prettiestudies · 2 years
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Some more Afrikaans idioms. Enjoy! ☺
Nog ‘n paar Afrikaanse idiome. Geniet dit! ☺
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prettiestudies · 2 years
Afrikaans Masterpost.
Goeie dag almal!
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I would like to officially introduce myself. My name is Chiquita. I’m from South Africa and my native language is Afrikaans. I’ve been asked by quite a few people for Afrikaans resources, but, unfortunately, they’re very scarce. I have decided to compile some of my own and share it with you guys! Geniet dit!
History and background:
(Unfortunately, I cannot verify ALL the information, but I will try my best to make sure it’s accurate.)
The languages of South Africa | Brand South Africa (along with information about South Africa’s 10 other official languages!)
Afrikaans | About World Languages
Afrikaans | Omniglot (Arabic section requires verification.)
Afrikaner | SAHO
Afrikaans language | Wikipedia
Afrikaans language | SA-Venues
Online lessons:
Afrikaans lessons | polymath.org
Afrikaans | Openlanguages
Learn Afrikaans | Hein’s Universe
Afrikaans lessons | Easy Afrikaans
Learn Afrikaans | Learn 101
How to Learn to Speak Afrikaans | WikiHow
Afrikaans Language Course | ielanguages
All you need to know about Afrikaans | Rawlangs
Bands and groups (active):
(Link in name leads to home pages, where applicable.)
Fokofpolisiekar (profanity), (lit. “F*ck off police car”) - Alternative rock. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Die Heuwels Fantasties (lit. “The Hills Fantastic”) - Alternative, Electronica, Indie, Pop. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Van Coke Kartel (lit. “From Coke Cartel”) - Alternative rock. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Straatligkinders (lit. “Street light children”) - Rock. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Foto na Dans (lit. “Photo after Dance”) - Progressive rock. - Background | YouTube
Die Antwoord (profanity and considered vulgar), (lit. “The Answer”) - Hip hop, Rap, Rave. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Eden - Pop - Background
Die Melktert Komissie (lit. “The Milktart Commission”) - Pop, Acoustic. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Glaskas (lit. “Glass case”) - Pop, Rock. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Artists and musicians:
(Link in name leads to home pages, where applicable.)
Elvis Blue - Pop, Adult contemporary. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Kurt Darren - Afrikaans folk music. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Steve Hofmeyr - Afrikaans folk/pop. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Jack Parow (profanity) - Hip hop, Rap, Afrikaans rap. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Nádine - Pop. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Bobby van Jaarsveld - Pop. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Bok van Blerk - Pop rock. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Chris Chameleon - Folk, World, Rock, Acoustic. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Hennie Jacobs - Acoustic. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Juanita du Plessis - Afrikaans gospel. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Snotkop (vulgar), (lit. “Booger head”) - Pop, Kwaito, Rap. - Background | YouTube | Facebook
Karlien van Jaarsveld - Pop. - YouTube | Facebook
Dis ek, Anna (2015, lit. “It’s me, Anna”) - Drama. Movie based off of the novel written by Anchien Troskie. A girl endures abuse at the hands of her stepfather. A court case ensues.
Semi-soet (2012, lit. “Semi-sweet”) - Romantic comedy. A desperate young woman tries to save her company from someone taking over. A relationship can seal the deal, therefore, she hires a model to be her significant other.
As jy sing (2013, lit. “If you sing”) - Musical comedy. A music teacher supports his singing group. Circumstances force them to sing for what they believe in.
Poena is koning (vulgar and profanity), (2007, lit. “Poena is king”) - Comedy. Two teens boys go on a mission. They refuse to stay virgins until the finish highschool.
Bakgat! (2008, lit. “Cool!”) - Comedy. A popular girl is dumped by the highschool sport star. She goes on a mission to transform the school wimp into the next best thing.
Bakgat! 2 (2010, lit. “Cool! 2″ - Comedy. The characters from the first movie now attend university. Some dreams, like a rugby career, seem unreachable.
Bakgat! Tot die mag 3 (2013, lit. “Cool! To the power 3″) - Comedy. The main character aspires to win a rugby league and pay for his wedding with the prize money, meanwhile, he is putting his relationship in danger.
Wolwedans in die Skemer (2012, lit. “Wolf dance in the dusk”) - Thriller. Sonja arrives at a hotel where she’s supposed to take up her new job as a receptionist, but following a freak accident, she has no idea who she is.
Liefling (2010, lit. “Darling”) - Musical romance. A girl with a love for life falls in love during the December holidays, but fate, and other people, intervenes.
Pretville (2012, lit. “Fun-ville”) - Musical. A movie that in set in a typical 1950′s town, showing what life was like back then.
Faan se trein (2014, lit. “Faan’s train”) - Drama. A mentally challenged man has a dream of having his own traicn. We accompany him on his journey.
Pad na jou hart (2014, lit. “Road to your heart”) - Romantic comedy. A young man has 5 days to travel across the country to attend his father’s funeral. He catches a ride with a beautiful young lady.
Treurgrond (2015, lit. “Mourn ground”) - Drama. A movie that shows how farm attacks affect the whole community, not just the family.
Jou Romeo (2016, lit. “Your Romeo”) - Teen comedy. A school has to cancel a play due to budget cuts. Kids stand up, and try to keep the play going.
Sy klink soos lente (2016, lit. “She sounds like spring”) - Comedy. A guy tries to win a girl’s heart by lying to her, saying he is part of a band. He is a mere motor mechanic. Now he needs a plan, or he’s going to lose her.
Vir die voëls (2016, lit. “For the birds”) - Comedy. A wild girl on the verge of marrying isn’t sure if the married life is for her.
Vir Altyd (2016, lit. “Forever”) - Romantic comedy. A girl is left in front of the altar by her significant other. She makes some “bad decisions” and ends up going on a journey where she realises who she really loves.
Learn Afrikaans 101 | YouTube
Learn Afrikaans - Steohenstone | YouTube
Learn Afrikaans | YouTube
Greetings - Learn Afrikaans | YouTube (I listed this one specifically, because I know people other than natives struggle with the g-sound!)
Afrikaans slang | Wikipedia (checked this out myself, not too bad!)
Afrkaans memes and jokes (@antiegriet) | Instagram
Afrikaans quotes (@cool_kwadraat) | Instagram
Maroela Media - Social platform filled with articles and news.
Afrikaans.com - A page with a little bit of everything.
Pasella - A travel series focused on food, celebrities, and all the fun little things in South Africa.
Afrikaans is Groot (lit. “Afrikaans is Big”) - A annual event hosting some of the best Afrikaans artists in the country. | Facebook
I really, really hope this helps! Please report any problems, any feedback would also be appreciated! Thank you so much for reading, spread the word!
*Disclaimer: I do not own any of the content mentioned on this page, but am merely sharing it for educational purposes, Should any individual have a problem, please contact me without hesitation.
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prettiestudies · 3 years
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prettiestudies · 3 years
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bunnies in chinese hanfu by 檀仁TANRENCAT
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prettiestudies · 3 years
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Every culture has their own pantheon of deities, but also ghosts and demons. Vietnam is no exception. Here are just a few of them.
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Quỷ Một Giò: one-legged demon
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Xà Niêng: a human-turned gibbon after getting lost in the forest
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Hồ Li Tinh or Cửu Vĩ Hồ: nine-tailed fox
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Quỷ Nhập Tràng: a zombie created when its corpse was not properly wrapped and a black cat jumped over it
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Ghost of betel and areca garden
Source: Võ Huỳnh Phú
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prettiestudies · 3 years
okay but waking up in the middle of the night to soft rain and knowing you’ve got hours to sleep, when you’re toasty warm and comfortable and sleep has made you forget all your worries and you go back to sleep feeling as content as ever.
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prettiestudies · 3 years
was cleaning out my saved posts on reddit and i came across this pic again: 
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坐个好看的废人 『做個好看的廢人』
be a useless person but pretty
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prettiestudies · 3 years
hey guys, what’s up? soooo I found these videos on youtube and I think they are very interesting for those who want to practice your mandarin listening skills:
夸父逐日 kuā fù zhúrì
水中捞月 shuǐzhōng lāo yuè
天衣无缝 tiānyīwúfèng
草船借箭 cǎo chuán jiè jiàn
画龙点睛 huàlóngdiǎnjīng
毛遂自荐 máosuìzìjiàn
三顾茅庐 sāngùmáolú
闻鸡起舞 wénjīqǐwǔ
半途而废 bàntú'érfèi
不自量力 bù zì liànglì
囫囵吞枣 húlúntūnzǎo
南辕北辙 nányuánběizhé
自相矛盾 zì xiāng máodùn
脚踏实地 jiǎotàshídì
勤能补拙 qínnéngbǔzhuō
日积月累 rìjīyuèlěi
孺子可教 rúzǐ kě jiào
水滴石穿 shuǐdīshíchuān
温故知新 wēngù zhīxīn
循序渐进 xúnxù jiànjìn
they are just short stories with a very important message in each one ~ if anyone wants I can write the story and translate, as I did in this post! hope it will be useful to improve your hearing! 加油加油!
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prettiestudies · 3 years
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the new yorker gets it
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prettiestudies · 3 years
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Masterpost 4 out of 50: The Motivation  Self-Discipline Masterpost
 It’s better to work blindly than not work at all.
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prettiestudies · 3 years
Food vocabulary in Chinese
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Chinese : pinyin: french // english 
吃 : chī : manger ; prendre ses repas // to eat, to have a meal 
饿 : è : faim ; avoir faim // hungry, starving
米饭 : mǐfàn : riz cuit // cooked rice
米 : mǐ : riz // rice
面条 : miàntiáo : nouilles // noodles 
拉面 : lāmiàn : nouilles étirées à la main  // hand-pulled noodles, ramen (Cf. 抻面 chēnmiàn)
抻面 : chēnmiàn : nouilles étirées à la main // hand-pulled noodles (Cf. 拉面 lāmiàn)
炸酱面 : zhájiàngmiàn : nouilles assaisonnées de sauce de soja // noodles seasoned with soy sauce
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汤 :  tāng : eau chaude, soupe, potage // hot water, soup
shāng : 汤汤 : shāngshāng : qualifie un courant puissant et impétueux // qualifies a strong current of water.
酸辣汤 : suānlàtāng : soupe pékinoise à base tofu, de nouilles, de piment et de vinaigre // soup made with tofu, noodles, chilli and vinegar, from Beijing, called Hot and Sour Soup in USA.  
鸡蛋汤 : jīdàntāng : soupe aux œufs // soup with eggs
鸡蛋 : jīdàn : œuf de poule // chicken egg
蛋 : dàn : œuf // egg
油豆腐 : yóudòufu : tofu frit // fried tofu
春卷 : chūnjuǎn : rouleau de printemps // spring rolls
饺子 : jiǎozi : raviolis // Jiaozi, dumplings
油条 : yóutiáo : beignets torsadés // fried dough food
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羊肉 : yángròu : (viande) mouton // sheep meat, lamb
羊 : yáng :mouton, sheep
牛肉 : niúròu : (viande) bœuf // beef meat
牛 : niú : bœuf ; taureau // cow, bull 
猪肉 : zhūròu : (viande) porc // porc meat
猪 : zhū : porc ; cochon // porc, pig
猪排 : zhūpái : côte de porc // pork chops
鸡肉 : jīròu : (viande) poulet // chicken meat
烤鸭 : kǎoyā: canard laqué // roast duck
肉串 : ròuchuuàn : brochettes de viande // meat skewers
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鱼 : yú:  poisson // fish 
大马哈鱼 : dàmǎhāyú : saumon // salmon (Cf. 鲑鱼 guīyú) 
鳟鱼 : zūnyú : truite // trout fish 
金枪鱼 : jīnqiāngyú : thon // tuna 
鲈鱼 : lúyú : bar ; loup // striped bass fish 
龙虾 : lóngxiā: langouste ; homard // lobster
牡蛎 : mǔlì : huître // oyster
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蔬菜 : shūcài : légume // vegetables
吃素 : chīsù : manger, être végétarien // to be vegetarian 
白菜 : báicài : chou chinois // chinese cabbage 
土豆 : tǔdòu : terme courant pour la pomme de terre  // most common used for potato. (Cf. 马铃薯 mǎlíngshǔ,  洋芋 yángyù, 山药蛋 shānyàodàn)
甘薯 : gānshǔ : patate douce  // sweet potato. (Cf. 白薯 báishǔ,番薯fānshǔ)
萝卜 : luóbo : navet // turnip
甜菜 : tiáncài : betterave // beet
 菠菜 : bōcài : épinard // spinach
生菜 : shēngcài : laitue // lettuce
西葫芦 : xīhúlú : courgette // zucchini
 西兰花 : xīlánhuā: brocoli // broccoli
茄子 : qiézi : aubergine// eggplant 
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酱油 : jiàngyóu : sauce de soja // soy sauce
 蚝油 : háoyóu : sauce aux huîtres // oyster sauce
蒜 : suàn : ail // garlic
咖喱粉 : gālífěn : poudre de curry // curry powder
辣椒粉 : làjiāofěn : paprika // paprika
孜然 : zīrán : cumin // cumin, caraway
芝麻 : zhīmá : sésame // sesame
亚麻子 : yàmázǐ: graines de lin // linseed
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果酱 : guǒjiàng : confiture ; marmelade // jam, marmalade
比萨饼 : bǐsàbǐng : pizza // pizza
三明治 : sānmíngzhì : sandwich // sandwich
腊肠 : làcháng : saucisse ; saucisson // sausage
薯条 : shǔtiáo : frites // fries
牛排 : niúpái : tranche de bœuf grillée // steak ; beefsteak
汉堡包 : hànbǎobāo : hamburger // burger
————————- little extra because I’m french : 
田鸡 : tiánjī: grenouille // frog (Cf:水鸡 shuǐjī, 青蛙 qīngwā) 
蜗牛 : wōniú : escargot // snail
 面包 : miànbaō : pain // bread
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prettiestudies · 3 years
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1 Month 1 Language
1 Month Kanji Challenge
14 Day Langblr Challenge
30 Day Langblr Challenge
34 Hour Langblr Challenge
55 Days of Vocabulary Challenge
90 Day Vocab Challenge
100 Days Challenge For Langblrs
100 Hour 40 Day Language Challenge
A Question A Day Challenge
Build Your Vocab Challenge
Composition Challenge
Fiction Writing Challenge
Langblr Accent Tag
Langblr Culture Challenge
Langblr Music Challenge
Langblr Vocab List Challenge
Langblr Diary Challenge
Langblr News Challenge
Original Langblr Content Challenge
Linguistic Diversity Challenge
Indigenous Language Awareness Challenge
Vocabulary Challenge
SpeakingIn20 Langblr Challenge
A Book In Target Language Challenge
Brick-By-Brick Language Learning Challenge
Review Challenge
Subtitles Challenge
Summer Language Challenge
Translating Challenge
Challenges for certain months: 
February Polyglot Challenge
March Polyglot Challenge
April Polyglot Challenge
May Polyglot Challenge
May Polyglot Challenge
August Polyglot Challenge
September Polyglot Challenge
September: 30 Day Langblr Resource Photo Challenge
October Polyglot Challenge
November Polyglot Challenge
December Polyglot Challenge
December Polyglot Challenge
10 Polyglot Things to Do This September
10 Polyglot Things to Do This October
Langblr NaNoWriMo
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prettiestudies · 3 years
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prettiestudies · 3 years
Vocabulary for using the internet in Chinese
登录 - dēnglù - to register / to log in 注册 - zhùcè - to register / to enroll 扫描 - sǎomiáo - to scan 二维码 - èrwéimǎ - two-dimensional barcode / QR code 用户- yònghù - user / consumer / subscriber / customer 协议 - xiéyì - agreement / pact / protocol / CL:項|项[xiàng] 隐私政策 - yǐnsī zhèngcè - privacy policy 验证 - yànzhèng - to inspect and verify / to validate (a code, identity) / to authenticate 用户名- yònghùmíng - username / user ID 账号 zhànghào - account / username 验证码 - yànzhèngmǎ - verification code / CAPTCHA 设备 - shèbèi - equipment / facilities / installations / CL:個|个[gè] 修改 - xiūgǎi - to amend / to alter / to modify (i.e. a password) 密码 - mìmǎ - code / secret code / password / pin number 清空- qīngkōng - to clear / to empty (trash etc) 查看 - chákàn - to look over / to examine / to check up  详情 - xiángqíng - details / particulars (of an agreement, membership) 会员 - huìyuán - member 音频 - yīnpín - audio / sound / audio frequency / sound frequency 公开- gōngkāi - public / to publish / to make public 直播 - zhíbō - live broadcast (not recorded) / direct Internet broadcasting 资料 - zīliào - material / resources / data / information / profile (Internet) / CL:份[fèn],個|个[gè]
Tip of the day: if you’re using Google Chrome, you can use the 中文 chrome extension to get the pinyin, traditional/simplified version of the characters and definition upon scrolling over a character!! In my tentative forays setting up a Bilibili, Zhihu, Baidu Baike and Weibo accounts over the last few days this has been invaluable in collecting vocabulary and not accidentally blowing all of my life savings! 
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prettiestudies · 3 years
i enjoy video games because they let me live out my wildest fantasies, like being assigned a task and then completing that task
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prettiestudies · 3 years
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some nights it's just me and my milk tea against the world
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prettiestudies · 3 years
Hygiene chinese Vocabulary
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Chinese: pinyin: french // english 
牙刷 : yáshuā:: brosse à dents // toothbrush 
毛巾 : máojīn : serviette de toilette // bath towel 
枕头 : zhěntou : oreiller // pillow
牙膏 : yágāo : pâte dentifrice// tooth paste
剃刀 : tìdāo : rasoir // razor
奶油 : nǎiyóu : crème // cream
肥皂 : féizào : savon // soap
面霜 : miànshuāng : crème pour le visage // face cream 
口红 : kǒuhóng : rouge à lèvres // lipstick 
腮红 : sāihóng : blush ; fard à joues // blush 
睫毛膏 : jiémáogāo : mascara // mascara 
指甲刀 : zhǐjiadāo : coupe-ongles // nail clippers
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