primenova · 3 years
“You can just let us go… we swear, we won’t tell anyone!” The desperate pleas of a sobbing young woman cried out as she clasped onto her friend - the pair of women gazing in terror at the semi-circle of five young men bearing down upon them. “Let you go? We haven’t even had our fun yet though, right boys?” One man spoke up - the leader over his four buddies, by all accounts. A round of snickering escaped the other men.
It was cut short by the screeching of twisting metal and the shattering of glass as the roof of the men’s vehicle caved in and Conner slowly stood up to hop off from the wreckage. His cells were drained, so he was having to leap around that evening. “You heard the ladies. Let them go.” He stated solidly. 
“That was my car, you freak!!” The lead man exclaimed as the two women shuffled to their feet and away from the crowd as they turned the focus onto the hybrid. Conner shot them a glance and they broke into a sprint across the pavement. “I don’t really give a damn.” Conner fired back.
As if on cue, the men reached into their waistbands and jackets to draw out several firearms. “Light this bastard up!” The order was given and a barrage of gunfire went off. Conner stood unflinchingly as the bullets cascaded into him - denting off his body and showering down around him. Each bullet was a sharp, uncomfortable ‘poke’ of pressure, and it only deepened the scowl on Conner’s face. “Does the ‘S’ on my chest really not tell you that those aren’t going to work?” Conner questioned -  with a grunt, raising his arms at his sides and bringing them colliding together. The thunderous clap sent forth a rippling wave of compressed air that shattered the windows of the nearby buildings and sent the men soaring several yards backward with a deafening ‘Boom’.
“I’m just getting warmed up.” Conner remarked and balled his fists as he watched the men scramble to their feet. It was one thing to be a street thug, but to prey on defenseless women like that? It set the teen off and his mind was already working to stifle the inner voice telling him to restrain himself. 
Richard had been sitting on a random rooftop, planning on taking a break to finish the burger in his hands. He only managed to get a few bites into it before Worldmind was alerting him of a situation nearby. <Richard, you can finish your meal at another time. There’s something more important you should be present for. Several men are being reported trying to fight a super-powered individual.> The voice fills his ears since his helmet is currently on his head — as well as the rest of his Nova uniform. The sound of glass windows shattering can be heard in the distance too. So that makes him immediately ditch the food on the ledge. “I hear it. I’m going over there now. No need to give me a route.” His work will never be over it seems, tightening his gloves while heading over to the area. He’s Nova Prime which meant there’s always going to be someone needing his help.
It’s a good thing that Richard headed over to the scene when he did, missing the wave of compressed air, but can see the men being flung in the air. He manages to grab two of them by the collar who were in the most danger. He wasn’t about to watch them break their necks. Criminals or not? He wasn’t being the reason anyone dies today. The others will definitely feel the impact the next day but at least they’re alive.
“Put us down!”
“Who the fuck are you?’
This makes Richard roll his eyes under his helmet. He raises them up to look them several feet in the air “What did you do? You should be nicer to the man who’s holding you up off the ground.” He squints a bit, used to situations like this one. He looks over at the other men who are already scrambling to their feet.
One of the men in his grip tries to punch Richard but his durability is too much and the man is screaming in pain after trying to hit the helmet on his head. “Are you done now? I don’t have the time for your games.” He glances over at the other man in the scenario.
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primenova · 3 years
“Jus’ a li'l more…we got dis,” Remy muttered as he pushed his way out the door of the store, his arms laden with cat food. It was more than he should have been carrying, but he was determined to make it out now, and could not keep from grinning when he made it out onto the sidewalk. His smugness led to him missing a dip in the ground, however, and his stumble led to a bag spilling open and several cans of cat food went rolling out. “Ah merde!” he exclaimed, noticing that he had just avoided colliding with someone as well. “Pardon, pardon, didn’t see you dere. Didn’t see much, I guess, but you know de chats gon’ be all over me if I don’ get ‘em dere food!”
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Richard just happened to be walking by when suddenly several cans of what appears to be cat food rolled by his feet. He bends down to quickly catch them before it goes into the street. You’d never see them again in that case. He’s holding them in his arms when someone nearly collides with him. Alright, that’s understandable considering he was blocking the walkway. “Are these yours then? I saved them before they went into the traffic!” The brunette admits while holding them out to the stranger. “I don’t have any pets but I know they’ll make their discomfort known if their favorite food is in the house.”
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primenova · 3 years
“I’m the intergalactic hottie inspector, and you sir are by far the hottest guy in the universe. Least you always have been for me.” Sam smiled as he said it, knowing that Richard might not be the hottest for others but when it came to Sam, there was nobody else that would compare to him. “You think we were fated to meet? I think I could believe in that, because honestly I find it really hard to see myself settling down with anybody else other than you.” Laughing at the image of them dancing like idiots around the truth, about their obvious yearning for each others, and how it might’ve been obvious to everyone else but themselves. “I’m really happy I did too, but it took me a lot of years to build up that courage cause like I told you, I’ve been loving you for a very long time. Wonder how many of our friends knew before we even did, and if they were teasing us for not getting together till now.” He wondered if people really did notice these things. “You definitely don’t seem so old when you don’t run out of energy in bed, sometimes I’m tired before you are, but I still keep it up. So your secret and great spots will become our little thing? I like that. I like that you share with me,” Sam mused hearing Richard in his fluent Kree and how even an alien language sounded beautiful from this man. “We won’t be, I’ll be good. But once we’re back home I’m going to come at you with everything that I haven’t these past few days.” he teased. “I’d love to meet him, honestly I really do like learning more about you and getting closer to your family.”
“Hottie inspector? You don’t say?” Richard will play along for a moment, grinning over at Sam from across the table. It’s nice that they get moments like this. He winks playfully, appreciating that his boyfriend thinks that he’s the most attractive guy in all of the universe. There are a lot of planets and even more people living on all of them. Many communities. Some are more friendly than others but Rich helps them out regardless. Unless you’re someone trying to destroy planets anyway. He doesn’t like warlords like that. “I do think it’s fate. All my failed attempts at dating brought me to you.” He has been in several relationships over the years — Namorita and Gamora the main two that stick out. Then there was Ginger . . . but that was a childhood romance that didn’t last very long due to Nova taking priority. “I’m sure everyone knew before us. We’ll have to ask them sometime. Until then? We can just enjoy being here together in this moment. You and me going to all our spots.” Richard doesn’t have much left with his family since his brother is somewhere out in the galaxy with his new life, his father dead, and just his mother at home on Earth. Which is why visiting her is important. He can see how much he misses Robbie. “Yeah? I like learning about yours too. We should visit them soon as well at some point this week. How about that?”
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primenova · 3 years
[ You know I could never say no to free booze. I’ll see ya soon 🍻 ]
It was going to take Richard no time at all to get to Peter’s location, so he set his phone down and leaned back to wait for the moment or two until his friend’s arrival. The situation was a little bitter sweet, but honestly? Good for her. She had the balls to do what he’s thought about. Though, there was no point in dwelling on it, not when he had a ship to fix.
[ Good luck. :p ]
When he heard Richard’s voice waft from outside, Peter called out an ‘in here!’ before deactivating the cloaking. He peaked out from just inside the open hatch and offered his friend a wide and welcoming grin. It was heavily laced with excitement. “Lookie what I got,” he started in a sing-song tone. “How do ya feel about gettin’ your hands a lil’ dirty?”
Richard stopped and picked up two six-packs of beer on his way over to meet up with his best friend. It’s no Centurion Wheat but it was close enough since the options on this planet are nothing like any of the establishments in other star systems. He was holding them, one in each hand while looking around for where Peter is. This is an odd place to hang out but they’ve been to weirder places. The cloaking disappears and all makes sense suddenly. “Holy shit . . .” He doesn’t waste any time and starts taking a few steps forward. His feet taking his body up the ramp to step inside since the hatch is open. He places the alcohol down inside.
“You found her? I’ve missed this ship, dude.” His fingers trace along some of the structure inside, taking in the familiarity. Richard twirls back around to look at Peter with a grin that’s laced with just as much excitement. His hand reaches out to pull his friend in for a hug for a brief moment —  something that the two of them tend to do. Richard pulls back, placing his hands on his own hips with that excited expression still showing. “I’m really happy for you. I’m always down to get my hands dirty . . . you know that! What do you need? Some repairs to get her off the ground? My helmet should have knowledge on what we need to fix.”
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primenova · 4 years
“Even so, you saying such sweet things to me just make everything better. Plus I can’t really control myself around you, I mean I got the hottest guy in every universe all to myself. How lucky can one get? Confessing my feelings really paid off.” Sam chuckled, fully believing that admitting all that he felt for Richard had been the best decision he’s ever made. It might’ve been in the spur of the moment, blurting out that he loved him, but it was real and it happened, and now look where they were. Seeing all the different sides of Richard that he would only catch glimpses of here and there before. “I’m positive, and space smart counts for me. Considering our line of work that brain of yours can think of ways to get us out of a really bad bind. You also happen to know the best spots across many galaxies, so there’s that too.” A mischievous grin masked his features as he kept playing footsie with Richard, idly prodding his target gently as the man ordered their food. “Don’t you hey we’re in public to me, I’ve seen you shove your tongue down someone’s throat and squeeze their butt in public. But fine, I won’t make it extremely hard for you,” he giggled. Watching Richard practice perfect Kree without a translator was kind of an amazing sight, the many languages that were completely bizarre and foreign to most humans were just so easy to this man. “What? A sherlock holmes Robot? Did it ever solve any murders or was it just obnoxiously witty?”
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“Hottest guy in all of the universe? Well that’s quite the title you’re giving me.” Richard doesn’t know if that’s true considering how many people live in the universe but he’ll accept the compliment for now. “Do you think luck has anything to do with it? What if it’s more about fate?” He might argue about that . . . thinking that there’s some cosmic plan in the works that brought them together. “I’m glad you confessed your feelings or else we’d still be awkwardly dancing around the truth still. We probably looked like such fools all this time, huh?” Richard doesn’t need to know what they’ve been saying . . . not always fond of gossip. He’s a complex man but after seeing all these different planets . . . that leaves you realizing how small you really are in the grand scheme of it all. “I’m also old and have been doing this for far too long. Distress calls come from all corners of the galaxy so you end up finding some of the best local spots while working. I like sharing my secrets with you.” He smiles back over at Sam, liking to have a boyfriend that he can show all of his favorite parts about space with. “You got me there but I don’t want us getting kicked out of here for being risqué.” He teases with a wink before ordering their food. He has spoken Kree so often that he speaks it perfectly. He looked back to Sam after the waiter left though and he can go back to telling his story about that damn robot his brother built once. “Just obnoxious most of the time and lived in his closet. I think mom still has it in her basement somewhere. Next time see see her I’ll show you. He’s so annoying.”
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primenova · 4 years
With sandwich wedged tightly between his lips, Peter taps back a response. The cloaking is still engaged, which truthfully, he never turns off. People wouldn’t be able to handle seeing a spacecraft, especially one owned by local law enforcement. The cat would be out of the bag, at that point, a scary thought.
[ Long stretch of beach by the shitty pier. The one that looks like it’s gonna fall apart. ]
The sandwich was now removed from Peter’s mouth and he snorted to himself before he tore another bite. Reunited with the bag it had come in with, both of Peter’s hands were free again to send off another text.
[ Also: it’s a secret :-) ]
The door is locked behind himself when leaving the apartment. He should have left a note on the counter but that rationality escapes him. He doesn’t think about having to explain himself on where his day would be spent — something telling him that his best friend needed him right now. Call it instinct? He stands outside for a moment, watching people walk by and leans agains the structure of the building while reading over the incoming message.
[ I know the exact spot you’re talking about. I’ll be there before you know it. You want me to bring anything with me? Beer? ]
He pulls his helmet out of his pocket, and soon as the fabric is pulled over his head . . . it becomes a solid structure again. His body levitating off the ground and soaring up into the sky. Nobody sees to notice which is exactly what Richard prefers.
[ Oh, mysterious. I’m going to try coming up with some guesses on my flight over! ]
He pockets the phone and begins to fly through the sky toward the beach where that pier is falling apart. It doesn’t take him long but his best assumption is that this could have something to do with Peter’s spaceship or maybe one of their friends? The universe has a special way of surprising you. His feet land on the ground gracefully.
“Pete? It’s Richie.”
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primenova · 4 years
“That’s part of why I’m putting you on this,” Jim told him after Rich’s observation. “With the area that happened, there’s no way nobody saw a thing, but nobody’s talking. Got any guesses about why that might be?” He looked at him over the top rim of his glasses with one brow just slightly arched. “Somebody gave them a reason not to. So why don’t you start there…” he leaned back in his chair, “and keep me up to date about what you turn up. Take Quill with you. He needs to pull his weight.”
Jim nodded his head toward the door. “So far so good, Rider. You haven’t given me a reason to doubt you yet, so don’t start with this case. I’d like some assurance that I don’t need to keep my hand in every pot in this place.” 
There was never an opportunity Richard would turn down that meant hanging out with his best friend, so getting to work together has been a delight. The two of them have proven to work well together over the years that they’ve known each other. Now an opportunity to show Jim that  presents itself.
Theories already forming in his mind about what could be happening in the area. Richard has seen similar situations on other planets. “Do you think it could be a new gang leader that moved into the area who’s trying to gain clout?” If the person behind this were more notorious then SCPD might already know their identity. Which points to a newcomer in Richard’s opinion. “I agree that when something like this happens, the neighbors would have to see it. I’ll take Quill with me and see what we can find out.” While keeping him in the loop, of course.
The compliment though makes him smile a little. “Thank you, sir. I won’t let you down.” Rich hopes that Jim will be able to trust him after this case. He stands up out of his chair while holding the file in his arms. “I’ll keep you updated on any progress.”
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primenova · 4 years
“Just felt really good to hear you say that? Keep doing it, you might even get lucky tonight.” As if Richard hadn’t gotten lucky every other night, but that was besides the point. Sam’s flings had never really gotten past the point of it being anything other than just physical, and that was only because he only had eyes for Richard. Something about the man just kept him yearning, until he finally got his wish and now they were together. Everything just fit into place after that, as if that was the one thing he had need for things to make sense in his life. “You’re smart, probably one of the smartest men I know. Just because your knowledge isn’t exactly book smart, doesn’t mean you’re not smart, back then or now. No one knows their way around a space burger like you.” he teased. “If we’re playing footsie, my foot might slither a bit upwards and try for something,” A half smirk painted his features as he began to softly let his foot wander upwards. “I have met in…in a way. In the way you speak about him and your mom as well, I’ve met him through the many stories and memories that you all hold.”
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“Well, I’ll have to say it more now if that’s the case. Although, that’s not the reason I say such sweet things to you.” Richard does like getting lucky but also likes showing his boyfriend that he cares without the promise of getting anything in return. He likes to call Sam special just because he’s a secret romantic deep down. He has been in several relationships over the years but none have made him feel quite as happy as Sam makes him. They have something special, that much is true. “Smartest? You sure about that?” He could think of some of the New Warriors that were smarter than him by a mile when it comes to his friends on Terra. “I’m SPACE SMART though at least, I’ll admit that to be true. Nobody knows their way around the galaxy to find the best meal in every star system like me.” Rich playfully points toward himself.  He chuckles while leaning back in his seat. “Hey, we’re in public. We — ” He’s interrupted by the waitress comes over their table and Rich looks up to order what he wanted. His Kree is spoken perfectly as he became fluent in it over the years after spending so much time on this planet. No need for his helmet to translate. Once the waitress leaves with their orders Richard smiles back at Sam again. “I do like when we share stories about our families with each other. Here’s a new one . . . my brother built a Sherlock Holmes robot once when we were kids. Creepiest thing ever if you ask me.”
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primenova · 4 years
[ @primenova ]
[ what do you say to giving me a hand with a lil project? ]
Peter pressed the little paper airplane icon to send the text off to Richard; he’d found Flox’s note, read through it a few times before he decided to lounge back in the driver’s seat, note now splayed on his chest as he scrolled through his phone. Foggy was busy, work was off. Astro was asleep in the bedroom on the ship - he thought it wasn’t a half bad idea to bring the mutt instead of leaving him at home to whine.
Hopefully Richard was off, too - or at least, would be soon. Peter needed to get his hands into something, but he figured he’d check to see if his friend was free first. They were overdue for some time out of the precinct.
It was one of the days Richard has off but that doesn’t mean he was completely free from responsibility. He started doing remote therapy sessions by calling his therapist. It wasn’t always easy to make a trip to Halfworld.  He did that this morning so now his schedule is open. Richard just finished a pot of coffee when the text message from his best friend came in.
[ I’d say hell yeah to giving you a hand. I’m off so my time is all yours. What’s the project? ]
The message is sent off to Peter while walking over to his bedroom. He might as well actually get ready since it looks like there was a project to be worked on. Rich doesn’t want to just sit around doing nothing and spending time with his best friend outside of the precinct will be nice. No badges, just each other and whatever they’d be doing today.
[ Where am I meeting you, dude? ]
This one sent after he put together his usual outfit. Boots, jeans, and a shirt that doesn’t have a stain on it yet. He tossed a leather jacket on as well and stuffed his Nova helmet into one of the pockets. He’ll probably put it on to fly wherever Peter is waiting.
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primenova · 4 years
“People not catching my attention around here is a good thing. So far, I haven’t had any reason to look twice at you, which either means you’re doing your job well or you’re not doing it badly enough for me to have to look into it.” But Jim didn’t need people who were there just to coast and get a paycheck, if that was what was going on. He’d rebuilt the department from the ground up, fired nearly everyone who’d been with the SCPD when he transferred to Star City, and he wanted to keep things in the hands of people he could trust to uphold the structure he’d managed to get in place. “Here’s your shot to show me which one is right.” 
He was at retirement age, but the idea of actually doing that was almost laughable. What would he do with himself if he retired? But life had a way of forcing things, once in awhile. If he took another bullet like he had the year before, which had taken him months and months to come back from, it might not be up to him. If that was the case, he needed to know he had put some capable hands in place. Maybe Rich was one set of them. He’d wait and see.
Richard will always try to place his best foot forward and do his job well. He might be a goofball sometimes but often when it comes down to doing this line of work . . . it was taken seriously. He doesn’t allow himself to get distracted from the goal in mind either, seeing how quickly any situation can escalate in an instant. He has seen planets die and entire civilizations get wiped out in the war. Every moment is precious so Rich puts all his effort into solving a case since for most of his life there was nobody else to lean on. He had to be the best because there was only him but it’s different being part of SCPD. Richard isn’t alone anymore but still upholds the effort put into his work.
“I hope that I’ll be able to prove to you how dedicated I am to the department. I want to be known for doing what I do well.” He nods and maybe for once Rich is nervous despite his confident attitude. In the meantime, his fingers flip through some more of the pages in the file that’s given to him but closes it and keeps it in his lap. “Interesting that there isn’t any witnesses . . .”
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primenova · 4 years
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Guardians of the Galaxy #11 (2021)
written by Al Ewing art by Juann Cabal & Federico Blee
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primenova · 4 years
“I am?” That made Sam smile, being told that their relationship was special, and that Richard had never acted like this before with anybody else. It really solidified the feeling that they were in a really good place, and for some reason they just made sense. Two men that were just meant to be together by some form of weird cosmic design that brought them together.  “I would’ve never thought that I’d be loving dining in space when I was younger, hell I didn’t know I’d be in space at all. For a long time it felt like it was where I belonged, but it wasn’t really a home. I’ve found my home now though, and yeah it is a pretty goofy man who is sitting across from me.” he smirked, loving the playfulness as he started playing footsie with Richard. “That’s exactly what I was thinking, and could you imagine the fun she would have guessing.”
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“Why do you sound so surprised?” Richard is teasing, of course, always one to joke around when a circumstance isn’t requiring anything too serious. He has been in several relationships before and each of them were different. His time with Namorita was different than the years spent with Ginger. This isn’t really about them though, focusing on his relationship with Sam is more important. They’re on a date and doesn’t want to go on about his past relationships. His future is with Sam . . . none of them. “I know what you mean. When I was younger I didn’t know what to do with my life, you know? My brother was the smart one but me? I didn’t have any plans for my future yet and then I became Nova Prime when I was seventeen  . . . changing everything. It never crossed my mind that I’d have a career in space and explore more of it than any Terran could dream of. We’re lucky.” He nudges his boyfriend gently with his foot under the table. “It would be quite fun. We’ll definitely do that . . . I look forward to it. She’s always been more open to hearing about space than my father. I wish you could have met him even if he was bit of an asshole.”
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primenova · 4 years
“Hey, don’t knock a gift like that. The sketchy places are where a lot of the good stuff is.” And where she found a fair number of her customers, especially for the more questionable items she tended to acquire and then offload. Those were the kinds of places where her reputation for not asking questions went the furthest. 
Flox leaned back in her seat and grinned. “It depends. Sometimes music. There’s a planet or two that I might have visited and accidentally started a Terran boy-band craze. I’m not even going to admit to you how much I made from a One Direction poster.” Whether the interest came from just the novelty alone or if there was some genuine enjoyment of the music, she neither knew nor cared. She could make herself a one stop shop for just about anything if there was money in it. “It’s always a toss up, though. Offering that same thing somewhere else might get you a blaster in the face.” 
“Not knocking it! I actually prefer drinking at those kinds of places.” Although that often meant sometimes Richard accidentally started a fight or two at the establishments. He never truly meant to do it but being Nova doesn’t always grant welcoming reactions from other patrons. He likes how homey the smaller bars could feel, the stories you hear from the new friends you make. It’s all very fun to Richard, a good way to unwind . . . although Rich can be a little too wild when a few beers were in his system. He just likes to think that makes him FUN.
“Music is always an excellent choice.” Although Richard preferred the tunes of the eighties, he has an appreciation for all kinds of music. He has so many playlists downloaded into his Nova helmet to listen to all of his favorites when out in space. He can’t help laughing at the thought of a planet being obsessed with One Direction. It’s brilliant.  “I can only assume you got a lot of credits.” He knows that Flox is right — what’s acceptable on one planet could be seen as offensive on another planet in the same star system. You have to really be careful but that’s why Richard tries to learn about the culture wherever he ends up visiting.  “I often try to avoid a blaster in my face but people always try, won’t they?”
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primenova · 4 years
Richard Rider had been hired in to the SCPD largely on the word of Peter Quill, who Jim was still marginally surprised had stuck around as long as he had and caused only the kind of headaches that he was already accustomed to having. He’d had his doubts, and still did, but he’d always been a man willing to let people prove themselves rather than make the assumption for them that they couldn’t be useful. Until he had a damn good reason to change something, he didn’t change it. So, he’d brought in Rider, and had heard little enough from him that he’d put him largely out of mind. That was Jim’s preference, if he was honest, yet he rarely got it.
Now, he’d had MJ send him into his office. He was behind his desk as the door opened, and didn’t look up right away from the file he had open. “Have a seat.” Several beats of silence passed before he closed the folder and abruptly tossed it toward the open space right in front of Richard’s chair. “You’re on this case now.” 
When Richard was growing up . . .  becoming a cop never seemed to be what he envisioned for himself. He didn’t know what to do with his life but the universe made a decision for him. Which is how his life got thrown together with becoming essentially a SPACE COP and becoming engrossed into politics of the universe. Which included his own planet. He knows that everything works differently here on Earth and it’s nice not having control while working his job as an officer HERE. It’s crazy to think of how long his life has been surrounded by this life but being hired by the SCPD was the best fit for him. He’s good at this job and just wants to show Jim that he made a good decision on bringing him in.
Rich steps into the office, wondering why Gordon wanted to see him but held onto hope that it wasn’t anything negative. “You wanted to see me, sir?” He nodded at the response telling him to have a seat. He quietly sat down in the chair positioned in front of the desk. There’s some silence before a file is placed down before him. His hand reaching out to hold it — opening it and reading over the information on the first page. “I won’t let you down.” He really means it, always pouring a hundred percent into any case given to him. He turns over the page, looking at the contents on the next one.
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primenova · 4 years
This guy and Peter were best friends? Huh. They seemed so damn different, well, maybe not completely different; seemed to Foggy they were both two guys who’d been thrust into space too young and bore the marks that kind of experience would have. But Peter, well Foggy didn’t wanna say he was insensitive cause that wouldn’t be totally accurate but he could be temperamental from time to time or, to put it more colloquially, just a butt. Richard seemed more, at peace? If that was the best way to describe it, or certainly more open to talking about this kind of stuff. It was something people like Matt would never do and even with Peter he had to nudge and cajole to get these kind of conversations going, despite them both being better for it. “I guess that’s a pretty good way of describing it.” Foggy nodded, “Personally I don’t have much in the way of journeys, my life’s been thankfully boring.” Well, not completely boring (Kingpin, Frost Giants and the like) but compared to Peter and Richard it may as ell have been. “I’d never force someone into that process but I just..” he sighed, “There are a few peeps I know who’d really benefit from it if they gave it a chance.”
“Course, cause who could deny that. as a calling.” He sure as hell could but then he’d been a kid who’d pulled several fake injuries to get out of gym in high school. Maybe to more adventurous types who were kidnapped by Ravagers or given super suits saw it all differently. “I don’t think my parents would’ve let me go; my Ma nearly pitched a fit when I went away to college.” He’d needed to ring once every three days at least and come from for ALL the holidays; he’d dragged Matt along too and introduced the poor man to the Nelson Clan. Needless to say they’d adopted him instantly. “Oh it’d be something. But then we could always take it as a sign; who knows, maybe we even went to the same school for a time.” Probably not together or anything but weirder things had happened. “Coffee is the nectar of the gods, no matter where in the universe you go it’s done best here.” he said confidently, following the other down the road.      
Sometimes Richard wished that his life could be boring. He thinks that would be nice actually but then missing out on all of his adventures just makes him feel disappointed just at the thought. He wouldn’t trade any of it for the world actually. Space had been overwhelming at first but it brought so many amazing people into his life. Peter had been his best friend for so long now that it’s difficult to picture having anybody else holding the title. His life before becoming Nova Prime was terribly boring. He wasn’t good at sports and his younger brother the one gifted with being an intellectual genius. This life that came along with traveling through space gave him purpose. He likes having something to life for that only he knew how to do even if it cost him any chance of a normal life on Terra. “I don’t think you seem boring. If I’m honest I find you interesting. You seem like the kind of guy who wouldn’t mind talking about law and politics over a couple of drinks. Which is my kind of fun.” When he isn’t goofing off and being reckless with Peter or any of his other friends that is. He has his serious cop side to his personality and also the playful one. They tend to balance each other out quite well too. “Well, I hope that they give it a chance.” He’ll have faith for his new friend here.
“I didn’t really ask their permission since by the time I started traveling to space I was legally considered an adult but looking back on it? I should have taken their feelings into consideration more. There are regrets in not coming back home more than I have in the past but I’m making an effort to change.” He’s here now, trying to build a life on Earth agains after ignoring his own planet for so long. It’s always amazing to him how such a large place can feel so small. They’re walking down the road to the closest coffee shop, excited once they reach the place and opens the door for Foggy to go into first. “You got that right. Nothing else compares to coffee done here on Earth.” He means every word too as he approaches the menu to try and think about what exactly should be ordered. When did they get so many choices? Always so complicated but that’s also a little exciting at the same time.
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primenova · 4 years
It was comforting to hear that at least someone else didn’t think he was being unreasonable by taking so long to get over Billy. He had struggled since reuniting with the magi over the idea that he was going too slow. The reassuring squeeze on his shoulder brought a smile to the shapeshifter’s face. Nodding slightly, Teddy let out a slight whistle. “Yeah, it isn’t something I really expected to be saying - but having met the man…angel…guy? Yeah, he is definitely on some sort of cosmic level. I believe him.” Teddy shook his head once more. He perked up at the offer.
“I wouldn’t mind a drink, I suppose. Sliders sound amazing though. I am always down for good food.” Teddy stated and finally grinned softly as he laughed. An alien bar sounded interesting, but in a place like Star City he shouldn’t have been surprised that some place as such had sprung up.
Richard has dated many times in the past, several relationships that didn’t go anywhere for one reason or another. He never dwelled too much on it but some of his ex-girlfriends couldn’t handle him being gone so long — years at a time in the past wasn’t fair to Ginger. She shouldn’t have had to wait on him so it made him happy that she found love again. They got married last Rich heard about it but didn’t go to the wedding since that might have been a little strange if he did even if they were childhood friends. Nonetheless, Richard has enough experience with dating and love to know that you don’t just forget feelings like that so easily. “Well, after everything I’ve seen I’m going to believe it too.” This world always leaving him with more to discover.
“The food is definitely the best part. They have these french fries that are seasoned with some secret ingredient but it’s so delicious. We can go after we put your stuff away.” Richard grins while helping put away the groceries before they head out. The drink would just be a bonus, of course. He mainly judges a bar based off how good their food is to see if he’ll frequent the establishment. This bar is small but  makes you feel welcome upon entering that it makes him come back quite often. Besides its always nice going out with a friend.
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primenova · 4 years
Sam knew that Richard and him had very different experiences as Nova, and the man being so used to life in space meant he was alienated from the progression of time on Earth. Things always moving forward, leaving all those who couldn’t keep up in the past. That’s just how life was, everybody moved forward, and not many had the chance to look back. Richard was a relic of the past and of the future in a way, a man ahead of his time at such a young age, forced to grow up as an immense amount of responsibility was thrust on his shoulders, but that also meant that Earth was home, even if didn’t exactly feel like it when space provided a deeper and more familiar comfort. Sam was glad that he was able to make their house feel more like a home. “I love when you give me all that attention, you being so needy and cuddly is cute. Probs, if it means I can have your arms around me even more, I’ll take it.” Seeing Richard’s mom and spending more time with her was definitely part of his plans now especially with the cute idea of bringing two dishes. “I think we can eat it up well enough, we’ve dealt with space enough to know how it works. Should we make this dish look like it’s from earth, or make the Earth one look like this?” he questioned, wanting to know which route they should go for this. “Off duty, and on a date with my man. Is this when you tell me that you can’t get me out of your mind or something?”
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Richard stopped being upset by the changes a long time ago. He accepted that life on Earth kept moving without him being part of it. He missed out on so much, even reunions with those he graduated with in high school. He was hardly present in his senior year though considering Nova came into his life. It was a miracle he walked across that stage at all if he’s being honest with himself. His friendships didn’t last long after graduation so maybe they’ve all forgotten about him. Ginger might remember him but not for pleasant reasons. His main focus was on what happened out in space and that’s still true, although, now there’s more on Earth to care about. “I’ve never been needy before with any of my other relationships so you’re quite special.” He grins a little and would have kissed Sam if they weren’t on opposite sides of the table. They can totally revisit that later, so for now mainly turns his focus onto enjoying their makeshift date here. “Exactly . . . if you ask me food out here is better than the stuff back home. I’m probably biased though but we’re more experts than anyone else.” Richard nudges his boyfriend’s foot though rather playfully. “I think we should make them both look like they’re from Earth and have her guess which one is Kree.” It would be kind of fun. Anything is fun with the other man though, whether they’re off duty on a date or working.
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