prettydaughter-blog · 7 years
2013 was five years ago let that sink in
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prettydaughter-blog · 8 years
lmao this blog has been inactive for so long that tumblr snatched my url im crying
if u still follow me here (why?) u should follow me on @aesthefemme 
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
if yall can’t handle cellulite or stretch marks or freckles in weird places or natural hair that grows on the woman’s body then plz just tell me how it feels to be weak ? lmao (:
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
Just so we’re clear, like almost every other normal citizen out there in the world, I love fat people the best. Like you, I instinctively value them and their opinions and abilities and general character more than those of thin people based on their culturally-celebrated and sanctioned appearance. But sometimes I meet a thin person who is just so cool and beautiful and charming it is almost as if they aren’t even thin AT ALL. It’s like, if I really thought about it, they might even challenge my internalized ideas about thinness being innately unattractive and I might be forced to come to terms with my possible attraction to them. To think of them as just people, as complex and varied and as deserving of basic respect as fat people. But I don’t want to lose social capital over this shit, you know? I don’t want to have explain to my friends/family that even though all of culture is telling me thin people are gross, it just doesn’t feel right (intellectually, or in my pants). So, instead, when thin people’s size–and the stigma they experience as a result of it–comes up in conversation l make sure to say “oh, I don’t even think of you AS THIN at all.”  Then I do my best to treat them as honorary fat people in my heart.
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
always on mobile squad™
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
remember when that one interviewer asked 1d who their teen idols were and zayn was talking to niall about how he liked the power rangers and then niall was like ‘tell them’ and the interviewer was like ‘zayn?’ and zayn was like ‘umm….’ and then niall was like ‘what you just said to me’ and then zayn was like ‘ummmmm i didnt really have one’ and then niall was like ‘tell them what you said to me’ and zayn was like ‘i used to watch a lot of power rangers…’ and then niall was like ‘there you go!!!’ im not crying :):
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
delete selfies you don’t like. listen to music that makes you happy. look at art that makes you think. eat healthy, but if you want that chocolate, go for it. hang out with people that make you laugh. get up early and watch the sunrise. if you can’t sleep, grab a notebook and write down the first things that come to your mind. sing as loud as you can. never pass up a chance to walk barefoot. make memories. treat yourself the way you would treat a loved one.
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
An Open Letter To Adam Sandler
Why do you keep making movies that I don’t like
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
15 Reasons Why Monica Geller Is An Unappreciated Character
1: Fed all of her friends almost every day for ten years without complaining.
2: Excelled in a traditionally masculine career, (yes, cookery as a profession is generally male-dominated) and in traditionally masculine hobbies (football), without compromising her femininity or sexuality.
3: At the same time, revelled in traditionally female interests such as babies, marriage and housework without apologizing for them, or suggesting they made her inferior or weak.
4: Overcame teenage obesity.
5: Grew up in an emotionally abusive home, with a mother who subjected her to relentless criticism and verbal mistreatment….But still emerged with a sense of her own self-worth, determination to fulfil her dreams and huge capacity to care for others.
6: Stayed friends with her brother who bullied her as a child, and contributed to said-emotionally abusive home. Didn’t blame him for her mistreatment or show resentment towards him.
7: Took former best friend – who abandoned and rejected her for a ‘high society’ life – into her home without question.
8: Prior to this, accepted a woman who had previously lived on the streets, as her roommate and welcomed her into her group of friends.
9: Went through unemployment and shitty jobs, but refused to take unfair advantages she hadn’t earned (i.e. Pete buying her a restaurant). Eventually gained a prestigious head chef position based entirely on her own merit.
10: Walked away from the man she thought was the love of her life, because she wanted children and he’d only have them to make her happy. Even though that option would have been 100 times less painful for Monica, she knew that wasn’t fair on him and refused.
11: After marrying the actual love of her life, she waited until Chandler was ready to have kids, because she knew about his fears of raising children. When they discovered virtually the only option for children was sperm donor-ship (so they’d be her kids but not his), she refused and insisted on adoption. 
12: Was also the one-woman cheerleading team for the aforementioned love of her life, in telling him he could be the amazing boyfriend, husband and father that he never saw in himself. Was proved 100% right.
13: Resisted her control-freak coping mechanisms to give Chandler the power of making the big decisions about their future, (saying ‘I Love you’, moving in together, marriage), so he could work through his commitment phobia. Again, proved it was 100% worth it.
14: Encouraged her husband to quit a job he hated, then supported him – financially and emotionally –through his subsequent unemployment and helped him find his dream career.
15: Never, ever fucking gives up on anything or anyone. 
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
2015: why am i still here
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prettydaughter-blog · 9 years
i haven’t been myself since luke started to grow that beard
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