pray4meireadstarker · 3 years
Hi! when you have time I would love Starker recs with abo dynamics Preferably a polyshipping pack dynamic! They can be incomplete and if you can’t find many that’s totally understandable :) thank you
I was actually thinking of making a rec list for a/b/o fics, so this ask comes at the right time.
I tend not to read polyshipping stuff, but I did some research just for you, Anon! I’m gonna start with my favourite fanfictions though, I hope you don’t mind ;)
Reassurance by AnonymousI’m gonna be honest with you, chief: I haven’t finished this one, I don’t even remember why. Possibly because I’m an idiot, but we’ll never know. I remember it being good, though, and I would feel bad not putting it in the list just because I haven’t finished it. It’s based on Homecoming, with Peter trying to hide the fact that he is an omega from Tony and the rest of the team in an attempt to be taken more seriously.
Help Me, Fix Me, Heal Me by Mid_Nightmare Oh my God, this one’s so good, I hope the author updates soon! The setting is a bit different than usual: Tony and the rest of the Avengers live in the woods as a pack of shape-shifting wolves (the characters stay in human form for the majority of the story, though). One day, Tony finds an injured Peter and nurses him back to health - and I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort, so obviously I love this story with all my heart
Starker Resolutions by dela_chaisse The only fanfiction in this list with Omega!Tony and Alpha!Peter. It was refreshing to read, even if the dynamic between Tony and Peter is still the same: a suave and charming (but still struggling with a lot of personal issues) Tony and a starstruck Peter. I really enjoyed how IC Tony’s distrust for alphas and desire for independence felt.
In Heat by Atanih88 Peter is in heat, that’s the whole plot, but the rating doesn’t go past Teen and Up. I do wish the author had written the actual sex scene instead of stopping right before, but I guess I can’t have everything in life. On an unrelated note, Tony is so IC that his thoughts reminded me a lot of the way he talks in the movies, and I really love when that happens. (Oh, and he’s also a Beta, not an Alpha).
Call Me (A Thief) by RaisonDetre This is the pwp that every rec list needs and deserves. I think the tag “The scene on the roof top but they just angrily fuck instead” explains the plot pretty well.
Body Electric by GryffindorGirl94 You thought I was gonna put only one pwp? Ah, syke! Here’s another one, and the premise is the same as the one above: that scene on the rooftop, but they end up fucking. You don’t need to know more.
Dear Heart by TempestRisingCan I cry because of how good this fic is? The author had me had “Tony Stark has a heart” and “Hurt Peter Parker”, but I never expected to love an angsty coffe shop AU this much.
Here’s all the polyshipping fics I found! I didn’t read them all completely, but I made sure that they are not, you know, horribly written or something like that.
Because It’s Us by confessionsofabibeauty (WIP)This one has an OC as a main character, so if that’s not your cup of tea you’ve been warned. Also, it’s a wip but it has been updated fairly recently.Ship/s: Peter/Avengers team; Peter/OFCTags on Ao3: civil war fix-it; soulmate aspects; eventual mpreg; pack dynamic
Modified for Pleasure by professional_benaddict (One-shot)Dude, this one is dark - the title is self explanatory, really. Not something that I would read for fun, but hey! I think it’s well written so I don’t feel bad recommending it (and also I’ve read worse thing that turned me on in the past, who am I to judge?). Ship/s: Tony Stark/Peter Parker/Stephen Strange Tags on Ao3:dom/sub; body modifications; slightly dubcon
Me and Mine by sleepsick (WIP)Again, not something that I would read for fun. But the author definetely knows how to write, I can’t deny that. Ship/s: Peter Parker/almost every Aenger; Peter Parker/Wade WilsonTags on Ao3: peter parker whump; possessive behavior; pining; dubcon
You’re the One I Want by Goofatron (One-shot)I actually read this one before, and I have to admit: fucked-up, but hot. Ship/s: Peter Parker/Tony Stark; (almost) Peter/Thor, Peter/Steve and Peter/BuckyTags on Ao3: virgin!peter; attempted rape/non-con; scent kink; daddy kink
The More the Merrier by hchollym (WIP)Oh boy, this is just 23.000 words of porn. God bless the author, tbh, this i a gift to humanity.Ship/s: Peter/Tony; Peter/Thor; Peter/Steve; Peter/Bucky Tags on Ao3: porn with feelings; everyone loves Peter;mpreg
Asunder by pansley (WIP)I’m gonna trust the 500 comments on Ao3 and say that fic is a good one!Ship/s: Peter Parker/Tony Stark; Peter Parker/Avengers Team; Peter/Wade Wilson; Peter/Harry Osborn; Peter/Norman Osborn; Peter/MJTags on Ao3: dubcon; drug use; group sex; sexual slavery
That’s all I could find for you, Anon! Hope there’s something here you haven’t read yet :)
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pray4meireadstarker · 3 years
Peter’s getting too old for this.
At seventeen, his heats are passing that edge between pseudo and mature, from baby omega to adult omega. From acceptable and encouraged to spend with an opposite gender parent to actually needing the sexual part of the heat dealt with, not just the comfort.
But it’s not Peter’s fault his Daddy’s scent is a mix of all the best things in the world, like home and safety and okay, yeah, something sexual that has Peter leaking in his panties even when he’s not in a heat.
Tony’s on the other side of the world, anyway, at a conference in Tokyo, and Peter made sure not to let slip that the trip coincided with his heat week.
Which means he’s all alone as he rolls in the silk sheets of Tony’s bed, dressed only in one of his old MIT shirts and a pair of little pink panties. He’s wet already, just from the scent of alpha, of /Daddy/ everywhere. He can spend his whole heat with his fantasies of Tony helping his heat and his Dad will never, ever have to know.
Tony steps off stage, applause still sounding behind him from his latest presentation on the applications of the BARF technology, when Jarvis speaks.
“Master Stark? Peter’s gone into heat.”
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pray4meireadstarker · 3 years
Fic: Indefensible
Indefensible / MCU / Tony/Peter / 10k / Explicit
In which Peter is actually Tony’s son, someone should have planned better, everything is awful, and you’d better have double checked those tags.
Putting the summary beneath the cut because I know a lot of people don’t want to see anything like this on their dash.
Keep reading
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pray4meireadstarker · 4 years
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Listen. I know it's been done before. But @starkermoodboards and I were sighing dreamily at starker when I had a miniature epiphany. A lot of content revolves around Peter being mafia boss Tony's lover and not taking part in the illegal business, and I am here for it. It's an amazing concept that I appreciate wholeheartedly. I just decided to shift the dynamic and see how it played out.
The man who runs the sandwich shop can't pay up because his daughter had a rollerblading accident? No problem, Peter will leave her flowers, fill the hospital room with teddy bears and extend the due date. You missed the meeting because pay day came in from the day job and you blew it on beer and cocaine? The kid, usually seen smiling and laughing with nearly everyone, doesn't appear all that threatening. Barnes does. But then this beanpole from Queens decks you so hard two teeth go flying. Consider the due date changed. There are now twelve hours on the clock before Peter comes by to collect. Hiding makes it worse. Tony's enforcers, particularly Peter, Clint, Wade and Pietro, love when people run for cover. It helps keep them in shape and breaks the routine.
But then a new boss rolls into town, a so called Killian (Iron Man 3, I can't remember the name) that tries to steal Pepper and his customers. None leave Tony, of course. Those with small businesses, the little guys, appreciate how compassionate Iron Man is. Even the people that often see Peter's knuckles up close don't turn on him; the prices are  extremely fair and the Starks' always go through with the deals. So this peacock decides to challenge Tony for the throne. It's a political suicide, a new comer daring to impose upon such an honorable house. Not only that, Tony's been in Queens for decades and he's never once betrayed those that were loyal to him. The man had helped the city become a thriving community, often offering assistance to the people while the government's hands were tied. To challenge Tony was to challenge the principles of the entire system. Thing is, it was technically allowed.
The laws state that any person who believes they have fair reason to challenge another member may do so only if the ensuing fight is overseen by the council. There is no room for competitors to initiate wars based on faux insults. Tony couldn't take out Killian's safe house as retaliation for the challenge. Killian was unable to bomb the Stark headquarters to establish dominance. It was the mafia, not an anarchic society. There was order to these types of things.
Peter arrives early with the team, sweeping the area and making sure the ring hides no lethal secrets. He's been to plenty of these fights, but Tony hasn't been challenged in nearly two decades and the man almost never has to fight someone when there are bodyguards to be found everywhere. Nonetheless, the older enforcers can easily recall the last time Anthony Stark was in the ring and they assure the young man Killian will be out like a light after the boss steps in. They wait, silent and solemn, eyeing the competition for any threats or tricks. The men on the other side are from neighboring cities, names hazy but reputations sparkling. There will be no illusions today. Except from the jester with slicked back hair and a haughty attitude.
The insults rain down and they don't flinch. This behavior is inappropriate, for there is honor among thieves and devils. If one is to seriously fight, one keeps quiet and stays with their own. Most fights that occur between opposing families are mere squabbles, friendly rivalries that keep the atmosphere thrumming during boring weekends or holidays. Barnes has a hobby of coaching Steve in the ring after work and Natasha tends to employ her knife throwing skills against Clint's bow and arrow. They would fight members of the same family for fun, for fuck's sake. But no matter the cause or how drunk people were, insults were looked down upon.
It starts with their abilities as enforcers. Peter stares straight ahead at the wall, they all do. The Stark members were considered some of the fiercest fighters by the community, matched only by the legendary Black Panthers. The little boy criticising their skills does not know how in the wrong he is. But he's a quick learner. The tone shifts slowly, and shift it does. Ten minutes before Tony arrives, his rival begins claiming how incompetent and worthless he is. That makes every person grind their teeth simultaneously.
Whether or not you were a member of the Starks did not matter. It was clear Iron Man was an efficient leader ready to help the entire city evolve into something better. So when Killian leans towards Peter, boasting how he'd do a much better job of ruling, him, a nobody that can't even follow the protocols, the kid very nearly rips him a new one. But that is not allowed and a Stark enforcer does not break a law unless absolutely necessary. He would not bring dishonor upon his job, his fellow coworkers, his family; he would not tarnish the Stark name, let alone allow this weakling to get the better of him. Peter loves Tony and he'd let Bucky put a bullet in him if he ever harmed his boyfriend in any way. Not only had Tony saved his life, he'd shown Peter a better reality that let him thrive. He'd shown the young man how to love himself. Taught him he could be loved by another without anguish souring the relationship.
He was Tony Stark's right hand man, one of the best bodyguards in the mafia. Not just a powerful enforcer either. Peter was more than a Stark; he was the goddamn Spider and that meant something here. Before Stark dropped into his life like a fallen angel, Peter Parker ruled the ring. They considered Ben Parker's nephew a legend years ago, a warrior that could go head to head with the best without dying. Fighting against people like Black Widow and the Winter Soldier had earned him his reputation. Every knocked out tooth, jagged scar and black eye made it clear to all: he was a menace unwilling to break for anyone. Becoming Tony's lover and enforcer only resulted in more respect, but the community hadn't viewed Peter as strong for the first time when he exchanged kisses with the Iron Man. They realized the kid was strong the second he looked Bucky in the eye and grinned at the challenge.
(Peter guessed that's why they get along so great. Buck was a puppy. A lethal one that could rip your arm out, but still a puppy to him. The older of the two appreciated being seen as more than just a good fighter.)
Peter vows not to break. And then Killian is claiming he could breed Tony's bitch, show Peter how a real man fucks. The man gets so close he tastes the spit that comes flying two seconds later.
"Tony Stark is unworthy of his seat. And he sure as hell doesn't deserve such a pretty little thing like you."
It's sneered at him, Killian smirking at him wildly. The whole place changes, white tiles morphing into shades of red and Peter wants.
Barnes snarls at Tony's rival with eyes gone dark, Natasha lets out a hiss reminding him of rattlesnakes and the two russian speakers pounce at the same time. If Clint and Steve weren't so attuned to their family and strong as hell, Killian would be sliced ribbons decorating the floor. All in all, a fairly restrained reaction. Peter's proud of Nat and Bucky for not killing the man on the spot. Makes a mental note to get them new punching bags and cover Clint and Steve's shifts should they need the extra hours.
Killian doesn't move from his spot when the room becomes alive with furious shouts of indignation and Peter has to admit it's impressive. But this is a child, and children respond best to the monsters hiding in the closet, not the ones standing in the light. So Peter thinks about the audacity this creature has, insulting his lover, criticising decades of hard work and dedication, diminishing their relationship and in the process implying that his fellow enforcers were just pieces of meat to satisfy lust, inadequate at their jobs. For to attempt to dishonor or belittle one enforcer meant questioning everyone's competency. Not only that, this scum thought Peter was nothing but a whore. He hadn't fought enhanced assassins just so an arrogant dick would take one look at him and dismiss him as a threat.
Peter doesn't raise a hand or growl or yell or shoot him. He could, the council would see it as fair. After all, Killian had insulted all aspects of Peter's life. Doing any of that wouldn't lead to Killian being beaten, though. And Peter wants him to submit. So Peter smiles and the Spider comes out to play.
By the time Tony arrives, his baby has two buttons undone and a single strand of hair out of place from where he stands in the ring. He knows an enraged Peter when he sees it.
The crowd parts for him, bowing slightly and falling quiet. Only the bosses held in high esteem get such a treatment and it's been years since the community behaved in such a way towards him. The Stark heir was arrogant, but he'd always preferred that the people's respect be shown in a different way, one more subtle.
The bowing reminded him too much of his father's reign, the silence that would engulf him as a child and choke the air out of his lungs with the pressure of Howard Stark's legacy. No matter where they went, the roar of nothing followed. Besides, he was always trying to remind the community that they were all equals. Tony was only in his position because of the people that chose him, the people with the actual power.
So for them to actually bow as low as possible and simply cease conversing, knowing how much Tony abhors the sight, it tells him just how deeply Killian fucked up.
By the hate found in Barnes' face and Nat's curled fist, his rival must have hit a little too close to home. But the man was still alive, leaning against a marble column. Which meant Peter, his genius lover, had somehow initiated a course of action that would lead to satisfaction for all those here. The mafia was made up of untamed creatures. For a hundred people to agree not to rip an intruder's throat when the man had so obviously comitted a heinous act, Peter must have pulled out the big guns.
He settles next to Steve, but all his enforcers surround him anyway. In fact, every person in their side of the room shifts closer. It warms his heart. He'll let them break Killian when this is done, show his appreciation for their care and protection.
Well. If Peter actually leaves something to break.
A body slides out of the ring, ends up at his feet. It's a man the size of Thor, someone living two cities over. The tattoos on his right hand are what clue Tony in. Peter's played fair. The guy will need all his teeth replaced and that scar will definitely make a lovely crisscross pattern on his face. Bruce and Strange are already there, dragging him to a corner filled with more groaning bodies and hard working nurses disinfecting wounds. Each man will showcase those scars proudly. They went against the Spider and lived to tell the tale with proof right on their bodies.
He counts ten. Turns to find Peter staring at him, expressionless face morphing into the one he's most familiar again. A grin confirms his suspicion; his darling isn't even sporting a bloody lip. The grin he gives in return appears instinctively, pride overflowing and resulting in Tony Stark beaming at the Spider. It's both unsettling and a relief. The community was used to a happy Peter so the interaction helped remind them who the Spider was. That familiar sense of comfort vanished because Jesus, Tony Stark was beaming.
"Feeling merciful, sweetheart? Giving them a minute is twenty times longer than usual." His tone is light, not wanting to imply Peter has gotten slow or rusty. Sure, it's been a while since his boyfriend was in the ring, but you don't offend the Spider when he's already in a bad mood.
Steve and Bucky tense up, eyeing Peter in case they need to fight him out of the ring. If he gets even more pissed, Killian's men don't stand a chance. Tony could stomach murder. Peter couldn't. The enhanced soldiers prefer the possibility of bruised ribs to Peter with a heavy conscience.
His boyfriend doesn't twitch and Tony thanks whatever entity exists for giving Peter some self control.
"Figured it'd be best I don't get the suit too dirty. May is always complaining about getting the blood stains out. It hurts her hands so I'm trying to help out. If I take the jacket off, the shirt will stain faster."
God, Peter could really pull at his heartstrings without meaning to. He falls in love with him a little more.
The eleventh man tries to catch Peter and tackle him to the ground. The kid just slides to the right, drops down, sweeps the guy off his feet and knocks him out with two punches. It's the loveliest thing Tony's fucking seen and he's thankful Jarvis is taking pictures. He settles the sunglasses onto his lapel, happy to let the A.I immortalize this moment from that vantage point.
"I'm gonna guess what's going on and you'll stop me if I'm wrong, right?" Peter nods and Tony is ridiculously happy for the chance to do this in front of Killian.
He glances at Nat, sizes up Barnes, reads Peter's posture and Steve's facial cues and just knows.
His father used to hate when his only child pointed at things before analysing them. Found it too mundane, or some shit like that. Tony makes sure to point at Killian with both index fingers.
"You were disrespectful to my people. That's common with you. They shouldn't take anyone's insults, but they can and they did. The council probably thinks they were exemplary, hell, Fury probably thinks they were the textbook definition of good. But you kept pushing. Just poking at their buttons. Because it's Peter in the ring, you're little stunt turned personal. You insulted him, his family, me. If it had been one of the others, Peter would have cut you a nice scar. But tradition is tradition. Even if he could have challenged you, which he could have, Peter would have stepped aside. The recipient of the insult should have a role in the fight. You pissed him off before I got here. Thought he was weak. The last person to be that naive learned how ridiculous that assumption was when Peter beat their ass."
Peter had knocked Tony flat on his back when he'd made a comment about frail sheltered boys not knowing how to fight. He hadn't seen the kid fight before that; hadn't processed the fact that soft looking Peter Parker was the menacing Spider. That was two years ago. Not a single soul has thought Peter weak since then. Until now.
"The law states your men can take your place against your rival. Which is honorable if you're at a disadvantage. Broken bones, flu, life handing you shit right before the day of the fight. It isn't really put in practice, though, because the council knows how hard it is for everyone to synchronize their schedules for a second round if there are problems. They plan weeks ahead of time to ensure participants are in perfect condition. You seem to be just fine. Putting your men in danger by having them take your place against Peter sounds like what an idiot boss would do. If you had courage, you'd fight Peter. You'd fight me, but I doubt you're man enough."
The taunting does its work. Tony knows Peter can just knock him out before Killian even gets close. He could switch with his lover, but Peter needed to establish his reputation once again, make it impossible for any to doubt his abilities. By saying Killian is a coward, the Stark heir challenges his claim of being good enough for the throne. No mafia member would accept his reign if they knew Killian lacked bravery. Well. They already knew this, it just needed to be finalized so the council could have it all in record.
The man has just witnessed what happened when Peter wished for destruction and justice. He could get in the ring, be knocked out and none would laugh. The community would talk about it, but they never mocked the loser. Killian would be seen as an incompetent asshole that at least had courage. If he refused

Every Stark enforcer/member grinned when the peacock snarled and entered the ring. Until a butterfly knife gleamed and slashed through wool, cotton and flesh.
It feels odd, being stabbed. You'd think the cold blade would send goosebumps everywhere, but Peter doesn't register the cold. Would he be cold if the blade was bigger? Or if Killian hadn't been holding the knife for an hour? He knows his reaction is ridiculous. Who the fuck was wondering about the temperature when they had a knife piercing their abdomen?
Although, it could be the shock. Yeah, he remembers Bruce's lessons on the effects of stabbing. Natasha had also reminded him of the shock, so at least that's a normal symptom. What isn't normal are his other ... responses to being stabbed.
"Are you gonna need this back?" is asked sweetly, nearly sickly so. The Spider has a thing for contrasting aesthetics . Being a little shit while a knife is rearranging his intestines does not sound common, but Peter takes pleasure in behaving oddly.
Killian gapes at him, mouth wide and eyes wider. He shakes his head, careful not to jostle Peter too much. Not like it matters much. There's a metal arm dragging him to safety, sliding over the ring's edge and onto a stretcher. Bucky is being as gentle as possible, he knows. It still feels horrible to move and have the knife shift in time with his breathing. Nat is there to rip open the suit, nails clearing the area around the intrusion and Doctor Strange appearing with antiseptic and everything Peter needs. He loves the Doctor.
And yes, definitely in shock. As he's being wheeled away to the med corner, there's a roar similar to that of a lion and Peter catches sight of Tony leaping at Killian. His clothes, jacket, vest, shirt and wife beater lay in a heap by Steve. Tony's expensive shoes are guarded by Sam. The shoemaker was a nice woman. She bought him a churro once. After that, his boyfriend would always buy his shoes at her store. Peter appreciated Tony helping out the little people. It was nice being what society thought was a bad guy while not actually being a bad guy. Like capitalist loving jerks like Brad. The room's spinning a bit and oh look, sparkly lights.
Afterwards, Jarvis shows him pictures of Killian, explains how the man landed in prison five days after the fight. The council had convened with their counterparts from five different cities. All had tales of Killian's horrible behavior. It wasn't hard to call in a few favors and dump him in jail. It was a bit hard to recognize him, though. Tony had gone berserk and no self respecting person was going into the ring to drag him off his rival.
Killian played dirty, so his boyfriend had first claim to fight while Peter was being treated. Steve and Bucky only hauled him away when five minutes had passed, not wanting their boss to have blood on his hands.
Peter himself only remembers the dull sting of a needle meant to calm him, Nat's gentle cooing and Sam wiping away the sweat near a disheveled curl. Bruce and Strange had murmured assurances during all of it, careful to work on Peter away from Tony's eyes. If Iron Man thought he'd lose his lover, Killian would've been dead in two minutes.
He'd woken up a few hours later, Tony sitting by his side and sobbing. His boyfriend was sniffling as he wrapped Peter's hand in bandages. Apart from the new scar on his stomach, only his knuckles were slightly bruised. Even so, the mafia's most efficient leader was tenderly applying antibiotic cream to the tiny nicks, letting enough space between bandage and skin for the area to breathe. Tony had never once been violent with him, but Peter thinks this is the first time he's seen his boyfriend be so gentle.
The angle was odd and uncomfortable with him being unable to bend much at the waist. That didn't stop the legendary Spider from kissing Iron Man softly, barely there whispers filling the centimetres between them.
"I love you, Tony. And I'd do it all over again for you. I love you, I love you, I love you 3000.
Alright, here we go! My mind associated Killian's body with Yinsen's name and I've no idea why, but here's the correct version.
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
Do you take prompts? Cause I'm dying to read some good Mob boss Tony who's badass with everyone else and melts down for his baby Peter! :) Thank you anyways 😊
Hello there! I’m not sure I’m gonna take prompts yet, because I’m a really slow writer and would probably get overwhelmed way too quickly, but I do love myself some Mob Boss!Tony, I just needed an excuse to write it, haha.
@roleplayangelprincess, I really do hope you like this! Thank you for reaching out. XO
Mob Boss!Tony x Precious!Peter
Word count: 5k+
Warnings: explicit, nff, 18+, mentions of blood, violence, torture and child abuse (nothing explicit), no violence between main pairing. Mafia AU. If you spot anything else that might be triggering to anyone, please let me know!
Tony’s world had always smelt of gunpowder, blood and tears, for as long as he could remember. The only lullabies he knew were the sounds of shots being fired, screams of horror and desperate begging. Howard used to say it was important that he was raised in the middle of all that, he believed it would make him a tougher man, a firmer leader. He wanted Tony to experience all those situations he usually found himself in, because one day it would all be his – his whole empire, all of New York City’s underworld would be in the palm of his hands, and the scum of the earth that lived in it would be able to smell fear, weakness and softness from three thousand miles away.
So Tony never knew softness, kindness or gentleness. He was raised on blood, tears and gunpowder, to the sounds of screams, gunshots and begging. He was groomed to be a leader as heartless and cold as Howard, to be able to pull the trigger without hesitating. Cold and calculated. He was eight when he killed for the first time, just old enough to support the weight of the gun with both hands and handle its kickback.
The man had begged and cried, looking into his eyes, and Tony didn’t feel anything, he had heard those sounds so many times by then, it did nothing to him. Howard said “do it” and he did. He pulled the trigger. The man’s blood spattered his face and arms and shirt and it was weirdly warm, like teardrops on his skin. He stood there, mesmerized for a few seconds, before Maria told him to go clean up and get ready for supper.
That episode was his life in a nutshell, the smells, the sounds, the darkness, his mother’s reaction, his father’s nod of approval. He grew used to it all, he embraced it, he craved it, and he didn’t know anything else.
Until Peter.
Peter was a ray of fucking sunshine on Tony’s cloudy, dark days, and he hated it at first. He hated that he made his world brighter, he hated that Peter made him want to bend to his every wish, hated that he made him want to protect him from the world, hated that he made him feel so fucking vulnerable, and weak, and exposed, but he loved him. He fucking loved him so much. He had no idea when it started,  but it felt like from day one, he never had a choice.
Tony had just left one of his clubs in a terrible mood, one of his most profitable deals had fallen though due to his employees’ incompetence and he had had to kill people – six, to be precise –  it was a bloodbath, there was running and screaming and just nonsense in general, as he sat there and rolled his eyes at the failed escape attempts. To top it all off, there was blood on his favorite suit. It was a three-piece, Italian cut suit and it would go to waste thanks to those idiots running around like fools. All in all, a bad day.
“Excuse me, sir! Excuse me!” And then, sunshine. That chirpy, high-pitched voice coming from behind him was slightly annoying, and if he had been just a little more pissed he would have turned and shot him on the spot, no questions asked, but as it was, he’d maybe just tell him to fuck off.
When he turned around, though, there was a young man looking back at him, clearly scared now. Tony noticed that Rogers and Barnes had their guns pointed at him, as he raised his shaky, thin arms in surrender, a black, Italian leather wallet in his hand. “Y-you, y-you dr-drop
” He couldn’t even speak, so Tony took that time to look him over. He looked young, probably in his late teens or early twenties, he was thin and short and he had a very pretty face for a boy. He wore baggy jeans and an oversized NYU hoodie, so Tony guessed he was a student. In short, a very delicious meal for such a shitty night.
“Rogers, my wallet,” Tony cut the boy off, gesturing for Steve to get his wallet from him. He almost passed out when the blonde man approached him, still holding the gun to his face.
“I don’t mean any trouble, sir, I’m so sorry, I just found the wallet on the ground, I-I swear,” He whimpered pitifully and the sound made Tony’s cock twitch. He raised an eyebrow at himself.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, looking around to maybe try to figure out where the boy had come from. They were in a deserted area, somewhere between Queens and Brooklyn, near one of his clubs and a few of his warehouses, there was nothing around there that would justify Peter’s presence, unless he had ulterior motives and the college student get-up was just a ruse.
“W-walking home from work, sir. I-I didn’t have any money left f-for the subway,” He stuttered, hands still up, he was shaking all over now, and it usually didn’t bother Tony, but he was such a pretty thing, the older man didn’t like to see those squirming for the wrong reasons, he had other uses for them. If the boy was harmless, that terrible night could still be saved.
“What’s your name, boy?” That was all Natasha needed to run a background check on him and, in that moment, he found out the name of what would come to be his greatest weakness. Peter Parker. He looked at Barnes and he nodded quietly, sending a message to Natasha to run a quick check. As soon as it came back clear, he opened a big, shark-like smile at the still trembling boy. “Well, it appears we got off on the wrong foot, sweetheart.”
In retrospect, Tony wouldn’t be able to tell what possessed him that night, what made him think that it would be a good idea to lure him into his car and offer him a ride home. He knew that the boy did things to him, he was gorgeous and innocent-looking, a personal favorite, but Tony didn’t often act on impulse. Even his one-night-stands were carefully chosen and vetted, he couldn’t afford to take any risks; but that night, for the first time – the first of many –, he made an exception for Peter Parker. He didn’t know what made the younger man come with him, either, specially after being held at gunpoint by Rogers and Barnes, but he came, probably possessed by the same entity that clouded Tony’s judgment.
The mob boss made up a story about being the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company and told him that Rogers and Barnes were his bodyguards. He wasn’t too far off from the truth, he did run a multi-billion dollar business and Barnes and Rogers were the only two people in the world he trusted with his life. He told the naive boy that he couldn’t tell him the company’s name for safety reasons, and he ate it all up like a good boy, got in the car with Tony and was easily charmed by his words.
What the older man didn’t count on, though, was that he was really charming, too, in his own way. He was smart and sharp, slightly sarcastic and sassy, and really, really sweet. The older man couldn’t quite understand why it attracted him so much when he took the boy back to his place, but it did, and when he had him sprawled on his one-thousand thread count Egyptian sheets, mouth slack and begging for more, he thought it was merely lust.
Only it didn’t go away after that first night, but Tony thought he just had to fuck him out of his system, which seemed easy enough. He invited Peter to dinner – unfortunately, he had to keep up the facade of being a nice gentleman if he wanted to have him again – and the boy was so fucking happy to hear from him when he picked up the phone. Tony could swear his room got brighter when his voice filled up the empty space.
He was just as charming and even more sassy the second time they met, a little less shy, a little bolder now that Tony knew what he looked like naked and stuffed full of his cock. He took him back home again. And again. And again. By the fifth time they got together, Tony realized – with the utmost horror – that he was beginning to care about the boy. He longed to see him, he wanted to know about his days; he was amused by his antics, he remembered the names of his friends from school, and the professors he liked and disliked. He wanted to hurt the people who made him sad for whatever reason, he was worried about his eating habits, he wanted to make all his money problems disappear. He cared about him.
So, logically, he had to kill him.
There was just no other way, Tony Stark couldn’t afford to care about anybody, it was too big of a weakness, it was gonna be his downfall and he couldn’t have it. So by the sixth night, he did what he had to do. He unwrapped the thin, pale arms from his chest, untucked the sweet-smelling head from under his chin, and got out of bed. He took his gun from the nightstand drawer and pointed it at Peter’s head.
He’d make it painless, the boy wouldn’t have to suffer, he’d die peacefully in his sleep. Tony would have to buy another bed, but other than that, it wouldn’t be much of a clean-up, the way the boy was lying almost in the center of the bed, there wouldn’t even be blood on the floor. Besides, he didn’t have any family left, he only had a couple of friends at school and two more who were away for college, so not many people to look for him. They’d think he’d moved away or something.
Tony stared at him over the barrel of his gun. As soon as he had stepped out of the bed, Peter reached for his pillow and clutched it like a doll, dreaming away, with an almost unnoticeable smile on his lips, completely unaware that he was sharing a bed with the most dangerous criminal in New York, possibly in the whole country. So innocent, and naive, and beautiful.
He was so tiny, so out of place in his cold, dark world. Peter didn’t smell like blood or gunpowder, he smelled like something sweet and edible, he never screamed or cried, he always had a bright smile for him and the most delectable laugh.
Tony faltered. No matter how hard he tried to will his finger to pull the trigger, he couldn’t do it, he just couldn’t fucking do it. He squeezed his eyes shut and lowered the gun, cursing under his breath, unable to believe he couldn’t do such a simple thing. Eight-years-old Tony hadn’t fucking blinked when Howard told him to do it. Why couldn’t he fucking do it?
“Tony? Is everything okay?” When he opened his eyes again, Peter was sitting up, and he looked worried. Tony noticed his eyes were fixed on the gun in his hand. “What’s going on?” He whispered, looking around the room, as if there was a threat out there, little did he know he was face to face with the devil himself.
“Nothing, sweetheart, I just thought I heard something. I checked, it’s nothing, go back to sleep.” He put the gun back in the drawer and the boy breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh, good. Come back to bed, then.” He reached out his arms to Tony, so open and trusting, sitting on his big bed, swallowed by all those expensive sheets, wearing one of his old t-shirts. So fucking small, and breakable, and vulnerable. Tony couldn’t keep him. As long as the boy was alive, he would be a weakness, he could be used as leverage.
So he needed to die. It was for his own good.
The next day, he called Barnes into his office, lighted up a cigar and slowly smoked it as he tried to digest the words he had to say to him. The other man stood there stoically, waiting patiently, until Tony blurted out, “I need you to kill Peter.” He didn’t move a muscle, didn’t even flinch. Professional as ever.
“When do you need it done, boss?” Barnes was the best man for the job, Steve was great, but he was a little soft, and Tony saw the way he looked at the kid, with that small, discreet smile full of fondness.
“Tonight,” he said, jaw set, eyes narrowed. It needed to be done. “He has a night shift at the diner. He gets off at eleven, I want it done by then. You know the drill, be discreet, careful not to make much of a mess, don’t leave any witnesses, yada yada.” He gestured with his cigar, feeling detached, like he was talking about anybody else but Peter.
“You got it, boss.” Barnes nodded and turned to leave, only to be stopped by Tony’s voice.
“Barnes,” Tony didn’t look at him when he turned around. “Make it quick. And painless.”
“Of course.”
So Tony waited. And that day might as well have lasted a fucking year, the way the hours dragged, he couldn’t concentrate on his meetings, couldn’t fucking eat, not even his cigars were enough to calm him down. He was snapping at his employees, killing people for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, losing money for being too fucking off his game.
Around ten that night, he sat on his favorite armchair, the one one in which he and Peter fucked when they couldn’t even make it to the bed, and waited. He drank his scotch and pretended to think of something else, anything, but his mind kept going back to Peter’s lifeless body covered in blood. Gone forever. He lighted up a cigar and, when he noticed his fingers were fucking shaking as it approached eleven o’clock, he realized he couldn’t fucking do it. At ten fifty-eight, he called Barnes.
“Barnes, what’s your status?” He asked, a lump in his throat, afraid it was too late already.
“He’s gathering up his things to leave, boss.” He answered calmly and Tony sighed in relief.
“I’m calling it off. Come back here right now, you and Rogers.”
“Yes, boss.”
As he waited for them, he poured himself a glass of scotch, weighting his options. He couldn’t kill Peter, but he couldn’t let him be a weakness either, so he needed a plan. First of all, Peter couldn’t be kept in the dark anymore, it was too dangerous. Second of all, nobody could ever know about him, the only two people who already knew he existed were Barnes and Rogers, and he would keep it that way.
“It’s your duty to make sure no one knows about him. Not a single soul. I mean it.” He stared at them intently and they looked back at him impassibly, nodding. “If anyone gets a whiff of him, if anyone tries to harm him in any way, I’m gonna choose one of you to torture and kill and let the other one watch and then lock them in the same room with the body to watch it rot, are we clear?”
“Yes, boss,” they both answered in unison, unfazed. One of the reasons Tony trusted them with his life was because they were each other’s weakness, they were easy to threaten. The second reason, of course, was because they risked their lives to rescue him when the Ten Rings gang managed to kidnap him, under Obadiah Stane’s orders, the jealous bastard. Nobody else came but them, and they took down the whole gang by themselves. He rewarded them handsomely, and they became the highest ranking people in his inner circle, followed closely by Natasha and Bruce.
“Good. Bring him to me.”
Not even an hour later, Peter walked into his office, looking frightened. As soon as he saw Tony, though, he breathed a great sigh of relief, rushing to his side to sit on his lap and hold him tight. Tony raised a brow, confused.
“I was so worried, Bucky and Steve just picked me up and they wouldn’t say anything, I thought something had happened to you.” His little arms clutched his neck tightly, desperately, and Tony’s heart swelled with emotions he didn’t even know existed. He breathed in the boy’s scent, feeling nervous all of a sudden, he wasn’t sure why.
“We need to talk, Peter.” He held his head with both hands and pushed him a little. “Maybe you’ll want to sit a little farther away from me for what I’m about to tell you.”
“I know what you’re gonna tell me. Please, don’t.” Tony froze at that, muscles going rigid, eyes wide. He stared at the kid’s face and he looked embarrassed, sad and scared.
“What do you think you know, Pete?” He asked quietly, studying the boy’s reactions. He shrugged his shoulders, avoiding Tony’s eyes.
“I think you’re not really a CEO,” he whispered, as a single tear ran down his cheek. Tony reached out to dry it immediately. “I-I think you h-hurt people
 And stuff.”
“What stuff? Why do you think that?” He tucked a curl behind his ear and placed a finger on his chin to force him too look at him.
“I don’t know what stuff, just
 Stuff. Illegal stuff.” More tears followed and he closed his eyes briefly, opening them a few seconds later. Tony waited patiently. “I’ve heard you on the phone a few times, I can smell gunpowder on you. And – blood. And it’s never yours.” Tony nodded slowly, watching his boy falling apart before his eyes, he looked pained. He was clearly a lot smarter then he let on and a lot sneakier, if he had been listening in on his phone calls. Weirdly, the older man wasn’t even mad.
“Doesn’t it bother you?” He questioned, trying to dry his tears again, holding the boy’s cheeks in his palms. He nodded slowly.
“It terrifies me,” he admitted quietly. “But I – I just. I can’t stay away from you.” He frowned and Tony sighed, smiling softly.
“I couldn’t hurt you if I tried, baby boy.” He wanted to laugh at how true that was.
“I know. I think I know that, just. Just don’t tell me wh– I don’t want to know. The things you do.”
“Of course, it has nothing to do with you, you’re not a part of this world. I’m just gonna need you to be more careful, ok, baby? We’ll set a few ground rules, and everything will be just fine.” He rubbed the boys arms as he nodded, but he still seemed agitated and nervous. ”Are you okay, sweetheart?”
“I – Yeah, I guess.” He tried to smile but it turned into a grimace as a few more tears escaped his eyes. “I’m really scared.”
“Peter, listen to me. You don’t ever have to be scared, do you hear me? No one can touch you, you’re under my protection. Do you understand that? No one would dare, I swear to you. I swear it.” There was a lot of confidence in his voice, but he was terrified himself, he was afraid he couldn’t keep that promise, but Peter believed him. The way his face softened and he was finally able to smile again, Tony knew he believed him.  
They took it one day at a time, slowly figuring out their own rules. After that talk, they didn’t see each other for a few weeks, just in case someone had taken notice of the fact that Peter had entered the tower seven times over the course of four months. Then, for the boy’s spring break, Tony took him to Japan for a week, where they could walk around freely, hand in hand, only taking a few precautions before traveling, like not boarding the same plane. After that, they were able to establish a weekly routine, they never met on the same day or at the same time, but they never went more than a week without seeing each other. Quickly, days turned into weeks, which turned into months, which turned into years. Two whole years, and Tony still couldn’t believe how a boy like Peter could belong with a monster like him.
“Boss, the prince is upstairs,” Barnes warned him as soon as he stepped into the tower, to Tony’s surprise. They hadn’t scheduled anything for that night and, for a few seconds, the older man panicked and it must have shown, no matter how hard he tried to suppress it. “He’s unharmed. He insisted that I brought him as a surprise, just a heads-up.” He added and the boss let out a breath slowly, nodding.
“Very well.”
Tony hurried upstairs and as soon as he stepped inside the apartment, he was gifted with the sight of his young lover sitting on his armchair. He was wearing one of the older man’s t-shirts, his favorite one, the oldest Tony owned. He didn’t seem to be wearing anything underneath it, as Tony got a glimpse of his cute little cock peeking out from under the hem of his shirt, between his parted legs. The boy was sleeping, head resting on a hand, propped on the arm of the chair.
The older man walked towards him, loosening his tie, then stopped in front of him. He knelt by his feet, stroked his calves lightly and kissed both of his knees softly. The boy’s eyes fluttered open in surprise, until they finally focused on Tony.
“My prince,” The older man greeted, kissing his way up the pale, plump legs, stopping at the hem of the t-shirt. “Did I keep you waiting?”
“Tony,” He mumbled sleepily, running his fingers through the other’s graying hair. “It’s okay, I was hoping to surprise you, actually, but I guess I fell asleep.” His hand slid towards the older man’s cheek and he leaned into it like a cat, turning a little to place a kiss on his palm.
“Good boy,” he resumed his kisses on pale, shivering thighs, and Peter sighed quietly. “What was this surprise about, baby boy?”
“Just missed you, it’s been a while,” Peter adjusted himself on the chair, sliding his lower half down the seat and spreading his legs wider, until Tony could see a sparkle between the boy’s cheeks, where his pink, tight hole should be. The young man was blushing slightly, Tony found it endearing that he still did, after all that time.
“I’m sorry, Your Highness, have I been neglecting you?” His fingers slid across Peter’s legs, thumbs drawing circles on the sensitive skin on the inside of his thighs, and the boy’s breath hitched as he got closer and closer to his balls. Tony saw his small cock flushing pink as it stood to attention, and the toy inside his hole jerked.
“It’s okay, you’re busy.” Which was absolutely true. Between Peter’s classes, Tony’s tight schedule and having to keep the boy a secret, there wasn’t a lot of time for them to meet, but Tony would correct that soon. When the boy graduated in a couple of months, he wouldn’t be such an easy target anymore, at least he wouldn’t have a predictable schedule in such a public place. He could live at the tower, where it was safe, and Barnes and Rogers could take care of him whenever he needed to go out.
“I was, little one, but I have all the time in the world for you now, let’s see this surprise of yours, shall we?” He spread Peter’s legs further, placing each of them on the arms of the chair, his boy was incredibly flexible, gorgeous to watch. He raised his shirt a little bit, just up to his stomach, but didn’t take it off. “Ah, I see. What a beautiful surprise you have there, baby boy. Thank you.” His little hole was stretched around the plug Tony had bought for him, a slick, black one, with jewels encrusted on the handle, now sticking out of him. It wasn’t too big or thick, he liked him to be tight, after all. “Did my prince come while putting this in?”
“Yes, sir
 Twice,” He was already panting and Tony hadn’t even touched him where it mattered yet. He smirked and clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
“I’m so sorry, you must have been really starved for cock, right? Daddy haven’t been feeding you properly. We’re gonna correct this now.” He held the end of the plug and pushed it in a little more, moved it around a bit, only to hear his boy gasp when it brushed his sweet spot. Then he slowly started pulling it out, watching in amazement as his rim stretched to allow the thickest part of the toy to come out. Once it was completely out, his hole gaped for a few seconds, before clenching furiously around nothing.
The kneeling position was hard on his knees, but his prince deserved nothing less, so stayed there and leaned in, licking the wet, quivering hole, eliciting a desperate moan from Peter, as he held his own knees in an attempt to keep his legs spread open. Tony gripped his thin waist, fingers digging into his soft flesh, hard enough to leave marks, and tried to fuck his tongue inside him. Since it was already a little loose from the toy, it gave in and he was able to lick inside him, and the boy cried out in pleasure, rocking his hips against his mouth.
“Oh, I missed this, Tony
 I missed this
” He mumbled, arching his back, and the older man kept going, tongue buried inside his hole, fucking and licking it, biting his ass cheeks carefully when the young man tried to close his thighs around his head. He tasted delicious and smelled amazing. Tony made his way up to his ball as he pressed two fingers into his hole. They went in with barely any resistance as the boy moaned desperately when Tony sucked his balls into his mouth.
Peter writhed on the chair, hands buried in the older man’s hair, trying to pull him closer, small whimpers leaving his mouth every time the man’s fingers brushed his prostate. Tony licked his way back to his hole, as he tried to fuck it with both his tongue and fingers, until he could see Peter was way too close to the edge.
He got up from the floor and undid his pants. As soon as his cock sprung free, Peter launched himself at it, grabbing it with one hand and sucking the head into his mouth, like a starving man. Tony’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he groaned, burying his fingers in his wild curls and tugging just a little, enough to prevent him from deep-throating his cock – he probably wouldn’t last long if he did, sometimes he thought he might come just from rimming him.
He held his head with both hands, setting a steady pace, and Peter obeyed happily. He licked the tip of his cock, kissed it gently, then went back to sucking as one of his hands came up to play with the older man’s heavy balls – he hadn’t come in days. He took a deep breath and allowed his boy to have his fun for a while, but then pushed him gently and lifted him from the chair, taking a seat himself.
“Come sit on your throne, my prince.” He grinned devilishly, and Peter didn’t even blink an as he placed a knee on each side of Tony’s thighs, reaching behind himself to guide his cock inside.
“Oh, fuck,” He cried, as he sank down onto his cock, mouth hanging open, head thrown back in ecstasy. Tony watched, mesmerized, as the boy took him in slowly, inch by inch, until his cock was completely sheathed inside his tight heat. Peter’s inner walls massaged him as his little hole fluttered, trying to adjust to his girth, and he made little sounds of pain and pleasure.
“You’re perfect, baby, perfect for me,” Tony held his face by the cheeks and brought him closer, licking his lips open to kiss him messily and hungrily. He’d missed him, too, his soft skin, his high-pitched voice, his tiny hands stroking his face, the bouncy, sweet-smelling curls. Peter truly belonged in another world, and although he should feel completely out of place in Tony’s arms, nothing ever felt so right in his life.
The younger man started moving after a few seconds, whimpering against Tony’s lips as he rocked his hips back and forth, up and down. His hands clutched the back of the chair as he bounced on the older man’s cock, following the pace set by Tony’s hands on his hips. The older man slapped his ass once, twice, only to see the boy coming undone, biting his lips and trying to stop himself from screaming.
“Let me hear you, baby,” he grunted, fucking up into him as he bit the younger man’s lips, holding his neck with a hand. When he slapped him a third time, Peter couldn’t hold it in anymore, he screamed the older man’s name as he came with a blinding force, arching his back and gripping his shoulders. If the sight of Peter out of his mind with pleasure wasn’t enough to push him over the edge, the way he clenched his hole on his cock would do it. The older man followed suit, as he grunted against the boy’s neck, leaving marks on his skin.
Peter went limp in his arms, completely relaxed and safe, arms wrapped around his shoulders as Tony held him close, protectively. If it were up to him, Peter would never leave the penthouse, he’d quit his job, and school, and be right there where Tony could look after him. But of course he was a feisty little one, so it wasn’t up to Tony.
“Have you eaten, little one?” He whispered, placing soft kisses on his shoulders and neck, and the boy shuddered.
“No, I was waiting for you.” He whispered back, snuggling further into his arms. “But now I’m sleepy.”
“Poor baby.” He placed a kiss on his temple. “Why don’t you take a nap while I cook you some Bucatini Carbonara, huh? Isn’t that your favorite?”
“No, I’ll cook, you always cook for me,” he mumbled against his neck and Tony could barely understand what he said.
“But you’re sleepy, baby. Besides, you’re a terrible cook on a good day.” Tony chuckled, feeling the boy laughing against his chest.
“Fine, I’ll help, then,” he compromised, pecking his lips.
“Sounds great.”
Peter carefully lifted off of his cock, then stepped out of the chair, hurrying to the bathroom. Tony watched, heart clenching, as his boy walked away. He squeezed his eyes shut for a minute, trying to rein in the feeling of dread that overtook him as he imagined Peter in danger, held captive by someone like him, someone as cruel and heartless as him, someone who would torture him, make him suffer, just to get to Tony. He opened his eyes wide, feeling helpless, as he realized there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do to protect him. He’d give away his entire kingdom, he’d give his own life in exchange for his.
Peter came back to the living room, still wearing his old t-shirt, a huge grin on his face as he rambled about school. Tony smiled to himself. He was worth it.
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
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The Mafia AU
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
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Tony is a photographer!AU

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His camera loves Peter
 He loves Peter

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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
Starker Barista Headcanon
Peter’s been a barista for a few years. He got hired on as a college freshman, and discovered he loved the fast paced environment and connecting with customers
He knows all his regulars’ orders and always makes a point to follow up on whatever they told him about the last time they came in
So when he transfers stores he’s determined to get to know the regulars there too
Except there’s this one guy that seems hellbent on not speaking to Peter
He won’t order if Peter is on register, and he’ll loudly say that he doesn’t want the newbie making his drink whenever Peter is on bar
Peter is normally pretty happy-go-lucky but this Tony guy just pisses him off
He’s been with the company longer than most of the baristas at his new store, and he even won an award last year for his latte art in a local competition
But no matter how much he tries to sweetly tell this guy that he’s been a barista for the past 4 years and isn’t a new hire, Tony won’t listen and insists on his jerk of a coworker Quentin making his triple tall whole milk bone dry cappuccino
Beck can’t steam foam to save his life, but Tony always thanks him and leaves a big tip everytime
It shouldn’t bother Peter this much
It really shouldn’t
Except he can’t stop thinking about how good Tony looks in a suit
How hot his cocky smirk is
How much he wants to undo that tie and just ride Tony til he’s breathless
Because the guy may be a rich asshole, but he’s the hottest guy Peter’s ever seen, and he kinda hates himself for it
One day he’s biking home from a stupidly long and exhausting shift, and he spots a familiar face. It’s Tony, which isn’t that weird since he probably works in the area
But what is weird is that he’s in the park passing out backpacks to people who are clearly homeless, filled to the brim with food, clothing, toiletries, blankets
Peter keeps his distance, watching as Tony talks to an old woman on a bench, and then a kid younger than Peter, and then a middle aged guy by the pond
He approaches each person, offers a kind smile and a handshake and offers them a backpack and a business card
Peter gets closer, enough to hear Tony tell a young man that he’s just opened a shelter with showers and all the clean clothes and food they could possibly need, and invites the man to come clean up and stay for the night
He hears Tony tell the guy he’s working on opening up a building of free housing to anyone who might need a home, no questions asked
And Peter doesn’t know what to think
This Tony is nothing like the Tony at the coffee shop
This Tony is kind and generous and trusting, apparently without asking for anything in return
Peter bikes home in a daze, trying to process everything he just witnessed
The next shift he works, he’s determined once more to get Tony to talk to him
He waits until Tony is sitting down, enjoying his shitty cappuccino made by the ever smug Quentin, and decides to take a glass of water over to Tony’s table as a peace offering
He had a plan for what he was going to say. He could have sworn he had a plan
But the minute Tony locks eyes on him, his heart is racing and he’s panicking and he blurts out, “Why do you hate me so much?”
Acrid shame rises in his throat as Tony gapes at him, clearly confused. After a long, awkward moment, Tony finally speaks. “I don’t hate you. You hate me.”
Peter sputters out a confused, “What? I don’t hate you. I don’t know why you refuse to let me serve you, but I don’t hate you. That’s why I keep trying to prove to you that I can do my job just fine.”
Tony looks bewildered for a moment, and then says, “Quentin told me what you said about me the first time I came in.” Peter just gawks at him, as Tony continues on to explain that Quentin had approached him on Peter’s first day and apologized for if he had overheard Peter being so rude. Quentin had apparently told Tony that Peter called him an ugly stuck up asshole and that he didn’t want to serve Tony.
Peter frantically tries to explain that he never said that, that he never would say that, that he has no clue where Quentin got that from
And as he turns back to the bar area, he sees a mortified looking Quentin Beck, clearly realizing his lie has been found out
Tony can tell from Peter’s reaction that he’s telling the truth, and suddenly realizes that all those months ago Quentin lied to him to make him not want to interact with Peter
And suddenly all of Quentin’s weird behavior over the past couple months makes sense. All the back handed compliments he gave Peter, his insistence that he was the only one who knew how to make Tony’s drink right. He was clearly jealous of anyone else ringing up Tony, and preened whenever Tony thanked him
They talk some more as Quentin skulks to the back, but it’s a slow night so Peter can spare a couple extra minutes off the floor
He admits to Tony that he saw him in the park yesterday afternoon, Tony tells him all about his non profit, and Peter is a little starry-eyed at just how ridiculously wonderful this man is
Eventually another customer walks in and he reluctantly has to go help her, but he spends the rest of the night making eye contact with Tony, and trying to contain the flutter of his heart
Just as he’s about to close up for the night, Tony walks up, handing him his plate and ceramic mug, and Peter smiles sweetly, thanking him and telling him to have a good night. He glances down to see one of the shop’s napkins on the plate, a neat scrawl of words written in red pen
“I’m so sorry I fell for that creep’s lies. I should have known better than to believe what he said. If you ever want to grab some coffee outside of work, call me. —Tony.” And his number is there too.
By the time Peter looks up, Tony has already slipped out of the tiny shop cafe, but he rereads the note again and again, presses it to his chest and breathes out a shaky breath
And as he’s leaving for the night, just about to ride home in the chilly October breeze, he pulls out his phone to send a single message
“I’d love to. Are you free tomorrow night?”
Tagging my kinktober tag list in case anyone is interested:
@readysetstarker @jwolf18791 @warathena418 @pray4meireadstarker @thotticusmaxximus @mvrphyblooms @morgoona-stark @silkystark @untold-royalty @pollyparrot8 @sthefystarkersworld @katzenbaby1 @another-starker-hoe @tony-is-my-daddy @mystarkershame @plsstopgivingpetertrauma @hoeforthegays @lonleystarker @awesomeimportantfan @friendlyneighborhoodlosxr @hpspazz @starker-obsessions @starkershomelife @tightaroundthewebslinger @animefan1998-love @peterpissparker @starkercandy @loki-helmet @petecake @starkercrossedlovers @nerdylocksandthethreebears @thirstyhoe4yoongi @starker-reader @starkerissemiok @tomhollabel @momobaby227 @dragonskittysblog @sleepy-and-depressed
403 notes · View notes
pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
Lmaooo ya’ll are killing meeee.
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the highlight of my evening last night was voice chatting with @quellthefire and her being shocked by how thick my accent is
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
If this isn’t the hottest daddy/brat silent exchange then I don’t know what is.
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
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Off the floor by jingli592
225 notes · View notes
pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
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Sugar and Duck by xi1002
132 notes · View notes
pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
Did you accidentally post day 9? Because i read the title and wow cant wait
I did 😅 I’ve been setting up a post schedule for my kinktober fics so I don’t have to make each day’s post on the actual day, and I fucked up and accidentally published that one for a hot second. 😂 I’m glad you’re excited though!!
For those who didn’t see, it may perhaps have something to do with Quentin Beck and his lovely hand... đŸ€«
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
I was wondering the same thing! Because I’m getting notifications and so many of them sound so good but I can’t read it yet! 😭😭
Did you accidentally post day 9? Because i read the title and wow cant wait
I did 😅 I’ve been setting up a post schedule for my kinktober fics so I don’t have to make each day’s post on the actual day, and I fucked up and accidentally published that one for a hot second. 😂 I’m glad you’re excited though!!
For those who didn’t see, it may perhaps have something to do with Quentin Beck and his lovely hand... đŸ€«
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
if you couldn’t tell, i love this
it’s sloppily written and garbage.
CW: inc*st, pure smut, face f*cking, gagging, peter cant breathe, literally. i’m sorry Degradation. Like really degreasing i’m so sorry don’t read this wtf
Tony would know it was him right off the bat. A lonely night, looking through videos and just genuinely not being able to get off
but then he sees the camboys and he’s always enjoyed it, how sweet and subby they act to get as much attention as possible.
in one of the thumbnails he sees a freckle, literally sees a freckle that he knows is on Peters body in the exact same spot. and he’s like “well i can’t watch this.” but then he clicks on it cause he’s curious.
and yep, that’s his baby
peters live, a few rooms away and he’s whispering so tony doesn’t hear him and he hears it come out of the boys mouth, he calls a user who tipped him 50 bucks daddy.
“I’ve already told you all i don’t need the money, but thank you daddy.”
Tony’s face goes fuckin red.
his baby boy, sitting on his knees, talking to some lowlife who tipped him 50 dollars.
tony wastes no time making an account and putting his credit card in. he joins the chat and sends peter 1500 dollars
and peter just pauses. like he knows.
Tony thinks he’s been found out, thinks that peter knows it’s him.
“Oh my goodness, what a generous daddy, I really don’t deserve that.”
and tony types in the chat, “You’re right, you don’t deserve, especially since you’re being a little whore baby.”
Peter flushes bright red, and he’s absolutely fucking speechless.
“I don’t, wha- i’m, fuck.” he whispers realizing he got too loud. Tony can’t see his face but he knows the look, the absolutely dumbfounded look that’s on Peters face, it’s the same one he gets when he doesn’t understand what Tony’s doing in the lab.
Tony’s typing out another message but he stops, and stands up. He knows what he’s gonna do, and it’s in a lust filled haze that he gets up and makes his way out of the room and down the hall to where Peter is. He knocks on the door, “Peter, baby, can I come in?”
Peter fucking panics slamming his laptop shut and looking for something to put on immediately. He’s putting away every toy he has out and trying to make it look like he was just doing homework,
trying to make it look like he wasn’t about to fuck himself stupid in front of 200, people.
Peter cracks the door after a few looking up at Tony, “Yes daddy?” he asks quietly, now dressed in one of Tony’s science shirts and his boxers.
“Hey Petey, How was school today, i didn’t get to see you much after, i was holed up in the lab, you know.”
Peters face is flushed red and Tony knows he panicking and he doesn’t want to keep him in panic mode for long but it’s so fucking cute. He can tell Peter is still hard from the fact he won’t show tony the bottom half of his body.
He’s shifting on his feet, “It was good! you know! quizzes and tests and stuff, passed everything with at least an A. “
“Yeah, Really? Wow that’s great.”
“Say, do you have 1500 dollars I could borrow?” he asked with a smirk.
Peters eyes go wide and he’s as pale as a ghost, “That’s not possibly, i doxxed your phone, your computer, everything from that site.”
“Baby, you didn’t think that I caught that and fixed it a while ago? Didn’t seem like a big issue at first, but now I see why. Slutting around, calling other men Daddy?”
Peters backing away from the door slowly and looking down at his feet.
“Look at me now baby boy.” Tony tells him.
Peters head snaps up and he looks so beautiful, still so horny and desperate, like he could hump his cock against anything.
“You should know better, you don’t even need the money, daddy gives you everything you want. Everything you could possible need.”
Peter is stumbling over words, trying to find something, anything to say to his Dad to make it better.
“Or is it the attention? You just like knowing that men will throw money at you while they watch you fuck yourself open, the way daddy should be.”
“Yeah, that definitely is it isn’t it whore.” His fingers are in Peters hair pulling the boys head back to expose his neck.
Peters still stumbling over his words looking up at Tony.
“Spit it out you fucking slut, you think I have all day to listen to you try to get out a sentence? “
Peters getting harder as he’s pulled towards his bed.
“Maybe if you weren’t too busy calling other men daddy like a whore you could figure out something to say.”
“Here’s what’s gonna happen baby, you’re gonna suck my cock, just like I know you suck on all those toys. I know you love it so much. Then i’m gonna cum in your mouth and watch you drink all of it.”
Peters so flustered he doesn’t even realize he’s dropping onto his knees, mouth already open for Tony’s cock.
“Please daddy.”
“Do you beg for their cocks too you little slut? Finger yourself while imagining some man who can only throw 50 dollars at you fucking you?” Tony scoffs and undoes his belt pulling it off. His pants are undone and his cock out out, ready to shove down Peters throat to shut the stupid slut up.
“No daddy, i don’t imagine them I imagine-“
Peters cut off by Tony’s cock being pushed down his throat.
“Shut the fuck up *Whore.*”
“Don’t give me that now, whoring yourself out for a little bit of money? Daddy gave you some and you couldn’t speak, it’s like you were ready to fuck yourself stupid just because someone gave you money.”
Peters sputtering around Tony’s cock, eyes wide and gagging almost immediately as the man begins face fucking him.
“This is what you get slut, you wanna get treated like a whore? Daddy’s gonna treat you like a whore and give you exactly what you deserve.”
Peter moans around his length and Tony grabs the back of his bed pushing Peters nose to his stomach. Peter gags, drool shooting out from around Tony’s cock.
Peter can barely suck a breath in around his Daddy’s thick cock and tears are streaming his face. He tries to be a good boy though, keeping his hands in his lap.
Peters almost sure he’s gonna pass out. He can’t breathe and his daddy isn’t showing any signs of stopping, holding onto the back of the boys head, fucking into his precious little throat.
“Nice and tight for daddy hmm?? M gonna come down your throat sweetheart. Daddy’s gonna feed you baby, I know you’re so cock hungry, so maybe this will do the trick.”
Peter feels it shooting down the back of his throat and Tony is holding him still as he empty’s inside his son, “Good slut, such a good slut.”
Tony doesn’t let him of until he swallows, and a few moments later, Peters pulling off gasping for air, chest heaving and a mix of cum and drool dripping down his chin.
“Thank you daddy.” he finally chokes out, “I’m sorry.”
“Hopefully you learned your lesson.”
Peter turns around almost screaming when he sees his laptop, partially open, the red light on the external webcam still blinking.
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
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Peter, seeing demon!Tony: Oh. Hello. 👀👀 💩💩
Based on the last post
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