Reflections on a Year of Reading Afghanistan Literature
Titles Read:
-Three Cups of Tea by David Oliver Relin and Greg Mortenson
-Shooting Kabul by N.H. Senzai
-Under the Persimmon Tree by Suzanne Fisher Staples
-The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Word Count: 785
General Reflections:
When I was choosing a country to complete my independent reading assignment, I had the goal to learn more about a country that I was interested in but did not have much exposure to. Then I came across Afghanistan, which has rich culture and lot’s of history as well. Afghanistan has fought many wars and struggled a lot to become its own independent country. After reading Afghanistan literature, I learned a lot about the traditions and lifestyle followed by Afghans. In addition to that, I read about the struggle that women have to go through so they can be educated. Throughout the books that I read during this assignment, I realized that women play a key role in providing food and care for the family. I have always been intrigued to learn more about the rights that women have.There is a lot of culture and customs that are passed down by generations and generations which I thought was fascinating to read about. The country of Afghanistan is much more than buildings and houses falling into ruins. I read about the unknown beautiful rivers, monuments and mountains of Afghanistan. I think that there are so many things that are unseen about this country and more people should start to learn more about it.  
What I Have Learned About Life From Afghanistan Literature:
From David Olver Relin and Greg Mortenson’s book, Three Cups of Tea, I’ve learned about how one mountaineer was capable of changing the lives of countless kids, women, and men of Afghanistan. The main character in this book was sedulous and due to his hard work and dedication, created such positive changes. In hopes to climb the K2 mountain he went to Afghanistan but ended up helping out those who are struggling with poverty and girls' educational rights. He was looked upon as an idol and role model throughout the villages he went to assist and people would give him blessings. 
After reading Shooting Kabul, by N.H. Senzai, I’ve learned about the struggles that come along with having to adjust in a new country. The main character, Fadi, is forced to leave his home along with his family in order to stay safe. The Taliban were commencing a war on Afghanistan and it was extremely dangerous to stay. But fleeing from one country to another state across seas was difficult for Fadi and his family. Fadi was looked down upon because of coming from an immigrant background. Fleeing from Afghanistan and settling in America was a new, uncomfortable experience for a young twelve-year-old kid. Even with all of the racism and criticism, he struggled through it and always stood up for himself. 
From Suzanne Fisher Staples, Under the Persimmon Tree, I’ve learned about the difficulties that women have to face in countries that have least affordable necessities and education. Many girls are told to learn how to cook, clean and do the basic chores at home. Similar to the main character, Najhma, who was a happy young girl and lived with her family until the disaster hit. Bombings in Afghanistan were killing hundreds and among those hundreds, Najhma’s mother and younger brother were killed. Najhma’s older brother and father were forcefully taken in captive by the Taliban. They had high power and were capable of doing anything. 
After reading The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, I’ve learned about the bond and strong relationship between Hassan and Amir. Even though both of these characters have endured many hardships throughout their life, they have always stayed by each other. Amir comes from a wealthy Afghan family, while Hassan comes from a less fortunate family where his father is a servant. Despite these differences in social class, Amir and Hassan have been best friends since they were young. It shows how friendship is an important thing in life. Along with that,  you should always be yourself no matter what other people think about you. 
What I Learned About Myself And Reading:
After completing independent reading for 20 weeks I have learned a lot about myself and Afghanistan as well. I feel that reading literature from a country which I am interested in makes me want to read more about it. Exploring various books about Afghanistan allowed me to understand the difference in writing style of genres. This assignment also helped me enhance my vocabulary and comprehension skills. The books I read for this assignment were very interesting and made me want to read more about the culture in Afghanistan. I think one of the biggest takeaways from this independent reading assignment is that reading different types of literature about one specific area or region allows you to gain more knowledge. Along with that, you will be in the habit of reading and it will help you learn new words as well.
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Week 20 Blog
The Kite Runner
By: Khaled Hosseini
Pages read:150-200
Word count: 330
Amir had been upset about how to handle the difficult situation between his father and Hassan’s father.Things had gotten very hard when Amir’s father started to do poorly on his job because of old age and weakness. It was shown through the work Amir’s father was doing. However, Hassan never wanted to look down upon Amir, therefore he stayed quiet and did not say anything about it. While conditions were getting worse, Amir did not want to lose his close friend so he decided to have a talk with Hassan. They both had a talk and were able to remain close friends. 
Critical Analysis:
Hosseini was able to use descriptive words in order to explain different emotions throughout the chapters. For instance, Amir’s father had stated, "Up to this? It’s the happiest day of my life, Amir” (166). In other words, during this part in the chapter, Amir’s father had been severely ill and fell on the floor. It was then that Amir started to worry more about his father. Amir was seeing signs of his father being weak and struggling throughout the week and for some time before that. However, his father never told him the reason for hiding his sickness. Amir then felt relieved once realizing that his father was okay at the hospital. 
Personal Response:
I think that the situation described during the condition of Amir’s father, made it easier to understand the deep connection between Amir and his father. Amir rarely showed any emotions towards his father. However, once Amir’s father became very ill, he was able to take care of him and be there for him when he needed it. I think that Amir is showing signs that he will stop joking around about everything and start to be more serious. I think that the things Amir has done for his father are very important as well. Amir tries very hard to make sure that his father is proud and feels happy to have him as a son. 
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"Kabul against Mazar-i-Sharif, I think, and by the way the players weren’t allowed to wear shorts."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (198)
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"She was tired, I knew, tired of it all."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (186)
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"Because I had rid her heart of its gravest malady."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (178)
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"Up to this? It’s the happiest day of my life, Amir."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (166)
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"In over three years running the gas station, Baba had never called in sick."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (158)
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Week 19 Blog
The Kite Runner
By: Khaled Hosseini
Pages read: 100-150
Word count: 351
Amir has been feeling stressed about how to deal with everything that had happened at the competition. People were discussing the rules and trying to deny the fact that Amir had won the kite flying competition. However, all that Amir could think about was making his father proud, which he accomplished doing. Hassan on the other hand, was dealing with stress from his father about trying to find a way to keep the business stable and not go into debt. Amir feared that he wouldn’t be able to help his father in the future but after knowing that Hassan was there he knew that everything would be fine.
Critical Analysis:
Hosseini did a great job using different keywords to explain the plot and what was happening between Amir and Hassan. Amir was very much fascinated by the wide variety of jobs. He says,  “I ran the stand sometimes as Baba sauntered down the aisle, hands respectfully pressed to his chest, greeting people he knew from Kabul: mechanics and tailors selling hand-me-down wool coats and scraped bicycle helmets, alongside former ambassadors, out-of-work surgeons, and university professors" (138). In simpler words, each worker has a special job to do and they should each be respected for who they are and what they do. The social class barrier between Hassan’s father and Amir’s father has started to create some changes. Hassan comes from a wealthy and rich family. While Hassan was raised by his father in a small hut. 
Personal Response:
I think that there have been lots of changes throughout the lives of Hassan and Amir. They both have struggled to provide the best and show their responsibility towards their fathers. Amir hopes to give back to his father by getting a big house and getting a job. While Hassan wants his father to give him support and praise him when doing well in school. There was some confusion during the kite flying competition as well, which eventually was able to be sorted out. However, people must see how Amir and Hassan have tried to bring change and develop things for everyone to have a better life. 
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"Up to that point, our encounter could have been interpreted as a respectful inquiry, one man asking for the whereabouts of another man."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (146)
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"I ran the stand sometimes as Baba sauntered down the aisle, hands respectfully pressed to his chest, greeting people he knew from Kabul: mechanics and tailors selling hand-me-down wool coats and scraped bicycle helmets, alongside former ambassadors, out-of-work surgeons, and university professors."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (138)
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"But the Bay Area’s smog stung his eyes, the traffic noise gave him headaches, and the pollen made him cough."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (126)
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"What none of the others in the room knew was that Baba wasn’t joking."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (118)
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"It was a protective gesture and I knew whom Ali was protecting him from."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (106)
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Week 18 Blog
The Kite Runner
By: Khaled Hosseini
Pages read: 50-100
Word count: 332
Amir had been working extremely hard to win the kite flying competition. This is when people get the chance to show their talent and people come to watch and it is a fun time. Amir was practicing all the time for this day to finally come. After starting the competition Amir was nervous at first but as time went by he trusted himself. At the end, Amir cut the last blue kite and won the competition. Amir couldn’t believe that he had won first place in the kite flying competition. Amir could see his father screaming and cheering with pride of him winning the kite flying competition. Amir was very glad that he could make his father proud. 
Critical Analysis:
Hosseini used many details to describe the achievements that Amir has done which made Amir’s father proud. As Amir was flying his kite and he was against one last person he could feel himself accomplishing his dream. Amir said,"Then I was screaming, and everything was color and sound, everything was alive and good” (66). This proves how hard Amir had worked to reach his goals and that he was able to fulfill them due to his dedication and determination. He would always be flying kites and trying different things, to make sure that he was prepared when the time would come. 
Personal Response:
I think that in this story Amir has been accomplishing his goals as he believes that it is his time to do great things in life. Amir has the dream to be able to give his father all of the necessities and take care of his father once he reaches old age. Hassan and Amir have been best friends since a young age and once Amir won the kite flying competition, the entire family was very proud. Hassan could not stop congratulating and hugging Amir for what he accomplished. Everyone was glad that Amir was able to win the kite flying competition against many other people who were also participating as well. 
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"I would build us a big house, white with a tiled patio and large windows."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (98)
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"I kept tossing and turning as my relatives grunted, sighed, and snored in their sleep."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (86)
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"I waited for him to say something, but we just stood there in silence, in the fading light."
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (78)
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