prettyinam3 · 4 months
Hellen Keller?
Okay im actually extremely curious, do people not think that Hellen Keller was real... but then again.. was she? How does someone who is fully blind and fully deft...fly a plane? and yet does it really seem that impossible?
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prettyinam3 · 4 months
"Life too short, to drive a slow car"
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prettyinam3 · 4 months
Is Trading Stocks Just Educated Gambling?
My Dad is a HUGE stock trader, and I mean HUGE. Hes even kinda famous on twitter for it. The idea never really sat right with me though. This whole generation seems to be investing and playing with the stock market. I don't understand. To me, Trading sticks is all just an educated guess, you take the information you know, use money as your trade value, and never have an actual guarantee on anything. Am I the only one?
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prettyinam3 · 4 months
" Women are just better at multitasking, just ask Hailey Deegan and Her Brother..."
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prettyinam3 · 4 months
You can't do anything without a phone...
Growing up we didn't need phones in my generation, our parents had access to the internet and by the time we were in middle school, we almost all got phones. Parents and the older generation say no to giving their kids phones at a young age, scared of the internet( rightfully so) the reality is, you need a phone in 2024, for food, emergencies, location tracking, phone calls, texts, social media, books, and school. Everything can be done on a phone. What if your child is in an emergency and doesn't have a way to contact you because of the new generational tech? Then what?
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prettyinam3 · 4 months
"People always ask me why I drive fast, the truth is driving a fast car is like holding your adrenaline rush in your hands."
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prettyinam3 · 4 months
Sick of the trends....
I love fashion and clothing, but the whole point of style is being different. As someone who dresses more on the classy and alternative side, I don't get the most comforting looks, but that's what makes me, well me. We live in a world where our first impressions mean the most. What if everyone wore what they felt like, no trends, no guidelines, just whatever? Is it a Good or bad Thing?
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prettyinam3 · 5 months
The Dangers Of Sparkle...
PSA: Seriously, if you have a diamond steering wheel cover that you see and think "Mmm only $5 AND it looks cute" and put on your car to add a little more shine!..its deadly. Multiple incident reports have been made that the wheel center glitter stickers and caps being placed on vehicles, create an airbag defect AND can lodge diamonds into your face if an accident is to occur... the more you know! Maybe lets just stick to fun seat covers if you're feeling festive?
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prettyinam3 · 5 months
The Top 3 Worst Things You Could Say To A Car Girl.
Welcome to all the REAL things men in the car industry have said to me... Outloud...like to my face...
1.) "Wow! You are a really good driver for a girl, I think all women suck at driving." ( talk about the backhanded and horrible compliment.)
2.) " Name every car ever made." * 2 seconds later "SEE YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING." ( I know multiple women who've experienced this comment, are you kidding I'm not naming every car, make and model, and brand ever made in 2 seconds, CAN YOU?
3.) "Is this your dad's or your boyfriend's car" ( Just BECAUSE it might look like a more manly car doesn't mean a man built it...)
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