primeoflies · 4 years
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primeoflies · 4 years
U g h.
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“Hello to you, too, sir.”
“Oho? You called me sir. You do know your manners.” Liege smirks, “How surprising yet wonderful.”
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primeoflies · 4 years
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“Mmmhmhmhheehe.... Ooooooh Starscreeeeeam~”
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primeoflies · 4 years
Old but gold (c)
Need mooore sketch to do. Any idea who to draw?
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primeoflies · 4 years
Send “📐” and I’ll redesign your muse in my style
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{HHHHHHHHH Sleazy Liege Maximoo. I love this man so much,, awooga}
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primeoflies · 4 years
Don’t forget to smile while intimidating someone.
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primeoflies · 4 years
I wanted it so much. I don’t know why I wanted it so much.
Ernest Hemingway (via quotemadness)
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primeoflies · 4 years
Starstream only stared at him blankly. Never had she seen a cybertronian so arrogant and full of oneself to that point. She agreed that being a Prime is not proclaimed and must be earned based upon worthiness. As for being dull, she always has been like this unless she was talking about something she liked. That aside, she cannot see what was so special about the mech before besides his notorious nature for being a pathological liar. “The only greatness you have is that you can lie your way around everything with grace and ease,” she pointed out flatly, “is that something to be proud of, Liege Maximo? That aside, your arrogance is quite…astounding. I question whether Primes is something that is created or natural. Being up in such a position must be quite lonely. The only myth that I might see as believable is that of the Guiding Hand. Unless you can prove your lineage, you are no Prime.” As for fun, she never really saw the need for it unless she felt like it, while death was an occupational hazard of a soldier. 
Liege Maximo mimics the femme’s expression, setting his servos on his hips, “This skill of mine is great and I love it. It is not my fault you can see how it may benefit me or others, but perhaps that’s only because it is beneath you and if so, I’m actually glad you don’t understand. You don’t deserve to understand.” He scoffs softly, “Oh please. I’m not lonely. I have my Maximals. They serve me. I don’t need friends and I don’t wish for friends. That is not something I wish to obtain. I want revenge. I want power... That is all I want.”
Turning away some, he raises a servo and waves her off, “Yes, because I need to prove myself to you. A complete nobody. If you’re done here, you can go now. You’ve bored me and I crave some excitement. Perhaps I shall go demolish a city or two... Maybe your visit was for naught.”
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primeoflies · 4 years
@ghostsandviolin​ is being lied to;; "I do not expect to meet one of the proclaimed Thirteen Primes today. Should I be honoured to meet the Great Deceiver?"
“Your first mistake was to think I merely proclaimed myself as a Prime or one of the Thirteen. You can’t proclaim such a thing. It is a right and not everyone is worthy of such a title. Second, you should always be open to seeing such things when traversing our realm. If you go about with such a narrow-minded view point, you’ll never have any fun. How dull. And lastly, of course you should be honored. Not everyone can view my greatness and live to tell the tale, half of the time atleast. The fact I even bothered to even answer your questions was a bit of mercy really, but I suppose it was mostly because I felt pity for you for just a moment...”
“That moment is gone now though. If you don’t have anything else to offer me, you might want to flee.”
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primeoflies · 4 years
@sgmegatronasks​ is being lied to;; Ravage watches warily from the shadows.
“It doesn’t do you any good to hide from me when I’m already aware of your presence...” Liege Maximo’s optics glimmer towards Ravage hiding spot, clearly having smelled him.
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primeoflies · 4 years
@primeoflies has discovered The Silent Stalker …
Redstrike looked up at the other mech with surprise and leapt back, optics wide and glowing bright. His tail twitched and he bit his bottom lip as the scales upon his back rattled uncertainly. “You…you’re one of the thirteen.” he muttered, tail flicking with agitation behind him. 
Liege Maximo can’t help soaking in that attention ( it even stroking his ego) even with such a small comment. This one knows who he is without him having to introduce himself. Perfect. Excellent even. He grins, fangs in full display.
“Someone is well versed in their history. Impressive.” He takes a step forward even when the bot draws back, reveling in how they seem uncomfortable or even perturbed by his pretense, “Most don’t and yet you.. You have a familiar scent. A scent of someone I’m actually rather or once was close to. How queer.”
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primeoflies · 4 years
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Keep reading
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primeoflies · 4 years
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I don’t know if anyone else is crying but I am.
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primeoflies · 4 years
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primeoflies · 4 years
Starscream hisses. “At least I have the decency to look after Cybertron. You Primes have never brought anything but trouble.” 
His laughter grows, almost turning high-pitched, “I live off trouble. I thrive off trouble. In my eyes, the more chaos the better! AS IT SHOULD BE! YOU ALL NEED TO PAY FOR LOCKING ME UP ANYWAYS ESPECIALLY THOSE SO-CALLED PRIMES!” Liege Maximo abruptly stops laughing, a look of  total lunacy dancing in his optics before it dissipates and he’s normal once more.
“...Good luck trying to bring any normalcy to Cybertron. It either knows trouble or a lighter shade of trouble... It will never know peace.”
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primeoflies · 4 years
“You know, actually, in a way they did.” Starscream’s return smile is sharp, pointed. “And at least I’m not going about flaunting my supposed divinity for all to see.” 
“Hah! Oh that’s rich coming from you, especially since you make it an effort to go about and say whenever you can, ‘Oh I’m the leader of Cybertron. I rule over Cybertron. No one else runs it better than I do. Everyone is imbeciles compared to I. I’m better then even the mighty Megatron,’” Liege Maximo giggles up a storm, “Yet time and time again, you’re put in your place because you never learn because your pride won’t let you. It’s so marvelous to watch you wriggle and fail.”
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primeoflies · 4 years
“Wonderful. Another Prime no one asked for.” Starscream grumbles.
“No one asked for you either and yet here you are, a blight on everyone’s existence including your own,” Liege Maximo smiles, “Such a pity.” 
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