I was trying to put together something cool with this Aragorn and Geralt you know some kind of crossover universal tavern and found this last gif and it fits too perfectly someone help me.
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A spoon's only objective in life is to make soup go upwards, and it knows this. That's why when you put one under a running tap it blasts the water way high. The spoon thinks there's suddenly TONS of soup to deal with and it freaks out.
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The most valuable thing I learned doing a Masters degree with depression, anxiety and ADHD was to change my “things I’m bad at” list to “things I can’t do on my own.” Stop thinking of them as things I could do if I tried hard enough, and accept that I can’t accomplish them by effort and willpower alone; they’re genuine neurocognitive deficits, and if I need to do the thing, then just like a blind person reading or a mobility impaired person going up a storey in a building, I need to find a different method.
I’m “bad at” working on long-term projects without an imminent deadline or someone breathing down my neck? Okay, let’s change that: I can’t work on long-term projects without an imminent deadline and someone breathing down my neck. So let’s create an imminent deadline and recruit neck-breathers. Find a sympathetic prof who will agree that 3 weeks before the due date they expect me to show them my preliminary notes and bibliography. Get a friend I trust to block off an hour to sit with me and keep asking, “Are you working on your project?” Write a blog post about my progress. Arrange to trade papers and proofread them with another student.
Accept your limitations and learn to leverage them, instead of buying the neurotypical fairytale that they’ll go away if you just try hard enough.
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lovely story from a friend today.
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Rereading the Lord of the Rings series recently, and it's so fascinating to me how much the series is a denial of the typical juvenile power-fantasy that is associated with the fantasy genre.
Like, the power-fantasy is the temptation the Ring uses against people It tempts Boromir with becoming the "one true king" that could save his people with fantastic power. It tempts Sam with being the savior of Middle Earth and turning the ruin that is Mordor into a great garden. It tempts Gandalf and Galadriel with being the messianic figure of legend who brings salvation to Middle Earth and great glory to herself.
The things the Ring tempts people with are becoming the typical protagonists of fantasy stories that we expect to see. and over and over we see that accepting that role, that fantasy of being the benevolent all-powerful hero, is a bad thing. LotR is about how power, even power wielded with benevolent intent, is corrupting.
And its so fascinating how so much of modern fantasy buys into the very fantasy LotR denies. Most modern fantasy is about being that Heroic power-fantasy. About good amassing power to rival evil. But LotR dares not to. It dares to be honest that there is no world where anyone amasses that power and remains good.
I guess that's one of the reasons its so compelling.
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I had a pretty great job last year, doing good work with good people for a good client. But the client's parent company demanded budget cuts, and the only way to get the numbers the way they wanted was to drop a position — and of the people on the team, there was only one position that could be dropped without immediately killing the entire project. So I was laid off.
I figured this sucked, but I'd be okay. I have over a decade of professional experience in my field, and glowing recommendations from people I've worked with (including my supervisor from that layoff).
Since then, I've applied to 275 positions for which I was an excellent candidate. I have had one interview with an employer, and a total of four interviews with recruiters. (There would have been a fifth recruiter interview this last week, but they canceled three hours before the scheduled time.) The no-calls-per-80-applications number is a worse ratio than mine, but we share the same end results, so far.
Yep. Problems here, in the capitalist hellscape.
i keep thinking about that one blogger on here who mentioned applying to 80+ jobs and still not getting a single callback
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This hit home, and I think it will resonate hard with all my creative friends, here. You are amazing and brilliant and I BEG YOU to keep creating!! ❤️❤️❤️
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No one show marcille the lord of the rings okay. She wouldn't fucking survive it without being so Aragorn x arwen pilled shed go crazy
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Me and my mutuals rebloging the same post
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prettysurethisworks · 10 days
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prettysurethisworks · 13 days
I'll keep saying it until it changes: current models for "generative AI" are capable of producing grammatically-plausible text with impressive word association based on their training corpus. They are fundamentally incapable of recognizing or caring about the veracity of statements produced.
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*Is it true, or did Google Gemini just make it up, or did somebody just make that up about Google Gemini?
*Well, who knows; your guess is as good as Google Gemini's
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prettysurethisworks · 15 days
He sits on my lap while I spin, he does the little jiggle
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prettysurethisworks · 15 days
rip tim
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prettysurethisworks · 16 days
I think using the phrase "xkcd 2501" as a reminder of the joke of xkcd 2501 counts as recursive humor.
xkcd fans are the only fandom I've had direct experience with where people do the stereotypical nerdy fan thing of referring to installments of the thing they like by their release order numbers instead of their titles
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prettysurethisworks · 17 days
crybaby learns how to swim - subtitled
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prettysurethisworks · 17 days
since mrs, ms, and mr are all descended from the latin word magister, i propose the gender neutral version should be mg, short for "mage"
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