prettiestpotato · 4 years
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prettiestpotato · 7 years
Hi everyone. I know I’ve been inactive on this blog since I remade, but I recently visited home and saw my old teacher- the one who received this infamous frog as a gift. I thought it only right that I come back to tell you all the bad news.
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Someone knocked him off the desk. 
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Pepe is no more.
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Someone made a Pepe in ceramics and I’m c r y i n g
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
I’m gonna remake soon so like this post and I’ll (probably) send u a link with my new URL when I make it
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
when you do an art collab with only anime artists
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
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you fool. you buffoon. you fucking moron.
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
everyone's going bananas over lazytown but still.....brushes off Thomas the tank engine..........
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
Salad...is a dessert to me...
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
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My family keeps trying to get me to watch """"the classics"""" of cinema, when they are mistaken, for the true classics of cinema....are right here
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
That post was meant to say 'almost passed out' but almost died works too
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
PREDICTION: Robbie Rotten somehow becomes the next Onceler/Sans
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
hey if you celebrate/d Christmas can you reblog this and tag it with 1. whether or not you ever hung a Christmas Pickle on your tree and 2. where you’re from? i’m really curious
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
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can i get a promo i’m in an abnormally good mood tonight… 
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
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I was in goodwill the other day and i hear a little kid say "daddy, why is this shaped like a potato?" And I glanced over at what they were talking about and I saw this work of art and I don't know why it was so funny to me, but I almost passed trying not to laugh
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
When trans women are mocked and made into jokes in the media, I get very upset, and I am often told “Kay, you can’t go through life getting offended every time someone makes a joke.” And I sputter and object but they don’t hear me. So I want to be clear for once, about why the jokes make me angry.
I learned to hate myself for being transgender before I knew I was transgender. I laughed at the jokes in stand up comedy routines, and prime time sitcoms, and animated comedy shows, and in the movies, and in books, and in games, laughing at trans women for existing, about “men in dresses”, about people who “got their dicks chopped off”, and I learned to think that was worthy of ridicule.
And then a day came when I felt a pang of envy at what my female classmates were wearing and I repressed it, and felt guilty, and a day where I felt incomplete because I had no breasts and I repressed it and I felt disgusting
And a day when I realized the only images of romance that made me feel anything showed two women together and I repressed it and I felt like a monster
And a day when I realized I felt sick when I looked at myself in the mirror after every shower before work and couldn’t bear to look at my own face, and I hated myself.
And then there came a day when I hated myself so much, and I thought I could never understand why, and so I just wanted it all to end. And it was just a miracle that I swerved my car back into my lane in time.
And all of it started with a joke that I heard on TV, and then kept hearing from all the voices from the ether, over and over and over, worming an idea into my mind before I was old enough to realize I was absorbing it, the idea that a man in a dress is funny, and that changing your body parts makes you a freak, and that women who have penises instead of vaginas are liars and hurt men.
And they’re still making these jokes. And somewhere out there right now, just like all those years ago, there is a little girl in a t-shirt and cargo shorts with buzzed off hair watching the TV, hearing that joke and absorbing it without knowing it, who will someday have to pry herself apart to tear it out of her head, just like I did.
That is, if she doesn’t kill herself first.
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prettiestpotato · 8 years
one time my friends and i got bubble tea and my one friend didn’t know abt the tapioca pearls and he took a sip and then opened his mouth and let like 9 of them roll out of his mouth and onto the floor and then whispered “what the fuck”
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