pricebullington · 2 years
Now available as NFT.
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Price Bullington, The Conqueror, 2014
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pricebullington · 2 years
Now available as NFT.
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pricebullington · 2 years
I’m back.
Now my work is available as NFT’s through OpenSea.
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927 notes · View notes
pricebullington · 6 years
26 notes · View notes
pricebullington · 6 years
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pricebullington · 6 years
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pricebullington · 7 years
“Koyaanisqatsi (1982) at 1552% speed”
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pricebullington · 7 years
“Thomas Struth is one of the most important and influential photographic artists working today. A child of post-World War II Germany, Struth started out photographing the reconstructed streets in his hometown of Dusseldorf. Within a few years he was travelling the world to photograph city streets across the globe as a way of reflecting the societies that created them.”
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pricebullington · 7 years
“Based in London and Berlin, Michael Elmgreen from Denmark and Ingar Dragset from Norway have worked as a collaborative duo since the mid 1990's. Throughout their career, Elmgreen & Dragset have redefined the way in which art is presented and experienced. Tackling subjects as divergent as institutional critique, social politics, performance and architecture, the artists’ sculptures and installations turn the familiar on its head with characteristic wit and subversive humour.”
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pricebullington · 7 years
“Gun powder is Cai Guo Qiang's calling card, as the artist behind the fireworks displays of the Beijing Olympics, having also won the coveted Golden Lion award at the Venice Biennale, Cai Guo-Qiang stands today as a bona-fide rock-start in the world of arts. From his "Explosion of Ants" to his gun powder drawings, to his monumental installations, his art is unique, and one seen it's never forgotten.”
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pricebullington · 7 years
“U-Ram Choe is one of South Korea’s most exciting contemporary artists. Born in 1970 in Seoul, U-Ram creates meticulously intricate and beautiful art works. Biology, mathematics, robotics and engineering shape his work. In this episode of the series "Brilliant Ideas," presented by Bloomberg and Hyundai, U-Ram talks about his struggle to become an artist and reveals how he makes his extraordinarily life-like sculptures. His art has been shown in cities across the world including Tokyo, Venice, New York and Shanghai. His machine-like sculptures are remarkable - they have to be seen to be believed.”
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pricebullington · 7 years
“Born in 1976 in Tehran, Ali Banisadr moved to America when he was a child. His works are influenced by his experiences as a refugee from the Iran-Iraq war and his approach to abstraction mixes memory, nostalgia and violence. He is best known for his large, lush, highly intricate paintings featuring fantastical landscapes reminiscent of stained glass. Ali experiences synaesthesia, a condition which shapes his perception of the world, and a dimension of his work.”
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pricebullington · 7 years
“From elaborate machines that do not seem like artworks at first sight, to geometric structures, the works of Conrad Shawcross are ways of the artist studying philosophy and science. To the extent that he picks his high school math teacher and a friend of his who is a computer engineer as the mentors of his life, he shows enormous passion for science studies.Saying that he is attracted to scientific theories that had failed logically or methodologically, Shawcross reinterprets such theories in his own ways to create ambitious and structural sculptures.”
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pricebullington · 7 years
 One of the public images of an artist is that he or she presents a breakaway from the things already existing. In that, Zhang Huan has taken steps to always surprise the public as an artist. The start of Zhang Huan’s steps was his first performance, which embarrassed Chinese people. Afterwards, he went to and returned from New York, suddenly embraced Buddhism, and presented sculpture installations, which are totally new compared to his performances that made him one of the world’s famous artists.In fact, to Zhang Huan, a medium is a means, not an end. He reasonably chose depending on his attraction inside. Only the appearances of the works are different, while the subject of the works is narrowed down to the lives of the individuals and study on the inner side of the artist himself.”
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pricebullington · 7 years
“Contemporary art is often the subject of confusion and frustration. Unlike paintings of the past that were relatively consistent to the subject matter, contemporary art presented viewers with a conceptual layer that alienates the public. Lee Bul claims that prior knowledge is not a requirement in understanding her works. Instead, she underlines the importance of experience, by encouraging the public to experience her works first-hand. There is no exclusively correct understanding of contemporary art, but Lee pursues an experience that is more direct and unencumbered, over an understanding based on prior knowledge.”
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pricebullington · 7 years
“Art is often conceived as unrelated to our lives, as merely a part of decorating a room. Theaster Gates, an installation artist and an urban planner, has changed this type of conception about art. The Chicago-based artist not only contributes to improving the level of culture and arts of the local society by breathing new life into abandoned buildings, but also provides generous support for African-American artists like himself through his projects. Gates has been leading the neighbors in need of a helping hand to a better life through art, and has made efforts to narrow the gap between art and our everyday lives through projects transforming days of life to be more vigorous and beautiful.”
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pricebullington · 7 years
“Mariko Mori is an artist who comes from a background in fashion, modeling and design. In 1993, she moved to New York City and enrolled in the independent study program at the Whitney Museum of American Art, changing her career path from design to fine art. Mori is recognized for her distinctive style portraying Japanese tradition and futuristic thought, rarely bound to a particular space or time.She is a multifaceted artist who knows how to utilize her talents in a combination of ways. Over several different presentations of her work, she wore clothing she designed herself and appeared in her own art.”
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