prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
Trying to Erase Jesus
While browsing news articles on the internet I came across this headline: ā€œThese 5 historical truths suggest Jesus Christ may have never existed.ā€ Usually, this kind of tabloid announcement does not get my attention but recently, due to studies at church and my own devotional reading that indicate a growing hostility toward Christianity in any aspect of the public square. The involvement ofā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
And Now
There was a time When a rhyme Was the deepest way That I could say The pain is here to stay, stay, stay This is why I often cry The hurt so deep I could not sleep All I do is weep, weep, weep Why did it all begin Was it for my sin The bad choices I made So the path was laid And so joy began to fade, fade, fade When hope is an illusion And fear is one's closest friend All you thought is butā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
Dust, and more dust...
I have (or had) a friend (I do not have very many of those now) who stood by me during a time of denominational religious conflict. I told him that he would get fired, and he did. However, we maintained a relationship over decades that was very helpful to me and I hope somewhat to him as well. This friend had one great terrible burden, his children did not like him. He and his wife were best ofā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
AI and Spiritual Direction
I said I would ask the AI about lectio and this was its response: ME New question, is there any value in lectio divina ChatGPT Yes, Lectio Divina is a valuable spiritual practice that has been used for centuries within the Christian tradition. It is a method of praying with and meditating on sacred texts, particularly the Bible, and is often seen as a way to encounter the presence of God,ā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
AI and Spiritual Direction
We human beings make tools. We are driven to find the best tools we can make with the idea that having such tools will give us an advantage and enable us to be healthy, wealthy, and wise. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is such a tool. I have used such a tool. The tool I used was ChatGBT. I asked it questions about the future of humanity, the existence of demons (it loved that one), and questionsā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
Holding Space?
I am continually reading books, articles, and blogs on spiritual direction and spiritual formation. In my own stubborn way, I believe God exists and is active in our world. Our world has made it harder, much harder than when the disciples first went out after the Ascension for us to learn to listen to God and to follow the path blazed by Godā€™s Son, the first disciples, and the remnant who keepsā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
UN-employable and the Sorrow of a Man
I am looking for a job. I have been looking for work for three years. However, when you are 68 years old with certain physical limitations and a background in religious service, the chances of finding a job do not look too good. It does not help that I left my ā€œsupport networkā€ some 15 years ago because of their moral compromise in what is likely one of the largest religious swindles in Baptistā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
Finding Ways to Take Shelter During a Spiritual Storm
We were surprised early this afternoon with a pop-up shower that produced a lot of lightning strikes and ear-covering, ground-shaking thunder. These storms were demonstrations of the amazing power of a world that is hostile to human existence. Storms are part of life. We have competent weather people to help us prepare if we pay attention to the information they offer in a scientific manner. Butā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
An Old Dog
As I sat in my rocking chair in front of my apartment, rocking back and forth. While gently rocking, I let thoughts (both mean and nice) float by with minimal reaction on my part. I notice a woman walking her dog. This is the second time she has come by today. The dogā€™s back legs have collapsed to the elbow joint but still, this dog plods on. The dog carries a chewed-up tennis ball in its mouth.ā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
Mean Memories Dug-in Desolation
Memories keep track of relationships between the past and present. Memories create, or at least strongly help define future expectations. But beware (as if I needed to tell you) memories can be mean. I live with a dug-in desolation (non-spiritual) that is 99% my own making. I have lived with this desolation for at least the last three years (likely longer). Some of this desolation comes fromā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
In my 42 years of ministry, I have had significant interaction with Baptists, Methodists, Anglicans, Neo-independent Baptists, and now Presbyterians. My ordination has been officially acknowledged by two of the four and almost entered the process of becoming a Priest. It is not that I am theologically wishy-washy, I just know too much about denominational structures and natures. They areā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
We Know We are Doomed
I find it funny (in my own morbid way) to observe all the ways people think that humankind will come to an end. Will it be AI that brings about our end? Could it be an asteroid that will hit our planet? Will a nuclear war begin because of the conflicts in Europe and the South Seas? Maybe a virus much more deadly than Covid, a sun flair, or even an alien invasion. And then there is global warming,ā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
Are We Really in the Last Days? Sorry, but dumb Question.
While looking at the wide variety of commentaries, theologies, and viewpoints on the Book of Revelation I saw a title, ā€œAre we really in the last days?ā€ I am sure if I checked further than the title I would have found the author had an opinion or position of the events which are to transpire via the Book of Revelation. I am also sure they make a very good point of whatever their point is. But theā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
Living with the Big D
I woke up this morning like I do almost every morning wishing that I was not here. Usually, after the painful ordeal of getting out of bed, I start crying. I hate to cry. I hate to see people cry and yet, here I am with my one red eye dripping the result of pain, hurt, shame, and regret. It is not an easy life living with depression. Some would say, ā€œGo to a doctor and get some happy pills.ā€ā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
Respect, the loss of
Aretha Franklin, whose voice was a gift to humanity, made the word respect famous in a song. But what is respect? Is it having those around you acknowledge you have accomplished something? Is it having people approach you with caution, perhaps with admiration? But most certainly respect means people approach you with the understanding that what you know and say has meaning and value. I am notā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
NOT Angels, Thank you
Still thinking about future things and prophecy. The resurrection is both a prophesy and a promise. As both a future event and a promise it has some interesting aspects. I also offers us spiritual insight. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. (Matt. 22:30 NRS) We will be LIKE angels. We will not be angels. We need to be so thankfulā€¦
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prayingthelabyrinth Ā· 1 year
As Love Grows Cold the Hoofbeats Quicken
A few months back I decided not to post sermons on this blog anymore. In fact, I had decided to not even attempt to blog anymore. Ah, but like a dog returning to that which it expelled, so here I am again seeking to be a voice crying in the commercial Christian wilderness, ā€œMake straight the path so many professional Christians have tried to make crooked.ā€ Currently, I am engaged in a Spiritualā€¦
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