premier-allergy · 1 month
A Comprehensive Guide to Allergy Shots: What You Need to Know
Are seasonal allergies dampening your outdoor adventures? Do pet dander or pollen make you reach for tissues constantly? If so, you might have considered allergy shots as a treatment option. In this guide, we'll delve deep into the world of allergy shots, also known as allergen immunotherapy, to provide you with all the essential information you need. Whether you're in San Antonio or elsewhere, understanding allergy shot treatment can offer relief from bothersome allergies.
What Are Allergy Shots?
Allergy shots are a form of treatment aimed at desensitizing your immune system to specific allergens that trigger allergic reactions. Administered by a trained allergist, these shots contain small amounts of allergens, gradually increasing over time. The goal is to help your body build tolerance to the allergens, reducing or even eliminating allergic symptoms.
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How Do Allergy Shots Work?
When you receive allergy shots, your body's immune response is modified. Initially, you may receive injections once or twice a week, with the dose gradually increasing. This process, known as the buildup phase, typically lasts several months until you reach a maintenance dose. At this stage, you'll receive injections less frequently, usually every few weeks. Over time, your immune system becomes less reactive to the allergens, leading to a reduction in allergy symptoms.
Benefits of Allergy Shots
Long-term Relief: Unlike some medications that offer temporary relief, allergy shots can provide long-term benefits, even after treatment has stopped.
Reduced Need for Medications: As allergy symptoms improve, you may find yourself relying less on allergy medications, saving both money and hassle.
Prevents Allergy Progression: Allergy shots have been shown to prevent the development of new allergies and asthma in some cases.
Customized Treatment: Your allergist will tailor the allergy shot treatment to your specific allergens and symptoms, ensuring personalized care.
Finding an Allergist in San Antonio for Allergy Shots
If you're considering allergy shots in San Antonio, finding the right allergist is crucial. Look for board-certified allergists with experience in administering allergy shots. You can start by asking for recommendations from your primary care physician or searching online for "San Antonio allergist." Make sure to inquire about their experience, the types of allergens they treat, and their approach to allergy shot therapy.
Are There Allergy Shots Near Me?
Whether you're in San Antonio or any other location, allergy shots are often available at allergists' offices, clinics, and specialty centers. To find allergy shot providers near you, you can:
Ask Your Doctor: Your primary care physician may be able to refer you to allergists or clinics offering allergy shot treatment.
Check Online Directories: Websites like Healthgrades or Zocdoc allow you to search for allergists and filter by location and specialty.
Contact Local Hospitals: Some hospitals have allergy clinics that offer comprehensive allergy testing and treatment, including allergy shots.
What to Expect During Allergy Shot Treatment
Before starting allergy shots, your allergist will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if you're a suitable candidate. This may include allergy testing to identify specific allergens triggering your symptoms. Once treatment begins, here's what you can expect:
Regular Appointments: During the buildup phase, you'll need to visit your allergist's office for injections as scheduled.
Monitoring: Your allergist will monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan accordingly.
Possible Side Effects: While uncommon, allergy shots can cause local reactions such as redness or swelling at the injection site. In rare cases, more severe reactions may occur, which is why injections are administered in a medical setting where emergency treatment is available if needed.
Allergy shots offer a proactive approach to managing allergies by targeting the underlying cause rather than just the symptoms. Whether you're seeking relief from pollen, pet dander, or other allergens, allergy shot treatment can provide long-term benefits. If you're in San Antonio or elsewhere, consulting with an allergist experienced in administering allergy shots is the first step toward finding relief. With dedication and patience, allergy shots can help you reclaim your quality of life, allowing you to enjoy the great outdoors and furry companions without the burden of allergies.
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premier-allergy · 2 months
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premier-allergy · 2 months
Enjoying a Safe Summer: Tips to Protect Yourself from Food Allergies
As the summer season approaches, many of us look forward to outdoor gatherings, picnics, and barbecues with friends and family. However, for individuals with food allergies, these events can pose potential risks if proper precautions aren't taken. Food allergies can trigger severe reactions, including anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening. At Premier Allergy in Texas, we understand the importance of staying safe while enjoying summer activities.
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Here are some tips to protect yourself from food allergies during the summer season:
1. Know Your Allergens: The first step in managing food allergies is knowing which foods you are allergic to. If you haven't already done so, consider undergoing allergy testing to identify your specific allergens. Common food allergens include peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, eggs, milk, soy, wheat, and fish.
2. Read Labels: When purchasing packaged foods or ingredients for summer recipes, always read labels carefully to identify potential allergens. Manufacturers are required to clearly label major food allergens, making it easier for individuals with allergies to avoid trigger foods.
3. Communicate Clearly: When attending social gatherings or dining out, don't hesitate to communicate your food allergies to hosts, chefs, or restaurant staff. Be specific about your allergens and ask about ingredients and preparation methods to ensure your food is safe to consume.
4. Pack Safe Snacks: If you're unsure about the availability of allergen-free options at an event, consider bringing your own safe snacks or meals. Packing a small cooler with allergy-friendly foods can help prevent accidental exposure to allergens while ensuring you have something to enjoy.
5. Be Cautious with Cross-Contamination: Cross-contamination occurs when allergens come into contact with other foods, utensils, or surfaces. Be mindful of shared grills, serving utensils, and condiments at summer cookouts, and consider using separate cooking equipment or designated areas to reduce the risk of cross-contact.
6. Carry Medications: Always carry your prescribed epinephrine auto-injector (such as EpiPen®) with you, especially when participating in outdoor activities or traveling. Anaphylaxis can occur suddenly and requires immediate treatment with epinephrine to reverse symptoms and prevent complications.
7. Create an Allergy Management Plan: Work with your allergist or healthcare provider to develop a comprehensive allergy management plan that outlines steps to take in case of an allergic reaction. Ensure that family members, friends, and caregivers are familiar with the plan and know how to administer emergency medications if needed.
8. Stay Informed: Stay up-to-date on food allergy research, guidelines, and best practices for managing allergies. Joining support groups or attending educational events can provide valuable information and support for individuals living with food allergies.
9. Practice Sun Safety: In addition to food allergies, summer brings increased sun exposure. Protect yourself with sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to prevent sunburn and reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses while enjoying outdoor activities.
10. Stay Vigilant: Finally, remain vigilant and trust your instincts when it comes to managing food allergies. If you're unsure about the safety of a food or situation, it's better to err on the side of caution and avoid potential risks.
By following these tips and staying proactive about managing your food allergies, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable summer season with peace of mind. At Premier Allergy in Texas, we're committed to providing comprehensive allergy testing, treatment, and support to help individuals with food allergies live their best lives. If you have concerns about food allergies or need assistance developing an allergy management plan, don't hesitate to reach out to us.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit our website here or contact us today. Let's work together to ensure a summer season filled with fun, relaxation, and above all, safety for everyone.
Remember, with proper preparation and awareness, individuals with food allergies can confidently navigate summer activities and enjoy all that the season has to offer.
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premier-allergy · 2 months
Should You Get Tested for Food Allergies or Intolerances?
Food allergies and intolerances are becoming increasingly common, affecting millions of people worldwide. While some individuals may experience mild symptoms, others face severe reactions that can be life-threatening. If you suspect you have a food allergy or intolerance, it's essential to understand the difference and consider getting tested. In this blog post, we'll delve into the signs of food allergies, the importance of food allergy testing, and finding allergy care near you.
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Understanding Food Allergies and Intolerance:
Food allergies occur when the immune system mistakenly identifies certain proteins in food as harmful invaders, triggering an immune response. This reaction can lead to various symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. Common food allergy symptoms include hives, itching, swelling, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and even anaphylaxis in severe cases.
On the other hand, food intolerance does not involve the immune system but rather the body's inability to digest certain foods properly. Symptoms of food intolerance may include bloating, gas, stomach cramps, and diarrhea, which typically occur hours after consuming the offending food.
Importance of Food Allergy Testing:
Given the potential severity of food allergies and the discomfort caused by food intolerances, it's crucial to seek professional evaluation if you suspect you're affected. Food allergy testing can help pinpoint specific allergies or intolerances, allowing for better management of your condition.
Through food allergy testing, healthcare providers can identify allergens that trigger your symptoms. This information enables you to make informed dietary choices and avoid potential allergic reactions. Additionally, testing can differentiate between true food allergies and intolerances, guiding appropriate treatment strategies.
Signs You May Need Food Allergy Testing:
Persistent gastrointestinal symptoms after consuming certain foods
Recurrent skin rashes or hives with unknown triggers
Respiratory symptoms such as wheezing or difficulty breathing after eating
Anaphylaxis or severe allergic reactions to specific foods
Finding Allergy Care Near You:
If you're experiencing symptoms of food allergies or intolerances, seeking allergy care from a qualified healthcare provider is essential. At Premier Allergy, we specialize in comprehensive allergy testing and personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.
With convenient locations near you, our team of experienced allergists can help diagnose and manage your food allergies or intolerances effectively. From thorough testing to ongoing allergy management, we're committed to providing compassionate care and improving your quality of life.
Food allergies and intolerances can significantly impact your daily life, but timely diagnosis and proper management are key to minimizing symptoms and avoiding potential complications. Whether you're experiencing food allergy symptoms or suspect you have a food intolerance, consider getting tested to identify your triggers and receive personalized allergy care near you.
Don't let food allergies or intolerances hold you back from enjoying life to the fullest. Schedule a consultation with Premier Allergy today to take control of your allergies and live symptom-free.
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premier-allergy · 2 months
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premier-allergy · 2 months
Understanding Oak Pollen Allergy: Identifying Conjunctivitis Symptoms and Effective Treatments
As the oak pollen season approaches, individuals susceptible to tree pollen allergies brace themselves for potential symptoms that can disrupt daily life. Among the various manifestations of pollen allergies, conjunctivitis, or allergic pink eye, is a common affliction that can cause discomfort and impair vision. Understanding the symptoms and treatment options for oak pollen-induced conjunctivitis is essential for managing this seasonal allergy effectively.
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Oak Pollen Allergy: A Seasonal Challenge
For many allergy sufferers, the arrival of spring heralds the onset of oak pollen season. Oak trees, prevalent in many regions, release copious amounts of pollen during this time, triggering allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Those with tree pollen allergies may experience a range of symptoms, including sneezing, nasal congestion, coughing, and itchy skin.
Conjunctivitis: A Telltale Sign of Oak Pollen Allergy
One of the hallmark symptoms of oak pollen allergy is allergic conjunctivitis, characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane covering the inner surface of the eyelids and the whites of the eyes. Common symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis include:
Redness: The eyes may appear red or bloodshot due to inflammation of the blood vessels in the conjunctiva.
Itching: Persistent itching or burning sensation in the eyes is a common complaint among individuals with allergic conjunctivitis.
Watery Discharge: Excessive tearing or watery discharge from the eyes is often observed, leading to blurred vision and discomfort.
Swelling: Swelling of the eyelids and surrounding tissues may occur, contributing to a puffy appearance.
Effective Treatment Strategies
Managing oak pollen-induced conjunctivitis involves a combination of preventive measures, symptomatic relief, and targeted treatments. Here are some effective strategies:
Avoidance of Allergens: Minimize exposure to oak pollen by staying indoors during peak pollen hours, keeping windows closed, using air purifiers, and wearing sunglasses outdoors to shield the eyes.
Eye Drops: Over-the-counter or prescription antihistamine eye drops can alleviate itching, redness, and inflammation associated with allergic conjunctivitis. Lubricating eye drops may also provide relief from dryness and irritation.
Cold Compress: Applying a cold compress or chilled eye mask can soothe irritated eyes, reduce swelling, and alleviate discomfort.
Allergy Medications: Oral antihistamines and decongestants may help alleviate systemic symptoms of oak pollen allergy, including allergic conjunctivitis. However, consult a healthcare professional before starting any medication regimen.
Immunotherapy: For individuals with severe or persistent allergic conjunctivitis, allergy shots (immunotherapy) may be recommended. By gradually desensitizing the immune system to allergens, immunotherapy can reduce the frequency and severity of allergic reactions over time.
Seeking Professional Care
If allergic conjunctivitis symptoms persist despite self-care measures or significantly impact daily activities, seeking professional care from an allergist or ophthalmologist is advisable. These healthcare professionals can assess the severity of the condition, prescribe appropriate medications, and recommend personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs.
Premier Allergy: Your Partner in Allergy Management
At Premier Allergy, we understand the challenges posed by oak pollen allergy and allergic conjunctivitis. As leaders in allergy and immunology, our team of specialists offers comprehensive diagnostic evaluations, personalized treatment plans, and compassionate care to help patients find relief from seasonal allergies.
To learn more about our services and schedule an appointment, visit Premier Allergy today. Don't let oak pollen allergy symptoms overshadow your spring—take proactive steps to manage your allergies and enjoy the season to the fullest.
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premier-allergy · 3 months
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premier-allergy · 3 months
Understanding Morning and Nighttime Allergy Symptoms: Exploring the Causes
Insights from Premier Allergy Texas, Your Trusted San Antonio Allergy Clinic
Do you find yourself sneezing, sniffling, or experiencing itchy eyes more intensely in the morning or at night? If so, you're not alone. Many allergy sufferers notice a worsening of symptoms during these times of the day, leaving them wondering why. At Premier Allergy Texas, your leading San Antonio allergy clinic, we're here to shed light on this common phenomenon and provide valuable insights into the causes of morning and nighttime allergy symptoms.
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Morning Allergies:
The onset of morning allergy symptoms can be attributed to various factors, including:
Indoor Allergens: Overnight, indoor allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores can accumulate in bedding, carpets, and upholstered furniture. As you wake up and start moving around, these allergens become airborne, triggering allergic reactions.
Pollen Exposure: Pollen levels tend to be highest in the early morning hours, particularly on warm, dry days. As you step outside to start your day, you may come into contact with pollen particles, leading to symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, and itchy eyes.
Temperature Changes: Temperature fluctuations between indoor and outdoor environments can exacerbate nasal congestion and respiratory symptoms in the morning. Additionally, cold air can irritate the airways, making it more challenging to breathe for individuals with asthma or allergic rhinitis.
Nighttime Allergies:
Similarly, nighttime allergy symptoms can be triggered by several factors, including:
Bedroom Allergens: Dust mites thrive in warm, humid environments, making your bedroom an ideal breeding ground. As you settle into bed at night, dust mite allergens present in bedding, pillows, and mattresses can trigger allergic reactions, leading to symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and nasal congestion.
Pet Allergens: If you share your bedroom with pets, their dander and saliva can accumulate on bedding and furniture, exacerbating nighttime allergy symptoms. Even if you're not allergic to your pet, allergens carried on their fur can still trigger reactions.
Indoor Air Quality: Poor indoor air quality, characterized by high levels of indoor pollutants, allergens, and irritants, can contribute to nighttime allergy symptoms. Common indoor triggers include tobacco smoke, household chemicals, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by furniture and building materials.
Managing Morning and Nighttime Allergies:
At Premier Allergy Texas, we understand the impact that morning and nighttime allergies can have on your quality of life. That's why we offer comprehensive allergy testing, diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. Our experienced San Antonio allergists can help you identify your specific triggers and develop strategies to manage your symptoms effectively.
Some tips to reduce morning and nighttime allergy symptoms include:
Using allergen-proof pillow cases and mattress covers to protect against dust mites.
Washing bedding in hot water weekly to kill dust mites and remove allergens.
Keeping bedroom windows closed to prevent pollen from entering.
Using a HEPA air purifier to filter out airborne allergens and improve indoor air quality.
Showering and changing clothes after spending time outdoors to remove pollen and other allergens.
Don't let morning and nighttime allergies disrupt your sleep and daily activities. Contact Premier Allergy Texas, your trusted San Antonio allergy clinic, to schedule an appointment and take control of your allergy symptoms today. With our expert guidance and personalized approach to care, you can enjoy a life free from the burdens of allergic reactions.
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premier-allergy · 3 months
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premier-allergy · 3 months
Navigating Oak Allergy Season: Recognizing Symptoms, Finding Relief, and Seeking Treatment
As winter fades into the background and the vibrant hues of spring emerge, many of us eagerly welcome the warmer weather and blooming flora. However, for those sensitive to oak pollen, springtime can also mean the onset of allergy season. The majestic oak trees, with their sprawling branches and abundant foliage, are among nature's greatest spectacles. But for allergy sufferers, they can also be the source of significant discomfort. In this blog post, we'll explore oak allergies in detail: from symptoms to relief and treatment strategies.
Understanding Oak Allergies
Oak trees are ubiquitous across various landscapes, from urban parks to suburban neighborhoods and forested regions. Their pollen, released into the air during spring, serves as a reproductive mechanism, facilitating the fertilization of other oak trees. However, for individuals with oak allergies, exposure to this pollen triggers an immune system response, leading to uncomfortable symptoms.
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Symptoms of Oak Allergies
The symptoms of oak allergies can vary in severity from person to person. Common signs of an allergic reaction to oak pollen include:
Sneezing: Frequent and uncontrollable bouts of sneezing are often one of the earliest signs of an allergic response to oak pollen.
Runny or Stuffy Nose: The nasal passages may become congested or runny, leading to difficulty breathing through the nose.
Itchy, Watery Eyes: Oak pollen can irritate the eyes, causing them to itch, water, and become red and swollen.
Coughing: A persistent cough may develop as the body tries to expel allergens from the respiratory system.
Wheezing or Shortness of Breath: In more severe cases, oak allergies can lead to asthma symptoms such as wheezing or difficulty breathing.
Relief and Management
While it may be challenging to completely avoid oak pollen during allergy season, there are several strategies that can help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life:
Monitor Pollen Counts: Keep an eye on local pollen forecasts and try to limit outdoor activities during peak pollen times, typically in the morning and on windy days.
Use Air Filters: Consider using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your home to reduce pollen exposure indoors.
Close Windows: Keep windows and doors closed during allergy season to prevent pollen from entering your home.
Practice Nasal Irrigation: Rinsing the nasal passages with a saline solution can help flush out allergens and reduce congestion.
Take Medications: Over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal corticosteroids can provide relief from allergy symptoms. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment plan for you.
Treatment Options
For individuals with severe or persistent oak allergies, allergy shots (immunotherapy) may be recommended. This long-term treatment involves regular injections of gradually increasing doses of allergens, such as oak pollen, to desensitize the immune system and reduce allergic reactions over time.
Final Thoughts
While oak allergy season can be a challenging time for those affected, there are various strategies and treatments available to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. By staying informed, taking preventative measures, and seeking appropriate treatment, individuals with oak allergies can navigate allergy season with greater ease and comfort. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment recommendations tailored to your specific needs. With the right approach, you can survive oak allergy season and enjoy the beauty of springtime to the fullest.
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premier-allergy · 3 months
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premier-allergy · 3 months
Battling the Seasonal Nemesis: Understanding Oak Tree Allergies
As spring blooms in its vibrant glory, painting landscapes with hues of green and blossoms, for some, it also heralds the onset of a perennial struggle – oak tree allergies. While nature awakens with renewed vigor, individuals prone to allergies find themselves grappling with sneezes, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion. Understanding these allergies and how to manage them becomes paramount for maintaining a semblance of normalcy during this season of rejuvenation.
The Anatomy of Oak Tree Allergies:
Oak trees, with their majestic presence and widespread prevalence, hold a significant place in the ecosystem. However, for allergy sufferers, they represent more than just picturesque scenery. Oak tree pollen, released abundantly during spring, acts as a trigger for allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. When inhaled, the immune system perceives pollen particles as harmful invaders, leading to the production of antibodies and the release of histamines, culminating in allergy symptoms.
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Symptoms and Impact:
The symptoms of oak tree allergies can range from mild to severe, depending on individual sensitivity levels. Common manifestations include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy and watery eyes, coughing, and even exacerbation of asthma symptoms. Apart from the physical discomfort, these allergies can significantly impact daily activities, productivity, and overall quality of life if left unmanaged.
Management Strategies:
Fortunately, several strategies can help mitigate the effects of oak tree allergies, enabling individuals to navigate through the season with greater ease:
Allergen Avoidance: Limiting exposure to oak tree pollen by staying indoors during peak pollen hours, keeping windows closed, using air purifiers, and wearing masks when outdoors can reduce allergen contact.
Medications: Over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays can provide relief from allergy symptoms. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.
Immunotherapy: Allergy shots or sublingual immunotherapy can desensitize the immune system to specific allergens over time, offering long-term relief for chronic sufferers.
Home Remedies: Nasal irrigation with saline solution, steam inhalation, and using cold compresses on the eyes can alleviate discomfort naturally.
The Role of Professional Intervention:
While self-care measures can alleviate symptoms to an extent, seeking guidance from allergy specialists can provide a more comprehensive approach to managing oak tree allergies. Allergy testing can pinpoint specific triggers, enabling tailored treatment plans to address individual needs effectively. Moreover, healthcare professionals can offer valuable insights and interventions to optimize allergy management and improve overall well-being.
Embracing Spring with Resilience:
Despite the challenges posed by oak tree allergies, spring's arrival need not be marred by constant sniffles and sneezes. By adopting proactive measures, seeking professional guidance, and incorporating lifestyle adjustments, individuals can reclaim control over their allergy symptoms, allowing them to fully embrace the beauty of the season.
Oak tree allergies may cast a shadow over the splendor of spring for some, but armed with knowledge, awareness, and appropriate interventions, it's possible to emerge victorious in this seasonal battle. By understanding the triggers, implementing effective management strategies, and enlisting the support of healthcare professionals, individuals can navigate through oak tree allergy season with resilience, ensuring that the joys of spring are not overshadowed by allergic woes.
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premier-allergy · 4 months
Welcome to Premier Allergy Texas, where we are committed to providing top-notch allergy care to the vibrant community of San Antonio. As trusted allergists, we understand the impact allergies can have on your daily life. Whether it’s seasonal allergies, food sensitivities, or chronic conditions like asthma, our team is dedicated to helping you find relief and live your life to the fullest. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of seeking professional help for your allergies and why Premier Allergy Texas stands out as the premier choice for allergists in San Antonio.
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premier-allergy · 5 months
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premier-allergy · 5 months
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premier-allergy · 6 months
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