prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
christmas eve what about christmas adam
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
Happy 15 years left to John Mulaney
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
pumpkin spice candles soon
pumpkin lattes soon
pumpkin everything
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
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thanks everyone for the overwhelming liking of this silly animation, but i couldn’t stop noticing how some were sad i threw him in the lava
no more burning :] now shreeping :]
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
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Philza “I don’t have a favorite child” Minecraft
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
My dad told me that he has a coworker who’s a trans woman. She was married to this girl before her transition and they remained together after it. Everyone at work respects her pronouns. My dad is in a chiefing position at his office and he told me that nobody jokes behind her back. She and her wife have two cute dogs together and I felt like I should share this story bc I want everyone to know that this positivity and respect exists and you deserve it. Don’t ever dare think that you don’t because you do.
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
you can tell a lot about the values of the culture you’re in when it comes to making hard decisions, and what decisions are considered “extreme, but necessary” versus what decisions are considered “unthinkable.”
right now, the culture I’m inside of says that over 400,000 people within our borders dying from covid-19 is “extreme, but necessary” but that taxing billionaires and using the money to give everyone guaranteed shelter, food, clean water, and supplies, and to pay everyone to stay home until there are no cases left is considered “unthinkable.”
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
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my tiles want me to ***
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
I love your empires AU it seems really cool! I'd lvoe to know if you have more thoughts about Sausage?
ALRIGHT SO. sausage in the xonorth wins au.
in this au, while it starts with, at some point in the past, xonorth conquering most of the continent with military strength. this includes old, noble mythland (which is basically the tipping point after which everywhere that isn't underwater or mezalea with it's "i don't see you" field crumbles). however, despite attempts otherwise, the mythland royal family managed to keep one of its branches alive. this was not a branch that normally inherited, and how mythland royalty works is weird anyway and doesn't actually follow a direct line of inheritance and has some religious aspects to it, but...
anyway so a long time later xonorth discovers that a kid who, according to old mythland laws, would be eligible to be king, has somehow survived. he has a few options here. he could just kill this sausage guy. that's probably the easiest option. however, for all xonorth is a horrible tyrant... killing him means basically acknowledging that sausage would have a legitimate claim. and, frankly, what with the ocean empire's existence, a seditious radio station, rumors of a new and previously unknown kingdom coming out of the woodwork, and really weird whispering from the religious folk in the desert about a prophecy, he really can't deal with unrest in mythland.
no. easier to just... put a guard on the kid, and treat the kid like royalty. like he'd taken a special interest in him. a guard that can help make sure the kid doesn't learn any of the weird, ancestral magics that the old mythland leaders used to use, as a show of strength to remind mythland what could happen to the kid if they step out of line, and also as a show of strength for anyone who might try to tell him what he could do. teach the kid some dark magic while he's at it - that's often a good way to control someone. it does things to your head, after all.
and then xonorth can just... ignore sausage unless he becomes a problem again, because recently he's had a lot of other problems to deal with.
and this works. for a while. too bad one of the members of the army xonorth conscripted that got put on as sausage's guard was pearl, who decides to develop personal loyalty to sausage, and is smart enough to realize that maybe the magic sausage is learning isn't good for him - and that maybe the other guards aren't just there to protect him...
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
Dark Academia wallpapers
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
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Portrait of Madame X - John Singer Sargent
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
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the rainbow: purple
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
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the painted hall wallpapers;  pls like or reblog if you use! [more]
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prettydumbloverboy · 2 years
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