prettypurplesoul · 1 day
Audrey, the Little Cuck Princess - AB/DL Story
Enjoy this one, ladies and gentlemen. It's my best work yet.
By reading this, you certify that you are at least 18 years of age and consent to viewing adult-themed material. All characters depicted are adults aged 18 years and older.
Audrey sat there in a thick white diaper that hugged her hips. Between her legs, through the thickness of the padding, she could barely feel the stuffed pink unicorn she was desperately humping away at.
She couldn’t believe what she was doing.
“Please, oh my god,” she thought. “Please, just cum! Please, just cum!”
She continued grinding, now even harder. She moved her body like a dancer on a pole. But no matter how much she tried, the thickness of the padding between her legs refused to let her feel more than just enough to edge herself senseless.
She stared down at her hands. They were bound in pink mitten restraints with chains stemming from them that found themselves hooked to two studs on opposite walls. No matter how hard she pulled, she could not force her hands to reach her diaper. No matter how desperate she was to touch her pussy, or even just to rub the front of her diaper, her bindings made it impossible. All she had to satisfy herself with was the stupid pink unicorn, big enough that it was practically the same size as her. As she whined, she looked back at how she found herself in such a predicament, and felt the tears welling up beneath her eyes.
Just a week ago, she had been an ordinary 22-year-old girl, with ordinary aspirations and—seemingly—an even more ordinary boyfriend, who never in a million years would have ever dreamed of forcing her into such a position. Sure, Jason could be eccentric, but he wasn’t a freak. At least, that’s what she thought. Now, she wasn’t so sure.
It all started one night after she and Jason had gone to a party at his friend Jessica’s house. She’d had—maybe—a bit too much to drink. But come on, what recent college graduate doesn’t let loose from time to time? Surely it was nothing she deserved to be punished for. So what if she made a fool of herself and flirted with a bunch of the guys? It wasn’t like she was going to do anything with them. She would never dream of cheating on Jason. They’d been dating for several months now, and he was always such a gentleman. A prince, really. Besides, drunk flirting didn’t even count!
And sure. When she and Jason finally went to bed that night, she tried to force herself on him like a sloppy drunk slut, but he told her no and that was that. Or at least, it would have been, had she not woken the next morning only to find herself laying in drenched sheets.
Immediately, she started to panic. Jason wasn’t awake yet, and she had to find a way to pin this on him. She hadn’t wet the bed since she was a kid, and the last time it happened, it was at a sleepover and her friend’s mom yelled at her while all the other girls laughed and teased. Even the memory of it made her shiver. There was no way she was living through anything like that again.
She looked down, and sure enough, the whole bed was soaked, even Jason’s side of it. But when she looked at his underwear, there were no stains anywhere on the front. It was obvious it hadn’t been him who’d pissed themselves, and there was no way she could play it off, not unless she did something drastic. That’s when she felt the faintest tingle in her bladder and realized she still had to pee. She maneuvered herself on top of Jason’s body, hovering over him just enough to not wake him. He was always such a deep sleeper. Before she let loose, she asked herself if she was really going to do this, but she steadied her resolve and told herself there was no other way.
At first, she let out a small trickle, but something gave way, and before she knew it, she was letting out a steady stream of hot piss into her already soaked panties, which did nothing to absorb the mess she was making. Like a little girl who’d held it too long, she lost control of herself and pissed all over Jason’s lap, her hot piss slicing through the chill of the night and even letting off a bit of steam as it pooled beneath her. She felt him stir awake and wanted to start sobbing.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He shouted as he pulled back and slammed his back into the headboard of the bed.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It’s just… I wet the bed, and I didn’t want you to know, so I thought if I made it seem like you did it you wouldn’t be mad, but I didn’t mean to wake you, and oh God, I just-”
Jason placed his open hand over her mouth, covering it and leaving no room for anything more than little moans and whines to slip through. “So let me see if I’m understanding this correctly,” he said with a tone that reminded her of a parent scolding their toddler. “You made a fool of yourself last night, embarrassed me in front of Jess and all of my friends? And then you pissed yourself after getting shit-faced drunk, and thought you’d blame it on me?”
He left his question open-ended, as if waiting for confirmation. All Audrey could do was nod. Her face felt hot from behind his firm grip over her mouth, and she wasn’t sure if it was her cheeks flushing with embarrassment, or if he was grabbing her so tight he was cutting off blood circulation.
Without another word, Jason stood up from the bed, now covered in his girlfriend’s pee. He looked ashamed of her. Ashamed to be with her. Ashamed to even know her. She tried to apologize again, realizing how stupid and short-sighted her actions had been, but the words wouldn’t leave her lips. She sat there on the bed in a puddle of her own making, averting her eyes from her boyfriend. She imagined she looked like a sad puppy who’d pissed in its owner’s lap, and hated herself for how apt the comparison was.
Jason quickly changed out of his clothes and hopped in the shower. “Don’t move,” he said before he left the room. Audrey did as she was told. She didn’t want to anger him any further. Once he was done with his shower, he got dressed in a simple long-sleeve shirt and jeans and reached for his keys.
“No!” Audrey shouted. “Please! I’m so sorry! I’ll never do anything like this again, just please don’t leave me! God I’m so fucking sorry…”
Jason sighed. “I’m not leaving you. I’m running to the store. I’ll be back in a bit. Clean up the sheets and yourself while I’m gone. The shower’s free.”
Once again, Audrey did as she was told. Once he left, grabbing his coat on the way out, Audrey got to work stripping the sheets off the bed. She even poured baking soda onto the mattress, remembering that her friend’s mom had done that after the sleepover. She threw the sheets in the wash before hopping into the shower. In there, she took a few moments to decompress. She wasn’t sure what she’d been thinking. She’d been acting like a total bimbo, even more so than usual. She was so lucky to have Jason. Any other man would have stomped out of there and out of her life, but he was different. He probably just needed some time to himself after the stupid shit she pulled, and she couldn’t blame him.
She finished up in the shower and hopped out once she felt all clean. About an hour had passed and Jason still wasn’t back yet. She grew worried he’d lied to her, and that he really wasn’t returning after all. Her apartment was still chilly, so she pulled on some thicker pajamas and made herself a mug of hot chocolate to warm up. After about fifteen more minutes, she heard Jason fumbling with his keys at the door, and soon enough, he returned to her, now with packages beneath his arms.
Any semblance of confidence she’d built up in his absence vanished the moment he returned. She felt her face grow hot again, and once more she averted her gaze. He placed the packages down and walked over to her on the couch, where he sat down beside her. Silence filled the air as neither of them uttered a word. Audrey stole a few quick glances at Jason’s eyes, seeing that they were transfixed on the wall in front of him. Finally, she broke the silence.
“I really am sorry…”
“It’s okay. Really, it is. I just don’t know what the Hell you were thinking, pulling something like that.”
“I honestly don’t know. I just… I had this memory, of this one time I wet the bed at a sleepover. I got yelled at, and I felt so embarrassed, and afterward the teasing got so bad that I had to change schools…” She let the silence linger in the air a bit longer. “I’ve never told anybody that before.”
“I understand. You were embarrassed. But still, you shouldn’t have done what you did.”
“I know.” She paused for some time. “Listen, I’ll understand, if you never want to see me again-”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jason cut her off. “I didn’t just go shopping to never see you again.”
“What did you buy anyway?” Audrey looked over at the large bags sitting on the countertop. She couldn’t make out what was in them.
“That’s a surprise. Here.”
Jason grabbed Audrey’s almost-finished mug of hot chocolate and took it into the kitchen. On his way out, he said, “I’ll make you another.” Audrey smiled to herself. Sure, what she said had technically been true. The teasing really had gotten bad enough to where she demanded her mother allow her to change schools. But she hardly thought about those days anymore. She was still in elementary school, and it wasn’t like she had any real trauma from it. Still, to Audrey’s mind, a good lie was always rooted in a half-truth. And if playing up her “trauma” helped her get away with the sheer stupidity of her decision, she had no qualms about playing the sympathy card. She was so good at it, after all. Why let such a talent go to waste?
Jason came back a few minutes later with a fresh mug of hot chocolate in hand. He gave it to her, and she smiled at him. She blew on it to chill the heat a bit, then took a deep, long sip. Her drinks always tasted so much better when Jason made them. Jason put his arm around her, and the two enjoyed each other’s company and chatted while she finished her drink. Jason was a gentleman and quickly let the subject change. They put the past behind them, and Audrey was quite glad for it.
After finishing her last sip, Audrey held out her mug and said, “May I have another,” with her most adorable, puckered-lipped smile.
Jason smiled back at her, a hint of a wicked grin curling at the edge of his lips. “Sure, hun,” he said before standing up to grab her some more. As she watched him leave the room, something suddenly felt very wrong. With each step he took, his body wobbled, and at first she thought it was him stumbling. She wanted to tell him to be careful, afraid he would fall. But she found the words wouldn’t come to her, as if her voice found itself stuck in her throat.
By the time Jason returned to her, the whole world was spinning and it took everything within her power to keep herself from fainting. Jason returned with another mug, which he gently blew on before pouring its contents down her throat. She tried to stop him, but found her arms too heavy to even lift in protest. “Drink up, sweetie,” he said, no longer hiding his devilish smirk. That was the last thing she remembered before everything faded to black.
Once, in a daze, she came to for a brief moment, only to see Jason with a hammer in hand, hitting a stud into her bedroom wall. She wanted to ask him what happened, but before she could form enough energy to make her lips move, her vision faded from her again.
By the time she fully rose from her dazed state, both studs were firmly in the wall, and she found herself bound in her current position, with a stuffed pink unicorn between her thickly padded thighs. Her first instinct was to panic. There was a pacifier in her mouth, strapped there with a gag, but she managed to breathe through it, even while she was hyperventilating. She struggled and tried to free her arms, first from the restraints. Then, realizing that wouldn’t work, she tugged on the chains as hard as she could to try to pull the studs from the walls. But she was so week, they hardly moved a fraction of an inch. On her best day, she was no athlete. Sure, she was fit, but in a toned sort of way. She was no bodybuilder. And at a mere five feet tall, there was no way she could garner enough leverage to force the studs from their post.
Audrey tried to remain calm. She forced herself to slow her breathing, steadying her pace in and out. Once she had calmed enough, she took a moment to observe her surroundings. She was definitely in her own bedroom. But certain things were different. Her windows now had blackout curtains over them, which were pulled tightly closed. And the bed she sat upon had not just a sheet atop it once again, but a plastic padded sheet. On her shelves, there stood several packs of adult diapers, but they weren’t like what she’d seen her grandmother wear. No, these were much thicker, and they featured babyish designs to match her childish state.
Then, of course, there was the diaper she was wearing. Thick and poofy, so much so that it overpowered all other senses. Each time she swayed her hips, she felt her pussy brush against the padding and it sent shivers down her spine. Besides the diaper, there was the pacifier gag, but also a bib tied around her neck which caught the stray drools that dripped from her mouth. And Jason was nowhere to be seen. All at once, it hit her. He’d drugged her, the piece of shit. He must have roofied her or some shit. A building, furious rage bubbled behind her skin, wanting to burst out.
She did her best to make as much noise as possible. She tried to scream, though it was more like a muffled howl. But it was enough to get her boyfriend’s attention, as soon enough, the door to the bedroom opened, and he emerged with that same shit-eating grin.
“Enjoying yourself, honey?” Audrey tried to speak, but once again, mere mumbles came out. “Oh, here, let me get that for you.” Jason proceeded toward her and went to undo her pacifier gag. She geared up to scream the moment it dropped, but before he finished unclasping it, he looked her dead in the eyes and said, “Scream, and I’ll beat you unconscious.” That warning was enough to deter her.
With the gag loosened, she spat it from her mouth. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” She chirped at him.
“A lot of things, probably,” he said almost nonchalantly.
“What is this? Some kind of fucking prank? Ha-ha, very funny, now let me out!”
“I’m afraid it’s not a prank, kiddo. You’re going to be my helpless little pet from now on.”
“I don’t believe this, what are you, a fucking psycho? Is this some fetish shit? When I get out of here, they’re going to put you away for fucking decades.”
“You’re never getting out of here, little girl. Come on, Audrey. I know you. I’m the only person you even talk to. You hate your parents. You think they’re gonna care if they don’t hear from you? Friends? What friends? Those fake sorority bitches who just graduated and are getting their backs blown out one last time at a frat party like you wanted last night? No one is ever going to find you. You’re going to stay here and be a good little girl for me. Is that understood?”
His words rang true to her. She knew she’d alienated the only people in her life who’d ever actually cared about her. She’d surrounded herself with plastic people to compliment the plastic facade she’d put on. Jason was her one true companion, the only person she’d ever confided in at all, even if it was mostly hollow.
“If you think I’m just gonna let you do this to me, you’re mistaken,” she said with venom on her tongue. “I’ll get out of these restraints. I’ll scream, even if you hit me. I’m gonna see you rot for this.”
“Choice words,” he said, seemingly unphased. He leaned one knee onto the bed and reached between her legs, placing his hand firm against her diaper as he took his other hand and forced the pacifier back into her mouth. She tried to pull back, but he held it there, almost choking her with it. He rubbed the thick padding over her pussy with such force that it felt like tripping ecstasy. With each movement of his hand, each vibration of the padding as it rubbed against her, she felt something she couldn’t quite place. It was almost like a falling sensation. As if she’d been on the edge of a cliff, only for him to send her tumbling over. Now, she was free falling. And the further she fell from the safety of ground, the more she felt as if she were floating amongst the clouds. Falling, but falling higher. Ascending into something greater than ecstasy.
Before long, without even realizing it, she’d began grinding her hips and humping away in unison with his touch. “Good girl,” he said to her, and she drooled at the words. “You see, Audrey, I’ve had this planned for quite awhile. I’ve been dating a sociopath for months. And the only way to beat a sociopath is at her own game. So I stopped trying to win you over with kindness and sincerity. Drugs seem to work better anyway. And I’ve always had this feeling, like what you really need is someone to put you in your place. Someone to remind you how small and insignificant you really are. So that’s what I’m going to do.”
Audrey moaned. She tried to speak, but the pacifier made it difficult. Still, she moaned more, until Jason got the clue and took it out once again. But he didn’t stop rubbing over her diaper. Between gasps for air and moans of pleasure, she blurted out “What do you mean… you planned this… how…”
Jason smiled. “Aww, what, the dumb little girl can’t figure it out?” Now, Jason stopped rubbing against her pussy, just when he’d built her up nearly to the point of no return. She slumped forward, at once grateful that he stopped and yet yearning for more, and hating herself for it. Jason pulled her closer, so that he was whispering in her ear. “I laced the drinks, that night at the party,” he said, barely loud enough for her to hear, even so close.
When the words left his mouth, a sinking sensation washed over her. “You… no, you didn’t…”
“I did,” he laughed. “Well, more like ‘we’ did.” He stood up and opened the door. “Hey Jess, come on in,” he shouted out into the living room. A few seconds later, and Jess was before the both of them, with her luscious red hair curling over the front of her shoulders.
“Aww, our little girl isn’t putting up too much of a fuss, is she honey?” Jess cooed.
“What the fuck is this?” Suddenly, all the rage that had left Audrey’s mind swarmed back to her and fueled her hotter this time, ready to boil over.
Jason pulled Jessica close to him, leaning her body against his, and kissed her deeply, with passion Audrey longed for. They made out in front of her for several minutes, all while Audrey stood there stunned. When they were finished, they both turned their attention toward her.
“Jess and I came up with this little plan together. We thought it would be so much fun putting you in your place.”
“But why her?” Audrey exclaimed. “I’m way hotter than her! And I give way better head! Jess has blown half the guys in every class we’ve ever shared!”
“That right there,” Jessica said. “That sense of entitlement, of superiority. That’s what made it so tantalizing to knock you down several pegs.” She walked over to Audrey and grabbed her cheeks with one hand, pulling her close. “You’re going to behave yourself, do you understand me? You’re going to be a good girl for Mommy. And if you behave like the good little angel I know you can be, Mommy and Daddy will make sure to reward you.” Jessica leaned in and kissed Audrey with the same passion she’d just shared with Jason, and try as she might to ignore it, Audrey felt her pussy grow wetter than it ever had.
“Look at her, hun,” Jason said. “She’s getting off on this already. We haven’t even had to train her.”
Jessica pulled back and wiped her lips, leaving a lipstick stain on Audrey’s. She held out her hand and Jason plopped the pacifier gag into it. Jessica took it and placed it in Audrey’s still-hanging-open mouth as she tried to catch her breath. She clasped it in place and gave her one final kiss, this time on the pacifier itself. “There’s Momma’s good girl,” she said. “Now, Mommy and Daddy are gonna go fuck in the other room. Be a good girl for us and play with your toy.”
Those were the last words the three of them had exchanged. Jason and Jessica left, hand in hand, and closed the door behind them. Audrey was left confused as to what toy Jessica could have possibly meant. Several minutes later, she heard Jason and Jessica moaning from the other side of the door, enjoying each other’s bodies while she was stuck there in a thick diaper, wet from how turned on she’d become.
What’s more, again, she had to pee. Audrey held it for as long as she could. Minutes passed, at least she thought. To her, they felt like agonizing hours, but Jason had never lasted that long in bed. Surely there was no way he and Jessica had been going at it for more than mere minutes, but their moans still penetrated the door. Audrey’s bladder grew tighter and tighter, until it was about ready to burst. Then, with a whine through her pacifier gag, she couldn’t hold it anymore, and let herself flood her diaper. The diaper drank up all her pee, soaking it in and growing even thicker with each drop. The moment she released, Audrey could no longer ignore the other sensation she was feeling.
She was so horny. Hornier than she’d ever been in her entire life, and she felt disgusted with herself for it. But the more disgusted with herself she grew, the more turned on she became as well. Jessica’s words lingered through her mind on repeat. “Play with your toy,” she’d said. “Play with your toy.” Audrey was helpless with her arms and hands bound. Even if she could find a toy to play with, there was no way she could. No matter how much she struggled, she couldn’t reach the front of her diaper to play with herself the way Jason did. That’s when she looked down and remembered the stuffed unicorn. That was what Jessica meant.
It took several minutes to build up the courage to start humping. The whole time, Audrey tried to convince herself she didn’t really want this, that she wasn’t enjoying it, getting off to it. That it was all just a crazy bad fever dream. But Jason and Jessica’s moans grew louder and louder until they began to echo in Audrey’s head, and finally, she could no longer contain herself. She started humping, and each thrust sent euphoria like she’d never felt coursing through her body. She humped for several minutes, in unison with each of Jessica’s moans. She kept going, more and more, building to a crescendo that stood laying in wait.
She humped and humped, grew closer and closer. But no matter how hard she tried, no matter how close she got, she just couldn’t cum. She got so close to the edge again, wanting to desperately to topple over it. But she couldn’t throw herself off the ledge. Instead, she stayed at the top, inching ever forward, but never to any release. She let out the loudest whine she could muster.
“Please, oh my god,” she thought, again. “Please, just cum! Please, just cum! Please please please just cum!”
The tears still welled in her eyes as she fought them back, and right as she ruined her orgasm, she heard Jason and Jessica both cum at once, together, in perfect harmony. They sang together from the other side of the door, a chorus of relief and heavenly release. Two things Audrey had a sneaking suspicion she would never get to feel again. With no more words, and nothing left to fight for, Audrey sobbed into her pacifier gag, defeated. _ The End
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prettypurplesoul · 3 days
SLUTS (Part 4 - Final)
🎀 From now on... 🎀
You have to change your ways, missy!
You have to leave all that nasty male attitude behind!
You can still be a boy on the outside,
but… 🤭
you must be converted into a girly girl on the inside! 🎀🎀
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Yes honey…
Into a good girly girl! 💕
you know you want to become a girl, sweetie!
Of course you do! 🤭
even if you are not able to look like one, yet…
you'll just have to think like one in the meantime… 💕
people will see a boi with a female mind!
which is ...super cute!!! 🥰
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you have to think properly!
Like a super fun girly girl! 🥰🎀
That's why you are gonna leave all that macho stuff for others!
Leave sluts to real men! 🤭♠️
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You hate macho stuff!
don't you? 💕
because you know you can't do this to a slut, honey…
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macho stuff is just not for you, baby… 🤭
you are more... fun!
More in touch with your feminine side! 🎀
but even if you were a real man, at some time in the past…
you'll try to leave it behind… 💕
you’ll try to forget you ever were like that!
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because from now on…
you won't be able to act like that… 💕
you will gradually loose all your masculinity,
all your male instincts… 💕
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to the point…
that even if you were to see your wife or girlfriend sucking on another man’s, much bigger cock! 🤭♠️
you won't be able to behave like a man at all!
ok, princess..?? 🎀
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because you have more in common with a slut, than a man.
…right honey?
That’s what I thought! 🥰
listen up, missy!!! 🎀
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From now on, you are not allowed to think of any girl as a slut!
At least not how a real man thinks of them! 🤭
No matter how slutty she may behave...
You only see her as something to ASPIRE to!! 💕💕
And that is the proper way to think when it comes to slutty girls...
The proper way for a doll like you! 🤭
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Because they don’t act like “sluts” for you!
no matter how slutty they are!
you'll just have to alter the way you think about it.
ok, princess? 💕
you'll just have to start thinking properly, like a good girl should…
you know… so you can be like one of them… 🤭
a SLUT !!!
And you’ve seen how real men treat their sluts, right bestie? 👗🥰💅🏳️‍🌈
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Read from the beginning - https://www.tumblr.com/pussyfreesince94/760735221443395584/part-2
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prettypurplesoul · 3 days
Sluts (Part 3)
🎀 The mistake… 🎀
You must see what is going on here by now, right sweetie? 🤭
there's a mistake you’ve been doing and it's not your fault! 💕
it's just the way you see yourself.
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that is what you have to change! 💕
from the moment you were born
you’ve been learning to accept things as a man.
that has led you to a certain way of thinking…
to a certain way of accepting things…
you are accepting things as a guy… 🤢
for example,
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when you see this goddess, you might think you can fuck her, 🤭
because you are thinking like a man!
you think she is teasing you… 💕
you think you are superior…
you think you are better than her…
so, that leads you to think that she is just a slut! 💕
well baby…
unfortunately, we'll have to do something about that disgusting, macho male attitude. 😡
don't you think?
if you think like that, sweetie, you are way too macho! 🤢
you’ll have to loosen up a bit.
you don't need all that testosterone, honey. 💕
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you see baby… 🥰
girls are so much more than meets the eye once you move past that pesky masculine mindset!
girls are a lot more than just sex objects!
in fact, girls are not for sex at all! 💕
but being a girl is everything….
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that's why…
you'll get to see how wrong you were for ever thinking of them as sluts for your pleasure! 💕
you'll get to see how it is to be on the other side...
and be sure that you will come around to the other side… 💕
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be sure… 💕
that you will see that photo clearly…
as you should…
as a GiRL… 🥰
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you will realize that she is not teasing you! 🤭
that she is not trying to make you hard!
you will realize that she is not just a slut! 💕
you will realize that you are not supposed to fuck her!
you don't see her that way!
you can't even get it up for her! 🤭
you will learn to be on her side when everybody calls her a slut!
you will learn to see her as your potential friend! 💕
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you will get to see the difference between you and… real men, sweetie… 🤭
you will get to realize that men have the right to call her whatever they want!
because they can fuck her whenever they want! 💕
because real men get to stare at her naked pussy and her big titties!
and get really hard!
and they want to fuck… 💕
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see? 🤭
that's why girls tease…
because they know that men get hard for them! 💕
and that's why men call them "sluts"...
is she a slut for you, princess?? 🤭
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that girl could be your secretary…
she might tease you… 💕
would you call her a slut to your friends??
would you try to play the macho guy??
or you would try to let her know that you're on "her side"…? 🤭
try to be her friend maybe?
maybe even try to help her find a nice big cock to suck?
Doesn’t that sound more appropriate for you, bestie?? 🤭
Part 4 - https://www.tumblr.com/pussyfreesince94/760735166062903296/sluts-part-4-final
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prettypurplesoul · 3 days
Sluts (Part 2)
🎀 Until now... 🎀
The thing is sweetie… that up until now, the term "slut" has had the wrong meaning for you.
I'm sure that whenever you heard someone calling a girl "slut", you felt a bit superior! 👑
Isn't it right?
I mean..
You hear some guy calling a girl "slut" 💕
Deep down you might get some satisfaction that she is a bit beneath you.
That she is nothing!
That she is a SLUT! 💕
Although, there's a misconception here!
And let me explain..
If you showed a "real" man this photo… 💕
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He would surely call her a slut. 💕
He would say so many nasty comments about her!
And you would surely agree for the most part. 🫢
Isn't it right princess?
Yes it is..
The thing is though, do you see why a real man would say all those things about her? 🤔
The answer to that is because she…
a) is posing seductively 💕
b) is teasing you with her posture. 💕
c) is wearing fuck-me shoes. 💕
d) has an amazing ass. 💕
e) doesn’t look like she’s wearing panties! 💕
f) seems ready to get fucked! 💕
A real guy sees a wanton SLUT!
Sees a girl ready to be used like his little toy!
Have you ever asked yourself: "why do YOU call her a slut?"
Let's have a closer look then… 💕
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She seems to have great legs, 💕
Tight, little waist, 💕
Cute, perky tits, 💕
big, pouty lips, 💕
A "real" man would get a hard on for all these things.
A "real" man would fuck her brains out!
The question is...
Would you...? 🤭
A "real" man would fuck that slut..
Would YOU fuck that slut?
Or even better...
CAN YOU fuck that "slut"? 🤭
Don't answer yet… 💕
Just think about this…
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"Real" guys would do that kind of girl in a blink of an eye... 🥵
Would you do that kind of girl?
Can you do that kind of girl?
A "real" guy can fuck that ass you are seeing here. 💕
Can you fuck that ass, precious?
Really, baby...
Can you do ANYTHING to her, sweetie? 💕
I mean..
Apparently, she is a slut...
and you are a guy...
So… 💕
can you fuck her?
Can you fuck a "slut"?
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See, Princess? 💕
She wants you!
She wants your... cock! 💕
Will you do anything?
Can you even.…
…..get it up for her? 🤭
She is a SLUT!
And you say you’re a guy!
Shouldn’t you…. 🤭
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Ok bestie, let’s think things over…
a "real" man calls her a slut, because he would fuck her like an animal! 💕
Why do YOU call her a "slut"?
You don’t think you’re better than her, right???
To be continued….
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prettypurplesoul · 3 days
(PART 1)
Back again besties!
Today we’re thinking about…
🎀 SLUTS!! 🎀
Yayy!! 🎉
I mean… you like sluts, right?
What am I saying!
Of course you do!! 💕
But the thing is…
Like, how??
Let’s say you happen to see this scene in your office… 💕
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Just one of your co-workers who "accidentally" shows off her stunning figure when it’s only the two of you alone in the conference room…. 😳
You know… a lot of girls like to show off their “assets”! 🍑
It’s fun, sexy, and… let’s face it! Many times it’s a ticket to success!
I mean what man would say no to the scene in front of you now! 🤭
Guys love to see curves! That’s why girls love to tease them!
Although, sometimes, there are girls that do a lot more than just teasing… 💕
Girls that try hard to draw men's attention.
Girls that use all their feminine powers to draw male attention. 💕
Girls that do anything to attract males.
And you know what those girls are called…
That’s right sweetie,
Those girls are called S-L-U-T-S!!! 🥰
So, here you are! Having the office slut bend over in front of you!
What are you gonna do, princess? 🎀
Are you gonna fuck her brains out? 🤭
Are you, sweetie?
Don’t be afraid to admit it, if you want!
Here, look at another one! 💕
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These girls are called SLUTS, baby.
And "Real" guys want to fuck them real hard!
"Real" men love sluts! 💕
Because a slut is eager to please them.
A slut has only one thing in mind: to fuck!
A slutty girl wants to tease, 💕
wants to flirt,
wants to make all the cocks hard for her!
A slut knows what she wants… 💕
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And she knows how to get it… 💕
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She’s gonna show her tits…. 💕
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Her pussy… 💕
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Or her ass… 💕
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To get what she wants!
A slut wants cock and she wants it now!
OK, bestie?? 💕
Stay tuned for part 2…
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prettypurplesoul · 4 days
Hey girlies... let’s talk about,
🎀 Sissy Guilt! 🎀
So I’ve heard that part of you still feels guilty for all of those sissy thoughts you keep having!
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Let's just say that you keep searching the internet to satisfy your secret desires.
I love it! 💞
I mean, cuties like you really are the best!
That's why it’s so much fun teasing you!! 🤭
So... here we are!
Personally, I think feeling guilty for your sissy thoughts is just silly!
Rather, you SHOULD feel guilty for having male thoughts! 🙄
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That's it honey! 💞
Thinking as a male is a terrible thing!
Isn't it true?
I mean… even just thinking about having to be a man is stressful! 😩
Instead of trying to get back to “normal life”, I think you should be trying to become an even better sissy!
You should stop thinking as a male at all, babe!
It's bad! 😤
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Thinking as a man is bad! ❌
While thinking as a woman is GOOD! ✅
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Boys are bad! 👎
Girls are good! 👍
And you used to think that you were a man!
Oh my gosh!
What were you thinking? 💞
Thinking as a man is just not for you babe!
That's why you have to avoid any thoughts that a man would have!
All of them!! 🤭
I mean... think about it,
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You may say having sissy thoughts is perverted…
while the truth is, that having male thoughts is whats really perverted!!
Whenever you have sexual thoughts about a beautiful woman like Olivia here, you should feel like a pervert!
Men are gross when they think about women like that! It’s only ever how they’d touch her, how they’d take her, how they’d FUCK her,…blah, blah, BLAH! 🤢
And come on sweetie, that’s so not you 🤭
Luckily… You’re not a man! 💞
I don't know about your exterior just yet. But your pretty little mind will be so girly 🤭
In fact, it would be better if you were like, beyond any suspicion!
Because on the inside you must become 100% female. 🎀
And we’re gonna help you with your problem!
I know hun, it's terrible to keep having intrusive male urges but you're gonna be just fine!!
I promise, sweetheart! 😊
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So, listen up lady.
We'll do our best to adjust your way of thinking to match that of a girl's. 💞
And you’re gonna be just fine.
You just have to do as you are told.
What we are trying to do here is to make your body respond differently than that of a man's.
I mean, you may want to be a sexy little sissy, but from time to time, you may catch yourself getting a hard on because of a slutty girl passing by. 🤢
And that's NOT something a sissy would do…
Is it??
That’s right! 🤭
So, we’ll have to get rid of those unwanted body responses!
You’ll learn to respond like a woman would.
Without even thinking! 💞
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It's gonna happen without you even realizing it.
And that is not going to affect your outside image at all!
…unless you want it to! 🤭
If you have the image of, let's say, a well respected, macho man, you can still keep it intact.
The only thing that is gonna change is your mechanical body response to certain visual stimulations! 💞
I mean, if a slutty girl shows you her big tits at the office, you don't have to get a hard on for her!! Even if you secretly want to…
You can train yourself to avoid it! Blow her off and you still won’t be seen as a sissy if you don’t want to be. If they ask, just tell your buddies she’s not good enough for you! 🤭
And when a male acquaintance of yours casually mentions that his cock is 9 inches long and ladies find it irresistible (guys always brag about this!), you’ll feel your panties start getting wet before you even realize it’s happening! 💞
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So, let's make you a real sissy now, sweetheart… 🎀
Several images will follow as an example for how you are going to train your mind to respond like the cutest girly-girl you know!
It's not gonna be easy, since your body sometimes is gonna respond against your will. 🍆🫢
It’s okay sweetie, it takes time to get rid of all those pesky male urges after so long!
Although, in time, you’re gonna be a doll! 🥰🎀
Meaning that when you see things like this....
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your cute, little thingie…
is gonna stay sweet and soft 🎀
Thinking of sex with her will leave you with the appropriate response! 🤢
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And when you see this....
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You’ll have MUCH more of a reaction in those panties, sweet girl!!
Being in her place will feel so natural…
And so will what follows! 🥰🍆♠️🐇💞
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Well there it is ladies… 💞
as always, have fun!!!
Remember, practice makes perfect! 🤭
And in no time… you’ll become the pretty little sissy you’ve always dreamed of being!
Thanks for reading!
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prettypurplesoul · 10 days
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He thought it was what he wanted, he really did. Ever since Christian was little, he enjoyed playing with dolls. Not so much because he liked to do what girls do–well, he did–but more that he wanted to be the doll. They got to wear pretty dresses and have their long blonde hair put into bows, their cutesy shoes switched out, and they got to be pampered and adored by someone else.
Speaking of pampered, Christian seemed to always gravitate towards the dolls that needed diapers. The ones that would squirt fake wets and messes so he could change them. He remembered begging his Mother for those toys.
His Mother knew that Christian would most likely not grow up to be a very strong, masculine boy. She knew her son was not like the others, he’d taken far too much interest in all things feminine, but she also never saw anything wrong with that. She would oblige him if he asked her to paint his nails, or put make-up on him, or make his hair curly. She thought it would be a phase, something he’d grow out of when he got to high school.
But college came and went and Christian was still living in her basement. She could hear him at night, making loud, pathetic mewling sounds. Watching god knows what on the internet and doing god knows what to himself. She found countless diapers in the trashcan that Christian did a pisspoor job of hiding. When a bra or panty set went missing, she knew the first place to look was in Christian’s room tucked into the back of his closet. She never said anything, though. She let her boy partake in his little fantasies and work himself raw. She’d change his sheets that only had a hint of piss soaked into them, as if most of it ended up somewhere else and this was only what leaked out when a certain item had reached capacity.
Christian had spent most of his life jerking off to sissy and abdl and feminization porn. He’d watched countless hypnos that made his brain rot, he even put his own penis in a cage sometimes and learned to cum like a ‘gurl’. But all of that was only when he was in the throes of hornydom. He’d dream of being a pretty little doll for someone, to get put in diapers and dresses and makeup and be ‘forced’ to live life as a little sissy bimbo. This, obviously, didn’t do much for the ladies, so he never had a true girlfriend.
So one day, Christian decided after 5 days of depriving himself of orgasms, that he was finally going to come out to his Mom. He was going to tell her about how he’s a sissy, how he likes to wear diapers, and be treated like a baby. He was tired of keeping all of this shoved down and tucked away for so long.
It felt so freeing to finally tell her. To let her know everything about what her son was secretly doing. But, apparently, it wasn’t much of a surprise at all. She hardly blinked an eye, and instead just smiled like a mother patiently waiting for her child to correctly solve what 6+8 is, and congratulating him for finally getting it.
“So you want me to treat you like a little sissy baby?” she asked, clarifying.
“Well, no…” he said. Or, at least, that’s what he wanted to say. Instead, he was awestruck by the idea, by the possibilities. He could finally get what he wanted! He could have someone treat him like the sissy baby gurl he’d always wanted to be! “Yes!” He said for real, “Very much yes!!”
His mother only laughed. “Are you sure that’s what you want? I mean, when will it stop? How long do you want to do this?”
“Forever.” He said, a single word sealing his fate. If he knew what he knew now, he would have never uttered that word.
“You’re sure?”
“Yes.” Okay…maybe he shouldn’t have said that one either.
So started Christian’s journey into sissy depravity. His mother pulled out all the stops, showing no mercy. Like a stern parent raising her child once more, she kept him in line using discipline, time outs, and a new one most mothers can’t use: chastity denial.
She watched as her son slowly transformed into a babbling, drooly mess. She wasn’t sure if it was the hypnosis she’d been making him watch, or all the childish TV shows. He wasn’t allowed to play his video games any more, something he threw quite the little tantrum over. Instead, he was given blocks and rattles and (if he was good) some of his favorite dollies. She didn’t have to cook much, Gerber took care of all his meals. She’d shovel pureed prunes and peas into his mouth and wipe up the contents to shove back in. She didn’t think she’d ever be changing Christian’s poopy diapers again, yet here she was.
But after only a few short months, she started to notice even more of a change in him. He became more reclusive, more whiny, more tearful.
“What’s wrong, pumpkin?” she asked, drying Christian’s eyes with his food splattered bib.
“I on’t wanna be uh baby anymore!” he cried.
But his Mother showed no sympathy. “Awww!! Well that’s too bad, hunny! This is what you wanted! Remember? You wanted this to be forever.”
Christian looked up at her with his little doe eyes, like he knew he’d made a grave mistake.
“I guess this is as good a time as ever to tell you…” Mother said, clearing her throat, “I’ve arranged for you to have a little…procedure.”
“Puceedur?” Christian could hardly get the words out, his brain was so numb.
“Yes honey. You know those little princess parts between your legs?” 
He looked confused.
“The ones inside your pampers.”
That seemed to make sense to him, anything involving diapers was easy to get his head around.
“Well you see honey, this procedure, this operation is going to take those away!”
His eyes went wide, but he still looked hazy. Like he could only slightly understand the gravity of the situation. It took several more seconds to finally sink in.
“B-b-but…I on’t wanna lose my princess parts!!”
His mother just shrugged, arms crossed. “I’m afraid it’s too late for that, dear. You wanted this, and I’m just supporting you.”
She pulled a bottle from the bag, shaking it with her finger over the nipple, then brought that nipple to Christian’s lips.
“Drink up, honey!” she said softly, “This has all the ingredients to help you become the wittle baby gurl you’ve always dreamed of being!!”
This was a custom caption for one of my lovely followers on Substar! If you'd like one of your very own, simply subscribe to Silver or higher tiers!
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prettypurplesoul · 13 days
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prettypurplesoul · 22 days
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This caption is for @baby-erica, a squirmy little Ducky who wanted a blushy caption of her own!
“Wakey, wakey, Ducky!” Mommy cooed, smiling down at you in your crib. “Today is going to be an extra fun day! But first, Mommy needs to check that diaper.”
You stared at your Mommy, dumbfounded. Ever since she “demoted you back to babyhood,” her idea of fun radically differed from yours.
What truly worried you was all the commotion in the house. Nobody was home when Mommy put you down for your nap. But now, a steady boom of bass and distant voices trickled into your nursery.
Before you could say anything, Mommy thrust two fingers into your swollen diaper. You shivered—and not because you knew she would find a soggy diaper.
Ever since Mommy put you back in Pampers, diaper checks and changes were the closest Mommy’s fingers ever got to your princess parts.
“Just as I suspected,” Mommy exulted condescendingly, picking you up, “You’re Mommy’s soggy Ducky! Let’s get you changed, little one.”
Ugh. You hated diaper changes most of all.
Forced to lay there meekly as the most beautiful woman you had ever seen—the woman you used to date—changed your diaper. You look at her with eyes dripping with longing and desire—desperate for her.
Mommy never returned your look. Not anymore.
There was no romance, passion, or desire in her eyes. She looks at you like the baby you are. A silly, helpless pamper packer in need of a clean diaper.
Yet, as the cold air rushes onto your princess parts as she opens your diaper, you couldn’t help but shudder in anticipation.
Mommy smiles, watching your pathetic, desperate squirms. “Are you excited for your wipies, Ducky?”
You don’t care how you look. How silly she must think you are to be this excited over a wet wipe. You’ve been denied too long to care.
All that matters is the few seconds that she wipes you clean.
It's the only time Mommy ever gives you any attention anymore. The only time anything but a soggy diaper touches your princess parts.
Mommy’s wipes never linger longer than it takes to wipe you clean. This moment may be the highlight of your day, but for Mommy, it’s a necessary, menial task to prevent diaper rash. Nothing more.
As she taped your new diaper, Mommy suddenly stopped, “Oh, I almost forgot, Ducky! Silly Mommy! I got you some extra special diapees today! They’re perfect for you!”
“W-what?” you mumble, “N-new diapers? What’s wrong with these?”
“They’re so boring, little one! My Ducky deserves better diapers! Look at these!” she bubbled, showing you your next diaper.
Your heart skips a beat. “I…I c-can’t wear t-those!” you squeaked, “They’re so…babyish!”
Mommy laughs like she had never heard something so ridiculous in her life.
“Ducky!” Mommy cackled through tears, “You are a baby!”
“Am not!” you shrieked.
“Whatever you say, little one. But you’re gonna look adorable in these diapees! I mean, look at them—they have widdle baby duckies on them!”
You fail to respond as she tapes you in your new diaper and helps you off the changing table.
“That diaper is adorable on you, Ducky! Give Mommy a spin!”
“M-Mommy…these are so…so thick!” you complain, “I…I can’t even close my legs!”
“Just wait till you fill it with all your tinkles! You’ll be waddling like a penguin in front of everyone at the party—but at least you won’t leak. Leakies are bad, aren’t they, Ducky?”
“P-party?” you stutter.
“What do you think all that noise is, silly?” Mommy says, “You didn’t think you could hide your new status forever, did you?”
“B-but…I don’t want them to see me like this!” you huffed, stomping your foot. Your face burns as your diaper crinkles loudly.
“But I do, Ducky. And widdle ducklings don’t make decisions. Adults do. And which one are you, sweetie?” Mommy scowled with the face you knew meant there was no room for disobedience.
“D-duckling, Mommy…” you whispered.
“Good girl,” Mommy cheered, patting your diaper, “Now, let’s get you dressed. I have the perfect shirt for you!”
The shirt was every bit as horrible as you expected.
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“Mommy, no, please!” you beg.
Ignoring your complaints, Mommy says, “Arms up, little one! Oh. My. Gosh! Ducky, you’ve never been more adorable than you are right now!”
Mommy leads you to the mirror, gushing about you being the belle of the ball.
You stare at your reflection, aghast—you’re nearly indistinguishable from an actual toddler. As you look, Mommy pulls your hair into a ponytail, tying it with a frilly pink ribbon.
“There! So pretty, Ducky! You’ll be the most beautiful little thing at the party! Ready to go out and meet everyone?”
Panicked, you try to run away. “No! I won’t!” you scream over the crinkles of your diaper.
Mommy laughs. Your tiny legs are far too short—and diaper too poofy—to offer any chance of escape. Mommy easily caught you, unceremoniously lifting you up.
“No! No! I’m not a baby!” you squirm futilely as your Mommy rests you on her hip.
“Ducky, everyone is so excited to see you! But go ahead, keep throwing a tantrum. I’m sure they’ll think you’re adorable over my knee with a red tush!”
You stop squirming, not wanting to risk a public spanking. You shove your face into Mommy’s neck as you leave your nursery.
You feel your diaper grow warm as the voices become louder. It’s about to happen, and you can do nothing to stop it. Nothing but hide your face in shame.
As you turn a corner, the voices suddenly fall into a pregnant silence. Even though your face remains buried in Mommy’s neck, you know exactly why nobody said anything.
You—their friend, drinking buddy, and in more than one case, Bridesmaid—being carried by your girlfriend in nothing but a diaper and t-shirt, your face hidden in shame.
An eruption of squeals and coos erupted out of the silence. “Oh my gosh, she’s adorable!” and “Awww, look at her hiding like the shy baby she is!”
“Ducky,” Mommy whispers in your year, “Be a good girl and say hello to everyone!”
You shake your head defiantly.
You hear your best friend’s voice, so close to you, “Awww, Ducky, don’t be shy, it’s me! You look so cute I could eat you up!”
“Would you like to hold her? She’s such a small thing. And I’m sure being held by her best friend will help her relax!”
You grab Mommy for dear life, but she’s too strong for you. You feel your body lifted as Mommy passes you to your best friend.
Bouncing you slightly, your best friend coos, “Look at me, little one. I got you. You’re safe. You’re right where you belong.”
You look up into your best friend’s eyes, “I…”
“Oh, poor thing, you must be so scared!” she says, shifting your position, I can feel your diaper getting warm! Are you making wetwets?”
“Don’t worry,” your Mommy assures her, “Those diapers can hold way more tinkles!”
“Okay, good,” your best friend says with noticeable uncertainty. “Here, it's your turn to hold the baby.”
You feel yourself passed again to another friend. You look at your Mommy pleadingly, in the same white swimsuit you bought for her before that trip to Bali.
It might as well have been a lifetime ago.
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But what really concerned you was her—Caroline, standing next to Mommy in that same stupid red one-piece she always wears. She’s had a crush on your Mommy forever.
You can’t stand her.
Caroline smirks at you before whispering something to Mommy.
“I think that would be a great idea, Caroline! It would be nice for you two to bond before we announce the big news!”
“B-big news?” you ask your Mommy.
“Don’t worry, kiddo!” Caroline says, “Your Mommy and I will explain everything while I give you pigtails like mine! Matching braids! Doesn’t that sound fun?”
“Ummm..nuh uh,” you answer.
“Well,” Caroline laughs, taking you from another friend, “Too bad, Ducky.”
Caroline carries you to the couch, placing you between her and Mommy. She removes your ribbon and starts braiding your hair.
“Ducky,” Mommy says tenderly, “Caroline and I need to tell you something. Now that you’re my diaper-dependent pamper packer, well, I don’t think its appropriate for you to be in any type of sexual relationship. You may only need a wet diaper and stuffy to be satisfied…but I need more. I need a real woman.”
You look at your Mommy, petrified. “But…but…I…” you whine.
“No buts, Ducky. I still love you—and I always will. But you can’t satisfy my needs in a soggy diaper. But Caroline can. And, well, we’re seeing each other! Caroline is your new Mommy!”
“I…what? This isn’t fair!” you squeal loudly, “I can satisfy you!”
You immediately regret yelling as you feel every eye in the room starring at you.
“Sweetie, I’m sure you think you can. But those days are over. You belong in diapers. This is your rightful place. You’re my babygirl—but not my girlfriend.”
“No! I don’t need diapers! I’m a big girl!” you scream.
Laughter erupts around the room at the tiny diaper girl, wriggling in a soggy diaper.
“Ducky, this is your new life. But I will offer you a choice. You can either accept your place and make Quackies right here in front of everyone…or you can sit and pout for the rest of the party in your playpen—and believe me, you won’t get another chance at quackies for three months. How long has it been so far? Two months?”
Your eyes go wide in excitement, shame, and humiliation. But you don’t care. Mommy was right. It’s been months since you last made Quackies. You existed in a state of perpetual arousal without any relief.
“Well?” Mommy asks, “What’s it gonna be? Wally is right here. Up to you!”
“I…” you whisper, barely audible, “I wanna make Quackies, Mommy…”
“Good girl!” Mommy coos. She picks you up, placing you on the ground next to Wally, your oversized whale stuffy.
You look around, seeing the anticipation plastered on your friends’ faces. They know you can’t resist.
Duckies crave Quackies.
“Go on, little one,” Caroline goads, “Show Mommy what she’s giving up!”
Embarrassed—but determined to get your Quackies—you mount your stuffy.
“Ducky, you know the rules, you have to ask Wally for permission!” Mommy says sternly.
More giggles.
“Umm, Wally?” you ask your stuffy, “May I please make Quackies with you?”
“What did he say, Ducky?”
“H-he said y-yes…”
“Good, now make your Quackies for Mommy, Ducky!”
You go slowly at first. Each time you thrust, you obediently Quack, just as Mommy taught you.
Not even the crowd's laughter or the rhythmic crinkles of your diaper can deter you now.
Nothing else matters. Nothing but Quackies.
You’re right where you belong—quacking for Mommy in soggy diapers.
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prettypurplesoul · 24 days
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prettypurplesoul · 24 days
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prettypurplesoul · 26 days
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prettypurplesoul · 1 month
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prettypurplesoul · 2 months
feeling so flirty and girly tonight if any boys are bored 💖😌💖
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prettypurplesoul · 2 months
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prettypurplesoul · 2 months
Bunny Hops, Pt. 1
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This caption was inspired by, and features @alittleswiss123, who was kind enough to let me use her picture! I hope you enjoy it!
It’s not fair! I’m not a baby!
You throw yourself on the bed in a huff, so angry at Mommy that you can’t even look at her, not caring your diaper is completely uncovered.
“Oh, Bunny,” Mommy coos, “I know it’s a lot to take in! Change can be so hard for little ones like you. But you have to understand it’s for the best!”
The pillow you shoved your face into fails to muffle your loud “HMMMPHFF.”
Mommy sits down on the bed, stroking your hair. “Baby, look at me. You ran off before I could explain. We need to discuss this before I put you to bed.”
You pout for a bit but slowly look over at Mommy, your face glistening with tears.
“Good girl,” Mommy praises you, “thank you for listening. Now tell Mommy what’s bothering you, Bunny.”
Your mind spins its wheels, racing with things to tell Mommy. Your mouth fails to keep pace. “I-I, not a baby! You can’t…not work…not fair... Mommy not…don’t care bout me!”
“Bunny! Don't ever say that! Do you really think Mommy doesn’t care about you? Honey! I love you! You’re the most important person in Mommy’s life! I’d be lost without you, babygirl! Come here, sweetie, lay your little head on Mommy’s lap.”
You crawl over to Mommy, resting your head in her lap. Her loving smile comforts your troubled mind. Mommy always makes everything better.
“Good Bunny! I’m proud of you for listening! Mommy will always love you, you’re Mommy’s special girl. Now and forever!”
“B-but…I’m not a baby! I can work, Mommy, I promise!”
“Awww, you’re adorable, little one. But that ship has sailed. Mommy already called your work and let them know you won’t be going to work tomorrow. Or ever again.”
Your eyes widen in surprise. Mommy quit your job for you?
Mommy continued, “Bunny, you're way too little to work. Think about it. When was the last time you remember filling your diaper? Do you even know your diaper is wet?”
The question startles you. When was the last time? The lingering silence as you think betrays you.
“You don’t remember, do you? Face it, Bunny, you don’t remember because you’re not potty trained anymore. You need your diapers now! And that’s okay! You’re just a baby! And babies don’t have jobs!”
“I-I…but Mommy!”
“No buts, Bunny! It’s a good thing! Babies like you should need their diapees! Don’t you feel safe and secure in the poofy padding that Mommy puts you in?”
“I..y-yes, Mommy…”
“Surely you can do better than that, sweetie!” Mommy teases, lifting your sweatshirt and tickling your tummy, “tell Mommy how much you love your diapees!”
Laughter erupts in the room. Through your giggles, you scream, “I…I LOVE MY DIAPEES, MOMMY!”
“Good girl! Now, when was the last time you made it through a day without a nap? Or went more than a few hours without your paci? Or got embarrassed when you squatted down to make pushies right in front of Mommy?”
“I…uh...I don’t know, Mommy…”
“And that’s okay! You’re just a baby, silly! You don’t need to worry about ANY of those things! That’s for Mommy to worry about, not you! This is your natural state, Bunny. You’re right where you belong.”
“R-really, Mommy?”
“Yes, really! Mommy wants you to be like this! Mommy needs her Baby Bunny! You’re Mommy’s happily regressed, pamper-packing, blushy Bunny! I couldn’t imagine you being anything but MY baby!”
Your cheeks flush deep red as you squeal in delight, your diaper crinkling loudly as you squirm in joy.
“Look at you go, doing your widdle Bunny Hops for Mommy! You’re adorable, babygirl!”
“Fank you, Mommy! I wanna be your babygirl forever and ever!”
“And you will, Bunny! Mommy will be here, checking and changing your diapers, cuddling you before naps, and feeding you my yummy milkies you love so much forever!”
The mention of milkies sent a rumble of hunger through your tummy. You look down from Mommy’s tender eyes, hoping Mommy understands what you want.
Mommy smiles knowingly. She hoped you’d want to feed anyway. It would make hearing the next part easier for you—you’re always calmer when feeding.
“You want milkies, Bunny?” Mommy asks, removing her shirt and getting you into position.
“Mmhmm,” you grumble, greedily latching on in utter delight.
Mommy strokes your hair for a minute or two, watching you happily suckle away, contented. She takes a deep breath. This won't be as easy for you, she knows.
“Bunny, there are a few more things I need to tell you. You just keep suckling, okay?”
You nod your head, looking up at Mommy the best you can.
“Good girl,” Mommy whispers, “I want you to remember I love you more than anything in the whole wide world. What I’m going to tell you doesn’t change that, you hear me, baby?”
You nod again, though you feel a pang in your stomach unrelated to the milk slowly filling your tummy.
“Well, there is one thing babies like you don’t need that Mommy needs. Something you can't give Mommy anymore. You’ve been so happily regressed you probably haven’t noticed we haven’t had any big girl fun in a while.”
Your eyes grow wide in fear. You try to move your head to say something, but Mommy’s hand forces you back on her breast.
“No, Bunny. Just listen. That part of our relationship is over. I don’t see you as anything but my baby. And babies don’t need silly things like sex or orgasms. But Mommy does. Mommy needs someone to fill her sexual needs and adult intimacy. Someone else.”
What does Mommy mean you don’t need sex or orgasms? This isn’t fair! You fight against her hand, unable to break free—your attempts to talk are muffled by her breast.
“Hush, baby. Just suckle. I’m not doing this to punish or replace you, okay? Mommy needs an adult to handle those things. Which is why I…” Mommy hesitates, knowing what she is about to say will set you off, “I found a Daddy for you, Bunny.”
Your heart sinks. A Daddy? Why is Mommy doing this to you? You want to yell and scream at Mommy! You pull away, Mommy letting you this time. But when you look at Mommy, all that comes out are tears.
You can’t help it. You cry like the baby you are. Your tears freely flow down your cheeks. You want to run away from Mommy, but as she pulls you into her, wrapping you in a hug, you let her. You need Mommy right now despite your anger.
“It’s okay, little one. Let it out. Let it all out. Mommy’s here. Mommy’s got you.”
You sob for what feels like an hour, though you slowly feel calmer and calmer. Finally, you take a deep breath.
“Feeling better, babygirl?”
“M…mhm,” you sniffled.
Mommy smiles at you. “I know it’s difficult, baby. But Daddy is so excited to meet you! He’s heard all about you! He can’t wait to have a little one of his own! You’ll love him, I promise!”
“I don’t want a D-daddy!” you scream, anger bubbling up, “I w-want to be a-a b-big girl for you, Mommy!”
“Oh, Bunny, I know you do. But you’re not a big girl, not anymore. You couldn’t be even if you wanted to! You’re way too little now. Too helplessly regressed to be anything but Mommy’s babbling baby!”
Tears silently fall down your cheeks. Mommy grabs your burp blanket wipes them dry.
“Don’t you worry your diapered bum one minute on this! Mommy needs her Baby Bunny just the way she is! She just needs some things that silly babies like you can’t give, that’s all.”
You stare at Mommy, unsure what to say. You’ve never been happier than the past few years with Mommy, becoming the babygirl you’ve always wanted to be. Yet somewhere in the back of your mind, you believed this was just a game, a long role-play session. You could pause it whenever you wanted.
But hearing Mommy say you’re just a baby—her baby—suddenly makes this so much more…real. Mommy actually sees you as a baby now. An unpotty-trained, helpless baby. And not only that, but she expects you to be a baby, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
This is your life now. This is who you are. You are Mommy’s baby.
The realization echoes continuously in your brain: I’m Mommy’s baby. The more you think about it, the more natural—and obvious—the truth becomes. You aren’t pretending to be a baby anymore. You are a baby.
Mommy doesn't make you wear diapers because you want wear them; Mommy puts you in diapers because you’re not potty trained.
Mommy doesn't put your paci in your mouth because your lisps are just the cutest; Mommy puts your paci in because nothing soothes a baby’s nerves like their paci. And yes, also because your lisps are the cutest.
Mommy doesn’t feed you milkies because it’s fun; Mommy does it because babies need their Mommy’s milk.
Mommy doesn’t let you waddle around the house with nothing covering your diaper because it’s squirmy; Mommy does it because you have absolutely no idea when you need a diaper change.
Mommy doesn't put you to sleep in your crib because it's cozy; mommy knows cribs are where babies like you are safest.
Mommy doesn’t lay you on your massive changing table because it makes you blushy; Mommy does it because it makes changing your diapers convenient for her.
And Mommy didn’t decorate your nursery, filling it with all the essentials for the aesthetic; Mommy did it because babies like you need nurseries.
“Come on, babygirl. Let’s get you on the changing table. It’s time for night night.”
Mommy’s voice startles you back into the present. You follow Mommy to your nursey, the silence only interrupted by the crinkles of your diaper.
As Mommy changes your diaper, you let yourself get lost in thought again. You were Mommy’s baby, that much you knew. But you wanted to be Mommy’s baby. Not Daddy’s baby.
What if Mommy loved Daddy more? Why would Mommy need you if she had Daddy to have big girl fun with her? And why can’t you have big-girl fun?
Mommy must have sensed your unease. She walked over to you, delicately putting a paci in your mouth.
“Bunny, you will always be Mommy’s special girl no matter what! Just because you’ll have a Daddy doesn’t mean I won’t need you just as much as before. My baby will always come first! And now you’ll get twice as much love and attention!”
“O-okay, Mommy. Yew pwomith?”
“I promise, Bunny. Now, let’s get you tucked into bed. Don’t you worry about a thing. Tomorrow is a big day for us, babygirl. The first time Mommy and Daddy are together with their baby as a family.”
Mommy kisses your forehead after swaddling you like a burrito. You couldn’t get out of you wanted—not that you would. The cozy confines of your swaddle soothes you the same as any other baby.
“Sleep tight, Bunny, Mommy loves you.”
As Mommy turned out the light, leaving you alone in your crib, you couldn’t help but think about what Mommy said. You’d be a family. You, Mommy…and Daddy. Part of you loved the idea of being a family, of having Mommy and Daddy caring for you.
Yet, you still couldn’t shake your nerves about Daddy. The thought didn’t linger. You were asleep before you knew it.
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prettypurplesoul · 2 months
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Girlfriend was out of state for a bridal party so I had nothing to do except be horny. I had always wanted to just go to a gay bar and see what happened, so I found one a town over and went for drag night all by myself.
I almost left as I sat in the parking lot but forced myself to go to the entrance and go inside. I paid the cover to the bouncer and went in, sat at the bar and ordered a beer. And then another.
Finally someone came up to me, "Trying to prove you're straight drinking beer? How about I loosen you up with a Blowjob." Before I could say anything the bartender brought over a round of shooters called "Blowjobs" that had whipped cream on top. "Oh, you thought I meant something other than a shot? Why don't you come over and sit with us for the show, it's starting pretty soon." I followed him over to a table that had a few other guys sitting and laughing at some story I missed. "Oh, a newbie!" one of them said. He also made a joke about the beer I brought with me.
I sat next to the guy who bought me the shooter and shortly after the show started. There was glitter, loud music, and lights all over the place. As I watched, I felt a hand start stroking my leg. I looked and it was the guy that had brought me over. Looking at his face, there was no indication he was doing anything with his hand under the table. I just let it happen. I started to get hard as his hand slowly had gone higher and higher up my thigh. He started rubbing my erection through my jeans.
After the show he invited me back to his place for a nightcap. His condo was sophisticated and classy, if you ignored the obvious sex swing in the living room. He told me to relax, kick off my shoes, and anything else I may want to remove. I laughed and then felt him come behind me in an embrace. His hands caressed my stomach, then my legs, and then my crotch. He began to undo my belt, then my button and zipper.
He turned me around and started to kiss me deeply. I had never kissed a man before, the scruff of his beard felt strange on my freshly shaven face. He started removing his clothes and soon we were both completely nude, kissing on his couch, his larger-than-life cock pulsating on my leg.
"So, now what?" he asked. I admitted I often used anal toys and had always wanted to be fucked by a man. He smiled, "I'll be right back." He quickly returned with a bottle of lube and a condom. He began kissing again and he started fingering my hole with one finger and then two. "I'm ready."
He entered me slowly, then started picking up the rhythm. I began to let out an uncontrollable moan. Everything felt so right as I got lost in the moment. A man fully inside of me as he passionately kissed me.
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