presentmicsongbird · 4 years
Can I request Yandere Mirio? I love my sunshine boy being a yandere. You can make a prompt or a headcanon. I enjoy your Jealous Bakugou X Reader. Maybe do one about Yandere Mirio being a jealous bean?
But of course! Ask and you shall receive, here’s your order of one jealous yandere Mirio. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------
Yandere Mirio x reader  “I love you, but you’re mine, Darling.” 
The first time he saw you, you were a timid little first year, trying to find your way to your next class. You’ve already tried asking around, but almost everyone you met either told you to buzz off or gave you the wrong directions. Much to your dismay. 
But not Mirio though, like the big ray of sunshine he is, he decided to come up to you first and give you proper help. To say you were shocked was an understatement. 
No, you were both terrified and intimidated by this huge third year walking towards your direction. If it weren’t for the tidbits of scars on his forearm and biceps, then it was probably his 5’11 frame completely towering over you that did the job. His bright and silly smile, however, did ease your worries a bit. 
“Hey there! I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you’re a first year, right? You seem to be a little lost, where you off to?” He asked with a subtle head tilt.
“I…um…” You stumbled on your words, your timidness beginning to take a hold of you. A mumble of words slipped out from your lips, but was barely loud enough for him to hear. 
“Well c’mon now, no need to be shy!” He crouched down to your height and turned his head to the side, cupping his ear. “Let’s hear that again, yeah? I can’t really help you out if I don’t know what the problem is.” 
Too close, too close! 
“I…” You gulped and took a deep breath. “I need help finding my homeroom.” You opened your eyes slowly, not realizing they were closed in the first place, as you heard a quiet chuckle. 
“There we go, that wasn’t so bad was it?” He stood back to his original height and smiled at you once more. You nodded at his question, the ground suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. “Now about your homeroom, what course are you in? I’m in the hero course!” 
Ah…that explains a lot then. 
“General Studies.” You whispered a little louder. You had tried out for the hero course once…but you had slipped up at the last second causing you to lose those last few points. How you managed to get into general studies, you’ll never know, but you certainly weren’t complaining. And you certainly didn’t want to be late on your just your third day of school. 
“Class 1-C then, huh? No problem, I’ll get you there in no time, Let’s go!” Mirio gently held your hand, almost as if you were made of porcelain, and began leading you towards your classroom. You struggled to keep up with him, but was rather thankful for the fast pace. Perhaps you won’t be late after all. 
His hand is warm… You thought to yourself, a faint warmth filling your cheeks. You were careful to remember the halls you both took and which corner to turn,  a mental map forming in your mind. 
As soon as you reached your classroom, he Mirio let go of your hand, and turned back to face you, his smile unwavering. 
“Here we are! Class 1-C! Sorry if we went a little too fast, you probably couldn’t have remembered all those twists and turns. I’ll gladly escort you again if you need me to, but if you don’t then it-“ You cut of his ranting, chuckling inwardly at his worries. 
“I-It’s fine, sempai really. I actually didn’t have a hard time at all. ” You gave a curt bow. “Thank you so much, but I’m sure I’ve taken up a lot of your time already.” 
“It’s no problem, I’m happy to help. That is what heroes do after all.” He gave you another bright smile and a big thumbs up. Before you could open the door he called out to you once more. 
“Wait, before I go, I didn’t catch your name.” You stayed quiet for a bit, wondering if you should tell him. You just met after all…then again he did help you. What’s the worse that could happen? 
“Y/N.” You whispered. “It’s Y/N.” You threw one last glance at the blonde, you didn’t realize his blue eyes could get that bright. 
“Y/N, that’s a beautiful name. I’m Mirio Togata. Hope I can see you again, soon!” And with that, he ran off to who knows where. Thanking whatever celestial being that he didn’t see the blush on your cheeks. 
You had to admit, he really was cute, maybe you two could- no. A newbie general studies kid like you could never have a chance with a third year. And you were fine with that…Unfortunately for you…
Mirio had other plans. 
He knew, the moment he saw you, you had to be HIS. You were so small, so shy, your entire being was practically asking for a villain to come and take you away. 
No, he wasn’t going to let that happen. He was going to protect you, from anything and anyone who even dares to look at you the wrong way. You were HIS sunshine, HIS darling, and he’ll be damned if he even lets one of those low-lives in your class taint HIS precious light. 
He had a plan, he was going to get you to like him, he’ll go slow of course, but he’ll make sure your eyes were only on him. 
He found a way to fit into your schedule, all your activities, your study time, your breaks, even that little part time job you work at after school. And oh the joy he felt in his heart when he saw how ecstatic you were when he confessed that he wanted to be your “friend” and help you out. 
You didn’t suspect a single thing. He had an alibi for everything, a ready excuse for why you two always manage to see each other. 
You see him at the coffee shop in the morning? He always went there before going to class. 
That book store you visited to get a text book for class? Him and Amajiki were supposed to meet up but he canceled last minute. 
Oh, you’re studying by yourself in the library? Him too! Here, let him help, he studied the same thing last year. 
Before you knew it, the two of you were practically inseparable. You were still a timid little thing when around your classmates and teachers, but with Mirio, you could put your walls down and be yourself with no problem! 
Of course you were more comfortable around him. Mirio’s act was flawless and consistent, no one would even think he had an ulterior motive to being friends with you.
He did try to keep his distance a few times as to not overwhelm you, but the way you look at him, that smile and that sparkle in your eyes whenever you saw him was too much, how could he NOT come over and be close to you? 
At this point, almost everyone in your grade, especially your class, knew you as Mirio’s sunshine (With rumors going around that you two were dating). You had gained some new friends and you had learned to open up more. Your timid nature slowly went away as you welcomed more people in your life. 
You even met a boy, a second year in the support course. He gave you a bracelet made out of a rare metal from one of the workshops to celebrate passing your test. It was a sweet gesture.
But for Mirio, it was a sign of war. Who was this kid? Why was he talking to you? Does he know you’re already taken? 
Questions and worst case scenarios filled his thoughts to the brim and your new found confidence was not helping at all. He needed to get to the bottom of this. 
He found you on the roof doing your homework, that gorgeous smile, almost distracting him from his goal. 
“Y/n!” He called out. You turned around quickly at the sound of his voice, your smile brightening at sight of your friend. 
“Togata sempai! What’s up?” You patted the empty space next to you. “I was just finishing up here, maybe we can go to that cafe-“ 
“Who is he?” He asked, keeping up a gentle smile. He needed to get straight to the point. 
“Uh…Who?” Mirio kept a growl from coming out. He grabbed your arm a little too roughly and pulled it up for both of you to see. So much for his facade. 
“That…boy. The one you were talking to yesterday. The one who gave you this.” You gulped. You’ve never seen this side of Mirio and you have no idea what to do.
“I-Its…He’s just my friend. He gave it to m-me as a present. You know….when I passed my test?”  
“A present…really? What, was the cake I got for you not enough? Did you want a bracelet instead? Is that why you took it?” His grip was getting tighter by the second. That’ll probably leave a bruise. “I knew I should’ve gotten you something else…” 
“Listen, I’m glad you’re making more friends, it’s good that you’re opening up more. But I don’t want you talking to that boy anymore. I don’t like him, don’t accept any more gifts.” Your arm was starting to hurt now as he pulled you closer to him. “I’ll give you anything you want, ANYTHING. I’ll give you more gifts, I’ll spend more time with you just-“ 
“Togata sempai-“ He cut you off again, your wincing going unnoticed by his continuous rambling. What was going on? Why was he acting like this? 
“I love you, but you’re mine, darling.” What. You stopped struggling from his vice-like grip. Mirio continued to rant about what he should’ve given you and why you should stop seeing the boy.
“MIRIO!” You screamed, catching him off guard and letting go of your arm. You cradled your limb to your chest, silence washing over both of you.
“Dar-Y/n, I’m…I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ 
“We’re just friends, sempai. That’s it. Nothing more.” You whispered, the concrete suddenly the most interesting thing.
“Y/n…I’m so sorry. Please, sunshine?” You gulped and backed away from his raising hand. You then remembered what he said earlier. But you were so confused. 
“Did you mean it?” You asked. “Did you mean what you said?” 
“Wha-O-Of course! I’ve loved you since I first helped you on the first day and everyday after that.” You sighed and looked away. You really didn’t know how to feel. 
“Darling?” He slowly crept closer to you, watching your reaction. “Y/n, please, talk to me. I’m sorry.” You mumbled something incoherent, causing him to lean in closer to you. 
“At least take me on a date first, you dummy.” You looked up at him with a smile, his eyes blinking a few times before scooping you up in his arms and spinning you around. 
“Haha, oh sunshine you scared me! I expected you to be angrier, furious even! I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking straight. And you’re right…” Mirio set you back down, making sure you were steady before letting go. “This weekend, I’ll take you on the most amazing date you’ve ever had!” He spread out his arms and waved them. “The ultimate Togata experience.” 
You giggled, the small action making the blonde’s heart melt even more. 
“It’s a date then.” 
“It’s a date.” The bell rang a second later, signaling the end of the period. “Let’s go to that cafe after school, we’ll set up the details later, okay darling?” You nodded, giving him a quick peck on the cheek, his smile getting wider. 
“Listen sunshine, I got do something real quick, you go on ahead.” Thinking it was probably something in the hero course, you thought nothing of it and walked down the stair with your books in hand, unbeknownst to you about his change in demeanor. 
He wasn’t wrong, Mirio really wasn’t thinking straight…New gifts and a date weren’t enough to guarantee that you were off limits…no…
He needed to take out the competition, permanently. 
The boy in the support course suddenly transferred out of UA the next day. 
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presentmicsongbird · 4 years
Yandere!Miriko x reader
It started out small. Little gifts, knick-knacks, and fancy jewelry started showing up on your desk almost every day for the past 5 months. At the very least, you were confused, but you did appreciate the gesture. It just bummed you out that you didn't know who kept sending them, none of the items ever came with a card, or even an initial.
However, there was one thing that that they all had in common: they all had some sort of bunny rabbit design. The first gift you recieved happened after you came back from a cafe you visited regularly for lunch. 
A small white box tied with a purple silk ribbon, no bigger than your palm, sat in front of your computer. You looked around to see if anyone would come by and tell you it was theirs or was about to tell you it was from them, but it never happened. 
Shifting your attention back to the box, you carefully picked it up and inspected it, wondering if it was a prank, but you shook your head, deciding it was a ridiculous thought. You pulled on the ribbon and opened the lid, immediately turning your eyes into saucers at the item inside.
A small diamond encrusted pendant in a shape of a bunny head rested on top of a velvet colored foam, a pair of carefully cut amethyst gems, as its eyes, gleamed while your mouth gaped open and closed. 
This thing must've cost a fortune. 
You lifted it off the box and out followed a thin silver chain, looking just as expensive as the pendant. You couldn't believe it, there had to be some sort of mistake. You weren't very popular at work, in fact, you mostly kept to yourself and got the job done in record time. Sure you were praised by your boss and a few of your friends, but you doubt any of them would go this far for your "good job." 
 You snapped out of your thoughts and put the necklace back in its box, carefully placing it in a drawer before finishing the rest of the paper work piled on your desk. You'll wait a few days and see if anyone would come and get it. Until then, you'd rather not take the risk of being called a thief. 
The next day rolled by, and to your surprise, another white box sat in front of your computer, this time it was a rectangular box with a purple rose at the corner, slightly bigger than the one you got yesterday. You asked the other staff if they'd seen  who dropped it off, but they all said no. 
You sat down and opened the box, this time it was a fluffy white bunny keychain with a purple ribbon wrapped around its neck. And just like the pendant, its eyes were an amethyst color. You sighed and checked the box again to see if there was a note, but to no avail. You looked back at the bunny and gently pet its head, the corners of your mouth curving slightly at how soft it was. It may have been strange, but you'd be lying if you said it wasn't cute. 
This continued on for a while, the anonymous gifts came everyday as usual, and somewhere along the second or third week, you had decided to wear the necklace and hang the keychain on the zipper of your bag, earning a handful of comments saying how lucky you were or asking who the secret admirer was. You simply smiled and gave a small shrug. The gifts ranged from gel pens, headbands, bunny labels, (which became incredibly useful for your notes and binders), and, one time, even a assortment basket with chocolate bunnies and flowers. 
This, of course, also started up some rumors saying that you were in charge of all the gifts and sent it to yourself to get attention. You couldn't even if you wanted to, you worked in the financial department sure, but the pay wasn't that high that you can buy gifts everyday. 
You were able to convince a majority of the employees, but a few of the bratty ones stuck around and would occasionally give out snide remarks or jealous glances your way. Even so, you chose to ignore them since they didn't really get in the way of your work. Plus, with the gifts instantly making your day and never failing to make you go home with a smile, it seemed like there was nothing that could go wrong.
you really wished you had knocked on wood.
On a particular day, you were on your desk finishing the financial report for this year, gently tapping your (newly gifted) bunny pen against your desk,  until one of the female workers decided to "accidentally" spill her cup of hot coffee on your lap. Naturally, you let out a shriek that alerted everyone in proxmity and soon your were covered in paper towels and icepacks.
You looked up in tears and saw it was  one of the girls from the general office. You didn't remember her name, but you knew the red hair and the three scales on her cheek. She was one of the workers who cursed at you under her breath. She was standing a few feet away from your desk, her empty cup still in her hand. 
"What the hell is your deal?!" One of your friends yelled. The woman scoffed and rolled her eyes. 
"My deal? My deal is the unfair treatment in this damn place!"
It wasn't your fault that you kept recieving gifts, and they never have notes on them so couldn't return them even if you wanted. (Not that you ever would.) You had learned to like the gifts, though creepy at first, they seemed like a kind enough gesture. You broke away from your thoughts once the woman started screaming again. 
"We're here working our arses off, but SHE gets all these things EVERYDAY and for what? For counting a few bucks? Puh-lease. Any idiot can do-" 
"ENOUGH!" You all turned your heads to the booming voice and saw your boss standing by the doorway. His usually friendly smile was gone and replaced with a thin line and his arms crossed. He turned to you and to the red haired woman.
"You, in my office now." 
"Bu-" he cut her off. 
"Now." She scurried off, but not before giving me one last hateful glance and left. "The rest of you make sure (y/n) is okay. (Y/N)," 
You were still trembling, but the pain subsided after the burn cooled down. Thankgoodness you chose to wear pants today. With a shaky breath you managed to say quiet "yes?" 
"If you're feeling better, feel free to go home for the day. The report can be handed in next week." And with that, he turned around and left. The ones that were helping you cool down sighed in relief and started asking if your were alright, a few individuals walking away to throw the damp towels in the trash. You nodded meekly and managed a smile. 
"Yeah, it just....surprised me that's all." They all gave you apologetic looks as they went back to their own desks, one by one. Your friend, the one who yelled at the red haired woman, placed her hand on your shoulder and handed you another icepack. 
"Don't worry, she'll be out of this place for good. You know how the boss gets  when it comes to stuff like this." 
"I guess." You replied. 
"You think your secret admirer will hear about this?" Oh gods, you really wished he or she wouldn't. Its troublesome enough that you got gifts everyday, you wouldn't want them to bother with a mere bully. You were a grown woman, you could handle this much without causing a bigger scene. 
"I hope not." 
You left the office after getting a spare change of clothes from your friend. Thankfully, the report you had to do had only one more calculation so you didn't need to worry about rushing.
As you laid in bed clutching your big stuffed toy rabbit. (A gift from last week) You began to wonder who this mysterious admirer really was, were they playing with you? What was it about you that caught their attention? Have you met before? 
Questions filled your head for what felt like hours until the buzzing of the dryer downstairs signaled you clothes to be all clean and ready to be worn again. You took it out of the machine and ironed it quickly, carefully placing it on a hanger to be used tomorrow. You were too tired to pick out a new uniform, this one will do. Right now, all you needed was sleep. 
"This just in: two boys find a corpse inside a dumpster. Investigators suggest a potential homicide by unknown assailant.” 
The reporter on the TV gestured behind her as medical teams tried to make sense of the dead body. Its face was completely bashed it, you could barely recognize its features. Its hair looked as if it were burned off and all thats left were burnt scabs left in patches. 
"Geez, so early in the morning and this happens? What a mood killer." Your friend rolled her eyes and leaned back over her desk to finish her work. 
Against almost everyone's wishes, you decided to come to work the next day as well as hand it your report. It was boring not having to do anything at home so you chose work instead. Besides, it's Friday, no way were you going to break your weekly self-treats. 
"Seriously, y/n, you're too stiff. You know what people here would give for a three day weekend?" You giggled at her frustration. It's not your fault you couldn't sit still for more than 2 seconds. 
"Oh by the way, did you get a new gift today from your admirer?" 
Ah yes...how could you have possibly forgotten. 
You took out a white and sparkly paper bag from under your desk and showed it to her.
"Yup." You dug through the papers and pulled out a purple wallet with a white bunny in the corner. You "awed" before moving all your credit cards and wallets from your old purse to your new gift. Before you could get started on your paperwork, you friend called out.
"Hey check this out." You looked over and saw a card in her hand...
Oh crap...no way. That's an actual card. 
You quickly snatched the folded paper and read it over once. Twice. There was no mistake on what was on it. 
"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, little bunny. Rest assured, the brat won't bother you anymore.   -R.U" 
What the heck? How did they even know about that? And R.H? You didn't recognize the initials. Maybe someone talked about it outside of work...Yea that's a good reason. 
"Huh, makes sense." 
"What does?" 
"Haven't you heard? The girl who spilled her coffee on you was fired yesterday." Well that explains a few things. 
The day went by rather quickly, and before you knew it everyone was packing up their stuff and heading home. You on the other hand went to your favorite coffee shop.
As soon as you paid and left with your drink, you followed your usual route home, thankful for the peaceful night.
You spoke too soon, apparently.
After the train stopped at your station, a few gun men tool all exiting passengers as hostage including yourself. 
You just couldn't catch a break, could you. You clutched your bag tightly against your chest, glancing down at the bunny keychain hanging from the zipper. 
You couldn't die here. Not now, not when you haven't met your admirer yet, not when you haven't said thank you.  
As you cradled the keychain in your palm, you could've sworn its eyes glowed, though you were probably just scared out of your mind.
As if answering your prayers, a voice called out from the other platform. 
"Lookie what we got here, a bunch kids wanting to play villains. You picked a wrong day to piss me off." 
Miriko! The bunny hero! Thank the gods. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest, a smug grin on her face as she continued to taunt your captors. 
Before they could get a word out, three men were knocked to the ground, and two more followed after. 
"Hey you!" You looked up at the last masked man standing and gulped. He pulled your arm up and held a gun to your temple. "A-Alright, Hero, you think you're tough, huh?" Take one more step and i shoot this girl's head to bits!"  
You saw Miriko standing a few feet away, it could've been your imagination, but you thought you saw her eyes darken as she growled, getting into a fighting stance. 
"Im warning you!" He dug his fingers deeper in, making you cry out. Before you could blink, you heard a sharp grunt before getting pulled into a plush chest. You blushed knowing who it belonged to. 
"Yeah, right, warnings shwarnings, tell it to the cops, you bastard." 
With all the gun men down, everyone cheered for the Bunny hero's rescue, thankful for their lives being saved.
You, on the other hand were still in Miriko's arms, and from the way they held you, she didn't seem to have the intention of letting go. Slowly you pried yourself away and bowed, saying your thanks as well before turning to to go home. But before you could, you felt arm on your shoulder.
"Wait just a second here, miss. Are you sure you're alright going home by yourself? That was a pretty scary thing back there." You simply smiled and nodded. 
"Y-yes. Thank you for your concern Miriko-san, but i'll be okay." 
"Alright, but just to be safe, i'm escorting you home." 
"No-really, i'm fine you don’t have t-" she cut off with a loud laugh. 
"Haha no need to be shy now, i'm a hero, it's my job. It's no trouble at all, uh.." 
"Y/n." You said quickly.
"Y/n. Pretty name you got." You turned your head to hide a blush. 
“Oh, and might this little one be yours?” 
You turned your head and saw the bunny keychain in her hand. You glanced at the empty zipper and back to the hero. You didn’t even realize it dropped. 
“Y-Yes, I didn’t even notice...thank you.” You gently took it from her hand and tucked it in your bag. You’ll fix it later. 
"Cute...Alright y/n, let's get you home." 
True to her word, she followed you all the way to your apartment, fortunately just to the front lobby. You didn't want all the attention on you. 
"W-well, here's my stop." You turned around and bowed your head. "Thank you again Ms. Miriko."
"And I told you, no problem. I'd do it a hundred times if i had too, doll." You blushed at the pet name, but said nothing as you got on the elevator and giving the bunny hero one last glance.
You’ve been staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours now, but it was hard getting the pro-hero's face out of your head. Her proud smile, her strong arms, the way she held you while shielding your body away from your attacker. It felt so...so...surreal. 
You sighed and closed your eyes. With the events still fresh in your head, you slept with a smile on your face, unaware of the amber eyes watching you from outside.   
You were absolutely gorgeous, the moment she first laid eyes on you, she knew you were hers. You’ve already met a few months back, when she caught you before face-planting with the concrete. 
Your clumsiness had a bit of a charm, (who wouldn’t be in heels?) you were small, and short....
Before she could say another word, you had said your thanks and ran off into the building you were in front of. She was in her casual clothes so you must’ve not recognized her. 
It’s fine...she’ll just have to find another method. 
“I wonder if you like bunnies.” Miriko smirked before heading the other direction, a plan in her head. 
It took some strings and a few calls, but she finally got your schedule and info. She was really glad when she saw you using your gifts everyday. The necklace looked amazing on your neck. 
News travelled fast and so did gossip. That little wench had the guts to hurt you...
You...her mate...her little snowflake...
It took everything in Miriko to not kick everything in her office...
No...it’s fine...
She just needed to have a friendly talk...
Of course it made the news the next day, but she was quick and made sure no tracks were left behind. She will make  sure no one will hurt you again. She’ll have eyes and ears everywhere, including hers.
Perhaps it’s time to take you home...
You need to repay her for those gifts after all. 
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presentmicsongbird · 4 years
Jealous Bakugo x reader
“Oi dumbass!” 
You groaned as you heard the voice call out from behind you. You haven’t left his side for more than two minutes and already he was on your tail.
“Hey, didn’t you hear me squirt?! Don’t ignore me, y/n!”
“Uh...y/n, I think kaachan wants to-“ you cut Midoriya off from stating the very obvious. You knew very well he wanted to talk to you. But after the stunt he pulled yesterday, you were determined to give him the cold shoulder until he gave you a proper apology. 
“I know, Deku.” You spoke at a volume that you knew could be heard over Bakugo’s screaming. ”Just ignore him, I’m not in the mood to talk to Pomeranians with anger issues.” You took a glance at said Pomeranian only to see him glaring daggers at both you and the green haired boy. 
You inwardly smirked as you turned once more to head into class, an angry boyfriend following soon after. As soon as the three were seated, the explosion hero decided once more to try and get you to talk to him, but was soon silenced when Aizawa entered the room. 
“Alright everybody, stop talking. I’ve got a few announcements to make for your next training, so listen up.” 
The homeroom teacher’s words fell onto deaf ears, Bakugo’s ears to be exact…All he could think about was the way you leaned on your desk, head resting on your hand as you listened intently to what Aizawa sensei was saying. Your slender legs crossed beneath your desk, your foot tapping away at a beat only you can hear, a stray hair tickled your ear, but you made no move to brush it away. Your soft lips were kept in a straight line, smiling slightly at a joke Kaminari made.
wait…you laughed at that Pikachu’s joke? 
A low growl rumbled in his throat, clenching his fists to keep him from acting up in front of their teacher. Fortunately, he finished his announcement, and turned to leave to let the next teacher in. The moment he left, Katsuki sharply turned his head to glare at the blonde, only to see him still making jokes and getting more quiet giggles out of you. 
Now THAT…made his blood boil even more. You were HIS! HE’s the one who should be making you laugh, not that short-circuit blondie. 
Kaminari must’ve felt the burning at the back of his head because as soon as his eyes met Bakugo’s, all color drained from his face and quickly shut his mouth. Whether it was the tiny explosions blasting in his hands or the daggers he was glaring at his now trembling body, it definitely got his point across too 
Stay. Away. From. You. 
The ash blonde student smirked as his quirk died down, but it was soon wiped off his face as his eyes met your e/c ones. No longer did they hold the laughter you had a few seconds ago, your lips now turned into a scowl as you glared back at your boyfriend. 
Honestly, you couldn’t even wait until after School? 
Realizing his mistake, you see him ‘tsk’ and turn his head away from both of you. Thankfully, the new teacher came in and told the class to take out your textbooks. You sighed and shook your head, wondering if it was really a good idea to keep giving him the silent treatment. 
Yes it was. 
As the teacher went over the lesson, your mind wandered to the events that lead up to this. Which, surprisingly, was too much for one day. 
Let’s see…
The two of you had decided to go on a date yesterday since it was the weekend and neither of you had and homework. Bakugo even suggested (more like demanded) to meet up at the cafe early to get the best seats in the back. You found it really sweet, even though he practically growled it out thought the phone call. 
Still, the morning went without a hitch, you got your favorite drinks, your favorite comfy spot in the back, and even the little dessert that was always sold out when you came by after school. Heck, Bakugo didn’t even make his usual comments about the drinks and treats being too sweet, or too powdery. He even asked you if you had wanted more. Since it was too early for the regular customers coming in, you said yes. You believed that nothing could go wrong today. 
Oh boy…why didn’t you knock on wood?
After ordering one more cookie, (to save for later), the two of you wanted to watch the new movie that came out just a few weeks back. You were so excited that, you hadn’t even noticed one of the baristas coming over to your table. 
“Here’s your order, hope you enjoy.” You looked away from Katsuki to grab the little paper bag from him, smiling as you said your thanks. He of course smiles back politely. Before he could say another word, Bakugo beat you to it. 
“Alright, that’s enough twerp. Quit eyeing my damn date and go back to your job.” 
The barista was taken aback and struggled to say a shaky apology. Poor thing looked like he was about to pee himself. He turned back to face you, about to apologize again, but Bakugo’s voice cut through again. 
“OI, I SAID BEAT IT KID! Or should I get my point across another way?” Tiny explosions boomed from his outstretched hand. It wasn’t enough to trigger the fire alarms, thank goodness, but was more than enough to send the barista running. 
Bakugo, of course, laughed it off and continued to ask what time you two should watch the movie. You looked at him in disbelief. 
“What? He was looking at you like a piece of candy. Be more thankful I got him off your back.” He shrugged his shoulders, while continuing to munch on his treat. 
“He wasn’t and you know it.” You countered. “Poor guy was just handing me my order. You didn’t have to use your quirk, geez.” You slumped on your seat and crossed your arms as your boyfriend took your tray and dumped out the trash. 
“Alright, let’s go. We got a few hours before the movie start, but might as well get going if we wanna buy tickets. We can eat at that buffet restaurant for lunch and then have dinner at my place, how does that sound? I’ll cook.” You sighed and got up from your seat, taking the cookie bag while avoiding Bakugo’s gaze. 
“Sure, C’mon.” You glanced up only to see his red eyes widen, before shaking his head and following you out the door. 
On the walk to the train station, avoided his gaze even more and turned your head when he got up in your face. The explosion quirked student tried to coax you to get you to talk to him, but you stayed silent. You heard him sigh, then moved to stand in front of you, causing you to crash into his chest. 
“Hey! What’s the big id-“
“Oh, now you finally talk.” You blushed and pouted up at him. He bent down to your height with his hands in his pockets. “What’s your issue now, squirt?”  He asked while gently flicking your forehead. 
“You were mean to the barista and you didn’t even apologize!” 
“Apologize? Seriously? You’re still mad about that?” 
“Yes, I’m still mad! You didn’t have to use your quirk back there, and he most certainly WASN’T flirting with me.” 
“What’re you saying? Are you actually taking his damn side?!” 
“I never said that! I’m just saying you didn’t have to be mean to him!” 
You pretty sure both of you were screaming at this point. You had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, and there’s no doubt that you’ve already attracted the attention of a crowd. 
“You can’t tell me who I can and can’t talk to, Bakugo! And you honestly can’t expect me not to talk to boys other than you!” 
“Yes I can!” 
“No. You. Can’t!” 
“I’m your boyfriend, y/n! It’s my job to keep pervs like him away from you. You’re mine!” 
“Pervs sure! I can accept that. But NOT friggin polite baristas who was just handing me my order!” 
“Damnit, y/n, can’t you STOP with that barista crap?” Katsuki’s eyes were completely full of rage now. “What, do you like him now or somethin? Is that it?” 
“WHAT?!” Seriously, where in All Might’s name did he get that from? “No. I don’t! ARGH! Why can’t stop being so controlling?” 
“I’ll stop being controlling when YOU stop being a damn brat for once and just do what I tell you?!” 
That. Was. IT! 
Before you could blink, a loud slap was heard, and you felt a slight stinging in your palm. Opening your eyes that you didn’t even know were closed, you saw Bakugo’s head turned to the side, eyes blinking as he let your actions sink in. 
You felt a slight guilt in your gut, but you pushed it back down. 
“Y/n, I-“ 
“You can forget about today, Bakugo. I’m going home.” Before you could let him follow, you turned around and threw the paper bag at his face, running fast and as far away from him as possible. You made sure, he didn’t see a single tear roll down your cheek. 
You had put your phone on silent the moment you got home, not wanting it to keep dinging while you cried your eyes out.
Who did he think he is anyway? He was right, he is your boyfriend. But that gave him no excuse to say what he did back there. He’s just...just...
“ARRGHHH!” Your screams were muffled by the pillow your were crying on, thankful no one was home today. Needless to say...you really shouldn’t have thrown that cookie at him. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the lunch bell ringing loudly. You shook your head and blinked away the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. 
“Hey y/n, you coming along?” Asked Uraraka. 
“You guy go on ahead, I’m gonna do fix some stuff.” 
“Alright, see you later!” She waved while walking off with Iida and Deku.
It was a lie, obviously …Since it was lunch time, Maybe...Bakugo would finally give you a proper apo-
He’s gone...
You really should’ve known better. You sighed once more and packed your books, wondering if maybe…it’d be best if you…well…you DID slap his face in the middle of the sidewalk…and threw the cookie at him…and.
“Oi squirt!” You jumped in your seat and quickly grabbed your chest. “Geez, you’re gonna be a future hero, but you’re get scared of me going up in your-“ 
He stopped talking once he noticed your angry glare once more. Katuski grumbled and rubbed the back of his neck, turning away and avoiding your heated gaze.  
“Listen…just….I’m sorry, okay?” 
“I know…I was a jerk yesterday, and…YES! I didn’t have to say those damn things to the barista…and you.” 
“It was a dumb thing to say and you’re not a brat. You’re not a puppet for me to control either. ” He staggered with his words, his voice almost sounded like it was cracking…but Bakugo still didn’t meet your eyes. 
You had to keep yourself from smiling. Guess he had it in him after all. Before you could tell him that he didn’t need to say more, he continued on.
“I was just…Jealous….I hated the fact that other guys were looking at you and making you smile, and that I’M not the one at the receiving end of it.” 
“You should be allowed to talk to your other friends…even though they’re not me. And I understand if…if you…
“IF YOU WANNA BREAK UP WITH ME, THEN I GET IT! I just wanted to apologize for…well….everything…and for the other times I-“ 
You pulled at his collar and pulled in him for a kiss, Bakugo freezing for a split second before returning it. He pulled away first. 
“W-Wait…why did yo-“
 “You’re forgiven too, hot head.” You finally gave him the smile he loved so much and gave his cheek a quick peck. “And…I’m sorry too for slapping you in the face and throwing the cookie bag at you.” He chuckled, and kissed your forehead. 
“It’s fine squirt, I deserved it. I’ll buy you another one next time.” 
“Does this mean, you’ll apologize to the barista too?” 
“Don’t push it.” He’ll cross that bridge when he gets there….probably. 
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presentmicsongbird · 4 years
Yandere Villain Alpha!Hawks x Reader
First Post as a newbie? How about a yandere post? Enjoy!
Well, well, well. Look at the treasure I found tonight. Looks like my precious dove got out of her cage." 
Gods, his pine tree scent was intoxicating, against all better judgement (and against your omega instincts) you had to get away. You pushed your tired legs to run, although, you knew very well he could easily catch up to you.
You made a sharp turn down an alley way, the familiar setting pushing you on even more. But you could feel him, smell him, and you'll be damned if you even say, yearned for him. This Alpha. This villain. You can barely remember how it lead up to this. 
You just wanted to buy the latest book of your favorite series, but it was only sold in certain stores and the closest one to your apartment was a few blocks away. It wasn't in the good side of the neighborhood, but it wasn't on the bad side either. And since you minded your own business and never talked to people, the monthly walk there was fairly uneventful. The announcement for the new book came out an hour before you had to leave for work and you were practically ready to bounce out the window had it not been for your boss, threatening to fire you if the paperwork wasn’t on his desk by the end of the day. You mentally cursed him out, but finished it anyway. 
Before you left, you heard your co-workers talking about the Blood Winged Villain: Hawks, the number of missing persons cases were increasing by the day, and the murder ones were dangerously close to where you had to buy your book. Since the route you normally took barely had signs of life, you brushed off the chatter and decided to head to the store anyway.
You were such an idiot to have not taken the news seriously. 
It was already dark, by the time you left the store, a small paper bag in hand dangling from a pair of pale yellow string and a smile on your face as you speed walked through the maze of alleyways back to your home. It wasn’t until halfway through, you heard an ear piercing scream coming from the corner you were about to turn to. You should've looked the other way, ran for your life, but...along with your curiosity getting the better of you....
The scent of pine trees overwhelmed your senses and almost made your knees buckle. What was this? Who was this? Your body moved on its own as if it had forgotten about the scream a few seconds ago and turned the corner, dropping your paper bag along the way.
Your blood soon ran cold as you caught yourself face-to-face with the Blood Winged Villain himself, his wings stretched out behind him as he looked over your shaking frame. You stood there frozen in place. Glancing back, you saw a man hunched over next to a dumpster, his shirt was soaked with his own blood, a red feather sticking out right in the dead center of his chest. 
"Eyes up here, my omega." You let out a breathe that you didn’t even know you were holding and looked back up at his amber eyes. There were droplets of blood rolling down his cheek while his costume was just as soaked as the corpse. 
Why weren’t you more careful?! 
Hawks crouched down until his nose barely brushed against your neck, taking in your sickly sweet scent as one of his hands grabbed the back of your hair, pulling you closer to him. 
You gasped as you felt his canines lightly drag down your neck, he growled when you tried to pull away. 
"Since you're trying to get away from me, i'm gonna take a wild guess and assume you know who i am...don’t you, angel?" Your silence answered for him. Before you could utter a word, you felt a pinch at the side of your neck and everything went black.
The first thing you noticed when you woke up were the shackles around your ankles, and the fact that your were laying in a mattress........inside a cage. What the hell? You sat up groggily, cradling your head and blinking away the sleep from your eyes. You looked around through the bars, it looked like some sort of...basement? Maybe. There were no windows, and the only light illuminating the space was a dim bulb hanging from the ceiling, its humming making the ringing in your ears less painful. A scraping sound soon took your attention as you turned your head towards it.
“G'morning sleepin' beauty. I was wondering when you were gonna wake up." Hawks was sitting on chair facing you, arms crossed in front of his chest with the same predatory gaze he had on last night. You chirped and backed yourself as much as you could in the cage. Your omega instincts were once again screaming at you to go to him....the Alpha... your Alpha. As you skimmed over his (thankfully now clean) figure, with the bulb barely living up to its use, you could better distinguish his features. His blonde hair was was charmingly unruly, his eyes had black markings that made his eyes almost glow in the dark room. His black button down shirt partially untucked and unbuttoned just enough for his collarbone to peak out, his wings draped over him like a red cape, true to his name, they were dark as the blood he spilled. His arms held a few tattoos, designed in swirled patterns, gods....he could crush you with those if he wanted you...
And you'd let hi-
You shook these thoughts away, holding your breath in hopes that it'll somehow control these urges, that maybe if you couldn't smell his scent, they would stop. But it was already imbedded into your head. You wanted him...you needed him. You were so caught up in resisting that you hadn't even noticed Keigo reaching out to cup your face.
"Don't shy away from me now, little bird." You couldn't stop yourself from leaning into his touch. Damn bastard was pushing his scent onto you, clouding your senses once more. "Someone seems to be enjoying themselves." He chuckled darkly. "I could help you out you know...if you promise not to fly away from me, Dove." You were tempted...but in a split second, you came back and pushed him away from you. 
"NO!" He reeled back, eyes wide for a split second before grinning one more time.
"So, my little bird can sing, can she?" keigo tilted his head, as he crouched down in front of the cage. "Tell you what, if you play nice, i'll let you out of this cage. If not, then...i'd have to keep your wings clipped for a little while longer. Got it?" 
You shook your head quickly. "No! Y-You're a-" 
"A what? A villain? Kidnapper? A murderer? Heh, trust me sweetheart, I've heard it all....but if there's one thing that my quirkless little omega  needs to know," he paused, his smile disappearing. You felt the room grow cold, a shiver running up your spine as he growled the next words. "I'm your Alpha." 
You bared your neck to him, your breath getting heavier by the second. 
"That's right, sweetheart. You're MY omega. MY little Dove. And NO ONE is going to take you away from me."  You were practically ready submit yourself to him had it not been for the loud knocking upstairs. Keigo tsked and got up from his spot, but not before putting a finger to his lips, a silent command telling you to be quiet. You sat there, still frozen in your spot, shackles clinking at your tiniest movements. The villain left without another word, leaving you to your jumbled thoughts. Should you escape? Should you let him continue? 
No, you wouldn't. You had to get away. Alpha or no, he was a villain, and you'd rather end up dead than spend another second with him.
For all you know, he was probably planning your death the next day. Or worse. As you heard the basement door creak open, you scrambled to lied down on the mattress, shutting your eyes and curling into yourself with your back facing the stairs. 
 You heard the shuffle of foot steps heading toward your cramped prison, followed by a deep sigh. You worked on keeping your breath steady as you felt a knuckle gently caress your cheek.
"Heh, little birdie tuckered herself out. That's fine. Get some rest, my little dove. Your Alpha will take very good care of you." His hand left you once more and his footsteps faded as soon as he turned off the little light you had left in the room. 
You needed to get out, but he was right. You were tired, surprisingly too considering you were drugged and unconscious for who knows how long. You let sleep take over you, and your planning started the next day.
This was over three months ago. It took you two weeks to gain his trust, another two convince him to let you out of your shackles and cage, and a month to time his schedule and your escape. Here you are now, running for your life, away from your captor. Never stopping for even a breath. 
Is he still behind me? Maybe i should just give u-
No, if i do, i'm done for. He won't forgive me for this. He'll kill me for sure!
You shook your head once more. His wings were beating steadily, feathers always in the far corners of your peripheral. His white teeth and canines practically gleamed as it peaked out of his sly grin, his eyes dark and hungry, as if you were going to be his last meal of his life. He could've easily caught up to you by now...but he didn’t. You knew....you knew he was toying with you. He WANTED to let you think you had a chance of escaping. But that didnt stop you from running. You had to fight the urge to cover your nose, not wanting to take the risk and fall flat on your face. 
Keigo was surprised, to say the least, when he found your room empty. But he told himself that his little bird just needed to stretch her precious wings....for a little while. He'll play along for a few more moments. He just loved seeing that tiny dash of hope in your eyes being crushed as he kept closing in on you. He's one of the top most notorious villains, after all. While his body count did do the job of keeping that rank for him, his Alpha title made it crystal clear that he was not to be messed with. And that sweet scent you were emitting makes chase all the more exciting for him. He grinned as he flew straight up, deciding to to watch from above, timing his next move. 
He was starting to get impatient, and he was going to take his prize, whether we wins the game or not. 
Hawks NEVER loses a game. 
As you rounded another corner, you glanced back and saw the street empty. You slowed down to a jog until you finally felt comfortable coming to a stop. Was he gone? Did he give up? 
Before you could start running again, you were slammed into a wall, a large hand gripping your throat, just tight enough to make the point that they were not about to let go. Of course, Hawks wouldn't give up. What were you thinking? You were already his to claim the moment he took a whiff of your scent.
"I'm done playing now little dove..." He pressed his hand tighter. "I'm disappointed, birdie. I thought you were smarter than this. Clearly, I was wrong." You were struggling to breathe at this point. You brought your hands up, to try and claw at his fist, but to no avail. 
"I really hate to do this to you, angel, but you need to learn your lesson if you want to stay alive." Tears were stinging your eyes as dark spots closed in on your vision. You clawed, kicked, and pushed at him with all your might, and just when you were on the verge of collapsing, Keigo released his hold, allowing your body to crumple to the floor gasping for air. 
He gripped your hair and pulled your face up to meet his gaze. Your throat was sore....it hurt to even try speaking.......you didn't bother. So you just kept taking deep breaths. 
"Keep in mind, omega. Your life...is now literally in my hands. Pull another stunt like this and I promise.....i won't be so merciful. Do I make myself clear?" You gulped and nodded meekly. He pulled your hair back with a force that made you scream and claw at hand again.
"I said Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" 
"Y-yes." You whispered. Gods....it really did hurt to speak. 
"Yes...what?" You whimpered, the pain in your throat, your back, and your head were too much. But his grip didn't lighten up. He was going to wait all night until he heard the right answer. And you gave up all reason and give it to him if it meant the pain will stop. You were his....any chance of escape will be foiled and receive punishment. The sooner you accept, the easier it will be. With a shaky breath and strained voice, you let out the two words that sealed your fate.  
"Yes Alpha."
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