the other day i was perusing the dessert options in the dining hall and this group of absolute stereotypical frat boy types were also milling around the desserts and one of them pointed to the strawberry pastries and said to the others “what’s the vibe with these, boys?” and i haven’t been able to get that sentence out of my head since
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The Cutest Meow Compilation
By Bubba the Cat
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at work we have a family of three huskies who come in for daycare and everyone calls them “the mafia” it makes me so happy because occasionally out of nowhere someone over the radios will say “we’re sending in the mafia” and then three huskies barrel their way inside and usually slip and fall on the tile ajfjajg
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Tough choices in CAH haikus. Which would you pick?
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Our Leader. He is us. We are him.
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This is Thomas and what she lacks in a chin she more than makes up for in whiskers.
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‘snow white with the red hair’ is one of the best, if not THE best, romance i’ve ever watched/read
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i’m gonna recommend the fuck out of it to anyone if it’s the last thing i ever do, and here’s why:
the main romance is like, so wholesome??? they genuinely start out as friends and as they get to know each other, gain more and more respect for each other. and they constantly motivate each other to do better, to strive towards their goals. you can also see how genuinely happy they are to see each other, like whenever they see each other they immediately break into a smile.
the story also goes out of its way to show that they have lives outside of each other. like, they be madly in love with each other but it’s not their entire life. shirayuki (the female protagonist) has her own job and goals, and zen (the male deuteragonist and love interest) has his own princely duties and goals, but the important thing is that though they’re separate they still encourage each other to keep working hard towards their goals.
the story also places plenty of emphasis on the importance of platonic relationships, and how friends support each other in working towards their goals, watching out for each other and providing a safe space for them to just be themselves.
the characters, for once, are not hyper-sexualised?? the female protagonist has a realistic build—she’s slender and a little on the petite side, so she doesn’t have a ginormous rack. and the dudes are fit (they have to be, what with the fighting they do on a fairly regular basis), they’re not overly bara-fied; their statures are realistic of young men in their late teens/early 20′s.
this one’s a bit of a spoiler so skip if you don’t want a spoiler. || the story’s also super woke about consent. for their first kiss, zen kinda surprises shirayuki with a sudden kiss out of nowhere—and the important part is that he realises he didn’t ask for consent, apologises, and promises that next time he’ll ask for her consent before kissing her. this is SO important to me bc in other shows i’ve watched, surprise first kisses are portrayed as so romantic and sweet, when in reality it can be sexual assault if the one on the receiving end is uncomfortable. and regardless of whether the recipient was comfortable or not, CONSENT IS IMPORTANT. ||
this one is YMMV, but i definitely enjoyed the humour and banter. there’s plenty of dry, deadpan snarking, exaggerated jokes—it’s just wonderful and made me giggle so many times.
the art is actually gorgeous, in both the manga and anime. i have no words… everything is so aesthetically pleasing to look at, both the characters and the setting.
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Use this as a battlemap in your next D&D game
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heres a skintone pallete!!! feel free to rb/use it!!!
left to right = light to dark top to bottom = warm to cool
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This is what happens when your drama class is only told to make unsettling photos using photoshop.
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New York by Andre Benz
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the fact so many people have a fondness for kirby as a character despite never having played or even been interested in playing one of his games really goes to show how good a design he is
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“Imagine having a child that refuses to hug you or even look you in the eyes”
Imagine being shamed, as a child, for not showing affection in a way that is unnatural or even painful for you. Imagine being forced, as a child, to show affection in a way that is unnatural or even painful for you. Imagine being told, as a child, that your ways of expressing affection weren’t good enough. Imagine being taught, as a child, to associate physical affection with pain and coercion.
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Women on twitter are sharing weird things theyve seen in bathrooms at guys houses and im fucking screaming why are men like this
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The most valuable chart…
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