaction. Avoid exploiting vulnerable groups such as children or people with mental health issues in your campaigns. Always keep in mind the human aspect of marketing and strive towards making positive impacts on people's lives while achieving business goals at the same time.
Once all of these marketing strategies are performing or in the middle, as a freelance SEO expert I do ensure not to ignore the google guidelines.
Different marketing psychology strategies & examples
Different marketing psychology strategies and examples are essential for any digital marketer to understand. One such strategy is social proof, which involves showcasing the positive experiences of current customers through reviews or testimonials. This can help build trust with potential customers and increase sales. Another effective strategy is scarcity, where marketers create a sense of urgency by highlighting limited quantities or time-limited offers. For example, a countdown clock on a website can encourage users to take action before they miss out. Emotional appeals are also powerful in marketing psychology. Marketers use emotions like fear, happiness, or sadness to connect with their audience and influence their decision-making process positively. Advertisements that tug at heartstrings often generate high engagement levels. Additionally, reciprocity is another common tactic used in marketing psychology where companies offer something valuable upfront to consumers, hoping that they will reciprocate by making a purchase or taking some other desired action. Understanding and properly implementing these different marketing psychology strategies can significantly improve the success of your digital marketing efforts as well as attract clients looking for freelance digital marketing experts who have expertise in this area.
Hire freelance digital marketer, who can provide you proper guidence in different digital marketing fields. 
By understanding the psychology behind marketing, you can create more effective campaigns and connect with your audience in a meaningful way. However, it’s important to use these strategies responsibly and avoid manipulating or deceiving consumers. If you’re hiring a freelance digital marketing expert, make sure they have a strong understanding of marketing psychology and ethical practices. Look for freelancers who specialize in SMM or SEO if those are areas where you need help. With these five physiological tips in mind, you can improve your marketing efforts and stand out from the competition. Remember to keep testing and tweaking your campaigns to see what resonates best with your target audience. By using psychology-based tactics ethically, you can build trust with customers and grow your business over time.
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