primocielos · 9 years
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5am is the perfect time to post an rp ad so!! like for a starter, capping at 3!
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primocielos · 9 years
                   「♛ 」—» A relieved smile graced the Vongola Primo’s lips at the other man’s response to his question, golden eyes lighting up slightly. He had been concerned that his inquiry would have been brushed off, so its acceptance left him rather pleased, and it showed in the curve of his smile. A tilt of Giotto’s head only helped to turn that expression into one of slightly more curiosity, arms raising to bring the attention to the warm cup cradled in his hands. It was, after all, the subject of the question he wanted to ask, and the mafioso assumed that something about the cup itself might help the stranger before him explain the answer to his question, if he could at all.
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                   “ I’m afraid I’ve come across something that’s confused me. You see, when I was in that coffee shop over there, the waitress gave me this for free, and I’m not sure why. Would you have any ideas as to why she would do that? “
          time for lunch, and what better way to waste it is in a corner cafe in the next sector over. running errands in sector five isn’t the worst thing he’s done, but when running them for a house that doesn’t even belong to him … he sighs at the thought of so many people living in there and all of them he knows personally. it’s a little nerve wracking but he’s gotten over the hype since then. still, it’s a lot of pressure .. none of them know what he’s like in a domestic setting – not even he knew until recently. keeping the house clean is a hobby he’s picked up over the few months he’s been there and he loves it. .. cleaning of all things … cooking has always been a hobby of his so not much has changed but it makes him sound like some kind of house wife.
          when he passes by a bench, something grabs the tails of his jacket and yanks gently. he’s gotten it stuck on something again and it’s – …. … another person’s hand. eyes follow the tail to a very kind-hearted looking man …
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     “ .. can I help you? “ a pause to hear this man’s quick question. “ What is it? Make it quick, alright? “ 
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primocielos · 9 years
                   「♛ 」—» Cold eyes regarded the fully-grown Vongola Decimo before Giotto, the usual warmth that sparked within their depths completely extinguished in light of his situation. One might usually feel despair when forced to physically confront someone they’re fond of, but at that moment, the mafioso had no such qualms. This wasn't the Sawada Tsunayoshi he knew, and he had no regrets in his decision to take him down by any means necessary. The destruction he wrought and the death he spread was a blight on the Vongola name, and Giotto was. Going. To. Stop it.
                   Flames flared to life on his gauntlets, even brighter than before, while the fire on his forehead blazed more intensely than it had in a long while. A steady stream of Giotto’s emotions poured into the sky flames, feeding them into an inferno he rarely invoked. He had seen first-hand the power his decimo possessed in this form, and Giotto would leave no stopper in his powers. He would fight as he hadn't in a very long time, since he’d first struggled to gain the Vongola a position of power in the mafia world. Now, once again, Giotto was calling upon his sky flames for the sake of the Vongola famiglia.
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                   “ I am the first boss and founder of the Vongola family, the one known as the Great Sky. None have rivaled me in power since my descendant rose to power as the Vongola Decimo. And you, “ Giotto’s voice dipped to a level close to ice, “ are not him. “ And so, wreathed in flames, the Vongola Primo launched forward.
O n e.
T  w  o.
T   h   r   e   e   –
Hundred, that is. Each person he’d run into in this alternate world had barely been a match for him, and if the brunet was honest, it was getting utterly boring. That isn’t to say he killed all of them, of course not– he isn’t entirely ruthless.. But it also goes to say that he didn’t care who waltzed up after him to finish the job he’d left in his wake. 
The flame on his forehead flickered, orange eyes lifting accordingly to the presence that approached so quickly from up above; it was a surprise he wasn’t expecting. Tsunayoshi’s steps halt as the blond’s feet touch the ground a way’s away, head tilting in.. maybe, consideration. This entire situation was almost laughable, and the surprise from just seconds ago disappears in an instant.
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“’Allow this’ to continue?” He repeats, the tone octaves lower, the lilt almost amused. “What power do you have to stop me now?” It’s not so much a question to the Vongola Primo directly as it is an airy thought. 
The promise of a fight is almost too much, especially with his ‘ancestor’. What would it be like? He could only wonder.. though, not for much longer. “I’m sure I’ve become a boss comparable to any of the ones before me. What will your force do against mine, I wonder?”
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primocielos · 9 years
                   「♛ 」—» The flames shooting from the Vongola Primo’s gauntlets warmed the air around him as he hovered above the city, golden eyes glancing downward at the destruction wrought among silver towers. Screams of panic and the sounds of shattering glass drifted up to him from the ground, head tilting to catch the different patches of destruction. It was madness down there; hostile soldiers mowing down NPCs, alternates looting and pillaging. It made Giotto’s eyes harden into twin orbs of flame-colored anger, his fire bright and raging. This was unacceptable. Nothing like this should go on, ever. Especially not with the Vongola’s boss in town.
                   But he was waiting. Waiting for a specific thing to appear. His gaze scanned the landscape below him, trying to catch a glimpse of honey-colored hair. But he’d seen nothing so far... not even a hint. It made Giotto frown, but he was patient. He’d wait for however long he needed to. Or, at least he thought, until another face came into the view of his hawk’s view. It made the Primo’s mouth curl downwards into a frown, forehead wrinkling. He hadn't expected to run into this individual, and definitely not looking like that. But chaos swam in the wake of the auburn-haired man’s footsteps, and Giotto couldn't allow this to continue. With a tilt of his body, the mafioso dove forward, ready to meet his adversary.
                   For a moment after Giotto’s feet touched the ground, he studied the other man before him, expression calm and cool. He’d never thought he’d have to fight this person, but he supposed he had no choice.
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                   “ Sawada Tsunayoshi... my decimo. Even if it is you, I cannot allow this to continue. If you will not consent, I will have to use force. “
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primocielos · 9 years
                   「♛ 」—» It’s not everyday that one discovers chocolate macchiatos, so the hot styrofoam cup cradled in Giotto’s hands seemed like a tiny miracle. Being from Italy, he knew all about good drinks, but this was... delicious. The manner of which he’d acquired it confused him, though. Wandering into a coffee shop, the mafioso had found himself the subject of the barista’s attention, and before long she’d given him a slow, red-lipped smile and shoved the cup into his hands. And now he sat on a bench outside, still wondering why exactly she’d given it to him. As an act of goodwill? A favor? He wasn’t sure. So it was his luck that a stranger passed before him, and pale fingers reached out to gently grasp the man’s cloak... just enough to get the others attention.
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                   “ Forgive me. “ The Vongola Primo’s voice was soft and polite. “ I was wondering if you could answer a question of mine? “
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primocielos · 9 years
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Giotto & G  
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primocielos · 9 years
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okay! i’m rather short on threads, so like this for a probably small-ish starter, capping at 3!
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primocielos · 9 years
                   「♛ 」—» Golden eyes were slanted downward to study the youth standing before the Vongola Primo, head tilted slightly to the side in curiosity. He had to say, the boy bore a certain... similarity to his own self, when he had been younger. The boy looked about the age that Giotto had been when he’d formed the Vongola, and it made a small smile of sympathy form on his lips. Of course, the frightened squeak that had come from the shorter probably contributed to that as well. The mafioso hadn't meant to startle the youth, but he was presumably a little jumpy; Giotto hadn't even touched him. Still, this person seemed the best lead so far, and Giotto was going to pursue it until he found out whether he could learn anything from this boy or not.
                   Which, apparently, didn't take very long. A wave of surprise passed over Giotto’s expression at the mention of ‘Primo’, eyes squinting slightly in confusion. Sure, his reputation was widely known, but for an unfamiliar youth to recognize him so quickly, and to seem to know him personally, was a slight shock. Especially here, in this strange city of numerous wonders.
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                   “ You seem almost... familiar. “ Again, the man’s voice was soft, angled not to startle the boy again. “ Where do I know you from? “
「☀」—» And here he’d thought Namimori was crowded.
His hometown was nothing compared to the overwhelming amount of people in this place. ‘People’ might’ve been a little presumptuous on his part, though, because in all honesty.. some of these things didn’t look human. Not even close! It was terrifying, seriously, and Tsuna could feel his fingers twitch a little before they clenched into fists. An annoying familiar chant of ’gotta stay calm’ echoed in the back of his mind, and the brunet wanted to punch himself in the face.
Now really wasn’t the time for that. There wasn’t much he could do, clearly, with limited powers and bare use of his gauntlets– which also seemed to have been downgraded. Fantastic. Leather gauntlets, real handy. 
Fingers unfurl to to just muss and mess at already spiky strands in frustration. What is he supposed to do! Where does he go, why was he–
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The sudden voice catches the decimo entirely off guard and a 'hiiie’ escapes before he can choke it back and Tsuna rounds on the intruder, not really an intruder since he’s kinda in the middle of the sidewalk anyway, fully prepared to make an escape. But, well, it seemed he had more than one surprise in store in this already messed up town.
He’s all but ignored the words, brown eyes wide and clearly confused, “Primo?” Wait, wait, backpedal. This can’t be right, can it? 
'Do I know you?’
Ah. Well. “Uh. W-well, sorta.. I guess you could say that.” What else was he supposed to say? ’Oh yeah, I’m your relative from 200ish years in the future’? That’d go over real well. 
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primocielos · 10 years
                   「♛ 」—» Tall figure leaned forward in curiosity towards the shelves of books, thin fingers trailing along the spines with an almost respectful touch. Giotto had always liked books, though with his job as the boss of the largest mafia famiglia, he didn't always have time to indulge in that particular hobby. Now, though, in this place, where all his responsibilities as the Vongola Primo had disappeared, Giotto now found himself in a much more free position. Which, in turn, brought him to the bookstore he'd found while walking the streets. Really, it was quaint. But there was just one problem...
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                   " Ah, signorina... do you know what kind of money is used here...? "
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primocielos · 10 years
                   「♛ 」—» Golden head tilted to the side as Giotto watched the girl tossing bird feed onto the rocks of the path, the rustle of feathers faint as ghosts as pigeons descended in a swarm to feed. It was kind of an amazing sight, seeing all those birds flock to peck at the small seeds, and the mafioso couldn't help but give a faint smile. It wasn't something he expected to see in a place like this, something so incredibly normal, so it felt to be almost of a relief to witness such a simple and innocent action.
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                   " Is there room for one more? " His voice was soft and non-threatening, rich with the tones of something warm and gentle.
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primocielos · 10 years
                   「♛ 」—» A soft sigh escaped through pallid lips as flame-colored eyes surveyed the street before them, the groups of people milling along normally parting around the lone figure standing still with irritated mutters and venomous glances. Truly, though, they couldn't blame him for the sudden stopping and staring. This place was... foreign. Glass gleamed in every window, refracting the light and dazzling the streets beneath with silver beams that pierced the back of one's eyes. The street was perfectly level, and the buildings soared high above the man's head. It was an amazing sight, one that almost took his breath away. Giotto had seen many sights of great beauty in Italy, but never had he seen something as amazing and unfamiliar as the place he found himself in now. It made him feel almost overwhelmed.
                   A frown curled the side of the mafioso's mouth downward as his eyes swept the crowd, this time taking in the details of the abundance of people around him. They all seemed to be from entirely different places; different clothes, features, and some didn't even look human. It was like a child had thrown all his toy figures in together without seeing which went where. It was a rather surreal feeling, seeing all this different in the same place, and all of it completely unfamiliar.
                   Until suddenly, it wasn't. Orange eyes caught the glint of an almost-familiar shade of brown hair, the way it spiked like looking in a mirror. It made Giotto's eyes widen a fraction of an inch, head swinging around to seek out the figure of a teenage boy. He did look familiar. Who was...?
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                   " Boy, " a soft voice asked, a few steps having taken Primo in front of the younger male. " Do I know you? "
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primocielos · 10 years
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okay, let's get this show on the road! so, like for a starter, capping at 3!
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primocielos · 10 years
giotto from khr here! application is under /app
Welcome Giotto, your housing is currently under apartment e-1.
Your weapon of choice is a leather gauntlet.
Your retained ability to utilize your sky vongola ring (without it’s flames) can be used three times per day in conjunction with the ability to make sky flames.
Enjoy your stay!
— mod oo1
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primocielos · 10 years
Wrench My Soul;
                     Destroy My Heart;
                                           Break My Mind;
But, never
                 touch those under my protection.
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primocielos · 10 years
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primocielos · 10 years
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primocielos · 10 years
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