Hello potty pants,
I am honored to let you know that you have been accepted to Mr. H's School for previously gifted kiddos. The following contains your new uniform, your expected things to bring to your first day, and your new schedule. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow bright and early.
Please show up tomorrow wearing:
- a skirt (must end before 8 inches above the knee)
- a blouse
- stockings or pantyhose
- a diaper
- comfortable cuffs on ankles and wrists
With these supplies in a book bag
- 3 more diapers
- snacks
- a butt plug
- the vibrator of your choice
- a spanking implement of your choice
- a stuffie you don't mind humping
- something you don't mind showing off to the class
- head phones
- a gag of your choice
8-915: Math for when you're too horny to think
915-1030: physics (when a hard object meets an extremely squirmy object)
1030-1115: Sex Ed for the Cucky baby
1115-1230: Arts and crafts
1230-130: lunch
130-230: napping induced by hypno
230-345: English (the best adjectives to use when describing yourself)
I am very excited to have you in class and can't wait for you to meet your classmates.
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And this is why you need chastity
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Diaper… what diaper??💜
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The Powerpuff babygirls are back ✨
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Who want to get in this 😜
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When your girlfriend finds your stash
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You were at work and had no clue what was going on at home… You recently gave your girlfriend the spare key to your place and she had come over to surprise you. But in this case she was the one surprised, at least at first. You had done a poor job hiding all your little things and she found everything! Not knowing what to do or how to think about it she turned to her best friend Ashley for some support. Boy were you in for a shock when you got home. And after it’s all said and done. You’re happily diapered playing with your new mommy. There’s still one more surprise for you left. And it’s happening now as you hear your front door open and Ashley steps inside immediately locking eyes with you sitting in the living room in full little space.
Thanks @abdlsg for the pics!
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Tips for making for diaper checks more humiliating:
- Use all your senses. Your little is probably used to having a diaper checked by your hand but that's not the only sense you can use. Pull back their diaper and take a large sniff. Extra points if you make a disgusted face afterwards. Or maybe just pat their bum and say "hmmm that sounds like a full diaper to me! What do you think?" And watch as they melt right out of their onesie.
- Add some extra manhandling. We're all a fan of the making your little stop what they're doing and come over for a check. But I love taking the opportunity to push my little around with checks. Force their legs apart. Pick them up and check their butt. If you want to be extra evil spin them around and check their front "just in case". Their body won't be the only thing spinning.
- Trick them. Sometimes it's fun when they're expecting one thing and it turns out to be another. Tell them you have a treat and pretend to be feeding them the treat but slowly move it back till their crotch is perfectly in your other hand. Make sure to let them know what you're doing, they may be too dumb to even realize they got tricked
- Just tell them it's time for a change. Their dumb baby brain will short circuit because you didn't check them. They will either say "But daddy! I am not wet yet" which then you tease them for getting checked from across the room or they will ask you how you knew and you tell them that's it's obvious how wet and little they are and thank you for admitting it.
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I wish kinky sex ed wasn't so stigmatized even among left-leaning "sex positive" circles. Everyone's all "uwu I'm a sub I'll do anything you ask" okay mommy wants you to read The New Bottoming Book so you learn how to sub without hurting yourself since your sex ed up to this point is porn and your ex boyfriend Jared who liked to choke you incorrectly
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“So, I was cleaning the mansion like I normally do and I found something a little odd. Diapers. Do you know anything about them? If you don’t, I guess I’ll have to ask your parents. After all, they’re the ones who pay me. You DO know about the diapers? They’re YOURS? Oh my. You know, I’ve known you since you were little, but I thought I’d seen the last of you toddling around in diapers. I know you wore them far longer than was normal, but I thought that you needed to. Now it all becomes clear. So I guess the real question is, are you wearing one now? Is it wet? Does somebody need a change? I think we’re going to have lots of fun together with your diapers. Now lay down and get ready for a diaper change.”
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And don’t be shy! Pull your pants down past the thigh ! 🥰
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had a nice diapered road trip you can check out on JFF :)
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