prideivfblogblog · 2 years
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
 Symptoms of IVF Pregnancy
Many prospective mothers watch for certain signals to see whether they indicate a successful embryo transfer. During the two-week interval between your frozen embryo transfer and a pregnancy test, you may have menstruation-like symptoms. Some of these signs and symptoms of IVF pregnancy include:
1. Bleeding or spotting
The first symptom of pregnancy is usually light bleeding or spotting. It’s possible that spotting in your underwear or on toilet paper when you wipe indicates implantation, which signifies the embryo has implanted into the uterine wall lining. Some spotting or bleeding a week after embryo transfer, according to Mukherjee, could be a favorable sign. Unfortunately, he continues, bleeding is such a distressing symptom that it fails to reassure many individuals. Furthermore, spotting is normal when using hormone drugs like progesterone for the first two weeks following the embryo transfer. Most likely, your doctor would recommend that you continue taking progesterone to assist your body create the same quantities of hormones as it did during the first few weeks of pregnancy, which means that spotting may or may not indicate a successful embryo transfer.
2. Cramping
One of the first indicators that “Aunt Flow” is approaching is cramming. It could also indicate that an embryo transfer went well. However, before you run to the store for a pregnancy test, keep in mind that mild discomfort could be caused by the progesterone you’re taking during the 2-week wait, according to the National Infertility Association. Mild cramping might also occur shortly after any pelvic operation in some persons.
3. Sore breasts
Sore breasts are a common early indicator of pregnancy for some women. This could be an indication of a successful embryo transfer if your breasts are swollen or sore to the touch and ache when you bump them. Breast discomfort is caused by pregnant hormones, according to Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, an OB-GYN and director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals. However, aching breasts could be a side effect of the hormone medicine you’re receiving for the next two weeks. Breast soreness is also reported to be caused by injectable and oral progesterone.
4. Tiredness or fatigue
From day one through birth (and beyond! ), feeling tired and exhausted seems to be a normal component of pregnancy. When your progesterone levels rise, you may feel particularly tired at first. In general, most people will feel exhausted around the time their period is due. This could be a sign of a successful embryo transfer, but it could also be a side effect of the fertility drugs you’re taking. The most common reason of exhaustion is increased progesterone levels, which can occur as a result of pregnancy or drugs prescribed by your doctor.
5. Nausea
Morning sickness or nausea usually begins in the second month of pregnancy, so it’s not a symptom you’ll feel in the two weeks after an embryo transfer. Many women who experience this terrible symptom report feeling ill to their stomach two weeks after their period is missed. If you do experience nausea or vomiting throughout the 2-week period, keep track of it — particularly if it gets frequent — and consult your doctor.
6. Bloating
The increased bloat around your stomach can be attributed to an increase in progesterone levels. When this hormone spikes, like it happens when you’re pregnant or using fertility drugs, it might cause your digestive system to slow down and make you feel bloated. This can happen before your period, if you’re pregnant, or when you’re taking progesterone or other medicines during IVF or after an embryo transfer.
7. Changes in discharge
You may notice changes in vaginal discharge that have nothing to do with a positive pregnancy test if your doctor prescribes progesterone in a vaginal preparation (suppositories, gel, or vaginal tablets) to use during the 2-week wait. Using vaginal capsules or suppositories can cause burning, irritation, discharge, and yeast infections. Increased vaginal discharge can potentially be an indication of impending pregnancy. During the early weeks of pregnancy, you may notice a thin, white, mild-smelling discharge if the changes are the result of a successful embryo transfer (and eventually, a positive pregnancy test).
8. Increased need to pee
Trips to the restroom late at night and a greater need for pit stops could be signs of early pregnancy. Before they miss a period, some women may sense an urge to urinate more frequently. However, this is more than likely another symptom you’ll notice after missing a period.
A rise in the pregnancy hormone HCG, as well as a spike in progesterone, causes frequent trips to the bathroom. The increased desire to pee is due to the excess blood in your body if the embryo transfer was successful.
We at Pride IVF Centre are one of the best IVF Centre in Delhi. Our mission is to continually improve the quality of reproductive science provided to society, to foster the participation of infertility consultants, to recognize the value and contributions of our employees, and to provide innovative health solutions to meet individual and challenging healthcare needs. To provide total medical services and the highest quality tertiary (super-specialty) care in a healthy environment where we enjoy serving patients, where meeting today’s healthcare challenge of complex medical needs is viewed as a defining proficiency, and where quality and safety of cares are always a priority.
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prideivfblogblog · 2 years
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
A Step-by-Step Guide to the complete IVF Process
Fertility treatments, especially in India are considered to be very privileged and even tabooed in some parts of the country. In many parts of India, a woman has to bear the entire responsibility if the couple is unable to have a child. She is labeled as infertile without any real proof and the stigma of infertility is not limited to just the small towns, it is also prevalent in big metro cities. There are many such myths about infertility that are infiltrating society, making it even harder for people to seek fertility treatment.
That is why at the Pride IVF center in Delhi, we make it a priority to not just treat infertility but also to make people more aware of the different truths and myths regarding infertility. Our IVF doctor Delhi ranks among some of the best fertility clinics in Delhi and India, primarily because of our great fertility team and extensive infrastructure.
IVF, in vitro fertilization, is not a new procedure. In fact, it’s a common practice in western countries and while it is a little ways off from becoming mainstream in India, it has made amazing strides in the process. IVF, simply, is the process of the mating of male sperm and female egg or ovum outside the body before it is implanted in a healthy uterus.
Though it sounds pretty simple, the procedure itself is very complicated and requires a lot of precautions for its successful completion. Our IVF center in Delhi is well known for its fertility expertise. Here, we have compiled a simple and easy guide for you to follow to understand the IVF process:-
Fertility testing- The first thing that a fertility expert does is to confirm a diagnosis of infertility. In some cases, although the patients may be fertile, they may still have trouble conceiving due to outside factors such as stress, diet, environment, etc. As such, before beginning any sort of treatment, the doctor runs comprehensive tests and examinations on both male and female reproductive organs of the couple to make sure that they actually need fertility treatment.
Designing a Treatment Plan- After a diagnosis of infertility in either or both of the people in the couple has been confirmed by the doctor, he would set out to design a treatment plan that is the best fit for the couple, whether it includes IUI, ICSI, or anything else. He would then discuss the treatment options with the patient and describe the process along with the risks associated with it.
Boosting egg production via superovulation- at the beginning of the treatment, the IVF specialist administers fertility drugs to the female patient to stimulate the production of Follicle Stimulating hormones and ovaries to release more than one mature ovum to give the patient better chances of conceiving. The more eggs are produced, the higher chances there are of a successful conception. The doctor does transvaginal ultrasounds and blood tests regularly during this step to keep check of the hormone levels and monitor for any complications.
Egg Removal- A final hormone injection is given to the patient on the day before the release of ova to stimulate their maturation. Afterward, the eggs are retrieved through a minor surgical procedure called follicular aspiration outpatient under local anesthesia. The doctor uses an ultrasound to guide a thin needle in the ovaries through the vegans and suctions out the mature eggs one at a time. The patient is anesthetized locally to remove any feeling of discomfort.
Sperm Collection from the male partner or donor- At the same time that the eggs are being removed, the male partner or selected donor provides the sperm sample, which is speed-washed and spun in order to collect the healthiest sperms in the batch.
Unison of sperm and eggs or Fertilization- After this part, comes the natural process of fertilization, albeit done in a lab in a petri dish. It can be done in a couple of different ways depending upon the patient treatment plan. This may, in many cases, lead to the formation of more than one healthy embryo.
Embryo transfer into a healthy uterus- once the eggs are collected from the patient, she is given another dose of fertility drugs, this time to prepare the lining of the uterus for the implantation of the healthy embryo in it. The process is generally carried out about three to five days after successful fertilization using a catheter outpatient.
All the fertilized embryos are transferred to the uterus in hopes that even just a single one will implant itself on the uterus wall. There might even be multiple implantations, hence why multiple children are common in women who get pregnant through IVF.
Confirmation of the pregnancy- The final step is the easiest and the happiest part of the entire process, i.e. the confirmation of the pregnancy, which can be done either via a blood test or a pee test.
Why Pride IVF Centre is right for you?
At our IVF treatment in Delhi NCR, we prioritize all our patients and give them the same level of care, regardless of any outside factors. The fertility specialists at the Centre are extremely talented and experienced with comprehensive and extensive knowledge regarding the human body and fertility.
Not just this, the infrastructure of the entire facility is designed in such a way that it is easier for the doctor to treat the patient and the patient feels safe and comfortable during the entire process.
We can reassure you that coming to us is the right decision for you and your budding family.
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prideivfblogblog · 2 years
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
It can be emotionally taxing to maintain an IVF regimen while trying to conceive.
It is normal to experience emotional overload during your IVF journey, whether it is due to the vital waiting time or having to go through the multiple physically taxing operations.
The IVF process is distinctive. Every couple goes through it in their own manner… And every marriage handles problems differently.
Taking care of your emotions is essential since the path to being fertile is just as much an emotional one as it is a physical one. The tremendous and perhaps overwhelming variety of emotions that come with continually trying to get pregnant and failing can have an adverse effect on your wellness and mental health.
Complex emotional reactions can arise from infertility. When you first receive a medical diagnosis of infertility, you could feel surprised and in disbelief as you try to come to terms with the truth that your goals and aspirations of being a parent are in jeopardy or out of your control. After months or years of recurrent setbacks, the diagnosis may also provide some patients with a path toward viable therapies and a glimpse of hope.
While each person’s IVF journey is different, many go through the same emotions as they progress through the various phases of therapy. The sensations listed here are some of the more typical ones.
Loss and grief
Numerous losses may result from infertility and its treatment. Miscarriage, the loss of an imagined family, the inability to have a family “naturally” without assistance, unsuccessful IVF cycles, the loss of biological relatedness if donor eggs, sperm, or embryos are used, the loss of hope, the loss of control, and the loss of intimacy in a relationship are just a few of the losses that people experience. People’s sadness may be disregarded or neglected by others since so many of these losses are not readily apparent.
Balancing Hope and despair
Many claim that attempting to maintain optimism while coping with disappointments is the hardest aspect of the entire IVF process. The truth is that for the majority of individuals, hope and despair are normal elements of the IVF journey. When you want something so much, the anguish of failure may be debilitating. Trying to see the IVF procedure as a process of trial and error and trying to preserve the viewpoint that unsuccessful efforts may occur along the road as part of this process will help you balance the how and deal with despair.
Like anger, envy is an emotion that many people suffer with and is essential to many people’s infertility and IVF experience. It hurts to see other people succeed when what you so desperately desire is out of reach, even when you are making great efforts to get it. A friend’s pregnancy announcement, observing a family pulling a baby carriage, or reading an article in a magazine about the pregnancy of a famous person can all serve as triggers for jealousy. Although it is a terrible feeling, envy also conveys what you value and what you believe is under danger. Managing these challenging emotions requires both acknowledging the feelings and comprehending the underlying problems.
Feeling Marginalized-
For all patients, IVF is a difficult and demanding process. IVF can provide unique difficulties for same-sex couples, single women, and other situations.
Some patients feel judged for their decisions by the medical personnel, their family, or friends. Others see it as a failure to acknowledge or include partners. Because they don’t fit the stereotype of the more normal heterosexual couple seeking treatment, some people claim to feel invisible.
For some people, navigating the emotions of therapy without a spouse can feel like a double burden: dealing with the demands of treatment without a partner’s support while also coming to terms with the concept that you are raising your family on your own, apart from the partnership.
Being overburdened with knowledge and choices-
Processing a sizable amount of information is required while beginning IVF treatment. This covers hormone regimens, injection schedules, ultrasound sessions, and other sometimes confusing medical language and procedures. Multiple decisions must be made, including which clinic to use, which specialist to see, whether to take time off work, who to inform, and how many embryos to transfer. The mental strain of IVF can easily leave one feeling confused and overburdened.
Feeling overwhelmed-
It is quite easy to feel that you’re not dealing with therapy given the emotional upheaval, bodily difficulties, and mental exhaustion. These emotions will change throughout the course of a treatment cycle, which is both normal and anticipated. For some individuals, this emotion may peak right before a scan or egg collection, which symbolizes the intense anticipation for the upcoming step that will determine if their cycle will continue. Others lose faith in their ability to handle another loss due to the sense of powerlessness and hopelessness that follows treatment failure.
It might be crippling and frightening to realize that you are reaching the point where you are unable to deal. A path through the emotions may be made by allowing oneself permission to feel this way and normalizing it in the context of what you are experiencing. The following phase, which helps provide some structure, is to investigate what you need to assist you. What is currently helpful? What can you do right now to feel like you’re managing?
Revaluating your expectations for coping may also be helpful. How does dealing with stress seem to you? People frequently fail to accept the truth of what they are going through because they want themselves to be strong, cheerful, and determined.
1. Be there for your spouse during good times and bad-
Being your partner’s pillar of support during IVF therapy is essential.
In general, the female spouse is subjected to a more rigorous regimen of therapies than the male partner. Therefore, the husband’s support is crucial during the stimulation process and therapeutic treatments. Be empathetic, supportive, and consoling to your spouse during trying times.
2. The key is knowledge-
At Pride IVF Center, we take care to fully prepare and inform our patients about the IVF procedure.
The couple may control their expectations and deal with stress better by having understanding about the IVF treatment procedure. Make careful to express your worries and ask any questions you may have to your doctor or nurses.
Keep in mind that you will learn more the more questions you ask.
3. Stay in the safe hands of experts-
IVF therapy requires a significant financial, emotional, and physical commitment. Making this choice jointly is a strain for couples.
To allay your concerns and give you peace of mind that you will be in capable hands, it is crucial to seek treatment from centres of excellence that are well-established, renowned, and furnished with cutting-edge equipment.
4. Finding an Excellence Center-
This will be clear from both the published success rates and the positive results that couples who have received therapy have expressed.
In your IVF journey, you are not alone. The duo works well together! Find the greatest approach to relax and enjoy life for the two of you together. Always remember to speak with your spouse, to be supportive of one another, and to ask for help if you need it from an expert at an exceptional fertility center.
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prideivfblogblog · 2 years
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
What Factors Are Critical To IVF Success Rates?
In vitro fertilization’s main objective is to provide a patient the possibility to conceive using her own or donor oocytes (egg cells) and her partner’s sperm cells (or from a donor). A number of elements need to be taken into account in order to succeed in such a difficult task.
In Vitro Fertilization is a multifaceted fertility therapy that depends on precision and the right timing. The following circumstances determine the likelihood that an IVF procedure will be successful.
The process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is a challenging one with many moving pieces that depend heavily on time and precision. There are several variables throughout IVF treatments that might impact the likelihood of a successful round of therapy.
Since women are thought to be most fertile between the ages of 24 and 34, it is believed that women in this age group have the best chances of having a successful IVF procedure. However, once a woman reaches the age of 40, the success rates decrease.
The Value of Oocytes, Sperm Cells, and Embryos:
Other elements described in this page affect the quality of the egg, sperm, and embryo. The quality of the egg cells and the embryos is influenced by elements such as age, ovarian reserve, and stimulation procedure. Additionally, the success percentage of the treatment procedure will be impacted if the male spouse has reproductive problems.
The use of donor eggs is a possibility to improve the likelihood of success in the case that the patient’s egg quality is reduced due to age and other relevant circumstances.
The types of reproductive issues:
For the majority of couples dealing with a variety of typical fertility-related issues, IVF is a lifesaver. For instance, IVF may often be used to treat issues including endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, PCOS, and poor sperm count, motility, and morphology in men and women. Other issues include fibroids, uterine abnormalities, and ovarian dysfunction are more difficult to treat with straightforward IVF and call for additional procedures or donor programs. ICSI is the most effective treatment for male factor infertility.
Previous Pregnancy History:
A better/higher possibility of a successful pregnancy via in vitro fertilization is indicated by a couple who has previously achieved conception. On the other hand, a medical history of multiple miscarriages and fertility-related issues could mean a more difficult IVF. If you and your present partner were previously successful in becoming pregnant, you stand a greater chance of doing so through IVF. IVF might be more challenging if there have been several miscarriages or other reproductive problems with a new partner. You shouldn’t, however, dismiss it entirely.
Notable fertility problems include the following:
Obstetric anomalies
Fibroid tumors are present
Anomaly of the ovaries
The length of time a couple has struggled to get pregnant.
Protocol for Controlled Ovarian Stimulation:
These procedures describe the many types of fertility drugs, how they should be taken, and when they should be taken. The idea is to produce a number of mature oocytes in the hope that at least one of them will develop into an embryo. To choose the regimen that is best for the patient, the doctor and patient must collaborate.
Endometrial or uterine receptivity:
Similar to embryo quality. In subsequent attempts at assisted reproduction, this component is crucial for generating a healthy pregnancy. These factors in turn have an impact on such receptivity. It comprises the size of the uterus cavity, the immunological components, and the thickness of the uterine lining.
Embryo Transfer:
According to some IVF experts, the actual embryo transfer technique is among the most crucial steps in the whole IVF process. A flawless transfer is essential, along with a healthy embryo and successful uterine implantation. Any time issue (or biological issues, for that matter) might be detrimental to the transfer procedure.
Patient’s Lifestyle:
One aspect of fostering a robust, healthy environment for an embryo is the patient’s lifestyle. One should give up smoking and alcohol at least three months before the actual IVF process if they choose to undergo it. Alcohol use and smoking both lower IVF success rates, according to studies. Maintaining a healthy weight is a lifestyle element to take into consideration. Obesity has been demonstrated to impact the body’s ability to metabolize hormones and reproductive medications. So that these elements may be changed on the fly, it is crucial that a patient be able to govern her lifestyle.
IVF Treatment Myths Related To Success And Failure
One of the most widespread misconceptions is that transferring more embryos during an IVF procedure increases the likelihood of success. Contrarily, the human uterus is only designed to accommodate one embryo and one kid at a time. Multiple pregnancies are not advised since they can lead to issues for both the mother and the baby. Multiple pregnancies are frequent practice among fertility professionals, resulting in the transfer of two or more embryos following IVF and the delivery of twins or triplets. Nowadays, a lot of fertility specialists support elective single embryo transfers.
The global IVF success rate is 35 percent, despite certain clinics’ claims of very high success rates of 90 percent or higher. The success rates are determined by taking into account a variety of factors, including implantation rate, pregnancy rate, and live birth rate. Additionally, the success rates for IVF will differ from those for IUI and ICSI. Additionally, the success rate of the first IVF cycle will be lower than the second round, and so on. Therefore, it’s crucial that you conduct in-depth study to accurately grasp success rates, and do not be afraid to openly discuss this with your clinic.
For many years, IVF has been the most successful fertility procedure. Although it is in no way a guarantee, it has had a significant impact on the lives of many couples, and we hope it will have the same effect on you.
If you have experienced difficulties achieving pregnancy and are considering IVF, we encourage you to discuss these factors and the steps you can take to improve your chances of success with IVF treatment with your fertility doctor. At Pride IVF, our fertility specialists have decades of experience, helping patients through fertility treatment and IVF. Please schedule a consultation with Pride IVF to begin exploring your options today.
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prideivfblogblog · 2 years
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
Are You One Of The Millions Of Women Who Have Had An Ivf Failure?
You may be asking yourself, “Why does IVF fail?” From friends, relatives, or the internet, we have heard numerous success stories concerning in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. But we don’t hear much about failed IVF, typically because it’s a highly sensitive topic for individuals who want to have children.
If your experience with in vitro fertilization (IVF) is about to begin, or it may already be underway, you’re not alone. Roughly 1 in 8 women require this additional assistance to become pregnant.
IVF is frequently the greatest approach to have a biological kid if you’re ready to start a family or expand it and have explored all other reproductive options.
An embryo, or young seedling, is created through an IVF operation in which an egg is fertilized with sperm. This occurs externally to your body.
The embryo is then either frozen or put into your uterus, where it will hopefully develop into a pregnancy. As you get ready for, begin, and finish an IVF cycle, you could experience a range of emotions. There is a lot of anxiety, despair, and uncertainty.
After all, IVF may be physically taxing, time-consuming, and expensive, all for the sake of a chance at conception. Hormones are not even mentioned. Regular doses for around two weeks might make you feel more emotional and throw off your body’s natural rhythms. It follows that the 30 days before to your IVF cycle are crucial for ensuring that your body is robust, healthy, and properly prepared for this pretty demanding medical procedure.
This will help you and your partner have the best chance at getting pregnant with IVF. You won’t only make it through your IVF cycle with this guidance; you’ll also flourish in it.
What should I consume while IVF?
Be sure to consume wholesome, well-balanced meals while undergoing IVF. Avoid making any large or dramatic changes during this period, such as quitting gluten if you weren’t already.
A Mediterranean-style diet is advised by several specialists. The vibrant, plant-based core of it ought to give your body the good nourishment it need.
In fact, studies suggest that a Mediterranean diet may increase the success rate of IVF in women under 35 who are neither overweight nor obese.
Even though the research was tiny, maintaining a healthy diet in the weeks before the cycle can’t harm.
Encourage your spouse to follow the Mediterranean diet with you as nutrition has an impact on sperm health as well.
Here are some quick tips for improving your diet with the Mediterranean diet:
Consume plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Opt for lean foods like chicken and fish.
Consume entire grains like quinoa, farro, and pasta made from whole grains.
Include legumes, such as beans, lentils, and chickpeas.
Use low-fat dairy products instead.
Consume extra virgin olive oil, avocado, almonds, seeds, and extra virgin olive oil.
Steer clear of highly processed meals like red meat, sugar, refined carbohydrates, and others.
Stop using salt. Adding herbs and spices to cuisine.
How to exercise while undergoing IVF?
Because they are concerned that going the gym would not be healthy for a future pregnancy, many women avoid or cease exercising throughout their IVF cycle. Most women are able to keep up their fitness regimen. If you have been exercising, have a good body mass index, and a healthy womb, experts say that you should maintain doing so. Additionally, they advise all IVF-undergoing women to limit their weekly running to no more than 15 kilometers. Running can negatively affect the womb’s lining and divert blood away from the womb to other organs and muscles when the reproductive system most needs it, making it more disruptive to fertility than any other kind of exercise.
If you’re an avid runner, safely replace your long runs with:
light jogging
the elliptical
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prideivfblogblog · 2 years
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
Artificial insemination or Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a less invasive form of infertility treatment and is the best option for the couple who are struggling to conceive naturally.If you are looking for IUI Treatment in Delhi, then read on further to know more about IUI treatment.
Uterine insemination is a simple fertility treatment in which the semen is washed and concentrated and then directly inserted into the female uterus using a thin catheter. This process is performed around the time of ovulation or sometimes with the conjugation of some fertility drugs to maximize the conception. The treatment is done in multiple cycles until the pregnancy is achieved. It is the simplest procedure in which the sperm inseminates the uterus. IUI is mostly provided to couples that do not have any apparent cause of infertility and are normal.
“It is a simple and less invasive form of fertility treatment. The treatment is performed when the semen has been frozen when the male partner is absent or males who have frozen their semen before undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy. ”
The treatment is right for those diagnosed with unexplained fertility, mild male factor infertility, irregular or absent evolution, those who cannot have penetrative sex, or those who have their partner’s frozen sperm. This treatment aims to increase the number of sperm reaching the tubes, which increases the chances of fertilization.
The treatment is performed during a natural cycle or by ovulation induction. The best technique is discussed by the doctor depending upon the patient’s condition. Then the female cycle is monitored to determine the ovulation day, and it is called the cycle tracking method. As the follicle is matured, the process of ovulation is triggered by hCG hormones. Then the sperm is injected into the uterine cavity using a very thin catheter.
The treatment is not painful, and it may cause mild cramping. One can return to work immediately after the treatment.
This treatment is generally more successful in females who are not of advanced age.
If one cannot conceive after 12 months or more without success, they can consult with an expert fertility treatment doctor in Delhi at PrideIVF Center.
Pride IVF Centre has the best and numerous options for infertility treatment. We are the leading IVF centre for IUI Treatment in Delhi. Our centre has India’s top IUI doctors who have high success rate in this treatment. Our high qualified team of IUI experts believes in helping you with every piece of information about IUI and other fertility treatments available so that you can informed decisions.
Struggling with infertility? Consult our country’s leading IUI Doctors in Delhi for best treatment.
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prideivfblogblog · 2 years
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
Benefits of IVF treatment:
This procedure helps females to get pregnant when other techniques have failed.
It is helpful for the advanced aged woman and helps them get pregnant.
It is helpful for a woman who has damaged or blocked fallopian tubes.
Females suffering from endometriosis
It is also used to treat male factor infertility.
It is helpful to treat unexplained infertility.
IVF is also helpful for patients with PCOS who are unable for conceiving with ovulation induction.
It is helpful for a woman with premature ovarian failure or menopause.
IVF technique contains a high rate of success and is better than other ART techniques.
Inherited diseases are screened through the embryos.
Embryo transfer:
The developed embryo is transferred into the uterus of the women through vagina & cervix with the help of a special catheter. It takes 10 more days for the embryo to get implanted in the uterus bed. Successful implant of eggs in the uterus results in a successful pregnancy, which can be confirmed with the help of blood and urine test.
Who Should Go For IVF Treatment:
Couples who have unsuccessful trials for conceiving through natural means can use the IVF method. The IVF candidates should have complete good health.
IVF is recommended if other options such as fertility medications and intrauterine insemination have failed.
Ideal candidates for IVF suffer from certain infertility issues such as endometriosis, PCOS, fallopian tube disorders, unexplained infertility, and cervical factor infertility and ovulation disorders.
IVF Treatment in Delhi
Are you looking for IVF Treatment in Delhi? Pride IVF Centre has the best and highly qualified IVF doctors who believe in identifying the root causes of infertility first and providing compassionate and world-class infertility treatment and care. Our Centre is well equipped with cutting -edge technology and has helped over thousands of couples facing infertility problem. As the leading IVF provider in Delhi, we have been successful in achieving extraordinary success rates with IVF. You can schedule a free counselling with us to know more about IVF or call us on the number given on our website to know the IVF treatment cost in Delhi.
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prideivfblogblog · 2 years
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
Females who cannot conceive face many problems like stress and tension, and it also affects their overall well-being. The inability to become pregnant affects their life in various ways. This may cause more confusion between the partners and hinder their relationships with peers. People who have such problems are not able to fully focus on their work. A woman experiencing infertility faces stress. This may be similar to the anxiety and depression of cancer or heart diseases. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one of the most effective treatments of infertility. This technique is based on assisted reproductive technology (ART) and uses special medical tools that help a woman to get pregnant when other methods have failed. Pride IVF Centre is recommended as the best IVF clinic for IVF treatment in Delhi. We have delivered more than 20K babies and has a high success rate.
“IVF technique involves multiple steps, and each cycle is specialized based on a woman’s specific condition. In this procedure, mature eggs are recovered from the ovaries of the woman and fertilized outside the body before transferring them into the uterus. IVF technique increases the rate of successful pregnancies. Before starting the IVF cycle, one should go for several tests such as blood tests for hormones and complete health and imaging of the ovaries, uterus, and tubes.”
1. Stimulation:
In this step, fertility drugs for boosting egg production are injected into the female body. These drugs allow the production of several eggs. The ovaries are tested regularly during this step through transvaginal ultrasounds and hormone levels through a blood test.
2. Retrieval of egg:
After the successful stimulation of the eggs retrieval procedure takes place. This is a minor surgery that removes eggs from the female body. A transvaginal ultrasound is used that guide a special needle to retrieve eggs from the ovaries to the test tube. This procedure may take 10–30 minutes to complete.
3. Insemination and fertilization:
Insemination is the process in which eggs and sperms are mixed together. The male’s egg is fertilized with male sperms in temperature controlled laboratory conditions. The doctor can also allow the injection of sperms into the egg if the chance of fertilization is low, called Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
4. Embryo culture:
The Development of fertilized eggs results in formation of embryo which is checked by the embryologist.
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